Monday, May 31, 2021

Live A Hero Space Taxi Chasers Episode 2

Footsteps echo across the floor of an abandoned building, and the phantom thief Vulpecula walks up to the distorted fuzzy feed of a camera and begins to sing of the present. 
"Hello wise ladies and gentlemen who live in the present times. Tonight, allow me to invite you to the phantom thief's gorgeous show. White draws close to rotating Blue, and the envy of the curious onlookers gazing upon them stains the stout silky white skin. Everyone lives in the present, and everyone watches the now. Let us release that beauty, for there is no need for the thorns of sadness that pierce hearts so. ...and now it's show time! More beautiful than falling petals, and more brilliant than shining light! I shall gracefully steal away the mossy scenery before the bird sings of the finale to signal the time to depart! Well my friends who live in these dear moments, I shall see you when the curtain rises..."
Title card pops up, and this episode is called The Detective's Big Miscalculation.
We tune back in at the spaceport lobby where Alchiba greets you and Mokdai, saying he saw you two only yesterday and will be working with you for the next few days. Mokdai greets Alchiba good morning and comments that he's excited since this will be his first time helping with a detective. You greet Alchiba as well, then ask where you guys will be going and what is it a detective even does. Alchiba explains that the first part of the schedule is to call a space taxi to go to the moon. As he mentioned before, he's doing this on this own rather than working with his agency, so he isn't allowed to use their spaceship to get up there instead. His own spaceship is under maintenance at the moment, and he's uncomfortable about driving a loaner space car anywhere far, so that leads to the taxi. Alchiba then points the way to the taxi counter and says he'll talk more on the way over.
Mokdai asks Alchiba if he's going to be Sherlocking his way through the mystery and explaining the howdunnit once you guys get to the moon. Alchiba laughs and says he is going there to do some deductions, but the most important things for a detective is reasoning, observation, and steady investigation. So the first order of business over there would be to gather information, figure out what the target is, then gather evidence. The work can't really begin unless you know what it is Vulpecula is after.
You guys reach the space taxi counter, and Alciba walks up to the desk clerk to ask for a space taxi. The clerk agrees, then asks for confirmation that he understands that he's getting a single taxi. The clerk hands Alchiba a ticket after that, and you take the moment to ask why you guys are going to the moon. Huckle and the rest of the office is going there, but it doesn't seem like they know where Vulpecula is. Alchiba says that's a good question as he calls you buddy, complimenting your insight as good enough to be an assistant who can keep up with a detective. Before he says more, the beastman clerk informs Alchiba that the taxi he called is coming, then asks him to leave the security area and head to the car pickup and dropoff gate.

Alchiba comments on the good timing, then says he'll give you his reasoning for the moon on the way over. You and Mokdai follow Alchiba out to the underground parking area where a small spaceship/spacecar is waiting with the apparent driver, an Earthling man. Specifically, the driver is Shaft, who thanks you guys for calling as he introduces himself. You either politely greet him back or comment on how nice and burly he is. In the former, Shaft says you can give him and order if you want as he promises to give you guys a smooth ride to your destination. In the latter, Shaft is surprised and tells you he used to be a rugby player. Mokdai comments with some resignation that you're the same as always. That said, he tells you that since Akashi asked him to keep track of what you say and do, he'll have to tell Akashi about this later.
MC: wait what

Alchiba greets Shaft, then asks him to pick up your guys' luggage. Shaft says he will and asks you all to board the car before him, but he panics when he can't find his car keys. Mokdai expresses concern over Shaft as Shaft pulls all his pockets out to look for the keys, and you either say you're worried or roll with it and say everyone makes mistakes. Alchiba asks Shaft if he's okay after a moment, telling him that you guys want to go to the moon and remind me to grab the party's things. Shaft finds the key soon after, then acknowledges Alchiba's request as he gets the doors to open.

While the spaceship looks like a thick plated and larger make car on the outside, the inside seats are much softer like a sofa. Alchiba relaxes as he sits down with a sigh, commenting on how comfortable it is. Mokdai says it's been a long time since he's been in a space taxi, but it's nice how comfy it is. He then pulls up a round cushion and points out how fluffy it is to you. You either agree, say Mokdai is getting too comfortable with things, or compare the cushion to his stomach. In A, Mokdai happily talks about how the cushion feels and wishes his own fur was like that. In B, Mokdai gets flustered as he says he's a proper adult who knows how to switch on and off work mode. In C, Mokdai tries to insist his stomach is a bit solid since he does have some muscle there, but then you tell him you were talking about it in terms of form.

Shaft announces that he's about to start driving, so he asks you guys to get your seat belts on. He turns to bow to you guys and puts on his earpiece, the engines start as the door locks click, and Shaft soon drives the car over to the linear catapult. Once the preparations are ready, he calls traffic control to launch the ship. Alchiba says Shaft can handle the driving and picks up with the earlier conversation. Since you asked about why you guys are going to the moon, Alchiba asks you first to look at a video he has. Said video is the calling card Vulpecula sent/streamed.

Mokdai is surprised to see Vulpecula's calling card video, and you ask him if the video is that amazing and if it's that exciting. Mokdai says is amazing and exciting since the videos normally aren't archived, so you can only see them broadcasted in real time normally. The old videos are unobtainable, and Mokdai has only caught a few of the old ones midway through for a few minutes. He's really glad that he's helping out with Alchiba this time since he's always wanted to watch one the whole way through.

Alchiba is amused at how familiar Mokdai is about Vulpecula's videos and says they aren't put on public sites. It was kind of a pain to get the video, but Alchiba is a detective after all. He can't tell you guys where the video was hosted, but it is a copy of genuine evidence. The poem that Vulpecula put together is going to be the riddle you guys need to solve to stop the crime, but you note that the poem is so incoherent that you don't really get it. Alchiba laughs and says that how it looks at first glance. He's seen an identical poem before in his work on this case before though, and he rewinds the video to a certain point and pauses it.

Mokdai has a brainwave and asks if the calling card itself is revealing the crime, so Alchiba says he's doing great but asks him to leave some stuff for the detective to explain. Alchiba then theatrically clears his throat and asks you guys to enjoy the puzzle part of the investigation. First off, Vulpecula mentioned a White and Blue, which Alchiba explains denotes which heavenly object the crime will be happening at. Blue refers to the rotating planet with that color while White refers to the object that is close to that planet. Alchiba asks what you think that means then, and you are given the choice of saying a planet and planetoid, a planet and its satellite, or a black hole and white hole. The story won't continue until you choose the right choice (B), and if you pick the others Alchiba drops a hint that Blue points at a planet and asks you to think what White would mean in that context as the incorrect choice is removed.

