Sunday, September 29, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 13: Port Light (Abridged)

Parallel Flight
Akashi: So...
Mokdai: Like...
Sui: Yeah...
MC: tired
Day time. This would have been the last day on that business trip, but change of plans, store's closed. The gang's in the break room.

Akashi: that all you have to say?
He seems mad.

MC: Um, something upsetting you...?
Akashi: You pulled another crazy stunt again! You know how worried I was!?
That all happened yesterday, by the way.

Akashi: You almost blacked out after what you did and we had to drag you out!
Mokdai: Yeah, Akashi and I had to take turns carrying you while Sui used her strings...
Sui: And then we regrouped with Grigory, Crowne, and um, Galvo?
Akashi: And then that weird WHITE thing started spreading!
Mokdai: And Grigory was all half-crazy like "oh my gooood how can the data say everything's normal!?"
Akashi: Yeah, then we had to throw our plans out.
Sui: Something about the lab acting as some wedge holding the world stable even if we got teleported.
Mokdai: And then he used his space healing magic for first aid, then flopped over for like four hours.
Akashi: ...oh right, did he ever say when we're meeting again? I hope it doesn't clash with Toshu's class.
MC: Oh...sorry guys.

Akashi: You're totally gonna do it again, aren't you?
Akashi keeps clenching and unclenching his fists. He seems really mad.

MC: wait, hold on now
Melide and Monomasa walk in.

Monomasa: Akashi, wait. It's not entirely MC's fault. It's mine too.
Melide: I get why you're mad...but I still have to thank MC for it.
Melide and Monomasa seem to have softened up.

Sui: Melide! Are you okay?
Melide: Yes, thank you. The doctor said my feelings have a large effect and to deal with the cause. But I can think and decide later if it hurts. It's like they know me better than myself...
Monomasa: Yes, Rakta's good. Glad he comes to Earth sometimes.
MC: (Aww Rakta, your mental care support is great!) That's awesome!

Akashi: Melide, Monomasa. How are they doing?
Akashi leans back and forth on the back of a chair.

Melide: Exio and Yoshiori? Well...
Exio: Ruuude. I'm right here, you know.
Yoshiori: Melide, can I take this sign off...?
Akashi: PFFFT
Exio and Yoshiori are wearing signs of shame saying "We caused problems on purpose for everyone in the office."

Exio: Okay I get having to wear this in front of you Melide, but in front of MC...?
Melide: (smiles) No. Not until they say okay.
MC: (you know that is some pretty handwriting. Who did it? At least Melide seems happy)

Sui: I'm still worried... Exio, you said you can't live without MC anymore.
Mokdai: Yeah, if this happens again...
Akashi: ...we'd never stop beating ourselves up about it.
The gang, Melide, and Monomasa all look at Exio.

Exio: ...what? Okay fine, I'll explain. So like I said earlier, I can't pull any of this ever again for two reasons. First, my link to my parallel selves has been cut, so I can't DO any of all that anymore. Second, MC put an Observer collar on me.
Exio looks annoyed.

MC: did you have to put it like that? I mean it's kinda true but still.
MC observed and connected Exio, Yoshiori, Melide, and Monomasa.

Exio: Well, MC did like a Reverse Ether Search. Ether Searches quantify something an Observer says is needed and looks up what's around that.
Melide: ...MC connected us all together because they said you need us?
Exio: In cliched terms, yes...and it was all possible because I was disappearing. I still wanna say "how dare." (looks around) Anyways, if I hurt everyone and MC stops observing me, I'll poof out of existence or something.
He looks SO annoyed.

Melide: Exio, stop looking at MC like that.
Exio: Um, since when did you get more forceful?
Flustered Exio!

Melide: Since I decided everyone should stop ditching me to do their own thing.
Monomasa: ...I decided that too.
Yoshiori: Shove it up your--(gets bonked by Monomasa's squeaky hammer)--OW that thing is heavy dammit!
Monomasa: Do you need a reminder about what you did was wrong, Yoshiori?
Monomasa will totally bonk him again. Exio sighs.

Exio: Well anyways, yes I can't pull this stunt anymore and I've been hit with Observer object impermanence. I'll disappear soon if MC stops observing me.
Akashi: Uh-huh. But we know you'll still do it if you're desperate enough.
Akashi looks determined.
Exio: ...but I can't. Just ask MC.
Everyone looks at MC.

MC: Uhh...

