Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 3 Part 2 (Abridged)

Takeminakata was once known as a great warrior in Takamagahara. But there were also haters who called him that giant idiot who ate shit SO hard when he represented Okuninushi in the Kuni-yuzuri. Both are right. He trusted Okuninushi a lot, and he was his champion. But Takamagahara said the battles that mattered weren't in the one on one sumo matches, so Okuninushi losing his position was supposed to be inevitable. Such was his fated role. It's a regretful memory for Takeminakata, but he managed to guard the bare minimum of family honor in this war of the gods. Sure he lost the fight and lost his original arms, but then he found the artifact Mizuchi to be his new arms and power. And so he goes on, looking for new possibilities...

Taishakuten: Fight back, dammit!
Takeminakata: no
Takeminakata out here dodging Taishakuten's hands except for when he feels like it, all to keep Taishakuten busy while the rest of the party tries to solve the problem of the day.

Takeminakata: Come at me, man!
MC: I gotta hurry...! (search desks)

MC's searching the desks near where Taishakuten was sitting.
Hippolytus: How can we not find some suspicious drug thing right away!?
MC: Maybe it's not in a jar since scent matters so much. Did they use something else?
MC: Hippolytus, did you bring that flower? Search that one desk!
MC points at the desk right behind Taishakuten's.

Hippolytus: But I searched it already! Wait... oh! I found it!
Hippolytus finds some white flower and seals it in a bag!

Takeminakata: Great! Now to make Taishakuten sane again somehow. Can I breathe normally yet!? (blows out tissue plugs)
MC: I'll help! / (maybe I should call Volkh) / he'll be fine soon, maybe!
(A) Takeminakata: Not now!
(B) Masanori: He should be fine soon! It was like that the first day, correct?
Takeminakata: Um, I guess so then!
(C) Oh yeah the randos from Day 1 were fine in like five minutes or something.
Takeminakata: Oh okay then!

Mermaid A: ...wait why am I running out here? And how for that matter when I don't have legs?
Guy B: (wheezing) dying...wait what
Robot C: Weren't we in a flower crafting workshop...?
Krampus: (whoa that was fast, did everyone fix things already?)
Krampus: Uh, sorry. We had you coming with me for safety's sake. I'll explain when we get back.
Wrestler D: oh okay. Also weren't you speaking differently earlier or something?
Krampus: Uh, you're imaging things!
Krampus gives the TLDR version first and texts Masanori. Masanori texts back that things are okay now.

Taishakuten: MY BAD GUYS
MC: no one was hurt, it's cool / damn you were shit back there / it's okay
(A) Taishakuten: Yeah. I don't really wanna send anyone to the hospital or anything.
(C) Taishakuten: Is not!
Taishakuten: Sorry, Takeminakata!
Takeminakata: It's cool, we're friends. You didn't mean it.
Masanori: Krampus's plan to lead the affected students out worked. I questioned the ones who were still okay.
Krampus: What? You figure out who did it?
Masanori: No. But I might have some clues. First though, what should we do about the workshop classes?

Hippolytus: Oh. Hmm...it sucks but we might have to suspend them for now.
Girl A: Noooo!
Wolf B: They can't keep doing this though, can they?
Drone Pilot C: Whoever did it is probably long gone already.
Lizard D: You can check our bags if that'll keep classes going.
Hippolytus: uhhh wow I was not expecting that
MC: Isn't that nice? / isn't this dangerous still? / hmm...
The party does want to continue the classes, but safety first.

Hippolytus: ...okay. Give me some time, so go on break. We'll pick up later!
The randos leave.

Taishakuten: W-wait, you sure about this Hippolytus?
Hippolytus: Should be since my power can theoretically handle it.
Hippolytus pulls out a bunch of flowers. Circuit lights shine on his hands as his artifact activates and he starts weaving the flowers.

MC: wait what's happening
Hippolytus: Okay done! Can you guys put these wreaths on? Then one of you try sniffing that drug!
Taishakuten: EXCUSE ME???
Masanori: Yes he really said that. He must think it'll be okay. In theory.
MC: I'll do it / (whistle)
(A) Krampus: W-wait, I'll do it instead!
(B) Krampus: ...I'll do it.

Krampus takes a whiff of drugs.
Krampus: ...huh, smells funny but I don't feel any better or worse. Like this is jasmine mixed with perfume.
Masanori: You think so too? Perfume is so fitting. Like some mixed extracts.
Hippolytus: Interesting, but the wreaths work right?
Krampus: I-I think so, yeah.
Takeminakata: Okay, time to get ready before everyone comes back!
And so class picks back up without incident for the day.

Hippolytus: Oh god it's over today, thanks everyone.
Party: (sighhhh)
MC: Everyone's tired. Same. / (hand out drinks)
(C) Takeminakata: Oh thank you MC! So that's when you give drinks to be nice. Notes taken!
Masanori: So busy today, but still more to go. Shall we pick up our discussion from earlier?
Hippolytus: Okay! About that flower we found, right?
Masanori: Right. The jasmine flower affect some students, but it doesn't seem to have done it on its own. but look at this flower petal I found on the first day of class.
Krampus: ...a pansy? Those are weird flowers you can find in Tir na Nog. I didn't know Tokyo had them too. Does Setagaya grow them?
Hippolytus: Uhhh, we have violas everywhere if you mean that. They aren't Tir na Nog originals, but maybe the research building has some.
MC: So it's a Tokyo origin flower? / so flowers are related to things? / what's that thing you were growing, Hippolytus?
(A) Masanori: I can't tell. Hippolytus?
Hippolytus: I need the whole plant to figure that out.
(B) Masanori: Maybe. Hippolytus, your expert opinion?
Hippolytus: I mean...it's possible?
(C) Hippolytus: Oh that flower from yesterday? It's a ylang-ylang.