Alchiba tells you you're correct when you get it right, saying White and Blue refers to a blue planet and a white moon. The curious onlookers bit Vulpecula mentions would be a comparison to the police and you guys who are going after him, so when Vulpecula says you'll 'stain the white' that would refer to you guys getting over to the white moon first to stop his crime. So if you put that all together, which place do you think it'll happen at? You can say either moon, planet, or planetoid. If you don't pick A, Alchiba tells you to think it over calmly and tells you white means moon, so he asks you to piece out what 'onlookers polluting the white' would mean here. Then the choices come up again until you pick it.

Anyways, Alchiba says it's pretty certain that the crime will be happening on the white moon. When Vulpecula mentions envy being directed at Blue and White, it's a hint that there's only one moon involved because he otherwise wouldn't specify only two heavenly bodies involved. Alchiba says the most important hint to specifying which planet you guys need to check is the reference to it being blue, and he asks you what you think that means. You either say it's a place where a lot of the life on the planet is blue, it's a planet that rains all the time, or a planet with lots of water. If you don't pick C, Alchiba tells you you're off and that calling a planet blue is based on how it looks from space before the other choices pop up again.

Once you get past that part, Alchiba says you might have a talent for sleuthing. Mokdai is surprised and says that you guys may be able to find out where Vulpecula is going if you guys look into blue planets with a white moon. Alchiba adds some extra information to this, saying Vulpecula so far has only operated in the Orion's Arm part of the universe. The only planet and moon combo locations that stick to that regional designation would be Earth and the moon, and Muirauqa IV and Tenteres. You ask where Muirauqa IV is, which mildly surprises Mokdai as he says it's a planet covered in water. Plenty of heroes working on Earth come from there.

While the party is discussing the video, Shaft is peeking over at you guys as it turns out he's enough of a disaster to have forgotten where you guys are heading to. He tries to ask you guys that, but he doesn't speak loud enough for you guys to notice, so no one answers him. He actually decides to take his ear piece out of his ear to listen harder to it, and he does pick up that you guys are talking about work so he feels bad about possibly interrupting. He does remember that he was given a location back when you guys boarded, but he doesn't remember what. He suddenly picks up on you guys mentioning Tenteres, so he figures that must be it and calls traffic control for permission to use the warp gate to get there. He deploys the car's stabilizer, tells the controller that he's going to the Muirauqa star system, then speeds towards the warp gate near the moon's orbit.

Back to your discussions, Alchiba explains that Vulpecula's talk of thorns of sadness piercing the chest is the most important bit and should refer to his target. Since the chest is the most important part of a person's body, in terms of a planet it should refer to a central capital. The thorn bit ought to mean some sort of super skyscraper, and in terms of the moon, the highest building over there in the colonies would be Archimedes' main office. Vulpecula destroys things that relate to the past, and Alchiba reasons that Archimedes is symbolic of Earth's technological development to this point. You either be amazed at Alchiba's deductions or act like you knew all along. In the former, Alchiba is happy about you being openly surprised and likes your surprised expression. In the latter, Alchiba calls you easily carried away given that you said you didn't understand things earlier, but he still finds that charming.

Mokdai suggests the mention of silky pure white skin may refer to the main trait Lunarians are known for. Alchiba says it may be true, but he doesn't think Vulpecula put in a hint that easy in the video. He cups his chin as he thinks it over. When he talks again he talks about how the police have come to the same conclusion and how he can't let them get ahead of him. Based on Vulpecula's past actions, it's highly likely he's going to the moon. It's still only a possibility though, and it's too early to throw Tenteres out as a possibility too. You guys are going to the moon first since that's closer to Earth, and once you do some investigation he should have a better idea of Vulpecula's thought processes which he'll share with you guys.

Alchiba taps on his tablet a bit to switch out to some information on Vulpecula and his profile to show you two. Mokdai is surprised as he calls it a scrapbook of articles collected from a bunch of different planets. He's done a lot of research on heroes and villains himself, but he's impressed by this. Alchiba says some stuff happened in a previous case, at which he started looking into Vulpecula. He starts describing Vulpecula as someone who's very attached to the idea of living in the present, to the point of talking about abandoning all of the past. Alchiba tells you he's guessing here, but he figures the mention of a bird singing for a finale refers to a time limit. He hasn't figured it out yet, but he says that can be done on site. He'd prefer to start with getting information with your guys' help, though now he realizes you guys are still flying in the car. Odd, since the moon shouldn't be that far from Earth.

Mokdai notes that Alchiba has a point and hasn't noticed since you guys were so deep in discussions. It's been cool though since it's been like a mystery novel. Alchiba is flattered, then says he'll be counting on you two as his assistants. Shaft announces from the front that you guys will be reaching your destination soon, so he asks you all to prepare for atmospheric reentry. Alchiba gets excited about getting to work soon, and the three of you readjust your seats and seatbelts before Alchiba realizes Shaft mentioned an atmosphere. Given that the moon doesn't have one, he finds that strange.

When you guys land, you note that you all made it, then compliment Shaft's driving skills for how smooth the landing is. Mokdai agrees with you, saying he's a little jealous of drivers since he has no driving experience himself. Shaft laughs and says you guys are at your destination, then asks for payment to be done outside after the preparation is done. The party gets out soon after, and Mokdai quickly questions why there's so little people around if you guys are on the moon. Alchiba doesn't recognize the place either and asks if you guys are at a spaceport, and Shaft starts to talk about the cab fare from Earth to Tenteres.

You pick up on the mention of Tenteres, and Alchiba stops Shaft to confirm that since he told him you guys were going to the moon earlier. Shaft freezes in place, face paling as he panics about getting it wrong. There's a toll charged to use the warp gate to get over here that gets added to the fare, and Shaft apologizes to you guys saying he did it again. You either ask what warp gates are or ask if the charge changes things that much. In A, Mokdai says they're pretty straightforward as to what they are and compares them to a highway interchange. In B, Mokdai says he doesn't know but makes the same highway interchange comparison.

Anyways, Mokdai explains that warp gates are used to get to other star systems because they are light years away. Tenteres is in the Muirauqa star system and far from Earth, so it's probably a big charge to the fees. Shaft sheepishly shows the bill to Alchiba, and Alchiba nods for a moment before yelling that he's not paying that. Around that point, you hear some footsteps approaching and a voice talking about looking for someone and feeling people are around. Kalaski turns up, and he immediately gets suspicious of you guys asking why you're there in a place like this.

