Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Epilogue (Abridged)

Panning shot of nameless mobs.
Hippolytus: Hi, welcome to the last day of event class! Thanks for coming, let's have fun making things!
Several days after stopping the villain plot, things go okay as the event comes to an end.

Hippolytus: ...good job everyone.
MC: say what / did something happen? / Sad? understandable
(AB) Hippolytus: No I was just thinking about everything that happened.
(C) Hippolytus: Oh god you can read me! I mean we've been working together this whole time but still!

Hippolytus: (insert guilty rant)
Taishakuten: Not this shit again! For me, it's done, cool, moving on.
Takeminakata: Didn't the school sentence you? That's settled then! Some things you just have to do.
MC: So everything's equal then / Sentenced to the experimental farm... / hey troublemaker!
(A) Hippolytus: Yeah...
(B) Hippolytus: Yeah I work with the ABC Gang every morning! Manual labor rocks!
Krampus: ...well okay then.
(C) Hippolytus: I feel like I'm being flexed on.
Masanori: I don't know how you know that, but yes you might be talked about at other schools now.
Krampus: But damn, a lot happened here for Setagaya Valentines. Nothing I can sum up quickly.
Takeminakata: Yeah, sooo much. Like the Setagaya bentos!
Taishakuten: I had tons of fun!
Masanori: It was an interesting practical experience, thank you.
MC: I had fun too! Time flies. / Finally it's over!
(C) Hippolytus: Tired? Have a rest when you get back to Shinjuku.

Hippolytus: The workshop is done, but the event is still ongoing. Maybe come visit like anyone else sometime. Oh, Volkh's calling. Excuse me! Hello? ...oh okay thank you! Oh, free time for everyone? I'll tell them!

Hippolytus: Um, Volkh says thanks and your rooms are still yours until the event ends. You can also go home whenever or stay the whole time. He's sorry he couldn't say thanks in person, so...
MC: He's done so much for us / How noble / can I just live here
(B) Takeminakata: Educational!
(C) Hippolytus: Aww, you. If you stay long enough they'll put you on farmwork rotation.
Masanori: Nice. Also shouldn't we clean up? Might as well help until the end.
Krampus: Agreed. Kinda sad to split up after this.
Taishakuten: Dorm party then?
Takeminakata: Yeah!
And so the party handles stuff and talks about the celebration party prep. The workshop equipment is put away, food is picked up through Hippolytus's contact, stew is made, and the night goes on with everyone talking with each other.

The next morning, the dorm cafeteria as MC starts picking up breakfast
MC: Oh, morning Masanori. You're up early again.
Masanori: Good morning MC. It's a bit sad this won't be going on for much longer. Anyway, do you remember the bird from that other morning? It's here again.
Masanori sits next where he sat last time and gestures MC to sit down. And yep, there are two birds out there. The two talk about their assistant job ending, and then the topic moves to the villain plot.

Masanori: I wasn't expecting to be a mole again after getting out of PubSec. Some things just don't change, huh? Oh, I wasn't complaining since I chose to do that. It's what it came down to after thinking about it. Also, remember what we talked about at that bench? (pulls something out of his bag)

Masanori: You helped me figure things out, so I wanted to give you this flower gift. I've been watching the class this whole time and had a little extra time to ask after that whole villain plot. It's made with sea lavenders.
[Flag check!]
(Yes flag) Masanori: I made this with the belief my feelings for you will never change. I wanted to let you know, whether you take it or not. Also, please don't look up what the flowers mean until after I leave.
(No flag) Masanori: I hope my bonds with you and with my wife never change. May my beliefs hold through like daisies.
MC: Thanks Masanori / (smile) Heh, fiiine.
(A) Masanori: No, thank you.
(BC) Masanori: Thank you, MC.
Masanori: By the way, do you have plans later? Maybe we can look at things together if you'd like.

MC goes back to their room for now and think about what to do.
knock knock

MC: Taishakuten?
Taishakuten: S'up! Got news for ya. You're now officially our youth group PR president! I called back after I talked with you that one time and things happened and now here we are.
MC: WHAT / wow gangsters move fast
(AB) Taishakuten: Okay don't get your panties in a twist, this is our first time having a PR head. Or any PR person at all really.
Taishakuten: In other news, Shibamata's making a new local specialty! It's the flower box I made! (sits on MC's bed and pulls out something)
Taishakuten: I used azaleas from Shibamata Park. Go on, take it.
[Flag check!]
(Yes flag) Taishakuten: We can do anything together, MC. The PR job has a room with it, and I can take you there if you say yes. And the Summoners thing--what? No, I'm not proposing to you, dammit! We're supposed to DATE fir--never mind I'll just ask you again later!
Shocked MC watches Taishakuten go.

(No flag) Taishakuten: ...MC, I swear to help you out one day. You and Ryouta believe in me, so I gotta repay that. Just came to say that. Anyways, let's go check out Setagaya Valentines!
MC smiles and watches Taishakuten go.

And then Taishakuten runs off.

Later, MC goes to walk around campus. Takeminakata is wrestling on some lawn.
Takeminakata: Oh hi MC. Wanna sumo?
MC: but why here tho / hey aren't those guys...?
(C) Those wrestlers look familiar.
Mobs: Hello!
Mobs: Thank you, Takeminakata!
Takeminakata: Sure, say hi if you come by Roppongi! (sits on lawn)
Takeminakata: That was fun. Oh I wasn't planning to sumo wrestle here, but the ABC Gang's hired goons asked me to train them because they were impressed by how strong we were.
MC: Sup, Mr. Popular! / ew sweaty clothes / were you gonna invite them to your sumo club?
(C) Takeminakata: Yeah, but they're Setagaya students and I can't tell them to move. Oh well I can try later after going back.

