Friday, January 27, 2023

Live A Hero Lost Ancients in Blue Episode 5 (Abridged)

Long, long ago, on planet Tronesion, the machine lifeform's planet at the end of Orion's Arm, Andrew was made by the highly intelligent system known as Mother.

Man: I hate these scrap iron freaks! Oh right, Andy! You okay!? (looks around after kicking a mech)
"Andy": Yeah, I'm good. I was looking around on the surface. (closes the manhole covering to the safehouse)
Man: ...don't go out on your own if you don't want to die soon. The machines are crawling everywhere up there. This place ain't safe anymore.
Andy: Thanks for telling me. I'll try to survive as long as I can. We still have food?
Man: ...yeah, but not much. Supply line difficulties. All we have is in that box, just rations. (glares at box in the corner) There's you and me, Badog scouting, comm officer Paril, my son Zudo. And there's Ise, Machia, and Rossi on the front lines. Enough for three days for all of us...if they all come back alive.
Andy: I see. Well you can have mine, I'm not hungry.
The man is briefly surprised by this before looking stern again.

Man: Don't say that. Just eat your food, or else you won't have the energy to move if we're attacked. And it'd be a waste of what you already ate. If you hate the machines, then cling to life.
The man pulls out a map and marks on it. There's already a bunch of red Xs on it.

Andy: ...hmm. Can I ask why you hate them?
Man: What? We're at war with them. There's plenty of reasons for that. You'd hate them too if you saw them kill your dad with your own eyes.
Andy: ...
Man:'re weird. Whatever, just focus on living. I'll contact another safehouse about our situation. You stay here.
The man leaves the same way Andy came in from. Andy makes sure the cover is totally shut before speaking.
Andy: Quick scan, no reaction. He really did destroy you.
Andy looks at the mech that the man had been kicking, then sorts through the supply box.

Andy: It really is just rations. I thought they might hide secret documents here...whoops!
Andy gets his sleeve caught on the box and tears it, revealing mechanical bits underneath his torn clothes.

Andy: I messed up. I hope there's spare clothes. I need to get that map first since I have to prioritize my spy work. (rolls up map and takes it)
Andy: ...I don't understand, even though I need to understand them as their attack target. Human frames are simple, but the concept of the heart is too hard. (stares at hand)
Andy: ...I was ordered to learn their behaviors, their weapon tech and battle abilities. I do not understand hate and such negative emotions. I never had them. (thinks)
Andy: He didn't realize I was a machine spy, but I need to act more naturally. What do people say to people they won't see anymore? I have to ask them that.
Andy then leaves the safehouse too.

And so Andy continues on doing his spy work like this. Countless days to organics passed until after plenty of casualties on both sides, the war suddenly stopped. When Andy goes back to Tronesion, Mother has new orders for him.
Andy: Factory reset? Well okay, the war is over and all. The order I had before was connected to a lot of other planet classified info, so it'd be a problem for Tronesion if those memory logs stayed.
Andy doesn't blink an eye at all this and speaks in an unconcerned tone. Mother communicates to him electronically.
Andy: I'll be deported from Tronesion after that, right? No objections...oh, but I do have a request. (looks up to the sky)

Andy: Won't I likely pick up an error after I leave if my order is leaving the planet? Based on the reset method I--oh, most of my programming basics will remain. In that case, can you give me a different order after the reset? Something not easy would be good to keep me from coming back.
Beep boop.
Andy: ...a new codename? Well I was Andi this whole time as short for Android Infiltrator...oh right, I won't be a spy anymore. Well if I'm being Rebuilt with a Wish, how about I be Andrew next?
Beep boop.
Isn't Andi a Feminine Name?: ...thanks Mother. Huh? Am I smiling? The organics must have rubbed off on me after so long. I'm going back to base now. Factory reset can start after I connect to the core system. (starts walking)
Andy: ...oh right, I found out what people say in times like these: Goodbye, me.

Program Reset
Code: ANDI
Order: Spy/Guerilla Fighter
Action: Awareness of Enemy Organics


Order: Detroit: Become human
Action: Awareness of Organics

Andrew: Hello Mother. Beginning startup syscheck.
Beep boop.
Andrew: Okay, so that's my order. Any conditions? ...oh, these weapons and battle functions can be used to protect others! Mother, where can I find people? There's so interesting!
After leaving Tronesion, Andrew has been wandering around the Earth Sphere territories for about 70 years before being hired as a miner for Archimedes Inc. and moving to the moon.

Andrew: Understanding emotions is many simulation errors. My body may look similar to humans, but what critical differences are there? How do I get a human heart and become human?
Andrew: Oh it's almost time for work! I better change clothes. People need to earn money to live as a cultural trait. Where's the new work manual...? Oh right, I can't input the data like a machine. I need to act like a person as much as possible...okay, I can do this job. I can buy a guitar with my wages this month! I hope I can become even more human!

Title Card: Dreaming of the Day I Change

Day 2 of the security job, and the party is out on patrol. So far so good. Now the sun's starting to set.
Gaius: ...the lake's calmer than yesterday. So are the fish.
Melide: Wow, you can tell how the fish feel?
MC: He's that in tune with the lake / Really...?
Gaius: Not like's just that yesterday felt different from usual. I thought it was because of all the people patrolling, but it was the Monster and thieves.
Hisaki: Small, weak things are observant to danger, so maybe you saw their signs.
The party approaches the area they fought the thieves from yesterday.

Melide: ...the robots from before are gone.
Andrew: Yes, even if there was a lot of them.
Hisaki: Oh yeah, they recovered them yesterday. I was watching up to that point from nearby.

Hisaki slows down and looks over and thinks back to when the bomb space roombas were picked up.
Hisaki: ...I've been thinking about to handle what happened yesterday as an engineer. Andrew, you said you want to protect the bonds between man and machine, right?
Andrew: Yes, I think I'll learn more about the human heart that way.
Hisaki: (nods) I've been thinking about that bond in my own way too. It's hard though. I've started thinking about how to we can build better relationships and whether we need to confront one another.
Digivice noises!
MC: ...hey my phone just glowed. Like yesterday...

Hisaki: I don't have an answer, but I've thought about it all night and made this thing.
Hisaki pulls out a fish bot that starts swimming around him.

Melide: ...a fish robot? Cute. What's it for?
Hisaki: More drone than bot, and it does scouting. With sound based radar.
Gaius: It's not gonna bork up like the one from yesterday, will it?
Hisaki: It's optimized for underwater work, and I tested it earlier...figured I had to do that to make up for my mistakes. I know I'm not convincing, but please believe me.
MC: ...Hisaki / I believe / Well if you're going that far...

Gaius: (thinks) ...well even if it does flip out and a Monster appears, we can just beat it down again.
Andrew: Yes, we can't leave Monsters be if they appear. Also, Gaius you're kind. Does this mean you trust Hisaki?
Gaius: W-WHAT!? No, I just don't want to disturb the lake.
Andrew: looked that way to me. I learned a while ago that people like you are the type that aren't honest but kind.
Gaius:'re gonna sink if you don't swim straight.
Andrew: Oh, thank you! You really are nice.
Gaius: ugggggh
Hisaki: Tee hee... hm?
The fish bot has pinged something and is swimming in circles in that direction.

MC: Cool.

Melide: Oh that's cute. It's like a real fish the way it's calling you.
Melide holds her hand out. The fish bot sits on her palm.

Hisaki: Thanks you two. Now what's this message...? (looks at phone)
Hisaki: ...huh. Inside the building? No way...
Gaius: What? You figure something out? (looks at buildings)
Hisaki: Maybe! Can we get near the unopened entrance?
Gaius: You mean that building? Well our patrol goes by it so why not. We'll need to get closer anyway.
Andrew: Change of routes then. MC, Melide are you okay?
MC: I'm good! And curious.
Melide: I'm okay too. I've gotten a little more used to swimming.
Hisaki: Let's go then! Future past space tech, here I come!
And so the party hurries on. Cetus is nearby.

Hisaki: It should be up ahead. Okay, ping check again...
Hisaki reactivates the fish bot and waits for it to get data.

Andrew: That reminds me, what did the fish bot see earlier?
Gaius: Yeah I was wondering that too.
Hisaki: (doesn't look away from his phone) Oh, it got an idea of what it was like inside the building. If it's right, the inside is divided into several areas. This will move the research forward in a flash!
Melide: ...but isn't there supposed to be jamming stopping that?
Hisaki: Well yes, if these were normal sound waves. My fish bot is using Monster detector sound waves, totally different and a make up for yesterday's flop!
The fish bot pings.
Andrew: Thank you, fish drone!
Hisaki: ...I knew it. There's definitely some sort of residential space inside the building.
MC: Wait, someone's inside?

Hisaki: I can't actually tell if there's living things inside, but it's possible. Now we just need to open the door somehow...
Hisaki knocks on the wall. It's a pretty thick thud, so it doesn't seem to be opening.

Melide: Hmm...there's a panel, but no clue on how to open it.
Hisaki: Yeah. It looks like it needs to scan ID or something...
Gaius: (stares at door)
Andrew: What is it, Gaius?
Gaius: Nothing, I'm not brainy like Hisaki... But I feel like I've seen this door and panel before.
Coming off in the distance...
???: eeeee
Melide: I sense Cetus...behind us!
Andrew: The guardian god's voice. He came to see us again!

Suddenly Cetus!
Gaius: What is it, Cetus? You don't usually come out at this time--
Cetus starts shining faintly!
Hisaki: W-what!? Gaius, is this fine...?
Gaius: I've never seen this happen before either!
Gaius reaches out to Cetus. The moment he touches him, Cetus's body blurs into the water.

Hisaki: that an ether body!? T-then Cetus is...
The pale light converges into a smaller mass and fades away to reveal Cetus is some octagonal robot!

Melide: ...a robot? But why...?
Andrew: it the guardian god?
Gaius: ...yeah, it probably is. I don't know what just happened though.
Gaius stares at the robot. The robot stares back at him.

Gaius: ...this bot feels the same as Cetus did. And...I feel like I've seen this bot before.
Gaius reaches out to the bot again. The bot flashes its light and folds up.

Hisaki: W-what? What made it move again?
Cetus folds to palm size and sits on Gaius's hand. Gaius then starts faintly shining too.

Melide: Gaius, your body!
Gaius: The lines are shining...why do I know what this is...? Ugh!
Sudden headache!
MC: Gaius, you okay...?

Gaius: Y-yeah, I'm fine...just a headache, nothing big... It's just...some weird sense of nostalgia. Can't explain it better. (stares at Cetus)
Gaius: These marks shine when I'm with Cetus...? I think I might know what's going o--
The door panel starts lighting up, and the door slowly opens up automatically.

Hisaki: Oh, it opened...wait WHAT? Gaius, how did you do that!?
Gaius: I-I don't know, I can't keep up with all this! But...
Gaius's head hurts again as he stares into the dark passage.

Gaius: ...I don't know my past, but I might find a hint in there. I have to go in, sorry to the investigation team.

Hisaki: Gaius...right, you have your reasons. I'll go too then. I'm also on the investigation team, and if it's open I ought to look inside too!
Andrew: I'll come too. Other thieves and Monsters might show up.
Melide: ...right, better to be together than split up if we're looking inside. Marfik might be happy if we tell him as soon as possible.
MC: Yeah, he'd come running. I'll go call the investigation team.
Hisaki: Right, we probably won't get a signal once we go in. Thanks, MC!
Gaius: You guys are coming too? ...well okay, Cetus accepted you all. Let's go then, I'm not waiting that long.
MC: O-one sec! Text...and sent.
The party goes on in. Yes, of course there are thieves watching this happen.

