Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 12: Annihilation Wish 4 (Abridged)

There was once a boy who wanted to live and didn't want to [REDACTED]. For a long time, he didn't understand languages because no one taught him. So the boy did work that didn't require speaking liking delivery until he picked it up through osmosis. He'd get beat if he didn't figure it out.
The boy grew and learned to speak, which he equated to surviving. He learned that learning in itself helped with survival. His work went on, and he still didn't quite understand what he was doing. The ones who explained, the ones who hurt him had dark eyes. Was it productive to survival, or counterproductive? They had the same eyes he had.
The boy grew some more and found other work. It was smuggling work, but the manager took a liking to him and brought him for indoor work. His life was better than before, but he still had days where he went cold, numb, and hungry.
The boy agreed to the manager's invitation, but he didn't trust him and his dark eyes. The manager was an unfair teacher, something the boy only realized in hindsight. None of the beatings he gave would be visible in public, but they were ever present. It was still better than before since he was surviving, and the worst days became fewer and fewer.
One day the boy saw his manager's house, where he was forbidden to go to. There was a celebration going on, though all the boy knew was that there was more food. The boy saw two large silhouettes and one small one through the window. That must be that thing people called a family.
The boy looked at his bruised body, then looked at the light. That was the first time he thought of things beyond survival. And he thought, "I'll never get to have that for myself." And so it was until that day.

Suddenly, the boy was elsewhere. He didn't know where, but he knew he had work to do. Then someone appeared and examined the boy. His eyes were hollow yet dazzling, unlike anyone else's before. It was like he wasn't there, like he wasn't looking at anything. And then suddenly his hand was on the boy's chest. And the boy thought, this cannot be good.
The boy chose not to resist so that he could survive. He looked for an escape, but the stranger seemed amused.

Broker: How obedient. Good luck, this will hurt a little.
In that instant, the boy thought something was tied to him. He was connected to something.

I'm confused / At what? / Why? / My eyes hurt / [REDACTED] / What's happening
What did I see? / Where am I? / What did I just hear? / What's happening? / [REDACTED] / stop / head hurts
So many thoughts, views, voices. Everything flickers and warps.

[REDACTED] / it hurts / sick / make it stop / shut up / [REDACTED] / I want to live / I want to die / makeitstop
The echoes get louder and distorted. The warping covers everything...

And then the boy comes to. Then...
I'm awake / I'm awake? / I was lying on the floor / cold? / mouth hurts?
it's the echo again / stop thinking / quiet / make it stop / hurts / my fingers
stop coming / go away / the Path / head hurts
can't think. where am I? it hurts? / really?
Are / these / my / thoughts?
Is that / me / feeling that?
it hurts / where / is my body?
The boy is overwhelmed by the echoes. The boy is still [REDACTED]. Something is being sent through the echoes, and the boy picks up on it.

look at the / world from / above / cut off / information
the one who / opened / the door / isn't of this world
you / can isolate / and / manipulate
I don't understand/I understand I don't know/I know
I know/don't know how to do that
Try to/never open up your hand
small/and/above/your palm
and push/it/against/your head

The boy's vision and senses slowly returned to normal. Well, he was seeing them at a distance. And the boy kept living even in this new state. His mouth bleeds. There's a hole in his chest now? The echoes still, maybe because he couldn't bear with it. They must've been himself, but from different times and states. Looking at them was confusing. What was he anymore, even discounting what just happened? What was he seeing? ...that man is still there.
Broker: Oh, you didn't [REDACTED]...? Did you actually survive? Surprising.
He seems to smile.

Broker: Nice, I was starting to think it really was impossible. It did seem like a waste to do that to an Observer candidate. But this is where the Infinite Counterstream is. I suppose this is something to be happy about. There will need to be a follow-up observation, but there is definitely an important Monster sample here. I'll see you again, so stay alive until then.
And so the boy was thrown out, back to where he started and ended. Back to where his delusional conviction started.

So time seems to have stopped or something. MC can still think as they observe things.

MC: (wait what just happened, I can't move!)
Exio reacts to the new being. He can think and speak. Melide and Seiichirou cannot, just like the heroes.
Exio: Are you...sealing...me away...somewhere?
The stranger swings their weapon down and overwrites everything!

Armor Monster: You must be destroyed first.
Telepathic broadcast.

Armor Monster: Linked One, you cannot escape my sword because of your connected state.
Exio: ...what?
He's thinking "welp I'm dead again. God, living is hard."