So after that dream dive, MC got a peek into Exio's mind.
MC: I can see whatever Exio thinks and tries to do.
Exio: Yeah, I think getting connected to Yoshori, Melide, and Monomasa, but MC can read my mind whenever now. They'll also probably sense right away if I'm feeling anything hostile. Also the collar they stuck on me means I can't try anything crazy while they're here.
MC: Yeeeah. Crazy.
Exio is SUPER annoyed. But there's also some warmth deep down in him too.

Sui: I don't totally get it, but you're an open book now I guess?
Akashi: Really? Then again, MC's a WEIRD Observer.
Akashi: What? It's do crazy awesome stuff.
Akashi whispers that last bit as his ears go red.

Mokdai: Well it's still Huckle's decision too. Let's call it a day here. MC, Monomasa, don't you two have to go soon?
MC: Oh right, that.
Monomasa: Yes, we all got out. Melide...
Melide: I know. I'll be watching them.
Melide smiles. Very forceful.

MC: (...she seems to be having fun, so that's nice.)

Yoshiori: ...hmph. Oh right, MC.
Yoshiori is facing the other way and sounds awkward.

Yoshiori: ...thanks for believing in me.
MC: That's my job / ooooh, are you blushing~? / ...
(A) Yoshiori: Pft, liar. And...sorry I did something that can't be forgiven.
That last bit is quiet.

(B) Yoshiori: Shut up, jackass!
Melide: Yoshiori, no.
Melide is getting better at handling Yoshiori.

Yoshiori: ...! ...never mind. ...thanks, and sorry.
(C) Yoshiori: ...I don't think you'll ever forgive me, but I still want to thank you. It's all thanks to you.
Yoshiori's voice trails off, but he sounds resolute.
Yoshiori looks away, like he knows he can't expect a response.

Monomasa: ...ready to go now, MC?
MC: Yep! (My stomach's empty!)
Time to go to the afterparty!

Sui: I'm surprised since you were so against it earlier, Akashi...
Akashi: What? Monomasa's there too.
Mokdai: I guess, but I figured you were still going to complain like "you're going after all that happened!?" or something.
Akashi: ...yeah I'm worried about something happening to MC, but...
Akashi turns to Sui and Mokdai.

Akashi: If something does, you guys are here to help too, right?
Sui: ...heh, as long as you understand.
Mokdai: Yeah, doesn't look like we need to sucker punch you again into sanity.
Akashi: ...oh right that happened. I could totally sue, you kn--
Shared brain wave.

Mokdai: ...I wonder if the president is okay?
Sui: Yeah, they're discussing it now, but...
Akashi: Just gotta hope...
The gang sits and thinks about Huckle...

Huckle, Ryekie, and Crowne: WE'RE SO SORRY
Customary Japanese bowing.

Grigory: Ummmm, can we just...not do this?
Awkward Grigory.

Seiichirou: ...well there's still some formalities to observe after all.
Seiichirou is slightly more relaxed than usual. This meeting is about more detailed healing after everyone got out of the Imaginary Point. Also more intel sharing, allegedly.

Huckle: ...we're really sorry about that lab in the Imaginary Point.
Grigory: Yeeeeah, it all blew up. HQ said "we can fix it!" but uh, nooope!
So forcing a Path open from an unstable world to a super unstable world is super dangerous, TWICE, with the second time being even rougher led to all this.

Grigory: Meeeh, it's all cool. I made the decision to do all that.
Seiichirou: I'm pretty sure they're talking about the cause of it happening to begin with, Grigory.
Exio. Who is he with?
Seiichirou: ...before, it might've been me apologizing.
The Alliance listed Exio as a part of them one time.

Huckle: ...I don't know how we'll calculate the damages we owe, but...we'!
Ryekie: (Huckle, you're going pale! I'm dying here too!)
Grigory: Hmmmm. How about we forget about that bit for now?
Casual Grigory.

Crowne: Wait, what?
Grigory: Yuuup, forget allll about it! Again, I was the decision maker on site. We got some important data, and you know what? Zero Trust said I can do whateeever I want with the Imaginary Point and lab.
Crowne: what
Grigory: Yep. Whateeeever I want, especially if it's for Science™! The paperwork suuuucks, but still.
Huckle: ...Grigory, you're a tech consultant for Zero Trust, right?
Grigory: Mhmmm.
Ryekie: And they let you do whatever with that world!?
Grigory: I knoooow, right? Then again I'm sorta its discoverer and head researcher soooo
Seiichirou:'s just one more lab to them? Really? I don't think I've ever seen a manager get whole rights to a lab before.
Grigory: I mean, yeeeah it's worth a lot, but hard to figure how much. But anywaaays... how did you want to handle the responsibility thing?
Grigory seems tensed now. Huckle notices and thinks about everything. Not how he planned for it to go, but the main parts are addressed.