Gaius: Dark. I don't see a light anywhere.
Andrew: Oh, Hisaki! Watch out, the wall is sticking out above your head there!
Hisaki: What!? (bang) Ow...hard.
Andrew: The jamming has disabled most of my sensors, but part of it is still working. I can at least see where things are in the short distance, so I'll lead.
Hisaki: Thanks, Andrew. Do I have a bump on my head...?
Gaius: ...oh right, if Cetus opened the door earlier, then... (puts Cetus on the ground)
Gaius: ...Cetus, wake up. Can you turn on the lights?
Cetus beeps up and works on something...several seconds later a pale blue light turns on.

Cybertech tron lines and floating ether bodies light the place up.

Hisaki: Hey wait, the jamming stopped and my phone's working again.
Andrew: My sensors are too! Maybe the guardian god did this!
Melide: Are these really ruins? They're really clean...ah! (points)
More bots like Cetus!
Andrew: So they were inside! ...oh, there's more of them too.
Gaius: So Cetus wasn't they live here?
Gauis looks around and slowly walks in.

Melide: !! No, Gaius! Get back!
MC: ...careful, I sense Monsters!

Wild Monsters appear! Gaius manages to dodge their attack!
Gaius: Whoa! Thanks you two.
Hisaki: Gaius, you okay!?
Andrew: MC, Melide! Transform us!
Melide: R-right...MC, let's open the Path.
MC: Here we go! Execute!
The party transforms and readies to face off against the Monsters.

Hisaki: We're so close to that new tech! Nobody's getting in the way!
Andrew: Engaging combat systems. I'm ready! We can't let them destroy the guardian gods' home!
Gaius: ...I'm busy here, dammit. Get lost!
Melide: ...the Monsters appeared all of a sudden. Be careful everyone.
MC: Live's on! Wave battle, ride on!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Holy Night Gangstar Epilogue (Abridged)

It's a Christmas party in front of the Simurgh Family hideout! Lots of cheering!
Benten: Let's rock, people!
Girl B: More juice please!
Barguest: Sure, one sec. Don't run and spill it.
MC: Whew, tired. Hmm... (looks around for someone)
Someone approaches.

Koropokkur: ...hey, little hero. Thanks for helping me out this time.
MC: Koropokkur! What do you mean?
Koropokkur: It's my fault Santa didn't come for these kids. You see how happy they are now? ...I owe you. Maybe not in this loop, but I swear to pay you back someday.
MC: what / ...
(A) Koropokkur: Don't worry about it.

Koropokkur: ...I will always help innocent children. But I will never help anyone who tries to take advantage and use innocent children...that's all I wanted to say. I'm going back now. Call me if you ever come to my Portal in Kita. Also Teda is looking for you.
MC: Cool, thanks / I was looking for him just now / Was I that obvious?
Koropokkur: Haha, if you do see him tell him there are things I do thank him for. I'm just not gonna say so to his face and watch his head blow up. Bye. (whoosh)
MC: hey wait where'd he go?
MC looks over to where Koropokkur said Teda would be and sees him in the middle of a food fight.

Teda: Hey, MC! You wanted me, right?
MC: No I just happened to see you / I guess / I figured SOMEBODY was gonna start sulking
Teda: Aww, that's cute. As king, I permit everything since you came!

Blue: E-excuse me...?
Teda takes a selfie with Blue.

Blue: Oh thank you! I'll make this my phone wallpaper and worship it every day!
Teda: You do that!
Blue is about to leave when they look at MC.

Blue: Um...what sort of relationship do you two have? You seem close, so...
Teda: Ooh, is that what it looks like?
MC: Stop getting carried away! / Nothing / He's my handful of a little brother
Blue accepts this for now and leaves.

Teda: Haha, embarrassed? It's cool with me if people know!
MC: I bet you tell that to everyone
Teda: You're right! The sun graces everyone equally, got it? I love you, so you better spoil me more! ...that's not the only reason I chase after you though. I've been studying're secretly special to me.
MC: what?
Teda: ...I-I'm not saying any more than that! Now come on. You came all this way, so I'll let you feed me wait, feed me cake MC!
Teda closes his eyes. He tastes cake.

Teda: Hehe...this is just for you. But man it took you forever to feed me cake! You don't have to be so--
Surprise, it was Blue!
Blue: Oh my god I can't believe I got to feed you cake!
Teda: !?!? MCEEEE!

It turns out Fuxi pulled MC away when Teda closed his eyes.

Fuxi: EhhehEHHEhe, I can't wait to see how Teda will react when he opens his eyes!
MC: You ruined the moment! / whoa / Thanks, Big Bro
Fuxi: Oh it's nothing. I just couldn't help myself when the little bitch Teda was acting so outrageously.
MC: But I was gonna see you later / Please get along with Teda... / are you sick
Fuxi: Heh, it disgusts me to be seen as equal to the baby king, but it seems we both learned something this time. My original plan was to wait for you to come since I knew you'd be drawn in.
MC: Is that why you allied with Simurgh? / Figured

Fuxi: You are my driving force. I will always choose you over the world. was I earlier?
Cat A: Got you!
Fuxi: No you don't! MC, are you okay?

MC: Hmm~ / I was happy to see you / Thanks, Big Bro
Fuxi: would things have gone if I chased after you when you left our home world? I cannot foresee outside the world I know, and you will always fly outside. Heh, I love how unpredictable you are. I'll do my best to figure out how to make you happy. I want to surprise you.
Fuxi winks and turns to leave.

Fuxi: Unfortunately, I need to go. Arrangements for the new family and all. But also for you! I'll come see you again, so when I do, please help me take a load off.
MC: And there he goes. He really can do things when he tries. Is it because he became alone?

MC looks around and sees Bertro now.
MC: Oh, you changed outfits again? / Can I sit next to you? / Having fun?
Bertro: Oh, are you done talking already? Don't worry, I was only watching from afar, not eavesdropping or anything. I've been talking to the family folks and the children.
MC: ...can I ask you something, Don Bertro?
Bertro: If you're asking why I made the Pete Family, I said as much before the party started. It's because the wolf I ride on wanted me to...something wrong with that answer?
MC: Is that really it? What did you think, friend-o?
Bertro: ...

Bertro: Isaac, have you seen Pete?
Isaac: Robert? Well the cat was bugging me to open the door like it knew there was somewhere warmer past the door, so I did...I don't know if there's anything past this, but do you think the cat was fine with this? If it stayed, it'd have the same future as us one day. You probably already knew though.
Bertro: ...of course. That's obvious.
Experiment Log: Subject X. Time travel aptitude found, but subject has disappeared. Experiment failed.
Bertro (narrating): Science. Human evolution. If rats can have aptitude, maybe cats can too. I understood of course. My cyborg body was built on experiments like that. Still, there was something I hadn't addressed. I want to believe Pete is looking for the door to summer somewhere I can't see him.
MC: Bertro? Is this something you can't talk about...?
Bertro: Oh, no it's fine. Flashbacks, it happens...well, the wolf is a part of me and maybe they'll be even more of me later on. Maybe that means they're a part of my heart too. Haha!
Bertro looks at some regular cats playing around.

Bertro: I'm a little tired from running around without my wolf. The Tower Upper Echelon will be mad at me if I'm away from the guild too long as well, so I should go back tomorrow. What about you, MC? And how's Zhurong for that matter?

Simurgh is having coffee while sitting on a sofa.

MC: You're alone? I figured Zhurong would be here.
Simurgh: Oh, it's you. I sit by myself when things get crazy. My men can relax better without me around too.
MC: I'll hang with you then / Doubt / Even though you're family...?
Simurgh: You don't need to worry about me. Not like there's food in here.
Simurgh decides to make MC some coffee too after figuring they aren't going to leave.

Simurgh: ...MC, what do you think of Bertro and the Pete Family from what you've seen?
MC: They really care for Bertro / I feel like I've done the same thing / Nothing really...

Simurgh: ...I think the hardest thing in the world is that first time you hold your hand out to another. People can't believe when there's nothing to believe in...and continuing on after holding your hand out is hard. This isn't a happy ending to this incident, I've got a ton of things on my plate after this. That kid Bertro has a talent for shaping the future...something my family is thankful for too.
Simurgh gets some milk and sugar that doesn't seem used much and puts it in front of MC.

Simurgh: That reminds me...the guy who says he's your brother. It's been fun working with him. Odell's annoyingly talky too, but it's good he's got no reservations. Sure is mysterious though...
MC: Like you? Maybe you should talk more.
Simurgh: ...being family is hard, but I want to enjoy it...also, aren't your brother and the loudmouth brat looking for you?
MC: I talked with them earlier, so it's cool. Just taking a little break.
Simurgh: Well if you're bored, stop bothering with me and go check on Zhurong. He seemed off last I saw and was staying away from the party.
And so MC complies and looks for Zhurong. He doesn't seem to be around the party area.

Later, MC finds Zhurong sitting alone in an undecorated street.
Zhurong: Oh...hehe, you found me.
MC: I was looking for you. What's up?
Zhurong: Thinking about what happens next. Lots of things happened, but what if I stayed with Uncle? I can go to school from here the way things are now, and Uncle might want me to stay. He picked this suit out for me and everything.
MC: What do you want to do?
Zhurong: ...I was thinking it'd be nice to have family around when I wake up and when I go to bed. You live in the dorms, right? This'd be a little different. Uncle would be sad and lonely, but maybe I'd get sad and lonely too. Hehe, if I go back to school and get lonely, will you sleep together with me?
MC: Let's go back now! / Okay! / Don't get caught, okay?

Zhurong: I wasn't planning to stay to at first, but now that I've have to say bye, I'm feeling sad...I'm scared to tell Uncle I'm going back too. Oh, not that I'm afraid of him! Maybe he'll understand if he looks into my eyes.
MC: Well it's not like you'll never see him again. You can always change your mind later.
Zhurong: ...oh, right. Thanks MC! I'll tell Uncle I'll go back for now. But I'll come back again, and we'll still be family even when we're apart! He's at the party, right? Will you come with me?
MC: He's sitting alone in his room after he made his toast. He thinks it's better without him there.
Zhurong: What!? O-oh, maybe I shouldn't tell him I'm going back then... (thinks)
Zhurong: No wait, I should go see him and tell him now! MC, can I ask a favor?

Later, back at Simurgh's hideout.
Simurgh: MC, I told you not to worry about--!?
Zhurong: ...I came to talk to you, Uncle. I was worried about what to do, but I thinking of going home soon.
Simurgh: ...good, I was thinking of telling you that too. I'm a criminal, and I have my responsibilities as don. I can't stay with you forever.
It's clear Zhurong can't stay.

Simurgh: ...but if you ever feel sad, come on by. This is your home now too.
Zhurong: ...yeah! Also...I was thinking of saying the same thing to you.
Zhurong hugs Simurgh. Simurgh pats him on the head.

Zhurong: Oh, I'll go with you to apologize to the Santa School.
Simurgh: You sure? They'll label you a naughty kid and not give you a present if it all goes sideways.
Zhurong: It's fine! And if it comes to it, we can just leave the bag and run!
Simurgh: Who corrupted you? It's not me, is it?
Zhurong and Simurgh smile. Their smiles look so much alike.

Zhurong: Come on, let's go together! I'm going home soon, so let's have fun and take lots of pictures!
Simurgh: Alright alright, stop pulling.

