Sunday, September 15, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 6 Part 2 (Abridged)

Hippolytus (narrating): So I'm a devotee of Artemis. I couldn't really have the sort of love that leads to breeding and that was humiliating. It's not that I didn't start up a romance, but that I couldn't that bothered me. I didn't have the power and authority for it. Aphrodite was the one who made it happen, and now I have a potion that does the same thing.
Hippolytus (narrating): I can choose to do whatever I want now, so I choose to be something I like. But what lies down that choice? I could always do what I could, so if I prioritized myself and lost my desire, why did I need to choose that? Do I hate myself?, I just wanted to talk with someone freely as an equal.

The berserk plants are avoiding Hippolytus!

MC: Watermelons? In winter? / what the hell / (can't get close)
Evil Scientist A: uhhh... Oh right those are the exploding watermelons, oh my god!
MC: WHAT / is this some kind of joke / oh right, Setagaya
(B) Volkh: I know it's stupid but never mind that!
(C) Volkh: Your Instinct is correct and annoying right now!
Volkh: But why is this happening!?
Evil Scout D: Boss what is that
Volkh: Perun developed that in secret.

Perun: It's selective breeding contest time!
Volkh: O-okay? Excellent plan to get the research groups making new local specialties.
Perun: Indeed! Inform them all!
Volkh: At once, sir. Also are we not informing the rest of the school too?
Perun: It's fine. I'll give money to the group with the best idea!
Volkh: Understood.

Volkh: And then the last head of the ABC research gang came up with the exploding watermelons.
Takeminakata: So what's the problem?
Volkh: They turned into hardcore Frankenstien's watermelons through genetic engineering.
MC: what has science done
Volkh: Perun was happy until they grew and started acting like violent mobile weeds. Only the researchers kept the seeds for some reason.
MC: So why are they here?

Evil Scientist A: The seeds were stored somewhere upstairs.
Evil Scientist C: Were they your secret weapon?
Evil Scientist A: N-no!? The plan was supposed to be some other valenvines! ...but maybe I accidentally spilled the potion on them when I knocked things over earlier.
Krampus: A giant fusion thing final boss is classic sentai stuff. What if these things fused with your original choice of secret weapon?
Evil Mobs: ...oh.
MC: Well damn! / so this is some unforeseen accident? / welp!

Hippolytus: Okay so I'm no threat on my own, so I made this plant a barrier while I set the plants on campus to go crazy. Better hurry and stop me if you're gonna!
Volkh: Villain gang! Get boxes for us to put the exploding wat--

Party: WHAT
The watermelon Volkh picked up blew up!

MC: I can't believe the exploding watermelon EXPLODED! / I remember this from summer! / damn, Setagaya
Volkh: I-I didn't know they went that far yet! Where are those research notes!?
Evil Scout B: UHHHH, oh found it on this computer! Uhh, it says the exploding watermelons were Frankensteined to explode on impact to spread its seeds.
MC: so don't touch? / what DIDN'T science do at this point? / welp

Takeminakata: Oh my god the seeds are sprouting already!
Volkh: I know I smell like fertilizer but still!
Super fast growing plants!

Masanori: Hmm, we might trap ourselves if we do this wrong. We should cut them before they get big enough to explode. Any more like that, Volkh?
Volkh: Not that I saw from a flance.
Takeminakata: Okay, time to pack them up then!
Taishakuten: Coo--wait are they coming from upstairs?
MC: I don't like where this is going.
Volkh: I know, but we can't let them spread! Nor can we let Hippolytus get away!
Evil Scientist A: We shall handle this place! Go after Hippolytus!
Volkh: I'll stay with them. MC, go!
MC: Right, after him guys!
Party: YEAH!

Taishakuten: Damn. Watch out for glass on the floor.
Takeminakata: Wet floor...wait is that the potion?
Krampus: It doesn't LOOK like anything blew up...
Masanori: Hard to tell from these tracks.
The party runs after Hippolytus out the lab window. Buncha vines out there. Eventually...

Hippolytus: ...I'm aware I have no room to complain, but what the hell is this hijacking? :|
All the pretty flowers around the fountain have been taken over by exploding watermelons!

MC: Oh no! / welp

Takeminakata: Oh no, all the pretty flowers!
Taishakuten: So many goddamn melons!
Krampus: And it's night, so we might make things worse... but we still gotta fix it.
Masanori: Well, the potion the ABC Gang made only works so well at least.
Takeminakata: Uh, how do you know?
Masanori: Observation. Not much attacked us while we followed the trail, so parts of the potion must've been absorbed by the ground.
Krampus: So what we saw underground was from plants stewing in the potion or whatever for a while?
Masanori: Most likely, if they came looking for more suitable growing areas.
Takeminakata: So they're that hungry then?
Taishakuten: Meaning they won't grow that fast even if they do blow!? Awesome!
Masanori: It'll still be hard to find the seeds in this darkness though.
MC: Hmm...
MC is thinking.