Huckle: Yes, we promise to keep Exio Grant at our agency.

Some restaurant
Danzo: Hey Little Boss, Monomasa! Over here!
MC: Danzo!
Galvo: Greetings to you both!
Monomasa: Galvo it has only been a day, how did you get so many bags?
Galvo: It is fascinating seeing all the differences in things from a parallel world! And I have so much money!
Danzo: That money's partly mine though!
Galvo: Oh, yes. I did not expect space yen and lahs would be different too.
Galvo bought a lot of books and popular items.

MC: ...Galvo / Galvie? / (grab Galvo's face and pull him closer)
(A) Galvo: apologies for worrying thee. Fret no more.
(B) Galvo: A-art thou angry? Such is obvious but...w-wait! Please!
(C) Galvo: ...Mashta Obsubah, pray tee let go?

Galvo takes MC's hand.
Galvo: ...thank you for your considerations, Master Observer. Truly. Dost thou believe me in such?
MC: ...yes / don't do that ever again / still really mad now
(A) Galvo: I see. But I still leaned on thy grace and understand. Thank you.
(B) Galvo: W-well, I am not fond of promising unfounded on truth acts but...
Danzo: Hey Gal, maybe don't shake your head until Little Boss says okay?
Galvo: Oh, so the Lord Observer did well to attain that title? ...very well, I promise.
(C) Galvo: Ahh, I tried so hard yet the Lord Observer is still so ill-humored, Monomasa...
Monomasa: Wait, are you enjoying this...?
Galvo: How did you know? No wait, please! Set aside your fists, Master Observer!

Danzo: Well we can thank Gal later, but for now, cheers guys! Ready to open the bottle!?
Galvo: Yes! I need to talk about afterwards!
Monomasa: I was worried there'd be problems with him being a parallel worlder, but things seem fine?
Danzo pops a champagne bottle! The champagne bubbles out!
Danzo: First drink's for MC! (hands over a glass) This one's called the VIP! Nice way to end things, huh?
MC: I...might have caused problems for the boss and stuff...
Danzo: Really? He seemed fine when we all left.
Danzo seems really relaxed.
MC: ...thanks Danzo.
Danzo: For what? I'm the perfect servant boy who gets all the work done no matter how crazy!
MC: Well that too, but thanks for believing in me.
Danzo: really need to say that now? You saw my dream and believed in me. (picks up his own glass) Anyways, thanks! ...ready for the Normal mode dance class? It'll be great!
MC: about we redo Beginner mode again!?
And so the party opens up, both to enjoy the moment and to deal with things past and future.

Back to Huckle's meeting with Grigory!
Grigory: Mmmmm, that makes things complicated.
Grigory sounds unhappy. Partly because of the lab, but also the incident itself.

Grigory: Also, his shenanigans are on video so people are going to--
Huckle: Actually we might be fine there, I think?
Huckle seems surprised but stubborn.

Seiichirou: so?
Huckle: We're under contract.
Grigory: whaaaat
Huckle: Remember, we asked for one edit of the NDA portion. "Parallel Flight retains the right to decide whether to publicize any of its members' private data regardless of Zero Trust's opinion."

Grigory: ...waaaait. Are you telling us to shut up about Exio?
Huckle: Oh no, I would never say it like that. I prefer "please pretend this never happened."
Grigory: Woooow the escalation~
Ryekie and Crowne look uncomfortable.

Grigory: So liiiike, how do you expect me to explain all that?
Huckle: Monsters did it. We all saw that.
Yep, that's what everyone said during the first aid session after escaping the Imaginary Point.

Crowne: All that unexplained VP we got was from other parallel world Exios, right?
Seiichirou: Apparently, so...
Ryekie: The only ones watching us were him and people in Zero Trust!
Grigory: ...waaait, yeah. Zero Trust people were watching too.
Huckle: Uh, yes? Are you saying they aren't bound by the contract?
Grigory: Um, well...are you for real?
Huckle: Yes.
Big smile!

Grigory: Aww maaaan, I lost the negotiation...
Seiichirou: Huckle please stop, I'm getting office flashbacks.
Huckle: (default smile) ...okay, that's enough of the surface discussion.
Huckle sighs. Business Huckle is off, Hero Huckle is on.

Huckle: We don't even have our premises straight here. All I can do is ask for things. It's fine if you want to research the data, but...
Ryekie: ...we'd like you to let us at PF handle Exio Grant.
This is something at least Huckle and Ryekie agree on.