You question what Kalaski means by a place like this or comment on him being a kid with a camera, but Kalaski jumps to the conclusion that you guys are with some looters he saw. Mokdai attempts to plead for your guys' innocence in shock, but Kalaski refuses to believe you guys would accidentally turn up near a war zone. If you aren't looters, you must be grave robbers instead, and Kalaksi calls up his agency to get transformed.

After he gets suited up, Kalaski declares that he won't let you guys wreck the place. You are surprised by him transforming and/or attempt to get him to listen, but Alchiba sighs about it coming to a fight for some reason and asks you to transform him. Mokdai agrees, saying you'll have to get Kalaski to listen to you guys first to clear things up. You activate their hero forms, and once that's done Alchiba says he'll show you guys his power as a hero instead of a detective. Mokdai says you guys need to defend yourself first before you can try convincing Kalaski, then asks Shaft to hide somewhere. You get the stream set up and tell the two it's time to fight. Shaft for his part hiding in the shadow of the taxi surprised at you guys (I think) being heroes, but he feels he doesn't have a place in this as the episode battle begins.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Live A Hero Space Taxi Chasers Episode 1

Over in some restaurant in Orient City, Alchiba is sitting at a table distanced away from the other customers with an Earthling man sitting opposite of him. Alchiba decides to tell the man the main result of his investigation before getting into the details. The man has suspected his partner of suspicious activity, but Alchiba tells him he's sure that nothing unseemly is happening. Alchiba uses his tablet to project his paperwork and pictures, but the man he's talking still looks depressed despite the news.
The man thanks Alchiba for his work but says he doesn't need to hear any more. He doesn't care if his partner (another guy) is cheating on him, but if they were it'd just make the break up easier to do. He doesn't seem to care about him anymore, so the man decides he may as well forget the whole thing since they can't be together like that. The man quickly apologizes to Alchiba promising he'll still pay him for the job, but Alchiba decides to make sure to tell the man that his partner has been setting up a party for them at the bar they often go to. The man is surprised to hear about this, and Alchiba explains that his partner coming home late was to prepare for it. He was talking to the bar manager, and their discussions were happening after the bar closed for the night. Alchiba points out that they've been together for years and their anniversary is coming up, so before the man decides for sure Alchiba suggests he go talks to him.
The client thanks Alchiba, and Alchiba says he'll send his report later on and says the payment will go to his usual account. Before ending the meeting, Alchiba notes that the man's partner is off today and suggests he goes to see him. The man leaves looking brighter than before, and Alchiba watches him go before sighing quietly to himself. Alchiba comments that counseling like this isn't part of his job specialty, but he lets it go on the idea of all's well that ends well. Pain and suffering can drive a person mad, he says, but he notes that now he has a moment to himself. He feels it's a waste to leave after coming all the way to Earth, so he considers going sightseeing before a news report catches his attention.
The news reporter interrupts the econ report they were doing to announce that the Phantom Thief Villain Vulpecula has sent out a calling card to his target. The details of the card are unknown, but the media has been told that the authorities suspect it's an advance notice of terrorism via large scale cultural destruction. The Galactic Police League have announced their counterterrorism policies in response, and Alchiba starts frowning as he says he never expected to see Vulpecula around here. The newscaster mentions that there's an announcement about how villainy tends to tick up whenever phantom thief shenanigans happen, so the Galactic Police League is planning to tighten their control on things and keep vigilant for crimes.
The mention of police sends Alchiba into a flashback to where he's protesting about the other policemen not presenting a piece of evidence in defense of the case's accused, calling it destruction of evidence. The supervisor says it's fine to leave the case as gray as it is and tells him to leave it alone. It's nice that Alchiba has such a strong sense of justice, but the supervisor tells him that everyone around him calls him the Dark Wings of Disaster because problems always turn up wherever he's posted. Alchiba argues that those problems were there to begin with and that internal reform is needed, but the supervisor tells him to shut up and let go of his arrogance since that's not part of his job. Alchiba is outraged at this but stops arguing, so the supervisor tells him to go back and do his other job as he implies he's wasting the supervisor's time.
The flashback moves up a bit as one of Alchiba's coworkers blame his presence for all the problems they've been having. He actually goes as far as accusing Alchiba of faking issues and solving them himself to get himself promoted. They concede that Alchiba has been able to find evidence that they were unable to during their investigations, but they also say that it feels like Alchiba is finding things only the criminal would know. Alchiba attempts to defend himself saying that he's just pointing out things he feels are mistaken, but the coworker persists in suggesting Alchiba did that himself and is just playing at being a detective. Alchiba is pissed at this as he denies the accusation and argues that the police should be upholding justice and protecting the weak. The supervisor then tells Alchiba to come to the office since he's under suspicion for several crimes, and the flashback ends with Alchiba accusing them all of setting him up.
Title card pops up, and this episode is called Dark Wings of Disaster.
Back to the present, Alchiba leaves the restaurant and takes a moment to look up into the sky. He talks to himself about his nickname, saying he thought he forgot about that time in his life. He vents some of his disgust and frustration at the police when his phone pings him about a call. The call is coming from Procy, and Alchiba comments that it's unusual for Procy to call out of the blue like this. Procy is put off by Alchiba's response, then explains that their agency told him that Alchiba was in town. Independent Heroes has sent out a response request to them regarding the recent Vulpecula case, and Procy asks if he knows about him.
Alchiba says he does know Vulpecula and declares him to be HIS target. Vulpecula has been a criminal that Alchiba has been looking into on his own time. That said, he asks Procy about how Vulpecula currently has the police on his tail over the terrorism thing. Procy says that while Vulpecula has been called a phantom thief, he's a criminal when you get down to it. An official notice has been passed down from 'above' the Police League, so UEHA has been sending co-op requests to every other agency out there. Alchiba says that means it's really a request from the police and says that he hates how they act like they have power but have so much red tape to go through. Also, for a group with a name as fancy as Galactic Police League they are having a lot of problems with just a single phantom thief.
Alchiba sighs as he looks annoyed, then tells Procy that he's cancelling out on the request and asks him to pass the news back to HQ. Procy sighs about how much Alchiba hates the police and says he won't get work that way. He also says Alchiba owes him for this, but Alchiba says he can find his own work and says he had been chasing after Vulpecula since before. He swears to catch him without needing the police's help and to show them up. He shakes his head once, smirking as his eyes shine with determination.
Procy points out that if Alchiba is rejecting the agency's co-op request, then he won't be able to get an Operator to help and therefore can't transform into his hero mode. Alchiba laughs and says that's what Procy is there for as he asks if he knows any Operators can be sent to him. While he's at it, he'd also like to ask for another hero to back him up. Alchiba winks at Procy over the video call, and Procy reacts by sighing and shaking his head for a moment before telling him he's going to owe him big this time.
Over at Parallel Flight, Akashi walks in greeting you and Huckle, then notices that Sui is around. Sui says she just got there herself and came over since she finished up with her work at the design agency. Plus, Huckle called her over too. Huckle apologizes to Sui and Akashi for suddenly calling them over, then asks if you and Ryekie can make some time since a guest will be coming. Ryekie agrees since he's just finished with his office work, and you either agree, talk to Akashi and note that he's doing well today, or greet Sui and say it's been a while. B has an extra line where Akashi says that he's got time for the job now that he's gotten his class credits. C has a different extra line where Sui says she's been coming over more often so she doesn't think it's been that long since she saw you.
