Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ikebukuro Christmas Concerto Episode 4 Part 2

Things pick up mid battle as Ophion starts burning the surrounding area down with his laser breath. Pollux tells you to get behind him so he can block it with his artifact. The laser gets bisected at two different angles, missing the sleigh.

Lucifuge activates his power and orders the homunculi spawned in to lock down your team’s movements. Tanngrisnir says you guys can’t let them touch you, or else you’ll lose the race. Since Lucifuge’s minions are made of poison, Tanngrisnir is reminded of how Thor died of poisoning.

Melusine moves and says she’ll take care of them. She starts pulling out a massive number of hand grenades from her wings and dumps them out. They explode into flames that vaporize the homunculi’s poison. Lucifuge switches places with Aizen in response.

Aizen starts sniping down Melusine’s grenades. Melusine is unable to stop this and starts firing her guns at the homunculi, even though she knows it wouldn’t do anything. But then, Tanngrisnir tells Melusine to start throwing the grenades up.

Melusine understands and does so, though she says it’s shameful. She kicks up some of the grenades by her feet up, which Lucifuge interprets as an attempt to blow yourselves up. He tries to speak against it out of concern for your feelings, but Tanngrisnir jumps up and reveals his plan is to shoot kick the grenades back down at the homunculi.

Aizen thinks won’t help you guys because all he has to do is shoot the grenades with his Public Morals Beam™. Tanngrisnir however asks if that’s really the case, as the grenades he kicks hit the curb and make an arc through the air. Aizen tries to shoot them anyway, but the homunculi are still blown up.

Lucifuge sighs about how good your team is, but says it’s a good thing. If they can’t handle various different situations then they aren’t worth being near you. Lucifuge says he’s not as nice as you are though and starts summoning more homunculi. He challenges your team to show their potential, or else he’ll separate you all.

With all the bullets and beams and poison thrown around, narration compares the scene to Armageddon, but in the midst of it all you come down like thunder and attack Ophion in an opening. He laughs about it though and says what you two do will be carved down for eternity this time.

Ophion also compliments your fighting form as beautiful, saying you’re fierce yet lovely, rough yet cool and clear. He thinks this is more pleasing than creating the world and considers fighting a way to ascertain each other’s love. He’s also pretty happy about making a new love nest after being chased out of Olympus by the titans, then says you two should head for ever greater heights and charges.

Pollux is surprised by Ophion’s strength while making a reference to Zeus as a terrible dad and Cronus. He says the scope of what’s happening is bigger than he imagined and wonders what marital spats must have been like between Ophion and Eurynome. He also wonders how strong the titans must have been to handle this.

Pollux grits his teeth as he thinks back to his brother, and Aizen continues firing while saying no one can outdo him when it comes to the weight of love. You can either politely say you know or comment on his hostility being the same.

Ophion calls Aizen’s name, and Aizen acknowledges him, expecting to be reprimanded. Ophion however tells him he can scream all he wants and orders him to make the night exciting. He needs his fight with you to be the best it can be.

Aizen is surprised, and Ophion continues by saying he saw you continue to charm others during the last big battle. As such, it’s only proper that this time everyone gets mesmerized. He then takes that back and corrects himself to say he has to do it or else he can’t say he’s worthy of being with you. And by collecting the passion and envy, a new world creation will shine ever brighter.

Aizen obeys, saying he’ll follow him. Then he screams for you to burn, damned love singularity! You can either worried about him getting worked up, casually point out how unexpected that was, or call Ophion a cheater.

Lucifuge laughs and says Ophion has changed and that a new age is coming in Roppongi. He also seems to agree with Ophion’s idea about having everyone mesmerized by you, though he thinks of it in terms of Shaytan. He also says if things get even more exciting the title of prime minister will go out of use.

He challenges you yet again to battle, and you can either protest this, try to tell him to stop, or say things are getting out of hand. Tanngrisnir comments on the crazed enthusiasm and how everyone is running with their feelings and staking things on them.

He also says that extreme emotions can blind people, and that Thor was like that. He lands down next to you, then says it’s time to push on through. Pollux says he’s got the presents, and Aizen is shocked to see the presents are on your sleigh without him having noticed.

Melusine confirms that things have been gathered and says when everyone is together they’re leaving this joint. As the team gathers together, Ophion is shocked you’ll leave like this. You can either be surprised, try to play it cool and declare mission complete, or tell Ophion you guys can eat together next time and take it slow then.

Tanngrisnir tells you to come back, and Lucifuge is in disbelief you would be a decoy. As you run to the sleigh Ophion says the way you tricked him and schemed was beautiful too. Lucifuge says he’s deeply impressed by your ingenuity and hopes to battle with you again. Aizen is predictably pissed you won this round and all but shaking his fist at you.

You tell them you’ll see them later and wish them a merry Christmas, then leave Roppongi. Camera stays with Ophion and the others still, and Ophion comments on how strange it is for him to get all dusty while fighting with people not his wife. Before it was just him and Eurynome, but now it seems even more fun than it was.

Lucifuge understands, comparing it to a child’s joy in playing and different to the feeling of lording over things from above. Aizen points out that their feelings of returning to childhood is still pretty violent, but he can’t bring himself to call it shameless.