Grigory: Whaaat? First you kick me in the shins and then offer a makeup present? ...why even go so far?
Ryekie: ...I'm still not fully on board. Our definitions of justice still feel incompatible! But his deepest wish is...
Yeah, everyone saw Exio's memories in that dimensional mud.

Ryekie: Seiichirou, you have opinions on the Broker don't you?
Seiichirou raises an eyebrow but says nothing.

Crowne: And Grigory? Huckle and I became heroes because...MC believed in us.
There are people who dream, and then there are people who become the first to believe in those dreams.

Huckle: Well, they in my case I started believing again but still...
MC observed Exio and believed in his bonds.

Huckle: Believing, and being believed in is our job. Because we're heroes.
Huckle has more to say, but Grigory is checking out.

Grigory: Fine fiiiine, I get it...
Those with armor hardened by reality. They are the soft, the gentle, the easily hurt, and the beautiful.

Grigory: Huckle, you're a loooot like the stupid president in Woden Industrial. Always chasing dreams.
Huckle: Yeah, directorial work isn't quite my thing, but it's not something people really do without dreams.
Grigory: You seem to be doing just fiiiine, sheesh. But okay, that's enough I guess.
Grigory leans back. This conversation can't go anywhere else. There's other things to address anyways.

Grigory: I still got that healing to do, mkaaay. Soooo much data to pick up!
Everyone Else: Go easy please?
And so the not-really-quick healing goes on and on...

That night, the park
Melide: Um, Exio you can take that off now. We're outside and going shopping.
Exio: Oh, right. Thanks. I'm getting forgetful now.
Melide needs to buy necessities for the office. Exio forgot about the sign because he's so used to dissociating even though there's only one of him left capable of perceiving himself. He barely has any usable abilities left. No more autopiloting and snapping back into reality at random. But for now? He's here with Melide.
Melide: Exio? I've decided I'm going to be with everyone from now on.
Exio (narrating): Melide turns to look at me and grabs my fingers. It's a slight warmth.
Melide: So next time? Let's all go to the Ferris wheel toge--
And now suddenly Exio is elsewhere with the Broker sitting behind some desk.

A tongue clicks. 'Exio, you fool. Did you think you could actually be happy? Did you want to live?'
Broker: Thank you for finally coming. You've always been rejecting my invitations.
Exio: Never saw a reason to come. Messed up today. Kindly send me back?
Exio (narrating): Ugh, I can't believe I forgot to block him. I can't laugh at MC when I let this happen. Who's really Unbalanced here? I feel like a kid.
Broker: Not yet, we should talk a moment after that interesting little trick you pulled.
Broker is making tea.
Broker: The Imaginary Point. How fascinating. And your viewpoint? Impeccable. You were right that location is outside my observable view, and that such a world is so tasteless. You'd have been right if you managed to pull your plan off. It wouldn't have been impossible to keep track of this world then, but very difficult.
It's pretty much impossible to make it impossible for the Broker to track this world. Especially if he plays for time and extra runs.

Exio: ...I don't need a play by play of my failure.
Broker: I actually came to congratulate you. You, them, and the monsters. Such growth.
Broker offers tea. A hollow gesture.
Exio: That was a monster? I thought it was just a gatekeeper.
Broker: That's a matter of perspective. Still, it's very interesting a failure like you I decided to dispose of brought about something so unexpected.
Is he smiling?

Broker: And now you've become so fragile.
Hmm. Is that the big idea for this conversation?

Broker: I thought I had to have the custom, MC, define phenomena...but now you are alone.
Exio (narrating): He walks over. Resistance is futile because there's nowhere to run.
Exio: Id Replica, kill him.
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming!]

Exio (narrating): Id Replica jumps out, what remains of it. It's badly damaged, and it jumps at the Broker by its own will.
Broker: Aha. You thought this would work? Whose technique did you think that was?
Exio (narrating): Time stop. I knew this would happen, but I can't just not.
Broker: It could have taken a bite from me if it were perfected. How frightening.
Exio (narrating): He's just playing along.
Broker: So. Are you afraid of losing your only self? Does it bother you to be down to your last life? How very much like a person.
Exio (narrating): The Broker touches my throat, then pulls my chin up with a finger. Disgusting.

Exio: Yes, I'm a real person. Unlike you.
Broker: ...are you actually saying I'm not a real person?
Exio (narrating): I said that out of spite, but he seems actually surprised.
Exio: Why the surprise? You're an enemy of mankind. And of all races. You'll lose eventually, like I did.
Exio (narrating): I sent all my contempt and anger...
Broker: ...heh. Ha. Hahahaha!
Exio (narrating): ...and he just laughs.
Broker: HA! We're the same? Going to lose eventually? And yet I am not a real person? HA! Utterly ridiculous!
Exio is surprised. The Broker seems to legit find this funny.