Akashi comments on the whole office being together, only to realize he doesn't see Mokdai around and asks about him. Mokdai turns out to be around and says he's been coming to work properly, then asks Sui to make and hand out tea to everyone. Sui agrees, then says she's making houjicha since she likes that kind of tea. Ryekie comments that having everyone at the table feels kind of cramped, so he asks Huckle about buying a new one. Huckle agrees with the idea and says he'll think about it. Huckle then gets back to the original topic and tells you guys that a client introduced by Procy will be coming by later.
You ask about the client and what sort of business they're coming for, so Huckle says they want a hero and Operator, though he's curious about things. You are slightly worried about that as you ask Huckle what he means. Huckle says his explanation will go about it backwards, then asks if you guys have heard about the phantom thief villain in the news. Akashi says he's heard about it that morning and says the police are after the guy. Mokdai excitedly says that Vulpecula sends poetic videos as his calling card and compares him to someone from a manga or novel. He explains that Vulpecula also steals more than just objects as he has done things like steal sceneries, which he does by doing terrorism to destroy cultural heritage sites. It's still a crime and that's terrible, but it's still so cool to talk about!
Akashi points out that Mokdai is still talking about a villain and comments on how well informed he is about heroes and villains. Mokdai says he just looks up things he likes, though after all that talking he's feeling thirsty, so he has some of the tea. Sui points out that Vulpecula is broadcasting his calling cards, which means his position should be traceable. Mokdai says the police has looked into that, but it turns out that Vulpecula has been posting to illegal livestreaming sites for the views. Once the livestream starts, it doesn't get archived, and there's also been anti-hacking measures put into place. The whole production has a cult following with a lot of crazy passionate fans.
Ryekie suggests that they could just catch Vulpecula at the crime scene instead, but Mokdai says that the calling cards are presented as a riddle. In the time it takes them to figure out what the hell they mean Vulpecula's already gone and done his heists. Sui nods and understands that's why he's a phantom thief, then pours Mokdai more tea. Huckle says he's glad that everyone is keeping up with the current news, then tells you guys that UEHA has asked the agency for help for capturing the phantom thief. Parallel Flight has accepted the request, and tomorrow you guys will be heading for the moon on business. Akashi says he's good to go since he's got enough credits and he doesn't have a big game coming up any time soon. Sui says she's okay to join too since she's done with her fashion work and was thinking of getting more hero work experience. You say you can go, get excited about catching the thief together with everyone, and/or say it's more exciting than desk work.
Huckle laughs and thanks you guys, though he says that Procy's client cuts into things here. They're calling about the same case, but they're doing it on a private basis as opposed to working with UEHA. So back to what Huckle was saying earlier about what he was curious about, he says it's about the client. Specifically, they're supposed to be the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Vulpecula. At that point the door rings, so Huckle says they're here now and goes to answer since he wants to talk to the client about the job directly first.
When Huckle comes back, Alchiba comes in with him. Alchiba greets you all and introduces himself as a private detective. Huckle greets him with a Mr. and says Procy told him about him. Huckle introduces himself as the agency's representative, then invites Alchiba to come further in. Alchiba says he's fine without the honorific, then apologizes for the sudden visit. You either express surprise about Alchiba being a detective, be excited about his soft feathers, or gasp about him being cool. In A, Alchiba asks if this is your first time seeing a detective, then says he can help if you're ever in trouble and promises to get things done. In B, Alchiba is amused by your interest in his feathers. He's proud of them and asks if you want to touch them. In C, Alchiba flirts as he calls you cute and says he's falling behind if you're complimenting him first. he then says you're so charming that he went speechless for a bit.
Alchiba takes another look at you and feels he's seen you somewhere before, so he asks you for your name as he steps closer to you. You introduce yourself to Alchiba, then wonder if you two have met before but feel this may be your first time meeting. Alchiba laughs as he continues flirting, saying there must be some sort of fate at work between you two before inviting you to join him for tea after work. Mokdai is surprised at how smooth Alchiba flirts, then loudly asks if Alchiba is asking you to a date. Akashi attempts to interrupt by coughing, but Sui is surprised and thinks Akashi is sick. Akashi insists that everything is fine.
Alchiba notices Akashi getting defensive against him, so he smirks at him and tells you the tea invitation will have to wait. You are taken aback at this, and Huckle attempts to keep things on track between all of you and asks Alchiba to keep his teasing down to a minimum. Huckle changes the subject back to Alchiba wanting a hero and Operator to help him, then jumps to asking him directly about why he's not working with UEHA for this case. Since he's going after the same target, going it alone would make things more difficult and would spread out the available forces.
Alchiba stands up a bit straighter as he moves to answer, saying that unifying everyone under one beauracracy would make investigating freely harder, and collecting information is important to a detective. Going this way means not needing to care about what the police are doing. He's been chasing after Vulpecula since before the summons from the assembly, so he wants to catch him himself. To do that, he wants to borrow the help of another hero and Operator. He's doing this as a personal thing as opposed to a hero from Independent Heroes, and he doesn't want the police to get to him before he does.
Huckle says he understands but tells Alchiba that UEHA sent a help request to them too. It's also combined with a meeting with the higher ups in UEHA, so he and Ryekie have to attend. Ryekie is excited to have several hero agencies gathering together, and he suggests it's a good opportunity to have Sui and Akashi meet some other heroes. Mokdai thinks it's a good idea and says he's already gone to see them before he had become a hero himself. Sui notes that she only knows her master and you guys in terms of heroes. Akashi says the same goes for him, though he sees Kyoichi and Toshu a lot too. Akashi then gets alarmed that this would mean he'd be working away from you and is worried about you getting hit on. Since he mutters to himself about that, Sui is weirded out by that and says it's strange how he's always with you.
Huckle says he was planning on having you and Mokdai stay at the office on standby, but he asks if you two think you can go help Alchiba. You either say you can go, say you'll be fine if you're with Mokdai, or excitedly say you want to work with Alchiba. B gets an extra line with Mokdai being flattered you're relying on him and thanks you for saying so. C gets a different extra line where Alchiba is happy about that and says he'd like to know more about you starting tomorrow.
Anyways, Alchiba says he's glad to be working with someone as charming as you. Mokdai tries to remind Alchiba that he's helping too, so Alchiba smoothly swerves over to him and says he's happy to have him around too, asking for his name as he runs a finger across his cheek and lifts his chin up. Mokdai blushes at this and stutters as he gives his name, leading Akashi to be concerned about Mokdai being able to work tomorrow.
Alchiba thanks Huckle for his help and asks if that's everything to the negotiations. Huckle says he'll send the paperwork later, which he'll send directly instead of through Alchiba's agency. Alchiba says that helps and tells you and Mokdai he'll be counting on you two. He also asks you two to come to the space port lobby tomorrow morning, saying he'll escort you guys from there before swanning out of the office. Mokdai calls Alchiba a weirdo and says it's the first time anyone's lifted his chin before, still blushing. You either point out that his face is still red or complain that you wanted him to do that to you too. In A, Mokdai is taken aback at that and says he'll go wash his face to cool down. In B, Akashi is scandalized as he warns you to not say that to anyone, especially Alchiba.
Ryekie loudly prompts everyone to get ready for tomorrow since things are going to be busy. Akashi gets anxious and tells Mokdai he's the only one he can count on, and Mokdai is baffled as he asks what he's talking about. Everyone starts getting their things together when Huckle asks you for a moment. He says that since Procy went through the trouble of sending you guys Alchiba, Alchiba is serious about catching the phantom thief. If anything gets dangerous at all, he asks that you call him up right away. It should be fine since Mokdai is with you, but he's getting a bad feeling and cautions you against being reckless. On that note the episode ends.