MC: ...Masanori? / guys? / (strategy meeting time!)
MC: It should work if we work together.
Krampus: It's dangerous, but yeah actually!
Masanori: I agree. There should be usable tools in a storehouse nearby.
MC: Let's go! / We got until sunrise! / Hippolytus!
BATTLE START (more happens later)

Biological bomb disposal squad work at night!
MC: Everyone ready? Hope this works out...
Takeminakata: I'm good!
Krampus: Masanori was right. The vines stop moving if you look beneath the ground. And they're easy enough to break out of.
Masanori: That must be how they normally are.
Taishakuten: Last one, guys!
The party is doing good bagging the exploding melons!

Krampus: Alright MC, you're up!
Hippolytus: What!?
Hippolytus stops running to look back at the party. Krampus has moved the flowers into pots while MC moves up to the flowerbeds!
MC: Here goes! / oof nerves / VOLOS PHOTOSYNTHESIS!
Party: Ooh...
MC: No bags broke right? / Yeah I'm surprised too / This is kinda fun!

Masanori: ...okay, no melon seeds seem to have slipped by. Things are going as planned.
Taishakuten: We can dump the bags in that dumpster, right?
Takeminakata: Can I smash the next watermelon?
Krampus: I'll help with replanting.
Some time later, some trucks drive up to the fountain plaza.

Volos: Hello! I wasn't expected you to call me about walking watermelons in Setagaya, MC.
MC: Sorry for how late it is / Thanks for coming, Volos!
Volos: Thanks for the rare plant tip! I brought super soil! (throws soil at the melons) Wow they DO move. Maybe it'll make them easier to pull out by the stump now?
Taishakuten and Takeminakata pull out the melon plants with no problems!

Taishakuten: Whoa they weren't coming out a damn inch before!
Takeminakata: They must like the super soil like other plants!
Volos: I custom mixed this soil for watermelons, so I'm glad they like it! Now please put them in the truck everybody!
And so Volos helps solve the problem.

Hippolytus: ...well, looks like I lost.
Hippolytus seems to have accepted he's lost and stopped.

Hippolytus: Well congratulations MC. You win.
MC: what was your deal anyway? /, you won. You still have one potion vial right?
(BC) Hippolytus: !?
Hippolytus: Wow. Yeah, I do.
Hippolytus: So I buried one last love potion vial that I can set off whenever.
MC: Are you using it on yourself? / Not gonna use it? / ...
Hippolytus: ...yeah I'll probably never use it. I always can, but still. Are you going to tell Volkh?
MC: Nah.
Hippolytus: !?
Hippolytus: ...thanks MC. I think I'm cool now. I didn't hate not having a romance. I just...wanted to talk with someone as equals and share a secret with someone...

MC: Nice work everyone! / my everything... (flops over)
Masanori: I suppose we still stopped the school from getting taken over...
Takeminakata: Dang, Hippolytus is still okay.
Krampus: Sucks about the flowers. Think they'll regrow?
Taishakuten: Well, if we had some other way of fixing it.
The party is too tired to think much. A bunch of people are pushing trolleys over.

Volkh: Good work MC and friends. Thanks to you calling Volos we cleared out the watermelons without issue.
Hippolytus: ...I'm back everyone. Sorry for turning on you at the end...
Krampus is slowly trying to fix up the flowers one at a time.

Krampus: It's cool. You were doing what you believed in, right?
Hippolytus: ...Krampus. B-but I--
Krampus: You have your issues and I doubt I'll get them in a second. But knock me over and I'll just get back up again like a hero. It's cool, it's how we have real talks.
Hippolytus: Krampus!
Volkh: Hippolytus, I'll get to your stuff later but I have something to say now.
Hippolytus: Volkh! ABC Gang! Aren't those the same seeds for these flowers?
Masanori: You had those and the soil prepared already?
MC: but how tho
Evil Scientist A: Volkh heard about the valenmelons by the fountain after we finished clearing the ones underground, so we thought about how to fix it quickly.
Evil Scientist C: We figured we could tinker with the love potion to make the flowers grow back gast.
Evil Scout D: The school manages the plant seeds so Volkh handled that.
Evil Scout B: And then we tested it on some potted plants.
Volkh: The soil was inferior so I made it better.

The ABC Gang seem to have turned a new leaf.
Evil Scientist A: So...we really did some valenbad things. But we hope to help fix some things at least...
Evil Scout D: We'll all help replant.
Volkh: Hippolytus, please help... I'll go talk to Perun about this.
Hippolytus: !!
Hippolytus: people are too nice. Hehe, kidding. Okay, time to get to work!
MC: Just a little more! / Now!? / do you have infinite stamina or something
(A) Masanori: MC are you okay? Is that the adrenaline talking?

Hippolytus: Oh no, right, everyone's tired! I forgot about that... It's okay, you can go back to the dorms while we handle things.
Takeminakata: I want to, but I may as well stick it out.
Krampus: Same. Christmas season is this tough too.
Taishakuten: Haha, I'm not quitting yet either!
Masanori: ...alright, just a little bit more. I agree with everyone else.
MC: Same / Okay fine I'll help / (too awkward to leave!)
(C) Hippolytus: MC, how about you sit on the bench and watch all the flowers from there? We'll need a better view! And you can sit down a little.
Hippolytus: Okay, home stretch time people!
And so the Valentines romance incident comes to a close and everyone thinks about how their future might go on. The fountain plaza is fixed like nothing had ever happened, and the visitors come to discuss love once more...

To be continued in the epilogue!

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