MC: There you guys are!
Red: Where were you, don? We've been waiting for you!
Cat A: Yeah, you can't call us your don and then not show up! What'd be the point!?
Cat B: Let's share drinks like hardcore yakuza!
Simurgh: ...we're mafia people, but I can join for drinks still.
Red: You newbies are RUDE to the boss!
A new, refreshing breeze blows through the Simurgh Family...

Simurgh: ...ugh, I have to whip the family into shape.
MC: He says, loving it / Aww, that looks like fun / Can I come again?
Simurgh: ...I owe you a lot, MC. Come by if you ever need help. The Simurgh Family is your nest too, heh.

Teda: There you are! Where have you been instead of paying attention to me?
Fuxi: So how was having a fan feed you cake?
Teda: So that WAS your doing!? Dammit all!

Zhurong: Ooh, nice pic of you two! ...wait, Bertro did you fix my camera?
Bertro: Oh right, that thing. I'll fix it now.
Zhurong: But I already took the picture!
Bertro: C'est la vie!
MC: Well things sure got rowdy, but having everyone together is more fun.
Simurgh: Such noise, but you're right that this isn't bad.
This is the family the king of birds dreamed of, one not defined by blood or birth circumstances. This is the story of miracle brought by the stars on a late Christmas...

The End


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Live A Hero Lost Ancients in Blue Episode 4 (Abridged)

The party has reported the Monster destroyed and is now on patrol again.
Hisaki: We cleared out the Monster, but our job's not over.
Andrew: We hit the return point, so I suppose it's time to go back?
Gaius: Yeah. We just need to check near the buildings, then go home. They're still big though, so stay focused.
MC: The home stretch! / Tired... / You okay, Melide?
(A) Andrew: I need to do my best too!
Gaius: We've been at this all day. Don't go so hard you feel it tomorrow.
(B) Hisaki: Don't push yourself too hard either, Melide. We're patrolling tomorrow again. I can pull you along if you're tired.
(C) Melide: Yes. I had time to sit when we made our report. If I get tired again, let's take a break and look at the scenery.

The party dials down their swim support machines and approach the buildings.
Hisaki: Damn, they're big. And made of unknown materials. The universe is huge...
Andrew: Are you interested in their composition?
Hisaki: Yep! Everyone around Earth interested in tech is interested in this! Maybe we'll have another tech revolution if we can figure these things out.
Gaius: (frowns and looks at the buildings) Yeah, they're important, but they've been bugging me ever since they showed up.
Hisaki: D-don't say that! They're a cultural site of unknown value!
Melide: Yeah, especially since we on Earth haven't seen tech like this.
Hisaki: Yeah, Earth tech levels are behind everywhere else.

Andrew: Oh, so that's why so many scientists from Earth have come.
Hisaki: ...oh yeah. Andrew, you're from Tronesion, the planet of super tech right? Do you know anything about the buildings!?
Andrew: W-what? I'm sorry, I don't have many records of my time on Tronesion. My memory was deleted during maintenance for some reason. I tried looking up those buildings, but I didn't find anything.
Hisaki: Oh, sorry about getting all worked up. Forget about it. I just get excited about tech. Did I ask you something awkward?
Andrew: It's okay. Were you worried about me? How nice!
Melide: Huh. Is that like amnesia?
MC: ...hmm, maybe it’s like mine. I wonder if it's any different from people's senses.

Andrew: Well what I specifically have are records instead of memories. What is it like to forget something?
MC: I don't know how to answer that. But I guess it's true you can't forget a record.
Gaius: ...
Gaius briefly stares at MC and Andrew before looking back at the buildings.

Hisaki: Something up?
Gaius: ...nah. I guess something's on my mind... (continues swimming)
Gaius: I feel like I've seen those buildings before, but maybe I'm imagining things. Whatever, let's finish up our shift. Tell me if you see anything off.
Andrew: Right. As of now I don't see anyth--hm?
Andrew's sensors picked up something!

Gaius: See something?
Andrew: Straight ahead. People-shaped life signals.
Melide: Maybe they're other patrol parties?
Andrew: Or maybe sightseeing tourists.
Hisaki: Hopefully. Or they might be looters.
Gaius: Let's just go see before they get away. Like last time.
Hisaki: I said I was sorry about that!
Gaius: Then you better work hard. Andrew, lead the way.
Andrew: Okay. Follow me.
Andrew takes point and leads the party over.

Andrew: I see several life form signals and...small domestic robots? Unknown party is 20 vague space units away, right by the buildings. We should see them soon.
Hisaki: ...there. It looks like they're fiddling with something.
Red: Haha, good job getting all these bots.
Yellow: Yeah, we can't use guns underwater. We need about this many to blow a hole open. These bargain bin old models will be great bombs after some messing around! (click)
Space Roomba: Hello, I am here to help! Tell me if you need my assistance!
Red: Did you get that thing in?
Yellow: Yep. Being underwater won't be a problem. Now let's hurry up. Okay get to work, bolt brain.
Space Roomba: Okay! I can clean anything!
Yellow roughly pushes the Space Roomba towards the building's walls.

Yellow: Make us a hole big enough for us to get in.

Space Roomba: [Beep Boop, system set up complete.] Okay, here I go!
Red: Hey, it's working.
Space Roomba: :] (floats towards the walls)
Space Roomba: I'm gonna open up a hole!
The space roomba reaches the wall.

Space Roomba: Okay, this will be done soon! Please look forward t--BOOM (explodes upon touching the wall)
Shocked party reaction shot!

Yellow: Okay, that worked well enough for being underwater.
Red: Lessee...ugh, the wall ain't damaged for shit.
Yellow: Well I didn't expect it to open with just one bomb. Get the next one ready before someone comes.
The men start turning on more space roombas.

Hisaki: Oh my god I can't believe they're using household cleaning bots for this!
MC: Evil!
Gaius: Nobody gets away with messing with the lake!
Melide: What awful methods!
Hisaki: MC, Melide, looks like they're villains. Can you transform me? (looks serious)
Hisaki: There was a time someone used my invention to cause harm. It was a whole holiday event plot. I can't let this go!
MC: Hisaki...okay, let's go!
MC and Melide use their phones to transform Hisaki and Gaius.

Hisaki: Alright, time to beat up some baddies!
Gaius: No mercy!
Melide: Good luck you two. And be careful about the robots...Andrew?

Andrew stares in horror at the exploded bot.
Andrew: ...MC, do you have a moment? Even just a few minutes...would you hear me out?
MC: What is it? / It's horrible what happened.
Andrew: Thank you for worrying about me...but there is something I cannot process. (turns to MC now)
Andrew: I...want to be a person. It's my dream, because my basic programs have that written in as an order. We machines are created with all kids of orders, which is why we exist.
Andrew puts his hand on his chest. There is a warmth and softness there, but no heartbeat.

Andrew: If we have no orders, we have no reason for being. Those robots were given an order and tried to fulfill them. That in itself isn't wrong. But every time I run my simulations...I run into an error.
Beep beep!
Phone: New Path detected. Subject: Andrew. Connectivity: Very Strong.
Melide: That light on the it...finding a new Path...?
MC: Whoa!

Andrew: I don't know what's causing the errors...but I remember what you said. That there people who would be sad if I stopped functioning. I'm sure it's the same for them. I want to protect the humane bond between people and machines...I believe I must value this error!
MC: Let's do it together! Connecting the new Path!
Andrew: Okay! I want to protect this bond! I must!
A new colored light covers Andrew!

Gaius: Wait what!?
Hisaki: This is just like last time!
Ta-da! New Variant Suit Andrew!

Andrew: What? This isn't my usual hero suit! Is new suit!? Wow, it's like I grew like a human!
MC: Machine and organic body harmonizing! You look great!
Andrew: Thanks! Both a machine body and organic body are important to me. Maybe those feelings will be expressed in my Parallel Weapon! (tests out his arm)
Gaius: What just happened!?
Hisaki: MC found a new Path to a different parallel world!
Gaius: What...? Actually, never mind. You can use that weapon, right?
Andrew: Yes, I know how to use it!
Hisaki: Great! Now you can swim with feet instead of jets!
Andrew: ...yeah, I can swim anywhere like this. I can stop those robots!

Red: Okay, the bombs are ready...h-hey, there's someone behind you!
Yellow: What? What's that light? ...get out of the way!
Giant laser arrow flying through!

Gaius: Dammit, I missed. Hisaki, Andrew!
Melide: Pincer attack them to keep them from running.
Hisaki: I got it! Time to spank anyone who abuses technology!
Andrew: Anyone who tries to destroy the organic-machine bond will have to think on their actions!
Red: W-what!? Heroes!? Dammit, can we get away!?
Yellow: wait, I'm not gonna let these punks get in the way of my jackpot! They only grazed us and we still have bombs!
Gaius: So you're aware of what you're doing. Now you need to regret what you've done.
MC: Attacks coming from the front! Begin the battle operation!
Andrew: (nods) There are people who would be sad even for robots being destroyed, and I want to protect those feelings. I will do all I can to stop you from ceasing their functions!
BATTLE START (more happens later)

Red: OOF! They beat us!
Yellow: Retreat! Take whatever you can use with you!
Melide: Oh no they're going to run away
MC: VP Conversion! Go, Gaius!
Gaius: No escape! Open Crest "Lacus Serpens Ira"!
Gaius fires a giant speeding arrow!

Yellow: Nooo! Get the emergency escap--
Hisaki: Oh no you don't! Andrew, let's blast them towards the surface!
Andrew: Okay!
Hisaki and Andrew charge at the salvager villains.

Hisaki: Tech Football Tackle!
Andrew: Take my fist! Change "Geminis Decide"!
Hisaki and Andrew create a powerful water surge as they attack the villains!

Villains: NOOOO
The villains get blasted into Gaius's arrow, which then KOs and pinballs them out of the lake waters!

Hisaki: ...maybe we overdid it. Oh well, we win! Okay, we better go fish out the villains and put them on a boat, make sure they don't drown on us. Gaius, can you help me tie them up?
Gaius: Right, we can't just ditch them.
And so Hisaki and Andrew go to capture the villains up top.

Andrew: Okay, we're done now...what's wrong, Melide?
Melide: Oh, I was just thinking about what would happen now.
Space Roomba 2: Hello! Please tell me if there's anything I can help with!
Andrew: Their safeties to themselves and those around them were removed. We don't know how they were modified, so it's better to keep away from them for now.
Hisaki is back now.

Hisaki: Okay guys, time to go back to Oh, the robots?
Melide: Yes. Andrew said they might be dangerous.
Hisaki: Yeah, they might blow up at the slightest impact, so they're unusable for now. With luck, we can recover them, take them apart, reset their memories, then put them back together. Worst case, we'll have to scrap them...
MC: ...they did nothing wrong. They were just illegally modified.
Melide: I know how you feel, but we might not be able to help if they're dangerous...we'll have to leave them alone.
Hisaki: Yeah, I'll contact the research team and ask an expert to come pick them up.
Andrew: Yes, we need to turn the villains in too.
The party goes while a low mood hangs over them as they take the villains away. The lake returns to its usual calm.

Space Roomba 2: Is there anything I can help with? :]
And the smiling cleaner bots are left behind.

Title card: Do You Have a Soul?

That night
MC is resting in their room when the bell rings.

MC: Who is it? / Who could it be at this hour...?
???: It's Gaius. You have a minute?
MC opens the door.

MC: Come on in. What's up?
Gaius: Sorry I'm still in my dive suit, I was diving in the lake until a few minutes ago...oh right, I'm dry, no worries. Anyways, I wanted to ask you about our day route. (looks at MC, then sighs and relaxes his shoulders)
Gaius: ...y'all are WEIRD. Feels like you're different from other people. Lots of the people I've guided were tourists, but out of everyone I've guided I've never seen anyone I felt I could trust. So many selfish folks who don't think about the lake, some of which even littered in the lake...well I didn't really come to complain about that, so feel free to forget what I just said.
Gaius comes in, puts his stuff down nearby, and closes the door.

