Shark: REEEE
The party is trying to catch the sharks! Except they're huge and heavy so that's not going too well.
Arslan: Whoa, I don't think I was this feisty when I was younger.
MC: lies / You're pretty feisty NOW / (ignore)
Arslan: Time to get rough!
Arslan coats himself in oil and charges! The shark's attacks slide off!
Arslan: Turkish oil wrestling, go!
Arslan grabs the shark by the tail and starts swinging it around!
MC: Giant Swing! / how is he doing that while oily / I don't think this is a thing in Turkish oil wrestling
Arslan: Super Mario 64 Bowser Throw!
Arslan throws the shark into the cliffs! The shark stops moving!
Arslan: Hit them on the nose! Follow me, boys!
Juugo, Heracles, and Shiva: YEEEAH
The party and Kudan students surround the sharks!
MC: (help Reprobus) / (help Gullinbursti) / (help Behemoth)
(A) Reprobus: Dagon tells me you're used to this. Stay with me! I can't let an amateur get into danger!
Reprobus activates his artifact! Nothing seems to happen, but he charges in anyway.
(B) Gullinbursti: Oh, Master! Ride me!
Gullinbursti: ...why are you running!?
(C) Behemoth activates his artifact and sucks up water!
Behemoth: Okay, sharks can't push me back now! Let's go shark hunting!
The party split work with the Kudan students to catch the sharks. Kengo and Touji come back when all's done.
Reprobus: Don't get close, the sharks can still be dangerou--who?
Hephaestus and Talos come over.
Talos: Shark bots discovered, partial match with designated search target.
Hephaestus: w-wait what? Investigate closer... huh? A-AH!
MC: Hephaestus and Talos? It doesn't look like they came to play. / My boys!
Hephaestus is shocked when MC waves!
Hephaestus: Mommy!? But Shinjuku's seaside school event is supposed to be later!
Hephaestus thinks. Then he runs over and grabs MC's leg crying and screaming.
Scandalized crowd of witnesses!
MC: Hephaestus what / OMG WE ARE IN PUBLIC / Okay!
(A) Talos: No wait, I'm supposed to be Hephaestus! I'm sorry about my Creator. I mean, Friend.
(B) Juugo: MC, what are you two!?
Heracles: Calm down, there must be an explanation.
(C) Kengo: Don't play along, god!
Talos: I'm so sorry, my Creator--I mean, I, Hephaestus, think my friend here really wants to be scolded.
Shiva: WHOOOORE! And such indecency in front of so many people! HNNNGH (flops out of jealousy and shame)
Wrestler A: OMG the strongest dude at school actually passed out!
Wrestler B: What did they doooo!?
Wrestler C: Uh, why does Shiva-senpai look so at peace?
Mobs gog, someone else says they want to be spanked too, and Touji disapproves at the voice. So much for peace and calm.
The party head back to the swimming area while Kengo and Touji go back to helping the Kudan students. Hephaestus brought special cages for the sharks, which everyone is carrying as they go to Andvari's office.
Andvari: Wait are those the sharks causing this mess!?
Reprobus: Apparently. Everything went okay, aside from one person passing out.
MC: That was easier than I thought / Yes, seaside school! / There was more than one of them
Hephaestus: W-wait, this isn't over yet!
Talos: Yes, there's supposed to be only one shark with a special marking.
Behemoth: You mean that white stuff on the fin? But all of these ones do!
Gullinbursti: There's suddenly more of them now?
Hephaestus: I-I'll explain. A-also, sorry Andvari.
One explanation later
MC: Oh, that sucks. Well at least things didn't get worse. Also we need to punish Tvastar later.
Andvari: Ohh, so that's why you said there's only supposed to be the one shark. Is it just a coincidental resemblance?
Hephaestus: N-no, the marking is supposed to say Kamata.
MC: So what's going on?
Hephaestus: These robots are made of materials approaching the limit of organic mats, s-so if there's any damage they can make more of themselves.
MC: What has science done!?
Hephaestus: Dammit, this happened because Tvastar and I made the specs too OP!
Reprobus: Okay, so what you're saying is that there might be more.
Gullinbursti: Our job remains unchanged then!
Behemoth: You're so cool Gullinbursti! ...but how many sharks are there? What if they're spawning like infinitely or something?
Arslan: He's right...any way to wipe them all out at once?