Takeminakata: (smiles) I'd never be spending my days like this before I came to Setagaya. On that note, take this MC. Isn't it cool? I made it with chrysanthemums since I like those! ...I'm glad I ran into you here. Remember that time we talked in the dorm cafeteria?
[Flag check!]
(Yes flag) Takeminakata: I started thinking I wanted to help you. I wanna know you better than anyone, and I want you to know me more. If that happens, I think I can do anything and go anywhere. Just think about it and tell me later.
(No flag) Takeminakata: Being a ruler sucks sometimes, so I wanted a friend who got me. I been thinking maybe you could be one. Come visit Roppongi sometime!
Takeminakata gets up.

Takeminakata: Uhhh, I'm gonna go run around. Later! Maybe we can check out Setagaya Valentines another day!

Later, MC looks at some display when their phone beeps.
MC: Krampus? I wonder where he is. He could've just seen me in person.
MC goes to the highest student-accessible roof. No one is there.

???: aaaaa
Krampus: HERE I AM!
Krampus's voice is coming from above! He's standing on a water tower with some flowers held up. Hero speech!

Krampus: I still don't know what love is, but I know I love you MC! I forgot part of my past too, but thanks to you I remember! You're my hero, so I wanna be your hero!
Krampus jumps off and poses midair!

Krampus lands, stays on his knees, and holds up his flowers!

Krampus: ...p-please?
MC: Nice landing! / explain first / why did you do all that?

Krampus: I heard Tokyo natives used to jump off this place down south called Kiyomizu when they made a big decision so...what do you mean, it wasn't literal!? Oops...
He's super embarrassed and stews in it for a while. MC asks why he did this after he calms down a bit.

Krampus: I figured I'd give you a bouquet now that the workshop is done since I haven't really told you how I felt before. This is, uhh...Chinese peony, baby's breath, and Christmas rose. I hope you like it.
[Flag check!]
(Yes flag) MC: Aww thanks / my first present! / direct is nice
Krampus: S-sorry, I still want to tell you directly too! (grabs MC's hand with both of his)
Krampus I always thought you could do better than me, but...I decided I really do want to be closer to you. If you want to, maybe we could hang out together more? You can tell me yes or no tomorrow, I'm not ready for it now.
(No flag) MC: Sure / that combo suits you / thanks
Krampus: O-oh, thanks! Also, can I talk to you another time about that original work I mentioned before? It's my favorite, but I need to up the resolution and to do that we'll have to binge from the start and--oops. Anyways I'll talk about it another time.

MC and Krampus leave the roof after talking a while. He seems to feel better on the way down. Evening comes, and as people leave, MC heads over to Setagaya's gardening club room.
Hippolytus: Oh, MC? What brings you here?
MC: I came to see you / Need help? / Figured I'd talk to you before going back to the dorm
(A) Hippolytus: But you could've called me and I could've come to you instead!
(B) Hippolytus: Aww thanks, but I'm almost done.
(C) Hippolytus: Aww, that's nice of you.
Hippolytus: Thanks for coming all the way over. How about we take a walk together?
And so Hippolytus and MC head over towards the school gate after locking up the club room.

MC: So what was that thing you wanted to do?
Hippolytus: Oh right I forgot about that! So do you know about the school's Secret Garden? ...oh wait it's supposed to be a secret to nonmembers. Whoopsies. Oh well, it's the best and secret garden in school, and I manage it for nonclub reasons.
Very confidential information here. It's a secret, you guys!

Hippolytus: I made it for VIPs to relax in. Regular students might hear rumors about it, but they don't know for sure. Anyways, I wanted to make something beyond that. A safe place for anyone to belong in without having to fight over things.
MC: Aww that's nice / I wanna help / Good luck with it!

Hippolytus: Thanks MC, that means a lot.
Hippolytus stops walking after a bit to grab MC's hand with both of his own.

[Flag check!]
(Flag A) Hippolytus: ...you know, holding hands with someone makes me uncomfortable. But not with you, since you're one of the few people I feel I can speak to as an equal.
(Flag B) Hippolytus: ...you're the only one I can hold hands with without feeling uncomfortable so far.
(Flag C) Hippolytus: OH GOD THIS IS THE MOST I CAN HANDLE! I haven't drugged myself, but I still want to do something right now!

Hippolytus: Anyway I'm so glad we've formed a bond.
Hippolytus lets go.

Hippolytus: So, I probably can't see you until after this event, repayments I want to do even beyond my sentence at the experimental farm. But I'm sure I'll see you again, and I wanted to give you something as a token of my feelings.
Hippolytus pulls out a special flower wreath.

Hippolytus: It doesn't have any magic since I didn't use my artifact, but I tried preserving it as best I could.
Hippolytus puts the wreath on MC and smiles.

Hippolytus: Stay well until next time we meet.
MC: Sure, see you next time / (nod) / if I feel like it
(AB) Hippolytus: Yay!
Hippolytus: The flowers and I will always be waiting for you!
A westbourne wind sees the party back home. When tomorrow comes, the sun will bring the tidings of spring, the seasons of new meetings and partings as new loves and loveless cross paths in Tokyo...

The End

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