MC: So what did you want to ask me?

Gaius: ...remember Cetus? I've known him for the longest time, but he's never shown up while I was with other people before.
Gaius's expression softens.

Gaius: Other people treat Cetus like some sort of cryptid, but I see him as a friend...I was picking up tourist trash one day in the past when I first met him. You saw how big he is, right? I was surprised I didn't see him until then, but he didn't feel like a Monster, so I left him alone. After that he'd be watching me from behind, but then he'd disappear when I notice.
Gaius smiles a little.

Gaius: Cetus has saved me before when I was attacked by Monsters underwater. That was the first time I saw him take offensive action. Hisaki and Andrew said it before, but I also thought it was weird behavior for a natural living being.
Gaius sighs, then looks determined as he faces MC.

Gaius: I don't know what Cetus is thinking, but maybe he's chosen you guys too. If he has, there's something I want your guys' help with. You've got amnesia, right? ...I don't remember my past either.
MC: What...?

Gaius: My memories start in childhood when my parents--or rather the married couple--found me and took me in. (closes his eyes and remembers)
Gaius: They were elderly, so I did think I was different from other people, but after they passed away I found a letter that said they found me on the lake shore...I want to know where I really came from. The lake is my only clue, so I dive to do what I can and try to learn about my origins.
MC: Oh...
Gaius: ...yeah. Maybe those buildings are a clue too. We'll be swimming near them tomorrow, so tell me if you find even the smallest lead there. Since you saw Cetus from land, maybe you can find something.
MC: No pressure... / Okay, I'll let you know if I do.
(A) Gaius: I'm not expecting that much. I just wanna do anything I can if it helps even a tenth of a percent.
MC nods.

Gaius: ...thanks. Even things that catch your attention would be fine. Sorry to come here for this when we have work tomorrow. It was nice talking to you actually...later. (leaves)
MC: that's his past.

Hisaki's room, probably
Hisaki is at his desk with a bunch of machine parts strewn around.

Hisaki: ... (pushes a screw around before sighing)


Hisaki: ...I messed up so bad today. I have to not cause problems for everyone else. I got so excited about testing my new invention but ended up putting everyone in an engineer, I shouldn't put out anything I haven't tested for safety and practicality. (grabs a screw)
Hisaki: ...Andrew said his dream is to protect the bond between organics and machines. That must be while MC found him a new Path...hmm. (opens up his hand to stare at the screw)
Hisaki: ...maybe I just made a robot that was personally convenient. Maybe I was no better than those villains treating things like disposable tools. ...what do I really want to make? (gets up and looks at the lake waves)
Hisaki: can't just be convenient. That's not enough for the bond Andrew was talking about. It has to be something that can make a better future with the robots I make, together...
Hisaki opens the window. Nice breeze out.

Hisaki: ...okay, I gotta change! I'm gonna do what only I can do!
Hisaki goes back to his desk and picks up a screwdriver. And so he works all night until the sun rises.

End of Episode

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Holy Night Gangstar Episode 5 Part 2 (Abridged)

Back on Christmas Day...
Cat A: Christmas sucks! Eat shit!
Cat B: sadge. I wish I had something nice. Or two.
Then an old friend appears.

Cat A: Look who it is. Didn't some rich dude pick you up?
Cat C: dispossessed. Real estate flop.
Life is hard for stray cats.

Cat Whoever: It's the Simurgh Family's fault!
Cat Nemo: Yeah! We gotta make fried chicken outta them or else I won't feel better!
It was a little thing at the beginning, nothing bigger than just bumping into each other while walking by. It kept happening, resentments kept building, and eventually it got too big to stop.

Cat A: Don Bertro, give us an order!
Cat B: Yeah, you told us there's no such thing as a free lunch! We have to fight it out with the Simurgh Family, right?
Bertro: ...yes, it's too late to stop things at this point. Okay, I'll lead and show you what's at the end of this road.
Cat A: Yay!
Bertro: One question before we you guys believe in Santa?
The cats think he's joking.

Cat A: ...ha, good one! Christmas is already over.
Cat B: Yeah, and we did so many crimes to get by.
Cat C: How could we ever get presents?
Bertro: You know, I never got a present before either. Maybe it's because I'm not a good boy. Or because I'm not human...actually, it's because I never believed in Santa.
Cat A: ...Don?
Bertro thinks about how Santa can break the second law of thermodynamics. That would mean he doesn't exist, which means Bertro doesn't believe in him, which means Santa never came to him. But what if Santa gave him a future he never predicted?

Bertro: ...I have one thing to ask of you. If an aurora appears tonight, would you look up into the sky?
Cats: ...Don Bertro!

The cats have found Bertro all beaten up by Koropokkur.

Bertro: Hey...this is the end of the road I promised you.
Cat A: No, don't talk! How could this happen!?
Cat B: Somebody help! It doesn't matter what happens to me!

Cat B: ...what? Wait, what's that light in the sky!?
A giant aurora is in the sky above the slums! Everyone stops to look at it.

Cat C: This is different from the one I saw in my home's weirdly heartwarming...
Red: ...Don? No, wait...

Simurgh: (cough) Is that Zhurong? ...what's he doing up there?
Fuxi: Heh, I lost the bet then. Tonight's weather forecast is an aurora.
Rainbow birds carrying presents fly to the townspeople.

Cat D: Hey, this is that one thing I left behind because my life was on the line!
Cat E: No way, I never thought I'd see this again!
Red: This is...a picture album of the don? W-w-who made this!?
Hermes: ...huh. Did Don Simurgh do this?
Jiraiya: Hot damn, who'd give a present to me the great thief?
Benten: OMG aurora! Banger incoming, Hermes, get into a Santa suit!
Hermes: Uhh, we're in a fight here. You could stand to be a little more concerned about that.
Benten: But the AURORA! Line up, dammit!

What brought this must be the slum children's wishes. Zhurong has shown a collection of wishes for somebody else's happiness, and the birds fly beyond the battlefield to spread it further...
Girl A: Santa really came! Yay!
Boy B: Hey wait, where's the robot man who promised Santa would come?
Boy C: Yeah, we have to thank him!
Kenta: Uncle, look I got a present!
Barguest: That's great. Santa knows how you're always a good boy.
Kenta: The birds got you a present too. So we're both good?
Ose: ...oh, heh. I can play Schrodinger's Age and I get a present too?

Koropokkur: Is this what you were waiting for, Bertro? Schemer...wait, you shouldn't have known how this would play out either...whatever, long as the kids are happy.

A bird comes to MC and Simurgh too.
MC: Me too? T-thanks...what could it be?
Fuxi: Oh my, I got a present too. I don't really fit the description of good boy, but thank you.
A rainbow feather drops on Simurgh and heals him!
Simurgh: ...the gunshot is gone. Guess I can't lie down and sleep then.
Zhurong and Teda land down.
Zhurong: WAAAH! Uncle, are you okay!?
Simurgh: Whoa, what? Stop crying, I'm fine thanks to you.
Teda: MC, you're okay! Man, I was worried!
MC: Yeah I'm fine. Big Bro helped.
Teda: Dammit, he stole ahead...well, as long as you're fine.

And now the last part of the cast...
MC: Bertro...? Why are you with the cats?
Bertro: ...hello Don Simurgh. I'm Don Bertro of the Pete Family.
Simurgh: ...I didn't expect a kid like you to be the Pete Family Don, even if I knew you were different.
MC: What? / Knew it...
Bertro: I did it. I told them we have to fight.
Simurgh and Bertro square off.

Bertro: How about we get to it?
Cat crowd noises!

Simurgh: Finishing the fight? ...fine, I see.
Cat A: W-wait, Don, no! You almost died five minutes ago!
Cat B: Please spare our don, I'll do anyth--
Bertro: Haha, what? Since when was this a group vote?
Cat C: ...okay, if that's your command.
Bertro: MC, could you help a little longer? Will you believe me, my best friend?
Simurgh: ...(sigh) I can't believe it goes down like this.
The final mafia war fight!

BATTLE START  (more happens later)

Somebody: ...please, stop the fighting!
It's unclear if someone from the Simurgh Family said that or the Pete Family.

Goonie B: I don't want the don hurt anymore!
Flunky C: I don't wanna fight anymore if that's what's gonna happen!
Members from both sides start dropping their weapons one by one.

MC: Bertro... / Simurgh... / Well that was a risky bet
Don Simurgh holds his hand out to Don Bertro.

Simurgh: Welcome to the family.
After he makes sure Bertro gives a firm shake, Simurgh turns to the shadows.

Simurgh: This is the decision of the dons of the Simurgh and Pete Families. Capito?
Red: knew I was here? You don't need the opinions of a traitor.
Simurgh: Heh. I'm not one to throw out a kid for mouthing off once. We're family. If you have something to say, say it straight...our family bond isn't that weak.
Red tears up and looks down.

Simurgh: ...did you want to punch him, MC?
MC: Nah / Clench those teeth! / Well if you're letting it go, I will too.
(AC) Red: ...thank you, MC.
Simurgh: You sure...? I mean I could heal him if you do beat the shit out of him.
(B) Simurgh: Don't worry, I can heal him. Just don't kill him.

The rainbow birds heal the Pete Family.
Cat A: ...what's gonna happen to us now?
Cat B: Dunno, but I don't wanna fight anymore. Maybe we'll have better luck at something else.
Simurgh looks at Bertro and Fuxi and sighs.
Simurgh: You guys ditched me to make your own plans. Dicks. You better use those heads to help our families after this.
Cat C: Weeeh, Don, you're okay...
Cat D: Thank you, Don!
Cat group hug! Zhurong takes a picture of this.

Zhurong: Yay for you, Bertro! Look at this picture!
Bertro: Oh...I have to apologize to you.
Zhurong: Yeah, you touched my camera without permission! But it's okay, Uncle was saved because of that.
Simurgh finishes healing everyone.

Simurgh: Okay the hideout can't hold everyone now that the family's this big. So why don't we have a welcoming/Christmas party on the streets?
MC: Nice! / Won't the kids cry looking at them?
(BC) Simurgh: Slum kids are tough. They'll get used to it.

Zhurong: Yay, a party!
Teda: MC, be my date! Great, right? Tell me you like that!
Fuxi: Big Brother disapproves. I'll protect you!
Bertro: We can't have that. MC is my friend, so they should go with me.
MC: goddammit / Stop fighting! / Hey Zhurong, let's sit together
And so the family war comes to and end and the party goes back to the hideout area.

Boy A: Santa! You kept your promise!
Bertro: Did you get a present? How nice.
Cat B: Don, you made a promise to people besides us!?
Cat C: How about we hit you in the head if you push yourself too hard?
Bertro: Hey, your Don is Don Simurgh now. The Pete Family accomplished its goal and is disbanded now. I'm just Bertro now.

Simurgh: Here's your first job, boys. Get the Christmas party ready! Fuxi's paying, so go crazy on the spending!
Teda: I'll do it! Royal banquet incoming!
MC: Brother I want to eat this / (order without checking in)
Fuxi: Order whatever you like! Oh, let's get a giant cake! We can even cut it together! Like newlyweds!
Zhurong: MC, look!
MC: Hm? (turns around)
Mafia Suit Zhurong!

