Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 10: Annihilation Wish 2 (Abridged)

Danzo: Let 'er rip!
Ninja super jump with three bonus actions!

Monster: [Weird Screaming]
Sonic jump boost!

Danzo: Hey Little Boss, where's my VP!? You see what my right hand is doing!?
Danzo slaps some Monster away while waving with his right hand. The chakram that was there has been thrown at a Monster cluster.

MC: (Um. He multiattacked with a shockwave? I think???)
Danzo: Right, let's keep going!
MC: (I know I said I'd do this but geez!)

Five minutes earlier. Or something.
Danzo: Tutorial time, tutorial time!
MC: Okay / wait what / a what now
(A) Danzo: Oh goody you got it! Okay sorry that was a little rude.
(B) Danzo: Yeeees. Okay here's what's up.
(C) Danzo: damn you didn't get that? In this day and age?
Danzo: So, think you can keep up with me? I go fast you know. Quick, what am I doing? (raises right hand and holds up something long and thin)
MC: You're holding a weapon? / ...you're gonna feint? / (Hmm...)
(C) Danzo: Ooh, look at you thinking. But too slow!

Danzo: Correct answer, faking out with my right while I do my thing with my left!
He's got a coin or whatever in that hand and he's ready to shoot with it!

Danzo: Misdirection's a big thing with human opponents...did you at least get everything I did?
MC: ...no.
Danzo: It's cool! Even Big Boss has to make snap judgments with a fuzzy eye, so he has to keep thinking about how things will play out and decide from there based off experience.
MC: Hmm...
Danzo: So yeah we can't do that since we haven't worked together very long. We gotta get outta here ASAP and all.
Tensions rising. This is only happening because it's the bare minimum needed.

Danzo: ...we really have no time if you think about Galvo and Monomasa. Even less if we're shooting for the golden ending.
MC: Yeah / (nod) / (feel reassured)
(C) Danzo: Uh, why you smiling? You're looking like Seiichi!

Danzo: ...things get more different in battles against Monsters as opposed to people. People are complicated, Monsters are simple. So, how about we dance? Lesson one. (taps foot) Grigory is doing whatever he's doing, but Exio probably won't let us pass by. We have to go to the lab, and we'll probably have to fight. Them and the Monsters.
MC: Right...
Danzo: Heh, so about the Monster fighting method...we need ultra efficient violence!
Danzo: Hey Little Boss, you're blocking my view.
Danzo throws something!

Monster: [Weird Screaming]
He hit a Monster outside MC's view!

Danzo: Fail. I'm cool and all, but you gotta keep an eye out around you.

Danzo: Aww man, I wanted to move on since the goal's right there.
He's being deliberately loud.

Danzo: Oh geez I really thought you and I could make this work? I wonder why it's not? Hmmmm...
MC: oh SHUT UP / I'm slow! / Sorry!
Danzo: Whoopsies, you heard?
So many factors to consider.

MC: (So much thinking to do! Brain overload!)
MC: (But...)
This is still the least you need to do if you want to make the future you want happen.

MC: Well in that case...
And so Danzo and MC head to the lab.

Danzo and MC make it! Also come to think of it, there's weirdly few Monsters up front.
Danzo: Annnd lesson one finished! Whatcha think Little Boss?
MC: (coughing) / (wheezing) / (...not too bad?)
MC: ...thanks for the experience.
Danzo: Heh, it was trial by fire, but don't overestimate yourself! Also, weren't my moves totally different from when I was guarding you?
MC: ...I could sorta tell. Not all though.
Danzo: That's okay! Admitting what you don't know is the first step to understanding, or some junk! But the important thing is, if you can't do it when the chips are down, that's breach of contract and I get mad mkay.
He looks determined.

MC: Right. Let's go, Danzo.

