Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Beachside Hut and Andvara Falls Episode 3 Part 1

Things start off with a flashback with Shukaku finding the kettle that Goemon was boiled in, repeating that he’s a rogue ninja from the Iga clan and a famous thief from Wa no Kuni. He figures if he can use the memories inside it he can get that much better as a performer, so he tries to get the artifact to work.

Light flares out violently as the artifact is activated, and Shukaku feels that if he has the knowledge and ninja arts, he can...something...just like he once did.

Back to the present you try talking to Goemon, and he snaps out of his daze and apologizes saying the sounds of the waves made him relax that hard. Jiraiya isn’t pleased and asks if he can at least keep focus during work. The way things are Goemon won’t resemble the original in any way at all.

Goemon doesn’t have much of an argument against it but says that Goemon refers to no one besides himself here. Jiraiya tells him to get it together then because he can’t have him staring in space like an idiot. Goemon feels a little guilty and says he was remembering some things from the past.

You can either say Jiraiya is nice or ask what he thinks of Goemon. He says Goemon is someone he’s mutually incompatible with. They’re so similar that all the differences stand out that much more. You can either ask if it’s a rivalry or think on the idea about fighting someone because they walk the same path as you.

Jiraiya describes Goemon as a doer and admits he has skills. He also puts that as a reason why he can’t abide him and says he’s bumped into him before. And if it was clear one way or the other who would win, things like this wouldn’t happen.

Goemon calls all this unwanted kindness. As much as he wants to understand Goemon’s role better he doesn’t want to take on his karma as well. He wouldn’t have to deal with these sorts of encounters either. Jiraiya is surprised and asks what he said, and Goemon claims it’s nothing.

Goemon then changes the subject and asks what they were all talking about when he spaced out. Jiraiya was explaining the job today and checks if this is your first time doing beach sports. Andvari passed on an order for you guys to keep sharp if it seems like there will be blood out there at the Beach Sports Area.

Jiraiya then explains that the area is for sports activities at the beach or similar. You ask if he means like volleyball or beach running. Jiraiya says there’s also beach soccer and beach wrestling there too. The job is to act as guides for the area, maintain the facilities, keep watch, and lend out equipment. Even when people and Transients follow the rules, when they start crowding together there’s bound to be trouble.

Goemon observes that there are a lot of people around and asks if there’s sports that popular. Jiraiya tells you guys not to lose control of things since he’ll be leaving midway through. Then he decides to start explaining the facilities and equipment. You either say okay or call him senpai and say you’ll rely on him. Either way he tells you guys to listen.

Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Can the White Waves be Dodged Kabuki Actor?

Things then tune back in with narration talking about the Beach Sports Area, saying plenty of people are around enjoying various sports there. And in one part there’s some people covered in sweat and sand as they train together. That happens to be Arslan and Zabaniya.

Arslan comments that Zabaniya’s drive and abilities are fine but says he hasn’t played enough. As they spar Arslan manages to land a hit on Zabaniya. He notes that his movements have slowed and asks if it’s because of the sand, which Zabaniya doesn’t deny. You can then try to talk to either of them.

If it matters I picked Arslan. He’s surprised to see you there so you apparently tell him you’re there for work. He comments that working at the beach is a part of youth, then explains that the two of them are here to play get a change of pace for their training. Zabaniya adds that it was Arslan’s idea. They tried asking the others to come but no one else could make it today. You either go ‘oh’ or say going to the beach for a change of pace is nice.

Zabaniya initially questioned the point of coming to the beach but observes that training on the beach uses muscles he normally doesn’t use. He wonders how it is Arslan can be so quick on his feet here, then decides it must be because that Arslan has honed other muscles since he’s covered in oil all the time, which would be a similar state to being on sand.

Arslan is surprised but quickly agrees. In his thoughts he says he really did just want to come play but decides it’s fine to let Zabaniya think whatever if he believes it. Goemon seems to understand and thinks that’s what training on the sands is like. Zabaniya asks you who Goemon and Jiraiya are, so you introduce them.

Zabaniya introduces himself and Arslan to the ninjas, and Goemon politely responds when he notices something coming from behind. One person from a nearby group practicing ends up bumping into you and you both fall down. You either make some cute noise or ask if they’re okay.

The guy who bumped into you ended up moving in a way to break the fall and hold you, which leads him to fall under you. This turns out to be Juugo, who asks if you’re okay. You say you’re fine, ask if he’s okay, and think to yourself if the way he’s built means he’s a judo practitioner.

Juugo is glad you’re alright and says he’s fine too. But when he notices he’s still essentially hugging you he backs off and blushes. He thinks touching someone else’s skin like that ‘outside’ makes him some kind of perverse playboy, so he offers then begs to take responsibility by offering his body in whatever way you want. You either try to talk him down, comment on how pure he’s been raised, or consider teasing him a bit.

Arslan thinks it’s funny to watch but decides it’s time to stop Juugo, so he tries talking to him. Juugo realizes he’s forgotten to introduce himself despite the dialogue box already giving his name and apologizes for his manners by bowing really far down the Japanese formal way.

