Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 5 Part 2 (Abridged)

Flashback or something!
Perun: That research interview you were doing about ultimate popularity? If it has to be FOREVER popular? It has to be immortal then, fool.
Smoky God: Is it about "can Not Die", or is it about "Can't Die"? A is God, B is Buddha. Like I can be Buddha, but there's some stuff only I can do.
Perun: Everything with a self wants what it doesn't have. Absence creates value and desire, and then revolution! Viva!

Evil Scientist A: Valenviva la revolución! Take over the school to mass produce this love potion!
Masanori: ...and how do you propose you do that with these numbers?
What IS the big evil plan anyways?

Evil Scientist A: We aren't COMPLETELY stupid! First, we hit the school admins until we finally drug the directinesor! Valenthen he'll hand the school to us! Uhh, we'll figure out who to hit next time.
Evil Scout B: We will stealth this operation, and it's not because we have a stupid gang name.
Evil Scientist C: Masanori, was it a good idea to leave the workshop people alone? What if we tried drugging them?
Evil Scout D: None of them agreed with me, so okay. Does that bother you, Masanori?
Loyalty test! Masanori doesn't blink.

Masanori: Whatever. Also, what if they take the drug and use it on us? They can clearly take us in a fight.
Evil Scout B: We can just use an antidote.
Evil Scout D: Yes, we know how to make that.
Evil Scientist A: I'll give some to everyone.

Well this group seems confident.
Evil Scout D: I hope we don't get raided here because we suck in a fight.
Evil Scientist C: That's why we made this secret base.
Masanori: Wonderful. Everything's going well?
Evil Scientist A: Correct! We, the valenry awesome Dark ABC Gang have everything in hand! Valenviva la revolución since Perun is gone! Let's go, everyone!
Masanori: Tee hee, surprise.
Evil Mobs: WHAT
Dramatic music! MC, Hippolytus, and Takeminakata are here!

MC: Caught in 4K! (okay turn the volume to max)
Takeminakata: Stop, villains!
Evil Scientist C: Where'd you come from!?
Masanori: Earlier from the front, during your evil villain monologue.

Masanori: May we speak, MC?
MC: what's going on? / was this your plan? / but nap time!
(A) Masanori: There's something I wanted you to hear before anyone else.
(B) Masanori: I figured you'd notice.
(C) Masanori: What!? Such braveness...! But that does make things easier.
Masanori: So I made contact with the Dark ABC Gang. I had to keep it secret before, but I should be able to talk about it with everyone tomorrow. But since you observe us so much, I wanted to forestall any unnecessary worries.
MC: Thanks Masanori / you did something that dangerous!? / aww, why didn't you tell me earlier?
(A) Masanori: Clearly you noticed earlier though. Impressive Insight.
(B) Masanori: My apologies, I didn't want to expose you to danger.
(C) Masanori: My apologies. I didn't want to worry or put you in danger.
Masanori: Let me apologize again when this is done. Please believe in me.

Masanori: Your security measures are laughably terrible. Thanks for telling me where your base was.
Evil Scout D: GASP! Traitor!
Masanori: Interesting. You act like I ever agreed to join you all. Did I ever say such a thing?
Evil Scout D: Wait...does anyone have receipts!?
Evil Scout B: No...
MC: how did you manage to get anything done / you guys are so loose / eh, students can't think that far
Evil Scientist C: B-b-but what about all the advice you gave us about the base!?
Masanori: Okay, so I DID seriously consider turning on MC and everyone.
MC: wait what

Masanori: You don't have that good an eye for people, unfortunately. If they COULD make an eternal unchanging love, then maybe I might join. But then I found out they wanted mere immortality and decided to flip back. My wife is already dead. Maybe I just wanted some impossible revolution.
MC: Masanori? / Oh right... / Yeah sure whatever. You betrayed everyone, dick!
Masanori: So anyways you people told me so much. Like...you are the Agricultural BioChemistry Research Group?
Evil Scout D: Uhhhhh what is that cool-sounding group or whatever?
Evil Scientist C: Too late it's already out there!
Evil Scout D: Um, retreat!
The other exit is blocked!

Taishakuten: Door's closed unless you wanna throw hands!

Flashback for some reason!
The day after Masanori talked to MC

Masanori: First off, sorry I let the villain gang escape.
Takeminakata: B-but why though!?
Taishakuten: ...let's hear him out first and THEN decide whether we kick his ass.
Volkh: I okayed him doing a spy op after he explained it to me.
Masanori: Sorry, I had to keep it secret.
MC: To fool your enemies and all that / You seem used to this / What if they're spying on you?
(A) Masanori: Something like that, yes.
(B) Masanori: Still have my old tricks.
(C) Masanori: They don't have the numbers for that right now.
Taishakuten: Couldn't you have told us all this earlier?
Krampus: Are you saying you have hard info now?
Masanori: (nods) I'm good at infiltration and sabotage. They just invited me and told me everything. They seem to be one of the culture clubs, and then I found a group whose name maps to theirs. They are bad at this stealth thing.
Hippolytus: Well I guess they slipped by since there's so many groups in Setagaya. Not like I know all of them.
Taishakuten: Yeah whatever. We can take them now, right?
Hippolytus: Hmm... if they really make an eternal unchanging love potion... :|
MC: Hippolytus?
Hippolytus: Uhhh, nothing!