Danzo and MC are in it together now. Not sure he can go all out just yet, but no room for big mistakes.
MC: ...Danzo, can I say something Boss-like just once?
Danzo: Pffft, really pushing the temp boss thing, huh? But okay! You wanna make memories or something?
MC: Don't choose to sacrifice yourself.
Danzo: !!
Danzo: ...damn, ask for the moon much?
Hard order for Danzo to take. That takes out some options and makes things harder, even if it's 1% more.
Danzo thinks of Seiichirou.

Danzo (narrating): WTH do people think ninjas ARE?
Danzo: Welp this backfired on me. Fine, I promise I won't sacrifice myself. Let's get going then. Open says me!
And so Danzo and MC enter the lab.

Exio: there you finally are, MC.
MC: ...Exio.
Light particles float up. Exio is talking so casually.

Exio: Huh. Where's Monomasa and Yoshiori?
Id Replica is doesn't have the Venom Ball in its mouth anymore.

Danzo: Aww, your little guard dog hasn't come back?
Exio: Nope, not since he fought Monomasa.
Danzo: ...huh, you know that much? Were you watching from somewhere?
What is up with Exio not knowing about the Venom Ball?

Danzo: (...I think he might not actually know, for now. If he did, then that'd mean he really doesn't need Yoshiori.)
Maybe Id Replica ate the Venom Ball or something. Even if it didn't, Exio still needs to go down quick.

MC: ...Galvo's holding the line outside.

Tense moment.
Exio: I know. Dammit, he had to play the hero. Well, not like me personally has any right to say that to him. Anything I have to say is to you, MC.
MC: ...why are you doing this?
Exio: Oh right I never said, huh? I just need you to close your eyes. Just you and me, disappearing from the world. This was my secondary goal by the way.
MC: ...so you want to kill me?
Exio: Please, that wouldn't do anything. You die, it just jumps to someone else. My crazy dream will be done if we split from the world. (finger snaps)
Id Replica approaches!

Exio: So, you working with me or are we fighting?
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Id Replica would like to battle!

Danzo: Wow, RUDE ignoring me! (swings weapon) You gotta beat me if you wanna do that.
Exio: Figures... But that's exactly why I--
???: Exio, wait.
Exio: !?
Someone appears from behind Exio!

Monomasa: I know what you're trying to do. Stop this.
MC: Monomasa!?
Guess who else is here!?

Exio: ...what are you doing, Yoshiori?
Yoshiori: (stares)
MC: Yoshiori...

Exio: ...why are you there with Monomasa when I asked you to get MC? Weren't we fighting against him? And, Id Replica...
Exio asks his copy in Id Replica why Monomasa and Yoshiori are on its back.

Yoshiori: ...did you mean that, Exio? You said there'd be almost no losses with your plan.
Exio: Oh that. I mean it's true isn't it? If MC and I disappear, that's almost nothing right?
Yoshiori: !!
Yoshiori grinds his teeth. This isn't what he wanted.

Exio: Oh, is this because you're friends with MC now? Well MC being valuable is also partly why I say this is almost nothing.
Translation: Exio is worth nothing.

Yoshiori: ...I understand. (points gun at Exio)
Exio: ...what is the meaning of this?
Yoshiori: I'll protect you from everything that'll harm you, even yourself.
Intimidation roll! Yoshiori remembers who was with him when he became determined.

Yoshiori: What would you do if you HAVE to play dirty to save someone you want to help?
He's serious. And unsure.
MC: ...you mean Exio?
Yoshiori: I didn't say that. Like, what if it were someone at the agency in your case?
MC: ...not much I can do.
Yoshiori: Yeah, you're a weakling.
Yoshiori: ...okay I'm not doing any better. (sits down and makes a seat for MC) You may as well sit too.
MC: ...thanks / ...weird rich boy.

MC sits down really close to Yoshiori.
Yoshiori: ...I never cared about how I did things before.
He sounds like he's trying to figure his worries out.

Yoshiori: I only had to care about one thing before.
When did things get harder? He lost everything, but then was found by Exio. Thinking about Exio used to be enough for him. Then Monomasa and Melide came. Then everyone in Parallel Flight. It got harder, but still...