Live A Hero The Knight and Ruins Adventure Episode 8 (Abridged)

 (Oh right I’ve forgotten if the title card pops up anywhere. Title is Triumphant Return) 
Akashi: Suck it! (whacks monster) 
Soldier: It's recoiling! Unit 3, advance! 
Soldier: Attaaack! 
The monster slowly weakens in the face of being cut a thousand times. 
Marfik: It's weakening! But... 
The monster is still regenerating slowly. 
Rutilix: Still gonna be a while before we can finally kill it. But wow this power. Is this what that 'laibustreem' thing you guys talk about does?
Akashi: Dammit I guess we do have to go for the core. But where is it!? 
Marfik: And it's so big, so we have to use our strongest attacks on one point to even break through 
Rutilix: The king could have done something here... 
MC: (starts hearing keening sound) wait what 
Rutilix: If only we had some convenient way of knowing where to hit it! 
The keening sound is coming from somewhere in the monster's upper body. 
MC: is this sound a clue? (squints at monster)  
Eagle Observer Vision activate! 
The monster looks like it's glowing blue. But it's not a solid coloring as it's colored darker in its upper half. 
MC: maybe we have to shoot over there? 

Akashi: MC why are you staring at the monster? 
Rutilix: wait you know where the king is!? 
MC: m-maybe? 
Marfik: Hmm. So there are abilities Observers can have that are unknown. But anyways where is he? 
MC: uh, somewhere over there! Can't tell where specifically yet! 
Akashi: that's p vague. maybe you need to get closer? 
Rutilix: in that case...Baraka! 
Akashi: OMG it's the flying dragon again! Wait are you-- 
Rutilix: Akashi, Marfik, please take care of the soldiers on the ground! I'm gonna borrow MC for a while. MC come here! 
MC: uh okay! / see you guys later / yaaay!
Akashi: wait you WHAT 
Marfik: I'm coming too actually! 
Rutilix: wait WHAT 
Marfik: you expect to break through on your own? Having more people would be better! 
Rutilix: w-well...okay then! 
Akashi: YOU GUYS ARE DITCHING ME DOWN HERE!? Ugh, you be careful MC! 
MC: Okay! Take care of the ground soldiers! 
Akashi: I got it! 

The three of you fly up to a point where you can clearly see the monster's chest area. 
MC: I can see now! Over there! 
Rutilix: Baraka, fly us over there! 
Rutilix: ...! 
Marfik: Rutilix you're shaking 
Rutilix: I-I'm okay! Right, I have to do this! 
Rutilix shudders, is breathing hard, and curls his tail between his legs. 
MC: scared? / nervous? 
(B for some reason) Rutilix: I-I'm not scared...! But...
Rutilix: I guess I AM nervous. Can I really save the king and not mess up? 
Marfik: Rutilix... 
MC: (hold his hand) / (hug him from behind) / (tell him it's okay) 
(A)(C) Rutilix: ...! MC... 
(B) Rutilix: !? 
Marfik: how bold! 

Rutilix: ... 
Rutilix: thank you, I've calmed down a little 
Marfik: you can do it when you're calm. That's what the king said, so just focus on doing what you're here for. We're here too! 
Rutilix: ...right! here I go! (pulls out sword) 
The flying dragon flies in closer to the monster 
Marfik: wait is this the closest we can get? What's going on Rutilix!? 
Rutilix: I'm jumping! We're close enough for that! 
Marfik: oh. MC and me too then! 
MC: wait me too!? I'm not sure about this!
Marfik: I'll carry you on my back. Marfik, super jump away! 
Rutilix: let's go! 
MC: (Eagle Observer Vision activate) over there! 
Rutilix: right! (charges sword) ultimate move! 
Monster: SCREEEE 
Rutilix: god it's tough! 
Marfik: We're helping too! 
MC: right! keep going! 
Marfik: (stabs shovel at same point sword is stabbing at) 
MC: (happens to bump into Rutilix) 
Rutilix: !? My sword is powering up! What did you do to me!? 
MC: I dunno! Focus! 
Marfik: Welp MC you sure are unique as an Observer. Who knows what you'll do next? Anyways, let's break on through Rutilix! 
Rutilix: Right! Raaaah! 
Monster: !? 
Rutilix: EAT IT FREAK!!! 
Monster: !?!?!?!?  
Soldier: what!? 
Akashi: did they do it!?
MC, Marfik, and Rutilix lose their footing and fall into the hole Rutilix made. 
Soldier: the monster is falling down! 
The hole starts spreading, and the monster's body starts collapsing. 
Rutilix: There! The king! (reaches for and grabs Alphecca into a hug) 
Marfik: oh no we're falling! grab onto me MC! 
MC: what!? but what about them!? 
MC and Marfik fall out of the hole faster than MC can ask. 
Marfik: (uses his body as a cushion for MC as the two land) 
Akashi: are you okay MC!? 
MC: y-yeah... / Professor are you okay!? 
(B): Marfik: y-yep. My toughness came in handy. 