$om3th1ng is vvr0ng, h1s b0dy n3ver d1sappeared th15 f4sT B4...
Armor Monster: Connected One, my transcendent blade shall end all of you completely..
Exio (narrating): Oh. I'm disappearing. Me. [REDACTED]. Just like back then. Every connection is getting cut apart, then jumps to the next one. Infinite is turning into finite. The same feeling of [REDACTED] happening over and over.
Exio: ...so/what/?
Exio (narrating): Did it think this was enough pain to stop me? I can still do something if I can redo the orders--
Armor Monster: Farewell, child of man.
Exio: ...!
MC: Exio!

The Armor Monster's sword appears in Exio's body again. But something seems different now...
Armor Monster: So you were here as well, Observing One?
The Armor Monster turns to face MC. They seem interested that MC can see all this.

Armor Monster: You can reach it too. That alone makes swinging my sword worth it.
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Id Replica suddenly bursts in!

Armor Monster: You can move, you imitation? Impressive.
The Armor Monster casually blocks Id Replica's charge!

Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Armor Monster: You have a will as well. Then you are also connected.
Id Replica: [Confused Moaning]
The Armor Monster stabs Id Replica. Id Replica seems afraid and surprised. Some sort of crack threatening to burst appears on Exio's back!

Armor Monster: Is it time? This is your end.

The Armor Monster disappears. Time restarts or whatever and the Imaginary Point goes back to falling apart. Also...
Akashi: wait why is Exio eating shit all of a sudden!?
Sui: And what is that white crack on him?
The crack is widening and denying the world!

Yoshiori: Exio, please wake up!
Yoshiori runs over to Exio! Exio's chest hole is leaking weird mud or something.

Melide: Exio, why...
Monomasa: Melide... Exio, you...
Yoshiori: No way...

As the mud spills, MC starts seeing images in their head.
MC: um
MC: I'm seeing that Ferris wheel from before...
This is the one memory that Exio hung onto in the mud.

Exio (narrating): I figured I could use him in the beginning. He's a combat hero and normal people can't see him. He's just like me that way, so I can just tell him what he wants to hear so he'll join me.
Exio (narrating): I was just going to use her in the beginning. She's a strong Observer, and she's a real Observer unlike a fake like me. She has no home, just like me. I can get her to join me by giving her a home then.
Exio (narrating): I was going to use him at first. He's a Monster/person fusion outlaw hero. I wasn't expecting a hero who was like me. He has no goal, so I can get him to join by giving him a goal.
Exio (narrating): So this one time I found a parallel self of mine with really similar conditions to myself, so I used him and his group to try making a fake Monster. But it failed and everyone died. I knew what to do better and save myself though.
Exio: ...
Exio (narrating): I didn't know how to save them though and I didn't try. Huge waste, that, after I just got some usable people.

Some other time
Monomasa: Oh right Melide, you've never been to an amusement park.
Exio (narrating): We were coming back from a minor team building job when passed by this amusement park.
Melide: No. Have you been to one, Monomasa?
Monomasa: Yes, a very long time ago. I went to see shows they put on. Sometimes I took part in them.
Yoshiori: Amusement parks are cool. Lots of nice food.
Monomasa: You only say that because you like sweet junk...
Melide: ...sounds nice.
Melide smiles like she'll never be close to what she's looking at.

Yoshiori: ...oh fine stop looking like that. Exio, we doing anything after this?
Exio: ...no. Did you want to to go in?
Exio (narrating): He sounds like he wants to go in. Yoshiori is easy to read. But...

Yoshiori: Awesome! And uh...
Exio: ...what?
Yoshiori: (blushes) Um, h-how about you come too?
Exio (narrating): wait, really?
Monomasa: Simp.
Monomasa: Are you going in or not? They're closing soon. Melide, you going in?
Melide: ...really? With everyone?
Monomasa: Yes, assuming Yoshiori gets a grip.
Yoshiori: Stop pushing me, I WILL throw hands!
Exio (narrating): I still don't get what's happening. And then I felt Melide grabbing my hand.
Melide: Exio...can we go all together?

Exio: ...okay. It'll be my first time too.
Yoshiori: Really!? I'll tell you anything you wanna know!
Monomasa: Pipe down. Excuse me, three adults and one child ticket please.
Melide: ...I didn't know you never came before either.
Exio: It just never came up. You happy, Melide?
Melide: ...yes. Since I'm with everyone.
Exio (narrating): Melide pulls me forward. Yoshiori waves. Monomasa is buying tickets. She says she's happy, like it might disappear any second. My mind wanders looking at all this, even if my senses were supposed to cut away at this.

