Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 5 Part 1 (Abridged)

Perun and Smoky God: The most popular person?
Months before Valetines.

Perun: Who DARE--oh right the interview for the school research presentation. Very well then!
Smoky God: Is popularity really a thing a farm school cares about? Oh excuse me, I'm just his colleague.
Perun: It's about BREEDING! Winning the game of life! You answer too, Smoky God.
Smoky God: Okay. If we're talking about winning at life, I guess my answer's the same as yours.
Perun: Right! The most popular person is someone who's immortal! Viva la revolución!

Present. Sort of
Masanori (narrating): I sit in Setagaya's garden and watch these two people walk around. One of them is nervous and wants to tell the other how they feel. I decide to leave, and they take the bench I was on.
Masanori (narrating): So many couples on campus. Did they find each other here in Setagaya? Also I think I see a polycule over there.
Masanori (narrating): I'm reminded of the time I had a wife. But then I lost her because I was stupid, and that blew up my perspective on everything.
Masanori (narrating): She was attacked by beasts that looked like Father. I never doubted my father because that's what children do. And then I started to believe the jeers that my wife cheated, even though I realized it was impossible later.
Masanori (narrating): It's my fault my wife is dead. I was the one who doubted her. How was I supposed to live on without her? Shouldn't I have died with her? I'm still looking for answers.
Masanori (narrating): I looked into the meaning of unchanging. I was alone and thought there was nothing I could believe in...so I joined a revolution. Anyways, I'm looking at all these couples and I wonder: who really has something that will last forever? And so? Viva la revolución.

Setagaya, night time. Masanori goes to some building and opens the door to a lab.

Masanori: So this is your base?
It's some chem lab with some ref room attached.

Evil Scout A: Welcome new comrade Masanori!
Evil Scientist B: I'm surprised you approached us.
Evil Scientist C: He has a valenry good eye for reading people!
Evil Scout A: Did our other guy not finish the job? Oh well he was--oh wait look, welcome back.
Evil Scout D: Masanori saved me. It's nice that you approve of our ideals.
Masanori: I think you guys should put your heads down and research for a while. The event staff will have their guards up and they'll have noticed I bailed him out by now.
Evil Scientist B: reeee must we focus working on our secret drug?
Evil Scientist C: We're nearly there anyways.
Masanori: Can I ask something? Is this your only base? The school will probably find it sooner or later.
Team Evil looks at each other.
Evil Scout A: Okay, we'll tell you where our real base is.

The workshop

Hippolytus: Class time!
Hippolytus is happier than yesterday. Everyone gets to work.

MC: Let's do it! / (Is Hippolytus okay?) / (look around)
(AC) MC looks at the students here.
(B) Hippolytus is answering questions. He seems fine.
Another question from someone!

Girl A: Will this present tell the person I'm giving it to I want them to know me more?
Hippolytus: Ooh, nice idea! Keep working on making it! Let's see what my assistant thinks. (waves MC over)
MC: I can help!

Hippolytus leans in towards MC.
Hippolytus: Thanks MC! Oh, another question! Masanori, come help me!
Masanori: ...of course. This is new for you. Here we go.
The whole party is surprised at Hippolytus.

Taishakuten: Damn, bro got therapy or something? Guess he's good now.
Takeminakata: He's more dignified or something. I gotta thank the Tycoons for steering me here later!
Krampus: I don't think he's faking it, so... guess it's all good if we can communicate how we feel.
MC: You okay Hippolytus? / Class is more fun than before!
(A) Hippolytus: A-okay!
(B) Hippolytus: Weird, same thought!

MC: You look brighter. Got something off your chest?
Masanori: ...maybe he did. He may have joked about dominance, but maybe now he knows we all have our own bits to do.
Hippolytus is talking to some rando student.

Hippolytus: You're making this for your senpai? I'll help! What did you want to say with it? Masanori, another box of flowers please! MC, come show how to make the present with me.
MC: Okay! / Got it. / oof big responsibility...
(C) Hippolytus: It's okay, I'm here to help!
And so MC and Hippolytus teach the student about making their present. Class goes smoothly for the day.

Hippolytus: Good job everybody! Today went great!
Takeminakata: I think so too!
Krampus: People were super happy you could help them. It helped me too, thanks.
Hippolytus: Aww, stop it~.
Taishakuten: Eh, it's cool ain't it?
MC: You did great! / okay that's enough for now / (check on everyone)
(A) Hippolytus: Not you too!
(B) Masanori: Yes, we should stop hassling Hippolytus about how great he did today. Oops.
Hippolytus: GASP

Nice times.
Masanori: Don't we still have something to take care of?
Taishakuten: Right, those dumbasses? They didn't come today.
Takeminakata: Maybe they gave up?
Krampus: Did...Volkh or whoever tell you anything?
Hippolytus: Oh right. Apparently they ran last night.
Krampus: WHAT
Hippolytus: They went to some lab yesterday but then snuck out somehow.
MC: Secret passage? Cavalry rescue? Think they'll try again?
Krampus: So we don't have any hard info, huh?
Takeminakata: Should we go look for them?
Taishakuten: With no leads!?
Hippolytus: Yeah we need something to work on at least.
Masanori: (stares)
MC: Any ideas, Masanori?

Masanori: ...hmm. I think looking for them won't be helpful, especially with no clues. Maybe we should play dumb.
Taishakuten: But what if they get away!?
Masanori: Unlikely. They plan on pulling their schemes here in Setagaya and they need a lab.
Krampus: oh okay makes sense
Takeminakata: So they'll dump their project if we spook them?
MC: They'll slip through the cracks? / hmm...
(A) Masanori: Yes, though we don't know where those are.
Masanori: Haste makes waste.
Hippolytus: So, get ready for tomorrow and stay on guard?
Masanori: Yes, and keep in contact in the meantime.
Taishakuten: UGH. Hippolytus you need anything heavy moved?
Takeminakata: Oh, then maybe I'll run around the school!
Krampus: Oh, me too then.
Masanori: I'm turning in early, sorry.
MC: I'll walk you back / Take care / Are you hiding something?
(A) Masanori: Oh okay then.
(B) Masanori: Maybe you should come too. You look tired too.
(C) Masanori: ...yes, but it's still inconclusive. Anyways you should come too since you look tired.

Time to split up. Nothing new happens by bed time. Nothing happens the next day either. Or the day after that.
Some underground area

Masanori: Hello.
It's night time and Masanori is alone.

Masanori: So your secret hiding underneath the lab is almost over, huh.
Evil Scout A: Thanks to you! We strike tomorrow!
Evil Scientist B: It's done! Though I wish we had ran a test run.
Evil Scout C: Yes, you kept everyone else busy while we worked.
Evil Scientist D: Valenviva la revolución!
End of Episode part

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