Hephaestus: T-the original shark bot we made has a control system built into it. If you send a stop order through that, it should stop all the new sharks too. M-Mommy, I'm going back to Kamata to make anti-shark tools. I-I'll try to get it done ASAP, so meanwhile can you deal with them with the shark cages?
Arslan: Ooh, what's it like in them?
Hephaestus: D-don't get into them! Watch!
Hephaestus pushes a button on the cage that fries the shark bot with electricity!
Behemoth: Oh no you just burned the fish!
Hephaestus: It takes apart the organic bots and takes the dark matter they have out. Also dammit, they had some put in too? The disassembly program only works on stuff I made, but there's still the electricity thing to watch out for!
MC: This'll be useful! / Okay, shark goes in, we good. Got it. / Okay, so now we just have to find the sharks...
Hephaestus: S-sorry to leave you in danger, Mommy...
Andvari: It'll be cool, I hired tons of security to help here so get on with your tinkering!
Hephaestus leaves with Talos.
Arslan: Okay, so no going into the water today.
Andvari: Yeah, safety first now that we had a real shark attack. We still have that new facility to open up, but it'll work out I guess. Good job guys, you caught a huge shark!
MC: We all did it! Thanks to Arslan! ...oops / Let's talk about special bonus pay
(C) Andvari: You'll get one, no worries! Also I refunded the Kudan students a little for their help! I can make it all back later after we solve this thing.
Behemoth: Everyone was awesome! I helped, but we cleaned up quick after we figured out their weakness!
Gullinbursti: Yes, Arslan showed us how to win against the sharks!
Arslan: Yep, this Arslan fellow must be real good to show me, Elias, how to fight! He never fought sharks before, but he's got so much experience through all his adventures! Probably!
Reprobus: (stares at Arslan) That bravery, that strength and judgment, that Charisma... (throws himself at Arslan's feet)
Arslan: wait WHAT
Reprobus: Elias! LORD Elias! Please ride me!
MC: what / why / I wanna ride you too!
(C) Gullinbursti: B-but Master, you have me!
Arslan: (stares)
Behemoth: Is there something on your back or whatever?
Reprobus: My role carry the greatest master and carry them forth. So if someone gets on my back, I can tell if they're the master I'm looking for. Maybe.
Behemoth:, it's just Instinct?
Reprobus is still kneeling there.
Reprobus: My master MUST be Elias.
Arslan: wait what we literally just met today
Reprobus: You still might be! Let me serve you for a day! Half a day! Even an hour! You'll see how comfy my back is!
MC: such escalation / this is kinda funny / you don't have to force yourself, Reprobus
Gullinbursti: I REALLY know how Reprobus feels in wanting his Master to acknowledge him, but...
Arslan: Calm down, Reprobus! Okay, yes, I used to be called a king and savior.
Reprobus: Then...!
Arslan: I bet you could tell by my posture that I had a lot of servants before, but now I don't. I retired from that.
Reprobus: it's not you?
Reprobus looks depressed.
Arslan: You got good eyes though if you saw my greatness, ha ha! I bet you'll find your Master soon. Right, cub?
Reprobus: ...huh. MC?
Reprobus gets in MC's face and sniffs.
Reprobus: Weird...I can't get a handle on you. You smell like a native and someone from my home world. Am I imagining it...?
MC: How about I help you look for your Master? / What if I became your Master? / (chin scritch)
(AB) Reprobus doesn't seem totally against the idea.
(C) Reprobus: !? No wait stop! I shouldn't be doing this with anyone not my Master! Bark!
Investigation inconclusive.
Reprobus: Hmm. It seems you can't save this world already here and you don't have the qualifications for a good king, but...hmm?'re intersting. I don't think of you as master, but I'm still interested in you. Since a teacher recommended it, we can do a temp contract.
MC: Okay, just for this event. / Let's start as friends
(AB) Arslan: Okay wow, you got on board fast!
Reprobus: I didn't! I'm just a nice servant who doesn't just refuse any requests.
(C) Reprobus: Friends? I don't get it. But we're contracting so it's okay.
MC and Reprobus shake hands. Contract established!
Behemoth: I'll help you look too! But first, shark problem solving!
Anvari: He's right! My business depends on it!
Gullinbursti: W-wait, this may be temporary but...MC became Reprobus's Master!? Rivalry and character overlap! I need differentiation!
Narration Zone
Solomon: Huh. Is this where the rollercoaster drama starts? Also waaah, I'M your best servant! Next time on Marine Resort Crisis Episode 2! "Their! Heads! Are Evolving!" See you then!
End of Episode