Sunday, September 15, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 11: Annihilation Wish 3 (Abridged)

Just before MC's party makes it to the lab

Monomasa: Huh, I'm not hurt. What's this voice?
Id Replica: [Strange Mumbling or something]
Id Replica must be flying with the Venom Ball or something.

Yoshiori: (mumbling in gagged merc)
Yoshiori is stuck in the Venom Ball's walls.

Monomasa: want me to talk to Yoshiori, right Monomasa? Can you ungag him then?
Monomasa and Monomasa Oosato share thoughts but not conclusions.

Yoshiori: (ungagged) GODDAMMIT MONOMASA!
Well he seems the same as ever. How'd this happen then?

Yoshiori: Catching me means nothing. Also aren't we in Id Replica's mouth? We're both dead if it eats us, so lemme go!
Monomasa: But you know it's not going to do that.
Id Replica: [Weird Rumbling]
Yoshiori: Oh right you can understand it...
Monomasa: Only like 30% of it. But enough to know it doesn't want to hurt us. It only attacked because it had some command stapled to it.
Monomasa (narrating): I change my seating. I can probably take over control of Id Replica, but I need to talk too.

Monomasa: I know the gist of things, that you two haven't totally changed.
Monomasa (narrating): We lived with them. I know those days were real.
Monomasa: But what is your guys' goal anyway?
Yoshiori: You have to ask? Mine is protecting every bit of Exio.
Monomasa (narrating): No lies detected.
Monomasa: Wait, are, wait...Replica?
What does Yoshiori mean...? Still, something clicked into place.

Monomasa: ...doesn't that might've misunderstood something?
Yoshiori: WHAT how the hell don't you get it already!? You can just see it! Melide got it!
Monomasa: ...that's one thing, but how did you expect me to know when you hid what you were doing?
Monomasa (narrating): You two said nothing and did stuff by yourselves. And Exio...

Monomasa: Exio was planning to fly solo, wasn't he?
Yoshiori: ...yeah, I had to barge into it.
Monomasa: ...ugh.
Monomasa (narrating): He's mad I don't understand him, but so am I about him. All of us can complain about him not understanding. Yoshiori can join us on that, but he won't.
Monomasa: So what now?
Monomasa (narrating): I get most of it now. I know what I'm doing.
Monomasa: I'm stopping Exio, whatever he's doing. What about you?
Yoshiori: ...I'm standing by Exio, no matter what.
He sounds determined.

Exio: Okay, round 2 then?
Id Replicas slither forward!

Exio: I'm really surprised this was enough people to take down one Id Replica, but can you keep it up? I'd love to see that actually.
Id Replicas are growling!

MC: what...?
It's like a do-over!

Exio: I only have three for now because they're all made differently.
Danzo: This suuuucks man.
Monomasa: Agreed. And what do you mean "for now"?
He can keep going.

Yoshiori: Exio, stop...
Yoshiori thinks about when Exio was making Id Replica earlier. It felt like he was jumping into a fire.

Exio: Oh are you guys giving up?
The Id Replicas coil around Exio.
Exio: Lame, but time-saving. (snaps fingers)
Id Replicas charge!

MC: uhhh

Danzo: Little Boss, quick! Left!
Move dammit!

Id Replica: [Weird Roar]
Crunching sound!

Monomasa: Stop!
Monomasa takes out an Id Replica! Another charges in!

Monomasa: !?
Monomasa is knocked back to the entrance area!

MC: Monomasa!
Yoshiori: Stop! ...Stop it!
Yoshiori is holding an Id Replica's mouth open with his bare, bleeding hands!

Danzo: Little Boss, send me VP!
Danzo gets ready to pull his ultimate! Another Id Replica blindsides him!

Danzo: ...shit.
MC: Danzo!

An Id Replica approaches MC and opens its mouth...
Yoshiori: MC!
Yoshiori starts heading over. He'll never make it.
Id Replica charges forward! Is dodging possible? ...not really. All goes dark because...!

MC: (I closed my eyes)
MC: (Dying is scary. Being hurt sucks)
But then, what of the heroes you've watched?
Montage of a bunch of different sad heroes!
They have to face fear and pain too. How'd they do it?
Montage of determined heroes!

MC: (They opened their eyes, hung onto their dreams, and kept going still)
You've watched them all this time. Heroes are people too. Just people, not miracle workers. So if you want to stand by them...
MC: ...
Even if you're scared...

MC: ...!
MC opens their eyes. Id Replica is right there!

MC: (I still have to open my eyes. Heroes faced forward too, and not because they weren't afraid.)
They went on, bearing their pain and suffering. You've watched all that, so...

MC: I'll keep watching, no matter what.

Something hits Id Replica!
MC: ...?
MC got saved by someone now in front of them!

[Akashi Route]
???: Sorry I'm late MC.
Oh my god they're actually here. The hero who'll fight together with you.

Akashi: Come on, let's go.
The hero in carmine, born from the admiration you two have for the hero of lightning. Your shared dream, the face you know so well.

Akashi: You're my Observer, and I'm your hero!
[Mokdai Route]
???: Pow! OW that hurt!
Oh my god they're actually here. The hero who'll fight together with you.

Mokdai: ...hey MC, I made it.
The hero in viridian, in the arms meant to take him to the heights he wanted to reach. Your shared dream, the face you know so well.