Marfik: we're lucky this place is sandy. If it were rocky we'd be dead. I'm just grazed now. 
Akashi: how tough ARE you? I'm glad you're okay though. And where is Rutilix and the king? 
MC: oh right!
The monster is falling apart to pieces. 
Soldier: Men, retreat! 
A bright flash flares, and a lot of something falls. 
Akashi: what's happening!? 
The falling stuff kicks up a huge dust cloud. 
After the dust settles... 
Soldier: Is this gold!? Where'd it all come from? 
Part of the gold scattered is something from the city of gold. 
Marfik: hey isn't this part of the city? I guess the parts that weren't erased came back. but what's going on?
Random victims: where am I? I was in the maze earlier... 
Soldier: hey wait I know you! How'd I forget you? 
Random victims: did you come to get us? Wow I get to see you again! 
The soldiers and victims celebrate their reunion. Rutilix and Alphecca are nowhere to be found. 
Akashi: way, did they...? 
Marfik: don't give up so quick. My turn to do something! 
Marfik climbs the ruins and charges his shovel. 
Marfik: well if this thing came out of my should be able to find what I want to find and pick out where those two are! Special move, fire! (stabs shovel into ground) 
The rubble starts glowing from within, then floats away from the shovel eventually unearthing Rutilix and Alphecca. 

Rutilix: oof...are we saved? 
Alphecca: ugh it's so bright out 
Rutilix: hang on Your Highness! (piggybacks Alphecca) 
MC: you guys are okay! 
Soldiers: Rutilix has the king! The king is okay! Hooray! 
Alphecca: grabbing onto me saved me. Thank you. 
Rutilix: ...of course! As the one you were relying, as a knight, it's my job! 
Alphecca: ...I guess so. Good work.
Captain: Your Highness! Are you okay!? 
Alphecca: Hmm. Guess it's time for one last trick even if the minister will get mad at me for it. (gets off Rutilix and stands on the gold) 
Alphecca: MC, transform me. 
MC: W-well okay, but why? 
Rutilix: Your Highness what are you going to do...? 
Alphecca: (transforms) 
Captain: !? 
Soldier A: The king is the White Knight I don't believe it 
Soldier B: No way! I heard about his skills from before but...! 
Alphecca: Heed me my proud soldiers! It is I, your king, who is the White Knight! I apologize for hiding this these past few years! I found out that the maze was a monster and came to destroy it! But then I was eaten because I was too weak to do so! 
Soldier: oh that's why he came here? 
Victims: he came to save us... 

Alphecca: the ones who saved me are those heroes and Sorcerer from another planet, and Rutilix! 
Rutilix: Y-your Highness... 
Alphecca: I apologize for throwing the kingdom into chaos with my recklessness. But I also want to praise you all for saving me and everyone else who was eaten and for bringing back the ruins of the old city of gold!
Soldiers: (wild cheering) 
Marfik: huh. well he's not lying 
Rutilix: I can't believe he revealed himself just like that 
Akashi: hey Rutilix, can you hear those voices among the cheers? 
Rutilix: ...? ...! 
Soldiers: wow I didn't know Rutilix was hiding that kinda strength! did you see how he punched through that monster?
Alphecca: Go Rutilix. Your job isn't done until you report to the captain. 
Rutilix: ...r-right. Excuse me! 
The cheering gets louder when Rutilix joins the other soldiers. 
Akashi: Yep that's a hero's welcome. Everyone understands he can do it now. 
MC: Yeah, I'm glad. 
Alphecca: ... 
Marfik: you're a wily one, Your Highness 
Alphecca: haha you make me sound so bad. I was just making a distinction about myself and making things up to Rutilix. I caused all this, but if people make too much stuff up he won't get rewarded. I'll be investigated later, but that's okay. 
Marfik: ...well okay then. 
Alphecca: I have to thank you too. You gave Rutilix a push, didn't you? 
Marfik: Not just me, MC and Akashi did too. And Rutilix gained the determination to stand on his own to save you towards the end. 
Alphecca: ...I see. I have to thank you all for saving me, and for helping him. Truly, thank you. 
Akashi: o-oh no it was nothing 
MC: You're welcome / I'm just glad you're okay 
(B) Alphecca: Ah. Sorry to worry you. 

Alphecca: y'know being a knight really is cool. (watches Rutilix joshing with the other knights) 
Alphecca: I wanna join them. I wanna try becoming a knight again. 
Marfik: It's not too late to try again. Look at me. I'm an old man who still talks about dreams and flies among the stars to chase my dreams. You're plenty young, you can make it. Life lasts a long while. 
Alphecca: ...guess so. 
The gold shines brighter among everyone celebrating their safe return, and in Aradacia a new hero is born.
Two weeks later, back at Parallel Flight 
MC: I'm back 
Mokdai: welcome back! did you get the lunch boxes? 
MC: yeah, there was a line, but here's your nori bento 
Mokdai: yay! I'll pay you back later, so give me the receipt! I love this nori bento, it has so many fried foods. 
Sui: ...didn't you have a fried pork cutlet sandwich for breakfast? I just altered your suit, stop getting fatter. 
Mokdai: URK! Stop poking my heart with your needles while you sew Akashi's suit! 
Sui: yeah yeah. MC, thanks for buying lunch for me. I'll have my sandwich later when I have time. 
MC: okay / must be tough to come over here for clothes work 
(B) Sui: It's my job, I'm used to rush orders. I'm okay. 

Mokdai: Sui's been on my eating habits a lot more lately. I wonder why? 
MC: because she's worried about you getting fatter again? 
Mokdai: b-but I move around so much as a hero! 
Sui: you still eat more than you use 
Mokdai: no stop, you're doing it again! 
Huckle: (embarrassed) 
MC: Boss your ears are moving / does it hit close to home? / you seem worried 
(A)(C) Huckle: N-no not really! 
(B) Huckle: Y-yes, I mean no it doesn't! I'm not worried at all. 
Mokdai: we didn't ask, so clearly you are
Huckle: Hey look MC your phone is glowing! Maybe you have mail! 
You have an email message from Alphecca. 
MC: The king sent me email!? Why!? 
The email title is just labeled "Recent Events" and the sentences are slightly hard to read and awkwardly written.  
MC: huh, so that happened 
Mokdai: what's up? 
MC: is Akashi here today? 
Mokdai: uh, he's here today on standby, but right now he's on the roof for some reason. 