Zhurong: How do I look? Uncle gave this to me because he says it looks like he kidnapped me if I wear my usual clothes!
MC: You really do look like a mafia scion! / You're cute in anything! / Whatever you say, Boss
(AB) Zhurong: Yay! Bang, nobody stands behind me! was that?
(C) Zhurong: Okay, hug me! Hehe...someone should take a picture of us!
Food starts getting piled on top of tables.

Simurgh: Okay people, pick up your drinks!
Simurgh: Got your drinks? Good, let's not keep the kids waiting.
Simurgh: Ahem. I know it'll be hard to accept one another right away, but I believe we'll get to a better future...we weren't born being family, we are choosing to be family. I hope you'll open up to each then.
Everyone: Merry Christmas!
To be continued in the Epilogue!

Holy Night Gangstar Episode 5 Part 1 (Abridged)

Let's talk about Simurgh, one of the giant birdfolk from Garothman. He(/They?) are known as a holy guardian who once took in a royal child and raised them to adulthood. He accepts anyone who comes to his nest, loves them as family, and protects them from enemies. However this is only a part of the faith of the Simurgh tribe, or a later development. Before that, Simurgh had an unforgettable terrible memory.
Simurgh (narrating): I still remember the day I became alone. There was fire everywhere, and my mother was in flames. I knew I had to live alone. With no other relatives, I began my life quietly living in a large tree while talking with no one. I thought my days would pass peaceably, but then war suddenly took over my life. The battle of light and darkness between Ahura Mazda and the many demons spread across the whole world.
Simurgh (narrating): I learned in the world, you need power to protect anything as I saw my home fell. With even that gone, I started wandering. Everywhere I went, I lived alone. I did lots of things. I lived...with no idea why I was doing it. Then one day in my empty life, I heard a rumor about how another Simurgh had raised some prince and was living in his kingdom as its guardian and family. I was so jealous I could die. I learned against my will I wanted someone like that. I don't know if that rumor was TRUE, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I learned you could be family, without any connection or resemblance. Maybe I could make a family that way...

Simurgh: (coughs) And that's how I came to Tokyo and made a family... the guy who shot me was one of the first people I reached out to.
MC: Don't talk... / But why would he...? / Can't you heal yourself?
(C) Simurgh: Unfortunately, no.
Simurgh: ...still, children are cute.
Simurgh is bleeding onto the snow.

Simurgh: If he really wanted to kill me, he'd have shot me in the head and double tapped me...maybe he still has familial love for a temporary family?
MC: Stop joking and hang in there!
Simurgh: ...never turn on your family. Traitors get theirs. But here I am, and I can't even get mad. No, wait...maybe I broke our bond first...? The blood oath says to give no mercy to anyone who harms the family. Is this what I get for trying to show mercy...? (cough)

Cats show up!
Cat A: There he is!
Cat B: What? Why's he only got one guard?
Cat C: ...! And he's been shot! Luck's on our side now!
Simurgh: ...MC, get out of Arakawa. You'll never be safe here with the family after you.
MC: I can't, I have to fight. It's okay, I'll protect you.
Cat B: What can one person do!? Get them!
MC holds them off!

Cat A: W-what!?
Simurgh: ...not bad, MC. I wish I could hire you as one of our bodyguards.
MC: I don't come cheap / Reinforcements might be coming after hearing the fighting.
Simurgh is walking slowly, so this is gonna be rough. It's easy for the Pete family goons to find him between the blood trail and scent.
MC: Goddammit!

Simurgh's hideout
Zhurong is waiting back at base. The underlings are shouting about something, so Zhurong peeks out the door.

Blue: The don was shot? And he's missing?
Purple: Yeah. We should be helping him at times like these!
Green: Who shot the don!?
Yellow: They said MC did it.
Blue: The one connected to that shady Fuxi bastard? What are they planning...?
Zhurong closes the door in disbelief.

Zhurong: MC shot Uncle? That's impossible! Something's wrong...
Zhurong starts hugging his knees when he sees Santa's bag.

Zhurong: Santa, them!

Teda: MC, you here!? Dammit. You, tell me where MC is!
Purple: That's what we wanna know! We want revenge on them for shooting the don!
Green: Wait, maybe he's an enemy too since he's close with MC...
Teda: How empty ARE your brains, melon heads!? MC could never have done that, you blinded hicks...why are you pointing your guns at me? Outta my sight, I gotta find MC!
Door slam!
Zhurong: Teda, take me with you!
Yellow: Boy!? No, the don told us to look after y--
Zhurong: I'm sorry, but I have to go!
Rainbow birds summoned!

Mobsters: How is the don's power being used!?
Teda: Oh! So that's what absorbing the faith and light of others mean! I can feel the powers of a bunch of other people in your camera now that I look at it closer...

Teda shoots arrows at the mobs trying to stop Zhurong.
Teda: Zhurong, I'm gonna help you see to the end of your path!
Zhurong: Teda! T-thank you!
Teda: Go ahead, show them the light you took from me!
Solar Flare!
Mobsters: CAN'T SEEEE
Zhurong blinds the mobsters with rainbow birds and sunlight, then takes Santa's bag and runs out.

Teda: ...why take that? I thought only Santa and saints can use it.
Zhurong: I don't know...but I'm sure it reacted to my wish! ...Uncle, Santa, please help me again!
Rainbow birds come out of Zhurong's camera again and fly around him and Teda.

Blue: After them, or we'll never be able to look the don in the eye again!
The mobsters panic and try to push through the birds. Zhurong and Teda are gone by then.

Zhurong and Teda are flying in the sky riding on birds.
Teda: Nice! We can see the whole slums from here!
Zhurong: Where's Uncle and MC? We have to find them!
Terrible things are going on in the backstreets!

Blue: Go to hell, fleabags!
And somewhere else in Arakawa...

Koropokkur: ...I win. You never were a front line type. Why'd you come? It's like you came to get beaten up.
Bertro: ...

Back in the sky
Teda: ...why are they fighting?
Bertro doesn't stand on the front lines himself since he's an observer of the World Reps' battles.

Teda: Bertro specializes in predicting the future, so if he's like that, he predicted it would happen...?
Zhurong: Teda...why do they have to fight?
Teda: Old Man Birdy said they had their reasons to, right?
Zhhurong: Oh...what if they had a reason to stop?
Teda: You saying that's a thing? ...wait, look over there! It's MC!

MC is outnumbered at least 10 to 1 and is struggling to defend Simurgh behind them.
Black Cat: Got you!
Fuxi saves!

Fuxi: ...whew, I made it in time. Are you hurt, MC?
MC: Big Bro! / Thanks! / You're late!
Fuxi: Yes, I came to save you. It wasn't Teda or Bertro, it was me!
Fuxi sees Simurgh and sees it's too late for him.

MC: You can see the future, right? Couldn't you see this coming?
Fuxi: ...I also knew this would happen. No free lunch, was it? There is no future without sacrifice for anyone. Hatred always falls onto someone, and with Simurgh trying to save children, his family, and even his enemies he would be the one to pay. Even he knew.
MC: No...
Fuxi: Things were supposed to end with me saving you and escaping, and they would have were I the only reader of the future here.
MC: ...what? Then...!
Fuxi: The very act of predicting the future can change it. If someone sees the future I built towards and builds on that, the future changes even more.

Zhurong and Teda look at how badly off Simurgh and Bertro are.
Zhurong: Oh no... (starts shaking)
Teda: okay? Your world will end if you stop.
Zhurong: ...huh?
Teda: Are you okay with letting it end there? Is Heaven's Demon gonna end it like that?
Zhurong:! But, it's impossible for me t--
Teda: Nothing is really impossible. People just lose sight of things. (thinks about someone who disappeared where the sun doesn't shine)
Zhurong: ...are you trying to cheer me up?
Teda: If you cry, you'll move That Thing. Leaving it to just me is fine. (looks to MC)
Teda: You are always loved, and you are not alone in this world...never forget that.
Zhurong: ...I'm not alone...

Zhurong hears a voice inside him! Soul Tuning!
Zhurong Origin: Hey Zhurong. I mean, Color Out of Space from Old Ones. I know this scenery...I've always been looking at it.
Zhurong is the avatar of the aurora, the omen of war and revolution in Hourai. He is believed to be unlucky, a bringing of war wherever he goes.

Zhurong Origin: ...I hated it. I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't do anything alone. But now, you're here too. Let's do it!
Back outside in Tokyo

Zhurong: Zhurong, please! Help me reach everyone!
Zhurong's artifact takes in the view of the slums, then spreads the aurora all over it. It shines like a meteor shower, a miracle that makes everyone believe that Christmas has returned. The children start to send their wishes to Santa.

Zhurong: Let's get along and have a great Christmas!
And so the rainbow birds fly off carrying presents from Santa's bag...

End of Episode half

Monday, January 16, 2023

Live A Hero Special Episode: Parallel New Year (Abridged)

Show Staff: Almost time to start, people!
Kirsch: Okay!
Mokdai: Wait, start what!? No wait, I think I got this... (deep breaths)
Mokdai: 1) Special stage. 2) New Year's Hero Prowrestling Stadium. 3) I'm the host... 4) ...WE'RE LIVE...! Oh no, did I pass out from the nerves!?
Kirsch: I know that feel...I've been shaking until just a while ago too. So let's help each other because these things just happen! We all trip!
Mokdai: But tripping up is bad on a live show!
Show Staff: 10 seconds until cameras roll!
MokdaI: Okay I think I have the script in my head! Maybe! Let's do our best!

Kirsch: Hello to everyone on this new year at the Hero Prowrestling Stadium! I'm your host, whatever my hero name is...
Mokdai: A-and Mighty Knuckle!
Kirsch: Let's bring out the stars of the hero side!
Loud cheering! Three heroes come in.

Kirsch: We've got Isaribi, Doctor R, and Hopper the Face!
The three wave to the crowds, followed by their Observers. MC is one of them.

Mokdai: Oh right, MC and Director are doing their best, so I should too!

Kirsch: And now the stadium side heroes! Pfleger L and Polaris Mask!
Polaris Mask: The hero of justice and the brightest star of the north is here, baby!
Kirsch: Wow, listen to all those cheers! So Mighty Knuckle, what can we look forward to today?
Mokdai: U-uh, the rules change every year and the heroes participating are different every time. But Polaris Mask said he picked out heroes who are fighting harder than he is, so that's a good place to put your eyes on! (Yay I didn't bite my tongue!)
Kirsch: Awesome, thanks! Now about this year's rules...
Kirsch pulls out a gadget from the M.C. table.

Kirsch: The winner is the last one standing who still has their special rabbit year bunny ears on!
The crowd is confused! Polaris Mask notices and pulls out his Parallel Weapon, overlaying his energy field wrestling ring over the regular wrestling ring and putting every participant in zero gravity.

Kirsch: Oh look, Polaris Mask's weapon has the power to manipulate gravity within its ring! Let's see how zero gravity affects the fight! We're about to start the match! Mighty Knuckle, ring the bell!
Mokdai: R-right! Begin the match!
And so the gong rings, loudly and slightly off.

BATTLE START (more happens after)

Kirsch: Whoa!
Isaribi: Okay I don't get what's going on, but this field is MY home turf!
Isaribi is flying around like he's fighting against waves.

Polaris Mask: Wow, you aren't a fisherman for nothing!
Isaribi: I got you now! Here it--(trips on apparently nothing)--WHAAA!?
The spotlight shows there's tripwires in the air!

