Monday, September 2, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 9: Annihilation Wish 1 (Abridged)

Sooo, Monomasa and Yoshiori are getting trapped in this giant goo ball now...
MC: wait what / Monomasa! / Yoshiori!
(B) Monomasa: Damn, sorry MC I--
And now they're buried inside.
Meanwhile, Id Replica continues attacking recklessly!

Galvo: My mane!
Danzo thinks blowing up the whole thing might be the only thing that will work at this point...

Danzo: wait...
Galvo: Danzo, something's wrong with it.

Id Replica's attention is drawn away to somewhere else for some reason.
Danzo: What's it lookin--wait WHAT Monomasa!?
Something's on the Venom Ball.

Galvo: Is that not Monomasa's weapon? But why--
Id Replica suddenly flies up!

Danzo: UHHHH I don't like where this is going!
Id Replica focuses on the Venom Ball!

Galvo: MC, send me VP--
Galvo and Danzo know what's up! But unfortunately they're too slow...

Id Replica: [Weird Screaming] (flies at Venom Ball)

Id Replica used Bite!
Danzo: MONOMASA! (flings chakram)
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Id Replica runs off with the Venom Ball and flies!

Galvo: Halt, cur!
Galvo attempts to fly! He apparently can, but just not here...
Id Replica ran away towards the lab!

MC: ...Monomasa...Yoshiori...
Suddenly rumbling converges towards the party's location...

Galvo: MC, Danzo! Prepare to run!
Galvo looks mad. Time to head to the lab!

Danzo: Dammit Monomasa... MC. (recalls chakrams) We'll go Galvo, you, then me for formation. We probably have some time, but we gotta get past these mobs coming in. Think you can handle the dash?
MC: Let's go!
Danzo: 10-4 buddy! Tell me if it hurts!

The party is running towards the lab!

Galvo: Begone, vile pests! (claws away some of the Monsters)
MC: (We gotta hurry!)
Shit's bad, but stopping isn't an option.

Monster Mobs: REEEE (rushes the party)
Galvo: Away with you!
Galvo burns them all down. MC grits their teeth as VP management is all they can do.

Danzo: Shit, there's so many of them. Galvo, should we switch places!?
Galvo: Nay! Thou must hold on!
Danzo: uhhh okay? Are you--
A single mob chases from behind!

Danzo: DAMMIT GET LOST (slaps it away) Back with y'all, sheesh!
Too tough to OHKO, so knockback at least.

Danzo: What the hell is all this!?
Danzo (narrating): Galvo and I might have to make a decision soon...

Reverse Imaginary Point Lab
The party made it! But also...

Danzo: Yep that is a ton of Monsters. Of course.
MC: !!
There's a bunch of them by the door. They don't seem to have noticed the party yet.

Galvo: oof
MC: Galvo are you okay!?
Galvo: Fret not, I am...just tired.
Well he LOOKS fine on the outside, but is he really okay...?

Galvo: ...I suppose it's come to this.
Galvo looks up at the cliffs surrounding the lab. There are cliffs by the way. He looks determined.

Galvo: Danzo...will thou be alright with less help?
Danzo: ...I CAN handle it I guess.
Galvo: Mayhaps thou art too kind to be a ninja?
Danzo: Pfft, please. But maybe so. I did quit once.
Incoming underground mobs! Galvo is up to something...

Galvo: MC...go on with Danzo without me. I shall hold the line.
Danzo: Called it!
They're getting closer!

Galvo: ...may the dice roll in my favor.
MC: wait, what
Galvo: We cannot afford to get pincered, so I shall take the rear. Will thou give me all the VP?
MC: ...stop

Getting closer!
Galvo: Hmm. No time to figure out a compromise. Danzo, if you would?
Danzo: Sure, but dick move bro. (throws arm around MC's waist) You're still cool tho, with your focus on the now. SO! We're partying after all this!
Galvo: !?
Galvo: Sounds splendid! I would love to see more of thine world!
MC: Danzo let go
They're gonna be here soon.

Danzo: Sorry, can't.
He's here to guard you.