Taishakuten: You punks are DEAD!
MC: YEAH BOY / He so mad / Excellent deva villain line
Evil Scientist A: HELP we are so valenry doomed! UGH we have to do it, help us hired guards!
Suddenly wrestlers!
Masanori: How did you people manage to hide a card like that!?
Hippolytus: It's the Setagaya wrestling team!
Taishakuten: Nice! MC, I am in on this for once!
Evil Scout B: Let's make a break for it!
Evil Scientist A: Oh, right! Now, valenry quiet now...
Some pebble falls.

Evil Scout D: Wait is someone else coming!?
Evil Scientist C: Oh no!
Krampus: It's spanking time, you naughty little kids!

This writer really likes flashbacks for some reason someone make him stop
Masanori: Okay, so we can go attack the villains now. But first I want to record them making threats on the school. How about I make them spill the beans, and then we all beat them up?
Krampus: Ooh, ooh, I got a suggestion! How about I ambush them if they try running out another exit?
Action star jumping down in front of the exit!

Krampus: (wait crap I went into Black Santa mode by mistake, I wanted to try for Kamen Rider! Uhhh what do I say)
Evil Scout D: Umm, would you mind moving out of th--
Krampus: RETAKE
Evil Scout D: WHAT
MC: WHAT / is he okay / YEAAAH
Krampus: I don't hold your wishes against you, but I will hold nothing back to stop you from trampling on the pure feelings of others!
Evil Scout D: UGH nice line! Okay time to fight!
Evil Scientist A: Get them! Valenviva la revolución!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Several hours earlier
Setagaya Fountain Plaza
MC sees Masanori reading on a bench.

Masanori: ...we're going on the raid soon. Shouldn't you get ready MC?
MC: Just mentally / I'm always ready / I was worried about you
(A) Masanori: Ah, you didn't want to be alone?
(B) Masanori: Good. Careful a beast like me doesn't trip you up.
(C) Masanori: Heh, I'm fine. I'm used to politely betraying people.
Masanori: Sneaking into groups, stealing information, and turning against them is something I've learned from my time in PubSec. Not a job that cultures trust from people.
Masanori pulls out a handkerchief and spreads it as a seat cover next to him. Lots of visitors and people going home pass by.

Masanori: They get along.
Masanori is looking at some couple with folded arms.

MC: Them? / Jealous? / Not as much as us.
(A) Masanori: Indeed. They have eyes only for each other. May they stay together, whoever they are.
(B) Masanori: Maybe. Or maybe it's just admiration. I wanted to go around with my love like that, once.
(C) Masanori: Heh, you must be kidding. But it would be nice if you liked me like so.
He smiles, but he seems sad.

Masanori: ...I had a wife for a short time, back home. Happy times we swore would go on forever...then I betrayed her feelings. All my romance advice in class came from my psych studies, not personal experience. That Dark ABC Gang have a lovely ideal...and here I am betraying them. I'm worthless. And I'm a living mockery of anyone who saw anything in me.
MC: You really loved her, huh? / Wish I had someone like that / Getting jealous here
(A) Masanori: Yes. She was wasted on a quiet, stubborn man like me.
(B) Masanori: Oh, right. You have amnesia. My apologies.
(C) Masanori: There's no one to be jealous of anymore.

Masanori: I can't trust myself. I don't see any worth in myself. (looks down)
MC: ...you still care about your father and wife, right?
Masanori: ...yes.
MC: Then maybe there's still something in you for caring about them.
Masanori: ...!
Masanori: (frowns)
Masanori: That was kind of poetic of you.
MC: Did you ever find anyone after that? / Did you want to be single for a while?
(AB) Masanori: Hmm. I get nervous whenever I think of her.
(C) Masanori: I don't know. I could go either way, but I feel like being with someone won't happen anymore.

Masanori: ...maybe I was just scared. What if I find love but then turn into a lowly beast?
MC: Everyone is irreplaceable / I get you
It's hard to face yourself, which is why Masanori is opening up to MC.

This could be very important.

MC: So you should hang onto those feelings / So I'll take those feelings on with you
(A) Masanori: ...thank you, from me and my wife. I'm resolved now, so let me thank you again when this is all done with.
(B) Masanori: I had an inkling you would say that. I will need some time to figure myself out, but I still want to repay you because--
He stops himself from saying something.

Masanori: ...actually I'll come back to this after everything is over.
[Flag set!]
Masanori: To sum it up, thank you. We should get ready to go.

The party is winning!

Evil Scout B: They're too strong!
Evil Scientist C: We're losing even with reinforcements...
Evil Scout D: ...where's the boss?
Masanori and Hippolytus: !!
Evil Scientist A: We have to play our Valentrump card!
MC: Dammit, after them!
Hippolytus: :|
MC: ...Hippolytus why did you suddenly stop? And why are you blocking us?
Taishakuten, Takeminakata, and Krampus: !?
MC: Sudden shaking!
End of Episode

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