Monomasa: Yoshiori, did you HAVE to buy so much? The sweet smell is overwhelming.
Yoshiori: Caramel popcorn is a must buy!
Monomasa: And I'm going to be sick from it.
Yoshiori: SHUT UP! ...o-oh, Exio. Does the smell bother you?
Exio (narrating): We're all sitting in a Ferris wheel car. Melide rejected all of Yoshiori's ride suggestions because she was afraid and went with Monomasa's.
Exio: It's okay with me.
Exio (narrating): Sensory dissociation! Even if I didn't do that, I view this from afar, but somehow I'm still out of it.
Melide: Exio, look.
Exio (narrating): Melide is sitting on Monomasa's lap and looking outside.
Exio: Yes, it's pretty out there tonight.
Exio (narrating): I'm pretty sure that's what normal people would say.
Yoshiori: HELL YEAH riding the Ferris wheel with Exio!
Monomasa: Yoshiori you are spilling popcorn everywhere, ugh.
Exio (narrating): Hmm. What is this feeling?

Exio (narrating): Oh, I remember now. It's just like that day.
Exio: Oh. So I...
Exio (narrating): I'm on the other side of that window now. I have something I always wanted and thought I couldn't have. I have a family now.
Melide: Pretty...
Exio (narrating): Melide's face glows in the light. I didn't work with everyone here because they were easy to talk into doing things. It's because I understood their pain. I can see my old self saying something. I can't hear, but I can tell what he's saying for the first time. This is fine. I can live on as long as I have this memory, no matter what I do. My main goal is the same. My secondary goal though? It's to protect them now, from everything. Including this farce.

MC: ...was that a memory I saw?
Exio's chest hole is still bleeding dimensional universe mud or whatever.

Monomasa: Exio...you were hanging onto this...?
Melide: Noooo!
They must've seen his memories too.

Danzo: Good job, Little Boss! We'll be okay now!
He's acting. MC can tell now.

Danzo: Like damn you really pulled out that deus ex machina happy ending somehow! ...so we really have to get ready to go. We gotta pick up Crowne, Grigory, and Galvo.
Exio's memory mud touches Danzo. He sees it too.

Danzo: Whoa. Still, he's probably on his last legs.
Danzo thinks Exio is a goner.

MC: ...you call this a happy ending?

Danzo: ...sorta? We had a knife to our throats but got out of it and now we're alive. And we still gotta get outta here first.
Right, the Imaginary Point is sorta falling apart here.

Akashi: ...MC, I have to agree that Exio isn't gonna...
MC: ...yeah, same.
Exio is falling apart like dying Monsters. Melide, Monomasa, and Yoshiori are shocked and not moving. What do you even say to someone you've fought alongside?

MC: Yoshiori / Monomasa / Melide
Whoever You Pick: ...what?
MC: Don't let go of him.
Whoever You Pick: !?
Danzo: ...hold up. Little Boss, you DO know how deep we're in--
MC: Danzo, thanks for keeping an eye out for me. But they're sad.
Danzo: ...are you for real?

[Akashi Route]
MC: Akashi
Akashi: Are you planning something crazy again?
MC: I want to try something crazy.
Akashi: ...at least you're telling me beforehand now. Can I help?
Akashi will fight together with you.

MC: Thanks. Hold my hand.
Akashi: (grabs your hand) ...promise me you won't sacrifice yourself and I'll never let go.
MC: ...right. I'll be back, promise.
Akashi: And don't you forget it!
[Mokdai Route]
MC: Mokdai
Mokdai: MC...are you thinking of doing something?
MC: I want to try something crazy.
Mokdai: Hmm... well it doesn't look like you're pushing it. Can I help?
Mokdai will stay with you.

MC: Thanks. Hold my hand.
Mokdai: (worriedly holds your hand) ...promise me you won't overdo it. I'll be here.
MC: ...right. I'll be back, promise.
Mokdai: ...yeah, I'll be waiting.
[Sui Route]
MC: Sui
Sui: I know what you're thinking, and I will not--
MC: I want to try something crazy.
Sui: ...figures. Fine, can I help with anything?
Sui won't let you do this all alone.