Rakta: A trap I made from suturing threads. Not how they're normally meant to be used of course. I can't attack, but I have a chance under these rules! (swings at Isaribi's bunny ears)
Isaribi: Whoa! (barely dodges the attack)
Polaris Mask: Hey don't forget we're in a battle royale! This might hurt, so get Loren to help you later! (grabs Isaribi)

Kirsch: (gasp!) The Polaris Buster!
Polaris Mask kicks off of...something for what seems to be a zero gravity suplex. Once he gets high above the ring...
Huckle: Hi. Nice jump.
Polaris Mask: !?
Kirsch: Oh my! Hopper the Face used Doctor R's threads as a foothold to jump up after him!
The crowd goes wild! Meanwhile Mokdai still feels like something is wrong.

Mokdai: Something's weird about this...
It's a dream matchup! Hot, sweaty fighting! Heroes duking it out! Lots of very Mokdai-specific subject matters in this situation.

Mokdai: Something's off...but still! I gotta see what Polaris Mask does with my own two eyes and--what?
The crowd goes silent. And then, a voice...

Title Card: Parallel New Year

MC: ...wakey wakey / Mokdai-senpai / Showing off a bit too much of yourself there at work
(AB) Mokdai: Bwuh!? What happened to the show I was hosting!?
(C) Mokdai: AAH! Oh no, I shouldn't let my stomach flop out like that. (fixes shirt)
This is the dressing room at the back of Parallel Flight for when people have to stay overnight.

Mokdai: Oh, I was dreaming... Kind of a relief, but also kind of a shame. Nice dream though...
MC: What dream were you having? / You were drooling / You seem happy
Mokdai: Well I was hosting a show I wanted to watch with all the people I wanted in there. It was great. Oh, but then again maybe they showed up in there because they're all the people coming in for this morning's thing.
MC: Weren't you shooting a special show on location in town? Thanks for your work on that!
Mokdai: Yeah, Kirsch and I were hosting, but we don't have much hosting experience... Kirsch did great once things started though! And Director Huckle helped a lot too. I just hope the people who wanted to see the heroes don't misunderstand anything about Japanese New Year's...

Huckle: ...wear this for shooting on location?
Kirsch: Apparently...
Huckle is holding bunny ears.

Kirsch: I hear it's based on one of the first heroes to come to Earth...
Loren: Really? These bunny ears?
Mokdai: Far as I know, this is more like some...satin...cloth...thing?
Polaris Mask: Eh, it's cool. I like it!
Isaribi: ...I guess it does look good on you. Did you have ears like that before?
Rakta: Oh, so this is what Japan does for New Year's?
Loren: I don't think so, Doctor. Actual Japanese people around here are staring too...
Mokdai: So then we did our shooting. Lots of people were weirded out by it...
MC: ...huh, someone's at the door? Was anyone supposed to be coming?
Mokdai: Oh! R-right, it's that time! The heroes from this morning said they'd be coming! I gotta get ready!

Isaribi: Hey, you guys! Nice office!
Kirsch: Hi, thanks for having us over!
Huckle: Thank you for coming and for helping our agency members at the program earlier.
Kirsch: No, it's fine. Thanks for supporting my shortcomings as a host...
Isaribi: I thought you did great!
Kirsch: Thanks...I'm glad I was with Mokdai. I'd have freaked out if I had to do it alone...
Mokdai: I'M HERE, sorry I'm late!
Isaribi: Hey again Mokdai!
MC: Nice to meet you. I'm MC. / A...fisherman? / Nice bod!
(A) Isaribi: Yeah, nice meeting ya! I'm Isaribi, a hero from Laborer's Site! I'm also a fisherman, so if there's any fish you want, tell me!
(B) Isaribi: That's me! Isaribi! If you want a really BIG fish, tell me! I'll go to any planet to look for it!
(C) Isaribi: Ooh, good eye! Wanna see more? I'm bigger and even better over here! (starts to take off his coat)
Kirsch: No, Isaribi, stop! Why do you keep trying to take your clothes off when people compliment your body!? You tried to do this at the show earlier too!
Isaribi: Aww, if people wanna see then why not?

MC: Nice to meet you, Kirsch! / Long time no see, Kirsch! / Nice kimono!
(A) Kirsch: Nice to meet you! MC, right? I work as a dessert chef in Japan and a hero for Gourmet Fighters! Come visit if you like sweets!
(B) Kirsch: MC, it's been a while! Did everything work out after that one time? had to go outside Orient City? Wow, Procy went out far...
(C) Kirsch: Tee hee, thanks! Isn't this traditional Japanese clothing? They set it up for me for the program, but I liked it so much I bought it from the producers! It was just...a little...really...expensive...I gotta cut costs next month.
Sui: I'm back. Oh, are the guests here already?
MC: Sui, you went to go meet them? Thanks for going!
Sui: And thank you for greeting the guests. Master's agency just got out of a busy period, so I'm fine.

Loren: Hello! Wow, nice office! (trips) Aah!
Rakta: (grab) Calm down Loren, and watch your feet.
Loren: Thanks for catching me, doctor...
MC: Hi, I'm MC / Fit doctor! / Fit nurse!
(A) Rakta: Hello, I am Rakta. I'm mainly a surgical doctor on the moon and the hero Doctor R. This is Nurse Loren. He's got the personality and skills down pat, but he's also a little clumsy.
Loren: Could you not ruin people's first impressions of me...? No wait, you aren't doing this to be mean, but still... Hi, I'm Loren. I'm a nurse and hero on the moon.
(B) Rakta: You have a discerning eye! Yes, I do indeed keep myself hygienic in all manner of ways!
Loren: ...Doctor, talking about hygiene is fine but please don't take your clothes off.
Rakta: But I don't mind taking my clothes off to show how fit and healthy I am.
Loren: Everyone else does! Sorry, the doctor that...
Isaribi: Hnngh!
Kirsch: ...were you thinking you'd get along great with him?
Isaribi: Did you read my mind!?
Kirsch: It's experience I got from the show today. So Dr. Rakta is like that too, huh...?
(C) Loren: ...oh. I've been a little worried about my exam results lately, even if they're barely in range...
Rakta: That's because you eat a lot even if you do exercise. Part of it is muscle, but it might be too much...?
Loren: I just can't help myself with good food...
Mokdai: (Yep...)
Huckle: (Yep, sort of...)
Sui: >:(

Akashi: You guys I'm back. Wait everyone's here already? Polaris Mask, come on over!
MC: Akashi, what's that? New Year's plant decoration?
Akashi:'s Polaris Mask's. We came through the shopping district, it was bad...
Polaris Mask: Heyo, brothers and sisters!
Polaris Mask has his arms full of Japanese New Year's related items.

Akashi: Everyone kept talking to us, asking for autographs, and gave us these things...I had to drag Polaris Mask away...
Polaris Mask: Haha, you sure are strong! I'm not really one to turn my fans down... Oh well, we got lots of party things! Someone even asked me to arm wrestle them for an hour! It was great.
MC: Nice to meet you! / Long time no see! / Damn...
(A) Polaris Mask: Hey, what's your name? MC? Nice to meet ya! I'm Polaris Mask, a pro wrestler! And a hero!
(B) Polaris Mask: MC, how you've been? Let's have a fight with you, Akashi, and that cop guy again some time. With gravity shenanigans! You guys could all dress up in matching costumes!
Akashi: ...MC dressing up... I MEAN no! I'm just a second stringer in college!
(C) Polaris Mask: What? If that's how it's gonna be, I'mma get fired up and wrestle! Pro wrestling soul!
Akashi: ...what
Polaris Mask: The will to tank everything your opponent throws at you no matter how hard it gets for the best show possible!
Akashi: MC, I'm starting to worry about him too

Polaris Mask: Sorry to crash in at the end of the year though. Aren't you all busy?
Huckle: Oh, not at all! That show was the last of our work. If anything, I'm sorry about our sudden invitations. The invite is for social reasons since there's some heroes we've never met before at the show earlier. We might work together again, so now's a good time to deepen our connections.
Kirsch: We're also exchanging info, right? It's cool!
Ryekie: Hey, everyone's here! Huckle, food's ready!
Huckle: Thanks Ryekie... what's the kiwi for?
Ryekie: It's part of the fruit platter!'s only a little bit, okay?
Huckle: ...oh fine, most of our work is done anyways. You shouldn't get drunk if there's only a little bit...
Mokdai: Thanks Ryekie! MC, can you help me set the food up?
MC: Sure! / Okay! / forsooth
(C) Akashi: Why are you talking like that...? I'll put these out, so you get those ones ready MC!

After helping Mokdai with the food, everyone has split into three tables with three different conversations going. One has Polaris Mask, Sui, Huckle, and Mokdai. The second has Kirsch, Loren, and Ryekie. The third has Isaribi, Rakta, and Akashi.

MC: ...I guess I'll join one.
MC: (join the hero suit conversation) / (join the new sweets idea discussion) / (join the body discussion)

[Hero Suit Conversation]
Polaris Mask: Nice timing, bro! I saw in the archives that you can find new hero suits for people! Can you get me one too?
MC: That was sudden! / I can't control it... / Please let me think about it!
Sui: Sorry MC. We talked about hero suits and then it turned to this...
Mokdai: I'm kinda interested too though. Normally we have one base suit, right? They say it's a manifestation of a dream that never changes, but I wonder why MC can find a new form for it?
MC: Dunno. Director, help.
Huckle: Hmm. Well I was an Observer too, and based on my experience, transforming looks like putting a new layer on top of someone like an art program. One layer is the person, and the other layer is their hero form. Felt kind of weird seeing it all including myself from behind. The closer the layers, the easier to perform the transformation. Like Ryekie's is almost on top of him. With my metaphor, maybe MC is pulling from further away layers. And maybe there's more layers than I could see.

MC: I see...
Huckle: Well that was my experience. I didn't expect to become a hero again.
Polaris Mask: So, MC's manifesting new possibilities! Awesome! My dream won't change, but the way it expresses itself changes based on the place or people around. I have to give my fans the best experience ever!
Sui: ...I understand, Polaris Mask. That's the power of what you wear. When you wear something, there are things you can say. Your appearance can make it easier to express thoughts...
Polaris Mask: Yeah! Pro wrestling and hero work for me is how to best show myself!
MC: Oh okay / So serious / Awesome!
Polaris Mask: Yep! I'm counting on you for when it happens, brother!
Mokdai: Yeah, Polaris Mask is amazing at showing himself off on stage. I need to keep that in mind too now that I'm a hero...
Huckle: No need to rush. You did great on today's show.
Mokdai: Thanks Director! I felt like I was flailing around at the show though, so next time I wanna do better...

[Sweets Discussion]
Ryekie: Thanks for preparing things, MC!
Kirsch: Thanks! I brought sweets. Feel free to try them!
MC: Thank you / I love sweets!
Ryekie: They're great! Have some!
Loren: You made both Earth sweets and moon treats. They're both good! I'm from England, but the moon is like my second home now.
Kirsch: Thanks, the shop I work at has been putting up new things from other planets lately. Sweets are culturally important to Earth, and any country or planet's things are interesting, but sometimes I can't get ingredients and have to fiddle with the recipe.
MC: Does that include these?
Kirsch: Yep. The moon is close by, but it still has things that's hard to get from there. In that case, I use Earth things. Sometimes that makes it into something totally different, but that's also the core of Spinning Confection-jutsu!
MC: what

Kirsch: Spinning rotations may look the same, but they aren't. Meaning, change is natural! This gets a little philosophical, but even if the recipe changes it's still a sweet in the end.
MC: Oh / I think I just heard someone else's voice just now
Kirsch: On that note, I got a question for people from Japan! What do you think of fruit sauce in red bean soup?
MC: Sounds good! / I guess...? / Uhh...?
Kirsch: Well fruit anmitsu and strawberry daifuku are things, but I've never seen anyone put fruit sauce on or in anything. I was wondering about the texture.
Ryekie: Sounds great! Kiwi would work too!
Loren: Hmm. I've never had red bean soup before, but I'd like to try it!
Rakta disapproves.
Loren:, would you stop staring at me like that? It's New Years! I can forget about watching calories today!
Kirsch: Hmm. Thanks for your opinions, everyone! Sounds like it's worth trying. Sweets build on tradition and evolve!
MC: This can't end well / Shouldn't someone stop her? / Is this like Japanese maniacal modding?
Kirsch: Hehe, look forward to it!