Up on the roof Akashi is on a call with Toshu. 
Toshu: I see you safely got your credits. 
Good. Akashi: Yes! I still have to help sort things tomorrow, but I can do everything else from home after that. I'm safe now... 
Toshu: (sigh) you better remember you won't get out of your stupid actions like this much. Don't neglect your studies from now on. 
Akashi: yes I'll be careful. 
Toshu: did you remember to thank Kyoichi? 
Akashi: I have. And now I have to help his family harvest rice to pay back the favor. 
Toshu: oh right his family are rice farmers
Akashi: by the way did you find my souvenir on your desk 
Toshu: yes, thank you. a gold carving from Aradicia. that brings back memories. My father brought me there once when I was young. 
Akashi: huh? you've been there before? 
Toshu: not the kingdom itself, but my home country is on the same planet. you saw a golbesta (lion guy) like me, didn't you? 
Akashi: that's surprising... 
Toshu: oh I have class to go to soon. Tell me more later. 
Akashi: right! thank you for your time! Akashi: okay break time over, back to swinging-- 
MC: done with your phone call? / were you calling Toshu? / whatcha doin'? 

Akashi: oh it's you. did Mokdai tell you I was up here? (puts on batting gloves) 
MC: baseball practice? all the way over here? 
Akashi: w-well yeah. I figured if I had time I may as well. There's no game coming up, but I thought practicing every day would help. 
MC: but why so suddenly? / but you never do anything in the office 
(B): Akashi: that's not true! I eat my meals and do my class work!
Akashi: w-well, I started thinking when I saw Alphecca and Rutilix...that giving up on a dream seems like a waste. I know I'm camera shy and that's not helpful for becoming a pro, but maybe I can overcome it and achieve my dream even if I have to detour for it. I don't have social barriers causing problems for me like they do, and like Marfik said I'm still young. So maybe I can find some way forward. 
MC: sounds good / you've got a long life ahead / good luck! 
Akashi: w-well I'm just giving it a try. 
Akashi: so why'd you come looking for me? It wasn't to watch me practice, right? 
MC: oh right, look at this 
Akashi: an email? 
MC: it came from the king of Aradicia 
Akashi: from him!? Why!? Oh there's also stuff about Rutilix here 

At Aradicia 
Captain: That's enough for now! 
Rutilix: thank you for sparring with me captain! 
Captain: hey you sure calmed down and gotten more consistent in how you fight. You've learned to read movements too. 
Rutilix: o-oh, I thought I was still rushing things a bit there 
Captain: people don't change THAT fast. just go slow and steady. You're going to be a knight soon, so don't dash the hopes people have of you. 
Rutilix: yes I'll keep doing my best!
Alphecca: I see you two are working hard 
Rutilix: ! Yes Your Highness! 
Captain: I am not worthy! 
Alphecca: relax I'm not here to do king stuff. I finished my work, so I can join the training right? 
Captain: y-yes, we're arranging for a training area here in the castle 
Alphecca: but this place is already fine. no need for a whole new one. 
Captain: u-understood, I'll go get you some practice partners 

Alphecca: bah, he's the senior knight here. He should be treating me as a junior. Think he'll get used to it? 
Rutilix: but I can't blame him. It's WEIRD how you're both the king and an apprentice knight 
Alphecca: haha I guess. The minister's punishment of me is finally over, and we managed to talk it out so I can join. I may be an apprentice now, but I finally managed to take a step towards my dream, however roundabout. I have to do my best at my work as king and my training as a knight. 
Rutilix: it's nice, but you're still important to the kingdom. Don't rush things trying to move up. 
Alphecca: good heavens I can't believe YOU are saying that to me now 
Rutilix: it's what everyone taught me. I can't believe I'm saying this to you either. 
Alphecca: I may have started everything, but you have now been recognized and graduated to become a real knight. Don't rush your own training, I'll be right behind you. 
Rutilix: right! I hope all goes well for us! 
Alphecca: about we get started first? 
Rutilix: eh 
Alphecca: spar with me senpai? no holding back 
Rutilix: UHHHH...well okay. Let's go!
Back on Earth 
Marfik: sounds like Rutilix and the king are making progress. never thought I'd be giving the young ones a push at a dig site investigation. people need courage to chase their dreams. I guess pushing the party forward is the job of the ones who are older and the experts. 
Marfik: (turns off tablet he was reading the email off of and stows it among all his travel stuff) 
Marfik: welp time for me to get going too! I gotta be the living proof that there's no time limit to chasing your dreams! I'm off to my next adventure. Bye guys! 
The End

Live A Hero The Knight and Ruins Adventure Episode 7 (Abridged)

 Title card: Escape
Monsters: SCREEE 
MC: Akashi, the three on the right! / Professor, behind you! / Rutilix, Your Highness, to the left! 
(A) Akashi: Right! Scattershot fireball! 
(B) Marfik: Again!? Eat it! 
(C) Alphecca: Understood! Rutilix, to me! 
Rutilix: Yes sir! Hi-yah! 
Monsters die, and the core is exposed for a bit.
 Marfik: I see it! Go for it, Akashi! 
Akashi: I got this! Home run!
Core: (cracks) 
MC: Y-you did it! This time for sure! 

But not really. 
Rutilix: It healed itself again! 
Akashi: But I just smashed it with a huge fireball! 
More monsters appear again. 
Akashi: not again! 
Marfik: they're coming from the walls and ceiling now too! 
Alphecca: we'll be overrun before long like this 
Rutilix: I messed up again... 
MC: Rutilix you look pale
Rutilix: I-I'm okay. But... 
Alphecca: There's only one thing left we can do...there are four of us heroes. Three of us clear a path for the fourth, who will drive their weapon into the core and keep it down. 
Marfik: well that should stop it from regenerating and keeping reinforcements down. Weakening the boss monster should also open up a way outside, but it'll all stop when the fourth's weapon is taken out. That means we'd have to leave that fourth person behind. 
Akashi: b-but once we defeat the boss monster...! 
Marfik: We'd have to kill all these other monsters and there must be hundreds of them. Then we have to break that tanky core. You have that kinda energy? 
Akashi: ...w-well I am tired, but 
Rutilix: The capital is in danger too while we're at this. The cavalry must be coming to fight back against the giant monster. Whoever gets out should join up with them to defeat the boss, so the pressure won't be as bad. If we beat the monster, we can save whoever is left along with whoever the monster's eaten. It's better than all of us getting crushed here. 
MC: but who's staying? 