Ophion suggests getting cleaned up, which for his part is to look good for you when he sees you again. He intends to meet you at the goal line. Lucifuge says he’ll come with since an old friend sent him some nice fragrances.

Ophion says he’ll borrow some and tells Aizen he can come help wash him. Aizen agrees before processing what Ophion said and tries to object. Ophion tells him he can just stay there if he’s fine being all sweaty and dirty as he leaves, prompting Aizen to say he’ll come along.

Lucifuge takes a moment to desummon his homunculi, which Ophion says is a good idea. If the race doesn’t finish then he can’t go on a date with you. Then the camera shifts over to your side as Tanngrisnir apologizes for making you a decoy. It led to getting the presents safely and now you guys can go to the next checkpoint.

You can either comment on feeling like you did something bad to Ophion, say Lucifuge seems kind of sad, or say it looks like it’ll be a while before things can settle between you and Aizen. Going with A, Melusine comments that love is blinding and that he paid for his own mistakes. She also says Ophion seems to have enjoyed himself, so it should be fine.

Pollux changes the subject to ask if you guys are in first place. Tanngrisnir says you can’t celebrate and that you should hurry, and Melusine points out the others aren’t being held up by Lucifuge anymore. Both Teams Krampus and Claude have gotten their presents and are leaving the checkpoint. Pollux says it’s time to increase your lead, and the team charges.

Camera shifts to the arena as Andvari commentates, pointing out that you guys are in first now but the other teams are hot on your heels. You’re all going through Nogizaka, Akasaka, and Yotsuya on the way to the next checkpoint at Shinjuku High. But it’s still anyone’s race.

Camera shifts back to you guys as Tanngrisnir relays Andvari’s announcements. The others will catch up soon, but you guys have proved it won’t be so easy to do, and that this is where things will be decided. He calls for full speed ahead, and you can respond by either agreeing, asking if you guys have been at top speed already, or suggest you’re even more suspicious that he’s a meathead.

Tanngrisnir says there’s no more need to hold back and asks the others to match your pace. Melusine complies, but Pollux says Team Krampus has caught up. Despite that, the team clearly can’t keep it up as Garm is visibly tired. He still has the will to keep going though saying he won’t lose. Ikutoshi tries to keep him steady and focus on steadying his breathing. Bathym says it was cold of you to leave them behind.

You respond by saying that was the plan or that you’re taking the stage. He takes it as a personal challenge. Krampus says he won’t hold back and tells Bathym to do it. Their runners rotate to move Bathym closer to you guys, and then he starts attacking with his tail.

Pollux uses his artifact to defend, causing sparks to fly in the clash. He says he can see what they’ll do and that they’ll leave them in the dust. Your team starts running harder to pull away, though Team Krampus pushes to keep up.

The sleighs start banging at each other, which worries Krampus. Bathym however says it’ll make things interesting and suggest it’s time for Krampus to let loose. Krampus hesitates before agreeing that it wouldn’t be right to hold back, then gets into character.

Krampus puts on his own artifact and starts attacking from his sleigh. Tanngrisnir is prepared to fight back as he feels stoked as someone who’s been through war. Pollux likes what’s happening and tells you to get into the spirit.

The sleighs continue running forward, the runners trying to pull ahead of the others, while Tanngrisnir exchanges his kicks with Krampus’s strikes. Tanngrisnir also drops his polite speech style for a bit for a more brash guy style to Melusine’s surprise. Pollux says Tanngrisnir’s blood is boiling and that he likes that type.

You can either say Tanngrisnir is getting too pumped up, say he’s looking more and more like he’ll be best friends with Kengo, or say you might be getting tired yourself. Tanngrisnir snaps out of it and tries to keep calm. Then he realizes you guys are running into a forest and says to be careful.

Camera shifts back to Roppongi as Ophion says he remembers something and tells the others to go ahead. Lucifuge asks what it is, and Ophion says his underlings are having a party of their own. He’ll be going to Ikebukuro to show up for a bit.

Lucifuge says that’s new of them. Aizen says going outside so soon after a bath means he’ll catch a cold though, though Ophion says it’s fine and says being there for the minions’ party is part of his duties too. Lucifuge asks if they’re having some sort of garden party. Ophion says it’s something like that and that they’re somewhere near Akasaka.

Back to your side, both teams are still clashing while running through the forest. And rather than slowing down, both sides are speeding up. You can’t see that far ahead in the forest though. Suddenly you become aware there’s several large shadows up ahead.

Tanngrisnir calls out that he sees something in the way. Pollux is surprised but immediately tries to change course. As it so happens this forest is where Ophion’s underlings are supposed to be gathering. Both teams manage to avoid colliding with any of the wyverns, but unfortunately a fallen tree appears ahead. Neither team is able to avoid it, and the last thing you see is Bathym’s tail whipping out.

Camera shifts to Shinjuku as Ryouta comes to get Shirou, saying it’s almost time. Shirou says he’ll be there soon and is getting ready. He finishes whatever it is he’s working on and gives  it to the Evils. That turns out to be some accessories for them to wear.

Shirou looks up to the sky, wondering if you’re okay. He hopes to spend Christmas with you. Camera shifts again, and narration says you lose consciousness as the sounds of a sleigh crashes come from what feels like far away. Solomon pops up to freak out over you, asking how you are and what will happen to the race. Then he ends the episode for things to pick up on next time.

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