Arslan is taken aback and says he doesn’t need to go so far, but as he looks at him he seems to remember something. Juugo seems to think making skin on skin contact results in something serious, probably something to do with Orochi. He asks you if anything ‘strange’ has happened at the point he touched you, like a bruise that looks like a giant snake or a constrictive kind of pain.

You say you’re fine and that he didn’t bump into you that hard. Juugo initially disbelieves this until he notices Orochi is unusually quiet. On further inspection he sees that Orochi is afraid and has mentioned something about “someone it cannot win against,” to his confusion.

Daisuke runs over to check on Juugo when he notices you. You either greet him as he is or refer to him as brother. He asks why you’re here, and Avarga also runs over to see if Juugo is hurt. Juugo explains he’s fine but bumped into you. Avarga apologizes for him, then notices Arslan is there. Arslan acknowledges he exists and says Juugo is his student after all. He also calls Avarga “Dalai Avarga.” I haven’t been able to find anything on that in a quick search.

Avarga is pretty happy to see Arslan. You ask Arslan if he knows him and/or ask for an introduction. Arslan describes Avarga as the wrestling coach at Yoyogi and the Tokyo champion at Mongolian wrestling/bokh. Avarga adds that he’s Arslan’s rival and introduces himself as Dalai Avarga. Arslan is a bit sad at that descriptor since he thought they were friends.

Avarga insists that they are rivals and says it’s been 100 years since they met and says he wants a match to see who’s wrestling is superior. Arslan is happy to have his strength recognized but is put off by Avarga’s pointing and yelling. Avarga feels guilty and admits that’s not really proper behavior as a teacher in front of his students. As he stares, you look towards Jiraiya and comment about how familiar this is.

Goemon says having someone suddenly label you as a rival is kind of tiring. Jiraiya shifts on his feet and feels a bit bad when seeing it objectively in someone else’s case. Anyways Daisuke suggests that Avarga stop bother other schools for now, who agrees and says he must look shameful.

Juugo insists he isn’t and that the way he’s humble about his power and drive to improve through rivalry is an admirable display of determination. Avarga calls him cute and thanks Daisuke for stopping him. Mineaki then comes by to remind Avarga of something but is surprised to see you. You either ask about him coming too or say his swimsuit looks nice.

Not going with the latter, Mineaki says he’s a coworker of Avarga’s so he came along with their special training. It’s his job to manage everyone’s bodies at Yoyogi he says. He also adds a weird creepy note about getting good data which he finds satisfying. Avarga then gets a sudden case of the willies. You can either ask about what kind of data Mineaki is getting or look at Avarga.

Going A, he says it’s private and chooses not to disclose anything. Anyways he turns to the jocks and suggests an early break, which Avarga supports. Arslan turns to Zabaniya and asks if he wants to go get something to eat. He agrees and says he’ll get seats for them. Jiraiya suggests they go to the beach house then.

Daisuke likes the idea since he’s hungry. Arslan accepts the idea too and wishes you good luck on the job as he leaves. Zabaniya excuses himself and says he’ll see you later. You either say the same thing back or thank him for his patronage. Jiraiya walks with them to the beach hut, leaving you and Goemon to the work to be done.

Goemon then starts thinking aloud about student-teacher relationships, though not that sort of relationship. When you ask him about it, Goemon says it’s been a while since he’s been taught anything. Since he’s been alone for so long he ended up reminiscing when he saw the teachers and students. You either ask if he was taught about kabuki or ask about his teacher.

Goemon says he did have a kabuki teacher, but he was thinking of a different sort of master-student relationship. You ask if that was what he was thinking about earlier, so he tells you about the old man in the theater who taught him the arts when he was able to remember things. If you want to know more he offers to tell you.

You say you do want to know, so Goemon makes a production of it again. Long long ago, he ran a small theater together with the old man who took him in. He acts out a time where he tries to attract an audience with an act where he keeps balls in midair with kicks while transformed into a tea kettle. But since he was so new to it he always screwed up both the performances and his transformation magic.

Everyone watching laughed. Even the old man he loved would watch over him with a smile. Still, Goemon took it in stride and endeavors to get better little by little. He thought about how he wanted the fun times to continue forever. But one day, he was entrusted to a temple and was no longer able to see the old man since then.

Shukaku begged to stay with him. Looking back on it now, Goemon understood that the old man must have realized his time was coming, so he sent him to the temple to live on. But at the time, all he could think about was wondering why they had to part ways. He eventually came to the conclusion that they could see each other again when he masters his skills and becomes either an adult or fully qualified.

Since then Goemon frantically worked on his abilities, which continued on even after he realized what really was going on with the old man. At some point he felt that if the man could see him now, he’d compliment him for how well he’s done. But no matter how hard he practiced and no matter where he went, Goemon never felt that it was good enough. In his wallowing the light came to him, and so he came to be in Tokyo.

You comment on the old man being his driving motive to see his path to the end. Jiraiya happens to come back at this time and starts crying for Goemon. Goemon is surprised by his return and asks if he heard everything. Jiraiya apologizes and says it was an accident that he listened in. He just came to tell you guys your break is on.

Goemon is surprised and says time flies when you’re doing something new. Jiraiya prompts you guys to go and says he can handle things. He also decides to tell him the old man is surely watching him from somewhere. Goemon thanks him and says he’ll go on break then. And so the episode part ends.

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