Rutilix: me 
Alphecca: no! this plan is my suggestion, and it's my fault you're here to begin with! I'll do it! 
Rutilix: but what's going to happen to the kingdom if you don't come back!? 
Alphecca: ...! 
Rutilix: I was the one who charged ahead without thinking! Please stand back, I'll take responsibility and stay! 
Alphecca: ...Rutilix...
Rutilix: (turns to rest of party) I'll stay! Please help me! 
Akashi: must have resolved yourself if you're saying that much 
Rutilix: ...yes! it's my job to guard the king! 
Akashi: Right, I'll help you then! Don't mess it up! 
Rutilix: thanks 
Alphecca: (frowns) 
Rutilix: ...Your Highness, there's no more time. Let's go. 
Alphecca: ...right. 

Alphecca, whispering: Take care of them Marfik 
Marfik: !? 
The monsters continue menacing you all 
MC: There's less of them that way! 
Alphecca: Got it! Flame Tower! (stabs sword into the ground) (creates a path of fire) 
Marfik: My turn! (pushes monsters back with shovel) 
Marfik: Go Akashi! 
Akashi: Right! Charging,, super move! (blows monsters back and hits the core) 
Akashi: Rutilix, do it! 
Rutilix: ...yeah! Raaaah!
Rutilix: (knocked aside) !? 
Alphecca: (charges in) Finisher! 
MC: eh!? 
Alphecca: (stabs core with sword and spears, pushing them in) 
Alphecca: okay WOW it's strong! But so am I! 
Monster: (thundering roar) 
Other monsters start mobbing Alphecca 
Rutilix: NO I'LL SAVE YOU 
Marfik: you can't you'll just waste his attack! 
Rutilix: but...but why!? 

Alphecca: Rutilix I loved you. It was wonderful how you kept chasing your dream despite how people treated you and how you never let your mistakes hold you back. 
Rutilix: Your Highness... 
Alphecca: You're still too much of a hothead with a habit of shrinking from your circumstances. But you're still young. You'll figure it out if you keep at it. Keep training until then. You have plenty of time. 
Marfik: Oh... 
Alphecca: Live, Rutilix! Keep going and achieve your dream out in the open, unlike me who kept it secret! And then one day, come save me. I'll be here. 
Rutilix: NOOOOO
The pillars start crumbling for whatever reason 
Akashi: we're gonna get buried, we gotta get outta here! 
Marfik: we should be able to break out like this! Don't stop! Listen to what the king said! 
Marfik: (stabs shovel into the ground) ULTIMATE MOVE! 
Marfik: (pulls shovel out) 
MC: sunlight!
 Marfik: time to go! 
Akashi: but! 
Marfik: Now! The king said so! 
Akashi: ...fine, let's go MC! 
MC: O-okay! / But...! 
Rutilix: But we can't leave the king! 
Marfik: Okay fine we gotta do this now (picks up MC and Rutilix) 
Akashi: we promise to come back for you! 
Alphecca: ...yeah, I'm counting on you all. (mobbed) 
Marfik: ...! Marfik super jump, away! 
Akashi follows suit 

The party jumps out into the sky near the capital. The giant monster behind you guys is thrashing about. 
Akashi: omg it's huge. no wonder it could swallow a city whole 
Akashi: (transformation cancelled) 
Akashi: eh? 
Marfik: oh our transformations stopped. 
Rutilix: (whistles, summoning his flying dragon) come Baraka! 
Rutilix's dragon catches the party on its back. 
Akashi: where'd this pteranodon come from!? 
Rutilix: It's my dragon. Slow feet, but good flyer. The king had me fly him over on it earlier. I had them on standby after that. 
MC: I had no idea / So you guys have flying dragons / Sure isn't like Earth here
The dragon glides and flies the party to the ground. 
Soldier: attack! 
Captain: Rutilix!? Where's the king? 
Rutilix: ...sorry, he's still inside 
Captain: you dare come back alone!? You are nowhere near as important as the king! Know your place! 
MC: RUDE / he really does get horrible treatment 
Akashi: he's talking a lot of shit for someone who doesn't know anything! 
Captain: Silence foreigner! 
Akashi: no YOU shut up! You don't care that a subordinate is safe? What kind of captain ARE you? 
Captain: Damn brat! 

Rutilix: Stop, Tamamura Akashi! Sorry captain I will make up for this mistake. 
Captain: Pffffft. Well whatever get to the front lines. (leaves) 
Akashi: aren't you mad about what he said?! 
Rutilix: ...yeah, but I'm more mad at how useless I've been. 
Marfik: ...Rutilix. 
Rutilix: The king was right about me. I cursed my situation and tried to turn it around by doing something great. But I tried so hard I lost sight of everything around me, including myself. And now this is what's happened because of me. I'm a disgrace as a knight, but like hell I'll leave it to end like this!
Marfik: you want to save him, right? 
Rutilix: of course! 
Marfik: good, I'll gladly help out then. The king has a habit of giving up too quick. He's not so old as to leave himself in your guys' protection, so an old man like me's got words to say. 
Rutilix: ...thank you for your help! 
Akashi: wow you're finally relying on other people. One step forward. I'll help too. 
Rutilix: Tamamura Akashi... 
Akashi: we friends now, so just Akashi 
Rutilix: okay thanks! 
Akashi: yeah let's go! MC, get the camera ready! 
Marfik: oh yeah now that you mention it none of these guys have a camera. Kind of amazing they're managing with just themselves as viewers. Alright, use my camera drone! It's got auto-follow AI in it! 
Akashi: hey Rutilix you got a phone? you can use our Views too if you do 
Rutilix: what is this phone thing you speak of 
MC: WAT / you don't know what a phone is at all? / so that means these other guys are... 

Marfik: the knights don't have the basic necessities 
Akashi: these guys are crazy in so many ways 
Marfik: okay here put on this spare phone 
Rutilix: Thank you! Uh, do I wrap it around my arm 
MC: (adds Rutilix to party in command window) 
Phone: Livestreaming available! No other livestreamers detected in area. Begin? 
MC: Let's go, live stream! / Are we even going to get views? / You guys ready? 
(A)(C) Akashi: Yeah! 
(B) Akashi: ...yolo! Let's go! 
Marfik: we're up against a giant monster, but it IS weakening. Put your backs into it! 
Rutilix: we'll save you for sure your highness!