Hippolytus: ...wait. OH NO!

Hippolytus: Pansies, ylang-ylang canangas, and jasmines are all believed to be love potions here!
MC: WHAT / really? / hmmmm...
(C) Hippolytus: No you may not cook, MC. :|
Masanori: Well if beans can hurt onis on Setsubun, then I suppose the faith argument works here too.
Taishakuten: ...so flowers really be the cause of every problem we had so far?
Takeminakata: But no one tried anything sexy. Taishakuten threw HANDS.
MC: It's a bust? / is someone testing stuff on us? / I wish I threw hands with Taishakuten
(A) Masanori: One would think they'd try to make it last longer. But if this is all according to keikaku, where are they going with it?
(B) Masanori: ...hmm, it's possible.
(C) Taishakuten: HELL YEAH
Masanori: Love comes in all kinds, I suppose. But do that later.

Masanori: And that's all the evidence I have so far. No clues to motives or suspects. But I'm worried this will happen again after we got the class back on track.
Hippolytus: Hmm. I'll have to report to Volkh. All we can do is ask the festival committee for security, I guess.
knock knock

MC: whomst? oh no is it a crowd of crazies again?
Hippolytus: No, class is over already. It must be Volkh. :|
Krampus: Breathe, Hippolytus.
Takeminakata: I'm freaked out too, so I'll check quietly... (tiptoes towards door and opens it) helloooo?
MC: OMGWHAT / (too surprised to scream)

Takeminakata: WHAT IS--aren't you guys from the class today?
Guy A: omg it's you, I stan you so much!
Takeminakata: Me? What?
Guy A: Yeah!
Mermaid B: Thanks for saving us earlier today!
Boy C: So we were the people Youtuber Muramasa evacuated outside...
Guy A: But we heard you trying so hard for us. We wanted to thank everyone again. Especially you, Takeminakata!
Takeminakata: (stares)
Takeminakata: WHAAAAAT (looks at party)
MC: Yay for you!

Takeminakata: ...weeheeheehee. I mean, I'm a city boy now, it's what I do!
Taishakuten: Stop looking like a dumbass, airhead! ...eh, I guess that's fine for some people.
Masanori: Well his personal charms aren't in being cultured. It's in helping others without looking for returns. Like a trusted down to earth leader, which I suppose is why he's a Tycoon.
Krampus: So he's the only one who didn't realize it?
MC: Maybe so / wow he hasn't noticed / god he's annoying
Takeminakata: Why don't you say hi to my friends?
Takeminakata introduces the mobs to the party. Someone is watching evilly from further away.

MC is heading back to the Setagaya dorm and sees Takeminakata in the dorm cafeteria.

Takeminakata: Hey, MC! Rough day, huh?
MC: Yeah / You eating dinner now? Didn't you just eat?
(A) Takeminakata: (awkward stares)
Takeminakata: I was really hungry all day. Huh? Oh, feels awkward to be the only one eating.
(BC) Takeminakata: Yeah, I've been hungry all day.
Takeminakata: Eh, it's been busy. But wow, Hippolytus and Masanori had to think the whole time too... wait am I the only one who didn't!?
Takeminakata keeps eating and talking.

Takeminakata: Whew, I'm good now! Oh, sorry I dominated the conversation
MC: It's cool / I like listening / talking while eating? ruuuude
(C) Takeminakata: Oh my god you sound just like Hakumen!

Takeminakata: That last thing in the end really surprised me. So many people thanked me for throwing myself at Taishakuten, kinda reminds me of this one time back home. Except that it wasn't my idea. I just did what I was told.
MC: Aww, so humble / that's cool too / (wait for him to continue)
(A) Takeminakata: Nah, I just followed someone who was better.
(B) Takeminakata: Wow thanks!
Takeminakata: Having to live without a big boss to follow is hard, man. Oh wait, never mind me.
MC: Tell me?
Takeminakata: (stares)
Takeminakata: Well okay then! Did I ever tell you about Lord Onamuji? I haven't thought of him in a while. Being a big city boss is hard. (pours tea for two)
Takeminakata: After coming here, I had to think about how to be a ruler and being good enough to not embarrass him. But being here with y'all reminds me of old times where I could be myself and talk with people...what?
MC: Slick! / omg sweet airhead / nothing, go on

Takeminakata: O-okay? Well it's fun feeling like old times...but I can't be who I was back then when I didn't know what it meant to lose. So... (sips tea pensively)
Takeminakata: Do I really need to choose a new way of life? I was a natural ruler there in Izumo, but do I have to change here in Tokyo? I can't give up that old life.
Does he try being the ideal servant or go his own way?

This could be very important.

MC: Decide later? / Do both?
(A) Takeminakata: ...sorry this is all dumb stuff, but thanks for listening. You're weirdly calming. I'll keep at it
(B) Takeminakata: Can I even hack it??? ...what, sumo has multiple kinds of finishing moves? I guess. Now that I think about it, it's not like all the Tycoons are all the same.
[Flag set!]
 Takeminakata: Thanks MC. I'm hungry again...wait, I should stop for today!
And so Takeminakata puts his dishes away and the two of you go back to your rooms.

End of Episode

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