[Body Discussion]
Akashi: MC...?
Akashi took his top off.

MC: You took your top off at a social party? / You wanna show yourself off? / You're gonna catch a cold
Akashi: S-shut up, I didn't do this because I wanted to! You guys explain!
Isaribi: Haha, sorry. We asked him to!
Rakta: Yes, we were talking about how different jobs focus on different parts of the body and muscle development. I wanted to see how Akashi was built since he's a baseball player.
MC: You two are obsessed with muscles / You like bragging about your bodies? / Thanks Doc!
(C) Akashi: Stop staring, dope!

Akashi puts his shirt back on.
Akashi: But yeah, you two are serious about this.
Rakta: Yes, but my reason may be different from what you two believe.
Akashi: What?
Isaribi: Yeah, my body's my life as a fisherman and hero. There's a big catch I wanna get, and I gotta be ready for the next time I come across it. That's why I work out. When people compliment it, I wanna show it!
Rakta: I do it for health reasons. There are surgical approaches to it, but health is an everyday custom. The body is a measure of health, and I crystallize all manner of health methods in my body. A senpai from when I first started always told me that surgery is a battle of endurance.
MC: Hmm...
Rakta: We may have similar structures, but our races may give us entirely different organs and functions. When there's a patient of a race I've never examined or treated before, I want to check everything down to the smallest details! But Loren stops me.
Loren: Doctor, you just examined Isaribi like a madman five minutes ago.
Isaribi: It's cool with me!
Loren considers when he should stop things.

[Branch Convergence point!]
The party's been great, and now it's evening.

MC: Whew, that was fast.
Mokdai: Oh, here you are on the roof MC. Tired?
MC: Oh, Mokdai. No I'm fine. You?
Mokdai: I'm glad you're okay. It's been busy lately... why's it always like this at the end of the year? Is it like this on other planets? But we got more people too now.
It's cold out, enough for breaths to be visible.

Mokdai: Today's been fun. There was work we normally never do, but it was nice meeting new people. New connections means new things being done, which is fun. I think I finally get that, and I'd never have understood if I didn't become a hero.

Mokdai: ...I wanna tell my younger self that I'd become a hero! ...except I'd probably never believe it if it happened.
Mokdai looks a little distressed between the joys he's found as a hero and the suffering he felt because he was a hero.
MC: you ever wonder what would happen if you didn't become a hero?

Mokdai:, I'm glad I became a hero.
Mokdai is resolute.

Mokdai: There's been bad times, of course. Still, I'm happier fighting together with everyone instead of hanging back and wondering if I could do something. And if I'm having a terrible time, I'm sure everyone will come help! This may be repeating myself...but thanks for making me a hero, MC.
MC: Thank YOU. But you've always been a hero. I just believed in that.
Mokdai: Hehe...thanks. I think you're the only one who'd say so...but now I think that's enough. I'm real glad.
MC: Next year's gonna be busy, but I'm looking forward to working with you for it, Senpai. Let's call on each other if we're in trouble!
Mokdai: Yeah!

Akashi: ...oh, here you are. We were looking for you.
Sui: Kirsch started making red bean soup. She also started yelling about playing with the recipe with her spinning sweets jutsu or she going to put fresh cream in it?
Mokdai: Ooh! Her sweets are great!
Akashi: Don't eat too much, Mokdai. The other day you--
And so the four began talking about anything and everything, like what happened over the year and their impressions. Some perspectives and opinions were lacking, so they filled them in together on and on.

Akashi: ...hey wait, it just passed midnight. It's the new year now!
Mokdai: It is!? Whoa, that was fast...!
Sui: ...well, it's fine right? Let's do our best, Senpais.
Mokdai: Hehe, yeah!
Akashi: Yeah, sure. Let's go back everyone. Crowne, Exio, and the others said they'd be coming by.
Mokdai: Wow!
Sui: Is Melide fine with being up this late...?
Akashi: Monomasa said she'd barely be okay, but will she...?
Mokdai: Didn't Yoshiori say he liked sweet things? Maybe he'll want some of the ones Polaris Mask brought.
So the year ends, one unforgettable memory after another. The world may change, but not MC's feelings.

MC: ...let's make unforgettable memories this year too.
When the gang gets back to the office party, Kirsch has mixed some kiwi fruit into her red bean soup which Ryekie got drunk on. It was a classy social party until Crowne brought booze. Things got crazy enough that Monomasa had to shield Melide’s eyes, so MC and the gang led Melide out. Five minutes in and an unforgettable memory already. To no one's surprise, kiwis and alcohol were banned inside the office starting the next day.
The End

Friday, January 13, 2023

Holy Night Gangstar Episode 4 Part 2 (Abridged)

Bertro (narrating): This one time, I found a cat. He was probably abandoned by his previous owner, and he was all beat up. It happens a lot. He struggled on, like there was somewhere safe up ahead.
Bertro (narrating): The world is built on war. No such thing as a free lunch. And that cat lost. It wasn't actually me that was interested in the cat, but the wolf with me. Maybe they were lonely because they were away from Freki, its other half. I was responsible for I picked the cat up.
Bertro (narrating): Then I picked up a bunch of cats. I didn't see any logical reason to abandon them myself, and eventually I was called Don Lmao You Know It's Me talking about all this of the Pete Family. Also, Pete was a name I read out of a book one time. This happened long before the mafia wars in the slums.

Bertro: Oh, Don Simurgh. Where's Zhurong?
Simurgh: He went inside to sleep. Probably tired out from crying.
Bertro: Oh okay. I'll go rest too since the decoration is done. Call me if something happens.
Simurgh: ...right, thanks for your work. I promise to pay you back for helping the children.
Bertro: Haha, it's cool. I did it because I wanted to.
Bertro goes inside.

Zhurong: ZZZ...
Bertro silently walks up. He's about to reach for Zhurong's throat when...

Fuxi: What a surprise to see you here. What are you doing? (not surprised)

Fuxi: So, Warmongers Guildmaster. Or maybe Don of the Pete Family? You are the one who gathered stray cats into an actual organization, right?
Bertro: Yep! (figured Fuxi would be there) You're too late to stop me if that was your plan. No one can stop the war.
Fuxi: It sounds like you wanted me to stop you.
Bertro: ...this was the only plan I could come up with to give them a home. This became inevitable when I became involved. Also it's surprising you're ignoring the aurora (re: reason) your sister left you, but that was why I assumed you'd just sit by even if I did make a move on Zhurong.
Fuxi: Heh. Zhurong is different from that aurora, he doesn't cause panic. And frankly I don't care about anything besides fortune telling and my sister.
Bertro: Interesting. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Fuxi: The "future." Heh. Hehe. HEHehehehEHE. How long will this game go on?
Bertro: ...we keep repeating and retrying all of this. We keep looking for the door to a different future like that cat in the book did.
Zhurong moves a little.

Bertro: Let's get down to business. Just to be clear, I'm not here to hurt Zhurong. Just...
Bertro takes Zhurong's camera and removes the limiter another guild installed into it in the past.

Teda: you came to fight me?
Fuxi: Yes, we're all after the one prize.
Teda: Yeah I guess. looking down on me? You really think you can solo a warrior like me?
Fuxi: Yes, I'm the type to wait it out. You're the worst kind of opponent I could take...if you were at your best. It was a mistake letting him take your picture.
Both get ready to fight, but then Teda falls to his knees!

Teda: What!?
An aurora is shining above Simurgh's hideout!

Teda: The power of Heaven's Demon, Zhurong!?
Fuxi: (smirks) It's just my interpretation, but Zhurong has the power to take the light of life and color from others. To be affected by that power, you must have your picture taken by him. Remember that? And your power is strong enough to light an entire world. This seems to have worked, ehehHEHE. Yes, my picture was taken too, but my fighting style doesn't need my stamina. (pulls out cards)
Teda: Oh. I didn't suspect anything because you had a picture taken too. Clever.
Fuxi: Dance for me!
Teda: Bring it!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Teda: Not bad, Fuxi. This was way more fun than I expected!
Fuxi: Ugh. I make all these plans and you still have that much energy to--
Teda barely dodges Fuxi's card, except it blows up on him! Fuxi goes for the follow up!

Teda: Ow! But that was fun!
Fuxi: ...hmph. Every single World Representative is insane!
Teda slips through Fuxi's legs and starts raining light arrows on him. Fuxi barely moves and grazes the attack.
Fuxi: ...oh yes, I wanted to ask you something for a long time.
Teda: Well okay. What is it?
Business as usual for World Representatives.

Fuxi: You believe it's natural for Them to love you, which is why you can sympathize better than the others. Me, I've always told them I loved them in our home world. I never got through though, and I worry about what to do. How'd you show your love?

Teda is so surprised he stops attacking.
Fuxi: ...Teda?
Teda: ...don't...
Fuxi: What?
Fuxi: ...pfffft, HAHAHA!
Teda: Stop laughing! (fires again)
Fuxi: Whoopsie. I honestly never expected you to say that.
The laughing and arrow shooting continues for a while.

Fuxi: You could stand to be cuter sometimes.
Teda: Shut up!
Fuxi: I'm serious. I'm honestly jealous you can refuse to see you love them yet be so convinced they love you.
Teda: I don't think anything of MC at all!
Fuxi: Since when did I bring up MC?

Fuxi smiles again at seeing Teda shocked. Teda however thinks he got a look at Fuxi's hidden feelings.
Teda: ...oh, is that how it is?
Fuxi: What?
Teda: I finally get it. You afraid the dumdum doesn't love you? Cute! You can see how the world's going but you can't see how you feel yourself!
Fuxi: ...little bitch.
Teda: I must be right!
Teda actually lands something for the first time this battle!

Teda: I know I'm loved, so I'm the one pursued unlike you! I'm better than anyone, and I believe I'm their sun!
Fuxi: I really do hate you.
Fuxi readies a card. Teda readies an arrow.

Fuxi: about we stop here? We've stalemated.
Teda: ...that was the plan. I can see you're stalling, Fuxi. So, what's this war about? What's next?

Fuxi: ...this incident is being intervened with by two future readers, me and Bertro. We've both seen the destruction of both sides. But...if you are correct about my ability to read myself and Bertro is the same, it's possible this dispute is happening elsewhere. World Representatives are a little too powerful compared to actual involved parties and can end it quickly, so it was necessary for us to keep each other occupied. Satisfied?
Teda: ...I hate how you talk like you know everything.
Fuxi: Let's pretend the other doesn't exist then.
Somewhere nearby people are yelling. "MC shot Don Simurgh! Find them!

Teda: ...dumdum's in trouble. I'm gonna help, and I don't see why they'd shoot Simurgh anyway. What about you? Gonna sit back pretty and wait for them to come back?
Fuxi: Such cheap taunts. But yes, I'm going!
Teda: Race you to see who helps MC first!
Fuxi decides to go south and Teda goes north. But then Teda changes his mind.

Teda: Hey wait! I wanna go south!
Fuxi: ...heh, okay then. I'll go north.