Yoshiori: ...I still want to be with him, even if I can't do anything.
Yoshiori (narrating): I don't want him to be hurt, no matter what. He doesn't care about himself, and he could give himself up when he's done with himself. But that can't be.
MC: Maybe you should be with him.

Yoshiori: ...you sure? This could blow up on you.
Yoshiori (narrating): What am I saying? What am I even expecting of them?
MC: So like I said, what I can do is observer heroes.
MC: It's all I can do, but I'll still stand by them. Same as always.
Yoshiori: (stares)
Yoshiori (narrating): Oh right, they're like that. And me...? Did they weigh on me because they had special powers? No. They just believed and stood by me.
Yoshiori: ...right, you're an Observer.
Yoshiori (narrating): That act means a lot, really.
MC: Whatever you're on, if you're unsure then go be with him.
Yoshiori: ...right. I'll do that.
Yoshiori (narrating): I've made up my mind. I'll protect him from everything that'll harm him.
MC: Also...

Yoshiori: What?
MC: If it gets to be too much for you alone, I'll help!
Yoshiori: you what
Yoshiori (narrating): Them? Seriously? What can they possibly--
Yoshiori: ...no wait, I haven't really changed much. Ugh.
MC: Give me a sign if it gets rough!
MC: I'll help you.
Yoshiori: Heh, fine whatever. Better than nothing.
Yoshiori (narrating): Just sharing the load helped.
Yoshiori: ...okay, the sign is "I'm Exio's only ally."
MC: Your sign suuuucks
Yoshiori (narrating): I'm glad they didn't get it, because I feel dumb just for saying it. But that's not all to it anymore.
Yoshiori: Shut up and go to bed dammit!
Yoshiori (narrating): I wave them off, knowing I'll be turning on them. They don't know it yet, but if they'll be watching, then I...
Yoshiori: (frowns)
Yoshiori (narrating): I might never be able to come back. Maybe it won't matter. But still...

Yoshiori: I'm with you no matter what!
Yoshiori (narrating): Even if I have to stop you.
Yoshiori: I'll never give up on that!
Yoshiori (narrating): If Exio has only one person on his side, I am that person. But Exio just sighs when I point my gun at him.
Exio: ...fiiiine. Id Replica.
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Id Replica makes snapping sounds as it coils around Exio!

Exio: New orders. Sucks its abilities went down, but oh well.
Danzo: Down? Not up?
Id Replica seems unrestrained!

Danzo: Well things are still better than they were a minute ago!
Danzo (narrating): We got Monomasa back! And Yoshiori for some reason!
Danzo: Let's dance, Little Boss!
No sense of futility here!

MC: Let's go!
Danzo: Nice. Feel the beats!
Exio: Right, this was how I figured it was gonna be to begin with. (floats up)
Monomasa: Exio, wait, stop!
Exio: No. (snaps fingers) See how weak you really are.
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Exio: Damn, this is actually enough people to beat Id Replica?
Id Replica stopped moving!

Danzo: God, FINALLY. Thanks, Little Boss!
Id Replica: [Weird Moaning?]
Exio: You'll be okay soon, Id Replica.
He looks like he saw this coming.

Monomasa: Give it up, Exio. You can't fight on your own.
Yoshiori: Exio please stop!
Danzo: Okay Yoshiori's a simp but how come you're trying to talk him down, Monomasa?
Danzo's about to jump.
MC: Danzo, wait.
Danzo: What, you gonna join them too? Because I'm gonna be pissed if--
MC: No, the world's warping. Something's happening.

The world is falling apart!
MC: ...!
Headaches! MC realizes they're being watched and all the negative vibes are flowing through them!

Danzo: !?
Danzo: Well shit.
Three Paths are opening! More Id Replicas pop out!

Exio: Just three of them? Oh well, good enough for now.
They can think.

Exio: Okay, rematch time everyone.
End of Episode

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