Danzo: What's your plan anyway? Biting the dust?
Galvo: I will figure it out. I shall not die here.
Danzo: ...right. See you on the other side.

Danzo turns to MC.
Danzo: MC, give Galvo the VP. For all our sakes.
His grip is iron. It keeps MC from running off, and him from wavering.

MC: ...
Galvo: Indulge me. Please.
The Monsters are REALLY close now!

MC: ...!
Galvo's fire flares up as MC sends VP!

Galvo: ...thank you. Thou may need to make a choice one day that can change the world. Thou shalt do so, even if others believe thou incapable.
Galvo cuts a path forward!

MC: ...Galvo!

Galvo: ...until next time, MC.
Loud noise and dust cloud covers Galvo!

Galvo: Well then...

Galvo: That is TOO many Monsters! That said...
Monster rush! Fire flares up!

Galvo: I will not fall and let my dream end thusly!
He shines. The Monsters scream!

Galvo: Have at thee, and fall by my flames!

Bright flash!

Danzo: ...I need to talk to you, MC.
MC: ...!
Danzo carries MC and isn't looking at them. He quickly takes heads to the dorm area and puts MC on a bed when he sees it's safe.

Danzo: ...Sorry. You can hate me, it's cool.
Danzo's busy with something.

MC: (...dammit) / (I wanna give up...) / ...
Still lots to think about, but what's Danzo doing? How's Monomasa? Galvo still alive? How's everyone else?

MC: (I just want to stop...) / ...
MC still has Grigory's weapon in hand.

MC: ...
What is it you need now? What is it you wish for? What are you choosing?
Flash of whichever character of the main gang you picked in 2-6!

MC: (Right...)
MC: (I don't want anyone to be hurt) / (I don't want anyone to die) / (I don't want anyone to suffer)
MC: (So...)
MC collapses a little. There's a goal, so there's thinking to be done.

MC: ...Danzo, what are you doing?
Danzo: I'm making a bomb!
He says that so casually.

Danzo: Remember the HFCM? The space portal nuke? They're researching it again and I got this to make a mini version! Power's scaled down too, but it should work on the Monsters! Isn't it nice having an arm with secret compartments?
MC: How many you got?
Danzo: Whoo boy, look at you. I got five.

MC:'re used to thinking these things out, huh.
Danzo: ...kinda. I do what I want, including being a ninja! I'm also used to giving things up, which is why I'm a cyborg now too. What about you? Should we really stay here?
Danzo looks outside. Fighting is likely, but sticking around might have better survivial odds.

Danzo: ...well, I'm all in. Whatchu gonna do, MC?
MC: ...Danzo.
MC: Let's fight together.
Danzo: ...yeaaah that's a stretch since I'm already escorting you an--
MC: I can make it happen.
Danzo: wait what
MC: I will pull out a goddamn deus ex machina happy ending.

Danzo: ...that's crazy bro. You can do that? Because I just said I'm stretched thin!
MC: Which is why I need you. I need someone to stand with me.
MC: I...
MC thinks of whoever you picked in 2-6.

MC: I want to make that dream a reality!
Danzo: (stares)
Danzo: ...anyone ever tell you you're crazy?
Danzo thinks about Seiichirou and how lame he looked. But his eyes shone. Even if it was greed for a happy ending.

Danzo: You even know what you're saying???
Danzo (narrating): I can't BELIEVE what I'm hearing... but something in MC's eyes looks similar to my own dream...
Danzo: You know what? I'm in, baby!
MC: Danzo!

Danzo looks at himself and thinks. He pushed the ninja thing a bit too hard. Does he really want to live an unfun life?
Danzo: May as well go all in! MC, I'm calling you Little Boss!
A sign of his trust. A bit of something he'd die for.

Danzo: Not just anyone gets to be my boss! You gotta think about how to stay guarded by me. Think you can keep up?
He's looking at you like an equal. Just like whoever you picked in 2-6!

MC: ...yeah! Let's do it, Danzo!
The things you have to do if you're stuck here anyways.

Danzo: Roger, Little Boss! Show me that Deus Ex Machina Happy Ending you want!
End of Episode

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