Back to the flashback with Bertro and Fuxi!
Bertro: Wanna make a bet, Fuxi?
Fuxi: Okay. I've been bored since no one will play with me lately.
Bertro: Haha, you haven't even heard what the bet is yet.
Fuxi: Well let's hear it then. I won't be backing out of course.
Bertro: about we bet on what tonight's weather will be?
Fuxi: ...that's more mundane than I was expecting. Not really a challenge for the Creator of the Bagua.
Bertro still looks unperturbed.
Fuxi: ...alright then. According to my prediction, it will continue snowing.
Bertro: Heh. I predict tonight's weather will be [REDACTED]
Fuxi: ...impossible.
Bertro: No, I'm serious. I got a 1/52 chance of winning based on my calculations of conditions. Me making the long shot bullseye will be my present to you.
End of Episode

Holy Night Gangstar Episode 4 Part 1 (Abridged)

Cat A: Guys is this really okay?
Cat B: We just need to do what our don says! Has he ever been wrong?
Cat C: It's like he can see the FEW-CHURR! And he picked up us strays and made us family!
Hmm, Bertro silhouette.
Cat B: We're the Pete Family and we're going to Don [REDACTED]!
And so they ride to war.
Arakawa is bright and cheery for Late Christmas for the children! But in the background, things are getting closer to X Day...

Cat D: You're gonna go to hell, Simurgh Family! Everyone else is too cautious! We can just--who's behind me!? (swings)
Hermes: Whomp whomp, you missed.
Cat D: OOF

Hermes takes the KOed cat mob to Simurgh.
Hermes: Lookie what I found coming over peeking in!
Simurgh: Wow, you actually want to help me?
Hermes: You kidding? Does it look like I wanna be part of a gang war? There's just been a lot more creeps trying to kidnap children around here lately, so could you sort that out soon?
Simurgh: I know, I don't plan on owing you any more.
Ose: Kidnapping? That makes sense. Residents here have hard to trace talents, so they could be sold off. The children could be raised and trained for rare talents if you ignore the costs and--
Simurgh looks disapprovingly.

Ose: This is just an objective analysis, please stop looking at me like that. You could have more power than you have now too if you made a move on the residents.
Simurgh: Shut up. The family's big enough as is for now. If people want to join, fine. I just won't take children from their homes.
Ose: ...ah, so that's where you draw the line? Okay, sorry for what I said.
Hermes: ...I'mma go now then. I'll never hear the end of it if I keep them waiting.
Hermes leaves. Bertro comes in.
Bertro: Don Simurgh, most of the slum children have gathered outside. Thanks to you, the risk of them getting caught in the crossfire of battle has been reduced heavily. All you have left to do is keep out everyone else unrelated to the Tokyo Slums. Any plans?
Simurgh: My men have already called to tell me they've sealed the city.
Bertro: Great! The snow Thunderdrome of cats and sparrows is done then!
Simurgh: ...yes. Now it's time to make the donuts...

Boy A: Miss! One more song! A new song!
Benten: Okay! Hermes, you play too!
Hermes: Sure, just a little bit. I just finished a job, so gimme some down time.
Zhurong: Oh! It's him! Uh, from that street show!
Hermes: Oh god it's the camera boy. You came all this way after me!?
Benten: Ooh, he's good! It's not often you looking surprised gets caught on camera. Hey kid, take some pictures of tonight's show too if you want!
The children cheer, and people gather.
Fuxi: ...Zhurong, have you taken pictures of MC by chance?
Zhurong: Yes, plenty! Why?
Zhuring: Uh...I guess it's okay since you're their brother? (starts showing pictures)
Fuxi: Mmmmm...
MC: We could have taken some together if you wanted them so bad / oh no
(A) Fuxi: You promise? Let's take all the pictures after it's all over.

Zhurong: Wow, thanks! Not many people are that happy when looking at the pictures.
Benten: Zhurong, I'm ready for my close up! Make it a banger!
Zhurong: Okay! Fuxi, I need the camera back.
Fuxi reluctantly gives the camera back. Zhurong gets ready to take pictures again when...

Zhurong: Noo, Teda you're in the way!
Teda: Haha, just take pictures of me!
Zhurong tries moving around. Teda gets back in the way. Everyone else laughs at this.

Benten: ...and, bam! How was that, guys?
Children: Do it again!
Benten: Aww, thanks! I got something to do though, so gimme a sec!

Ose: Nice playing you two. We got lots of people here thanks to your performance.
Hermes: I thought you'd be showing up right about now. Welp, time to get to work eh?
Ose: Jiraiya's holding the first defense line by himself. We should meet up with him.
Hermes: ...just so you know, we aren't here to play with fire along with you. Got it?
Ose: Yep. But before that...Teda!
Teda: Aww, I was in the middle of playing with the kids. What's up?
Ose: You're the one who brough Hermes and the others here, so go take point for them. Oh, and MC. The boss is calling for you and the others.
MC: Huh. What for...?

Simurgh: There you are. Sit down.
There's less guards here than usual. Bertro and Koropokkur are the only other people here. Also, Bertro's in a suit now instead of a Santa costume.

MC: Why are you dressed like that? / WHOA / Nice!
Bertro: Haha, what do you think friend-o? Don't I look great like this too?
Teda and Fuxi are here now too in mafia suits!

MC: what / nice
Simurgh: I called you here to explain that.
Teda: Lean on me, MC!
Teda and Zhurong sit next to MC. Fuxi stands behind MC looking annoyed.

MC: What? / What now...? / You two are really close
(C) Teda: What? Isn't it nice that I'm warming you up from the cold like this?
Zhurong: Photo Club Senpai told me hugging someone warms them up!
Simurgh faintly smiles at this before focusing back to talk.

Simurgh: I thought I should tell you that we're about to go to war with the Pete Family.
MC: !!
Simurgh: If you all leave now, you'll be caught in the fighting. I don't want the fuzz in my business either. (looks at Zhurong in concern)
Simurgh: ...Zhurong, the dice has been rolled. It looks like it'll be hard for this to turn out peacefully.
Zhurong: Uncle...
Zhurong looks conflicted. Simurgh gives a faint smile.

Red: ...
Simurgh: Zhurong, MC. You two stay with the kids until it's all over.
MC: Okay / I'm not into spectating / You telling me to protect the kids?

Simurgh: ...this isn't an order. Just hang tight until their requests go through. (gestures to Fuxi and Bertro)
Fuxi: Please, relax once in a while. I'll be right back, don't you worry.
Bertro: I'm the one who witnesses the front line. Would you mind waiting in the back?
MC: Why are you two in a mafia war!? / Why are you telling me to stay back? / ...what's your deal
Fuxi and Bertro: It'd be better in the end that way!
Fuxi and Bertro: ...oh?
Simurgh: Okay, message sent. You figure out what it means.
Beep beep.

Simurgh: Seems they've started...come with me if you want to die.
And so the people who've chosen battle for a karmic living head out.

Teda: Me too then! ...what's up, MC? You wanna say something? If there's a battle, I'll be there because that's the duty of a king and hero!
Fuxi: Hehe. Will you say "hurry back, big brother"? I'll work harder if you do.
MC: Teda, stop! / Big Brother, stay safe at least / ...
Everyone says their piece to MC before heading out to fight. Zhurong and Simurgh watch them silently go.
Simurgh: ...sometimes, there are people who only live for battle. If you aren't one of them, you don't need to choose to do so.
MC: Thanks for caring / But I don't like being pushed around / ...feels like you're looking down on me
(A) Simurgh: You don't find that many people who care about you over a long life, so it's best to treasure those who do. It only takes a second for you to lose them...
(B) Simurgh: live your life however you want. They are. If something feels off, there might be a way to compromise. Life's like that.
(C) Simurgh: You think? All of them have a certain strength and can do something by they chose to do this.

Simurgh stands up.
Zhurong: ...Uncle, let's wait for everyone together.
Simurgh: ...I'm Don Simurgh, and this is the job I started. With these wings, I can keep war casualties down...and I'm going to tell the enemies to surrender. Anyone who accepts will be accepted into the family. This is the best kindness I can do...I won't tell you to understand that.
Simurgh's men are shook because Simurgh never did anything that nice before!

Zhurong: ...nooo!
MC: ...wait. (stands in front of Simurgh)
Simurgh: What, you wanna fight? Will you say something if you're coming along?
MC: Not that! I'm saying I'll protect you.
Zhurong: Wait, what!?
Simurgh: ...(sigh). Big words, shaky. No're doing this for Zhurong? Whatever. I can heal you if you don't die first. (summons birds)
Simurgh: ...let's go.

Cat A: ...almost time. Ready?
Cat B: Like you have to ask. We lose, we die.
Cat C: Oh, the stars have come to bless us. (looks at the sky)
Cat D: ...huh. Something feels weird.
Cat E: Yeah, aren't they getting brighter someho--
Flashbang! And a rain of light arrows!

Teda: Alright, they're silenced! Tell me where the next group is!
Hermes: Stop yelling! Or at least move your radio further away!
Jiraiya: Man, why he gotta try to stand in the spotlight like that so much?
Benten: Guys, wait! Is this really the only way? It's so one-sided!
Nobody else says anything.

Hermes: I guess I do get where you're coming from, but...this is just how it is in this life. Same for guildmates fighting...same thing happened in my home world.
Jiraiya: It's easy when both sides are evildoers that can't be saved but...these guys just can't give up their positions. Both bear the label of evil, and all I can do is keep children from being drawn in.
Benten: Teda, you think so too?
No radio response.

Hermes: Nothing. Teda? Teda!?
Still nothing. The three think something's wrong.

Teda's radio is destroyed because someone threw a card at it.

Teda: This ain't your part of the job. What are you doing here, Fuxi?
Fuxi: Heh, sorry to interrupt you while you're busy. Come join me with my plans for a bit.
Koropokkur is at his designated spot that Bertro told him to go. No one seems to be around.

Koropokkur: Bertro, can you hear me? Nobody's here! Your calculations are wrong!
Bertro: No, they're right. Look, I'm right here.
Koropokkur: ...what's going on?

Somewhere else
Simurgh: ...what's wrong? Worried about going to fight?
MC: Sorta. I'm used to this, but something seems off.
Simurgh: ...I see, me too. I've always lived like this, and...I'm a little tired of it.
MC: It's okay. I'll protect you from any enemy!
Red: (Any enemy, they say)
MC, Simurgh, and Simurgh's men make it to the battle lines in short order. Simurgh summons his birds to his side of the fight, healing those the birds land on. This bothers the Pete Family into stopping for a second, so Simurgh steps forward to tell them to stand down.

Simurgh: Surrender, and you can join my family. You should know you can't win like this.
The cats bristle at this.
Cat A: Your lies won't work on us!
Cat B: Charge! Get the boss!
Simurgh: ...sad. Do it.

Simurgh's men stand in front of him and shoot down the cats. Simurgh looks sad at this.
Red: Don, I don't think you needed to put yourself in this much danger to try to talk to them. Will they even believe you?
Simurgh: I know, but I've always lived at the bottom of society. I just don't want kids drawn into this. Maybe things have reversed...
Simurgh sends his birds to the KOed cats.

Simurgh: Tie them up and leave them somewhere else.
Simurgh's men do so. The ones that don't go to the next fight.

Red:'ve changed. You one said you'd do anything to protect your family.
Red: The don once said that birds that grow up leave the nest. Well that time has come for me. Don't worry, I'll protect the family instead. (turns to his radio piece)
Simurgh's Hideout

Zhurong: ...Uncle?
End of Episode half