Broker: Okay, that's enough for today thank you. I hope you accept another of my invitations in the future.

Back on Earth again
Melide: Let's all go to the Ferris wheel together again. Do you think we can?
Exio (narrating): Back on Earth with Melide holding onto me. Maybe we will go on that Ferris wheel again. Hmm... I should pass on the popcorn if that happens, it's too sweet smelling for me.
Exio: ...okay. And let's keep living like we have been.
Melide: ...yeah, together.
Exio (narrating): Melide is determined, like she won't let go of me. Not that I want to let her go either. Anyways, I put up two Anti-Broker shield layers up...maybe I should teach this to MC too.
Flash of MC!
Exio:, why not. Melide, you've kept up with that magic charm right?
Melide: ...yes? You've told me to never forget to do it.
Exio: Good. Don't ever forget to do it like I did.
Melide: ? Oh, we should teach it to MC too, right? They're my sibling student now.
Exio: Wait, you're keeping up with that sibling idea?
Exio (narrating): I guess I'll have to take this seriously since Goal #1 is all I've got. I HAVE to go for the deus ex machina happy ending now. UGH. I'd totally ditch this weight on my shoulders if I could.
Exio: (frowns)
And then Exio looks up at the sky. What was that last smile in the end? Seems like it's a genuinely happy smile for the first time ever.

Monomasa walked MC home and is now heading back to his own home.

Monomasa: ...are you awake, Monomasa?
No response. Nothing like back then.

Galvo: Hmm. We should support each other like they did.

Monomasa: Hmm...
Monomasa thinks about his state of being and future.

Monomasa: ...are we supporting each other?
No answer. The night wind is cold.

Some hotel
Galvo: So many things I want to do! But what first...?
Hmm. Linguistic development and difference research as his job as a language specialist? Or researching how it happened as a wanderer? Pffft, worries about going back to his home world? What is that?
Galvo: I've really done it now! People are amazing!
What were once fantasies may one day become a path towards history.

Galvo: Oh yes I still must pay back those travel expenses. I suppose I must find work. And investigate while I am at it! But I should decide on a goal...

Danzo: What if there's some What-If Alter version of me out there like Akashi Alter? What would I do then?

Galvo: about I search for this Akashi Alter?

Parallel Flight roof
Yoshiori is thinking about his presence there.

Yoshiori: Damn, I'm still here somehow after everything.
Yoshiori thought it would never happen...and now that he's gained things, there's things he doesn't want to let go of anymore. He's getting weaker. Yoshiori looks at the sign of shame.

Yoshiori: Seriously, how can they still trust me?
The sign is a message to feel bad about what he did so he can keep staying with everyone. And then Yoshiori thinks about the Observers. The one who found him, and the one who watches them.

Yoshiori: Is this some kind of reward? ...thinking about it that way is...nice...
And those things are hard to come by, he thinks again.

Some other hotel
Danzo's come back to Seiichirou. He himself says he's in a comparatively good mood. Things were rough, but he got something out of it.

Seiichirou: ...was the afterparty that fun?
Danzo: Hell yeah! I got two choices of Boss now!
Seiichirou: Are you trying to make me jealous?'re talking about MC, right? Fair enough.
He's figured as much.
Danzo: Huh...I didn't think you thought that much of MC. Something up for that?
Seiichirou: ...because they're an Observer I suppose. Their worth is hard to tell, but Huckle and Exio seem to have figured it out.
Calls done for the day. The rest can wait 'til tomorrow.

Danzo: ...what about That Thing? No answer with MC and the agency?
Huh. Danzo knows something most people don't.

Seiichirou: ...not yet. That's up to MC's choice. I'm looking forward to it.

Broker: Heh.
Broker's been laughing to himself for a while even after sending Exio back. He REALLY seems to be amused from before.

Broker: I'm not a real person! An enemy to all races, even! HA! ...still, it's an interesting opinion. And what he did has some value. Maybe I should learn from him.
The Broker starts pretending to be the enemy of the people hoped for.

Broker: I don't think I've felt this way since the beginning. Truly, thank you Exio Grant.
The Broker tries rebooting. No long boot sequence, no activation needed. The archenemy of people, the five originals who inevitably draw all observations.

Broker: ...alright then. It's true that a stabilized, stagnant enemy will die.
A foreign pulse the world says that should not be. Sheer depravity. Contempt from the untouchable.

Broker: Awaken, Primals. Trample upon this world once more.
End of Chapter

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