MC: Thanks. Hold my hand.
Sui: (smoothly grabs your hand) Is that it? Don't let anything happen to yourself.
MC: ...right. I'll be back, promise.
Sui: wait what

The things Exio is losing and needs are coming to you. That hole in his chest must be a Path that a Monster made. But where does it go? You can't observe anything.
MC: ...but I see a light in there.
MC holds up their hand to that hole and synchs with it, then gets pulled in. Everything is white. Not lit, just white. Devoid of light, direction, sound, and motion. Eventually, MC seems to land somewhere.

Exio: ...huh. I didn't expect you to come here.
He seems actually surprised. Different from usual.

Exio: You can't observe anything can you? You can't go back.
MC: ...where are we?

Exio: ...seriously? This is an Unobservable Area. Not even Observers or a fake like me can observe anything. I'm stuck here forever because that thing stuck this in me.
Exio thinks, confused.

Exio: ...then again, this could be another way of achieving my goal.
MC: ...what even IS your deal?
Exio: Wow, brave. I figured you'd be panicking here. You're just as determined as heroes now.
He looks like some proud parent.
Exio: Well it's not like we have anything else to do, so okay. I wanted to end the world's farce. By which I mean the using and trampling of those with wills and kindness. It's so stupid. Well actually my main goal is seeing the Broker dead, but this is good enough for a secondary goal. At least now the Broker won't bother with this world anymore now that an ex-Unique like me and a Unique candidate like you are Unobservable.
MC: ...so the Broker can't meddle with our world so long as we're in here?
Exio: Yes, but it's more like he's lost total track of it since being Unique is like being tagged. It labels one world out of many as being unique. Didn't the Alliance tell you Uniques can make things go their way?
MC: Yes / No / Dunno
(B) Exio: Ooh, a skeptic? Nice.

Exio: It's all bullcrap of course. Even if everything goes right for someone, then someone has to have things go wrong. Isn't that obvious? But maybe that's just me who goes there.
MC: ...is that the Broker?
Exio: Yeah, he told me himself he came to watch. Whatever, the world's free of him if we stay here. The Unique tag only moves when the holder dies. I've checked it out myself. But if we stay somewhere Unobservable, then we won't die. No new Unique, no way Broker can track our world.
MC: ...you want to stay in this empty place?
Exio: Yes. At least one world will have the heroes free then. No more Monsters. No more hero dreams being used.
MC: ...really?
Exio: ...what? You might as say what's on your mind since we have nothing else here.
MC: I saw a Ferris wheel.

Oof, a sore spot. The root of all his wishes. But nobody stops! No one stops!
MC: I saw your feelings. You wanted things to keep going, and you wanted to do that again.
Flash of Exio's gang!
MC: That's what your wish is.
Exio: ...right. Observing dreams is your job, unlike a fake like me. Setting heroes free wasn't a lie, but...
MC: The ones you want to set free are Yoshiori, Melide, Monomasa, and everyone involved with us.
Exio: Right. Don't blame me too much. I know it's simplistic, but I'll say it anyway. They're heroes to me.
He's being honest because he'll never see them again.

Exio: You know, talking like this is actually kind of fun. And you talk more than I thought you do. Want to do other things in this empty void?
MC: Good talk, Exio. But I'm getting out of here.

There's a faint, but unfading light in Exio's chest.
Exio: wait what's going on
MC: You taught me this.
Voices are coming from Exio's chest. They won't let go of him.

Exio: ...you suck.
Exio snaps his fingers to summon Id Replica!

Exio: I take back anything I said about us getting along. You're a chain and I'm cutting you off.
Id Replica seems mad.

Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Id Replica may be weaker, but MC is still a noncombatant.

Exio: I'll make it quick. You'll just go to somewhere like this.
MC shakes, but they think of their chosen hero. And here they are.

MC: Akashi! / Mokdai! / Sui!

A light shines in MC's hand and covers them. They look at the light and sigh.
Exio: Yeah you're an ass. Setting up an escape and everything...
Exio's given up since MC can get out with the technique he taught them.

Exio: Well, one last question. If we just stayed here and freed heroes from pain, would that have been so bad?
MC: Hmm, it makes some sense... / your plan SUCKS
(A) Exio: Then why the hell are you doing this?
(B) Exio: Understandable, have a nice day.
MC: Because this isn't a happy ending. I wanna see everyone, and I don't want Yoshiori and the others to be sad.
Exio: ...wait, what?
MC: Will you stick with me until we get our deus ex machina happy ending?
Exio: !?
Exio: You're a giant dumbass, got it. And you REALLY suck, what with you using my own goals...
And so Exio's plan falls apart to a common yet difficult to obtain thing he might be loathe to let go of...

End of Episode

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