Mokdai: Let's go together, MC! I'm...your hero!
[Sui Route]
???: UGH what is this heavy thing!?
Oh my god they're actually here. The hero who'll fight together with you.

Sui: ...sorry I'm late, MC.
The hero in turquoise, who felt unworthy and unsuited for their dress but kept on. Your shared dream, the face you know so well.

Sui: I'm your hero! Let's do this together, MC!

Galvo: Come at me, fiends!
The swarms are endless. A Monster bites Galvo's arm!

Galvo: Absurd!
Galvo summons fire from their feet and burns everything around!

Monster: [Weird Screaming]
Full flames baby! Not that Galvo does that normally. He keeps fighting the tides of Monsters with all he's got, but he keeps thinking of something: why's he doing this? Why'd he volunteer to hold the rear line? Because he had to, though it wasn't his personal choice. To die then? ...not really. His predecessors from the archive say "Where is that place we've never reached? Not this dull place, surely." Galvo can feel it himself that this place can't possibly be his final destination. So why is he here?

Monster: [Weird Screaming]
Galvo: SILENCE I am trying to think!
Galvo shoves an arm in and burns the Monster inside out! But more keep coming!

Galvo: You are all so tiresome!
Galvo's crystals shine brighter! But he's almost out of VP, and staying transformed is getting hard!

Monster: [Weird Screaming]
A Monster jumps from behind that other one Galvo attacked, so Galvo throws what's left of the first one at it. Then he suddenly thinks about Exio and MC.

Galvo: Impossible...Galvo, art thou...
Is it really that simple? Did he want to get the people he liked to whatever better fate he could bring to them?

???: No dying here, mkaaay?
An orb flies in front of Galvo!

Monster: (bonked) [Weird Screaming]
The orb rams the attacking Monster!

Galvo: What!?
It looks just like the orb MC was hanging onto!

Grigory: Go, Pair of Ravens!
The orb shoots out geometric patterns!

Galvo: What?
Galvo is healed!

Grigory: Coool, I made it. I suck with these things... anyways, hurry it up! We have a time limit, guuuys!

[Akashi Route]
MC: Akashi...
Akashi is blocking Id Replica with his bat but it's still pushing him back!

Sui: Akashi, stop charging in alone, god!
Mokdai: At least we barely made it! Thanks Akashi!
[Mokdai Route]
MC: Mokdai...
Mokdai: Hehe, it's nice hearing you call my name...wait--
Mokdai is blocking Id Replica with his fists but it's still pushing him back!

Akashi: Mokdai Mighty Knuckle! Careful!
Sui: Mokdai Mighty Knuckle, stay focused!
Mokdai: Thanks guys! But did you have to make a point of using my hero name to tell me off!?
[Sui Route]
MC: Sui...
Sui: Oh no!
Sui is blocking Id Replica with her needles but it's still pushing her back!

Akashi: Dammit Sui, stop doing crazy stuff!
Mokdai: Sui, I'm coming to help! Brace yourself!
Sui: Thanks you two!

Anyways, the three stop Id Replica!
[Akashi Route]
MC: Sui, Mokdai!
Sui: We're here now!
Mokdai: Sorry it was last second, also WHAT IS THIS THING! Oh whatever, because... (charges fist) MOKDAI PUNCH!
[Mokdai Route]
MC: Akashi, Sui!
Sui: We're here now!
Akashi: Sorry we're late, glad you're okay! Also what the hell is this thing!? 'cuz... (swings bat) AKASHI SWING!
[Sui Route]
MC: Akashi, Mokdai!
Mokdai: We're here!
Akashi: Sorry we're late! And whatever this thing is... (swings bat) AKASHI SWING!

Id Replica goes flying!
Lightning runners spark up towards another Id Replica!

Danzo: ...wait
Dramatic thunder!

Blinding light! The Id Replicas get zapped!

Id Replica: [Weird Moaning]
The Id Replicas are still threatening but still!

Ryekie: Sorry we're late, but time to turn things around!
Monomasa: Zap the Justice...
Monomasa remembers the hero he once saw...

Melide: Monomasa, are you okay!?
The Id Replica behind her is recovering!

Monomasa: Melide, behind you!
Melide suddenly disappears!

???: Melide, you need to be more mindful of the situation before running in.
Huckle brings Melide over to Monomasa!

Huckle: Sorry we're late. But Ryekie's right!

???: You okay Danzo?
It's that pushy boss's voice!

Danzo: Do I LOOK okay? Whose fault do you think it is I'm like this?
Danzo (narrating): That's what I really felt. And it's because of these two idiots I trust.
Seiichirou: ...must've been tough. But can you keep going?
Danzo (narrating): It sounds like an order, but I know he's trusting me with his hopes and dreams. Heavy stuff, man.
Danzo: Hell yeah, Big Boss. Who do you think I am?
Danzo (narrating): Couldn't hurt to be polite, even if he's a high level experiment success. Or something.
Danzo: But can I go somewhere first?
Seiichirou: The hero you mentioned in the phone call? It's fine, Grigory and Crowne are heading to him. I'm observing them.
Danzo: Damn, look at you all prepared like always!
Danzo (narrating): He looks smart and prepared, but I know he's just afraid of losing things. So am I, which is why I live in the moment.
Danzo: Alright! Don't take your eyes off me, Big Boss!
Seiichirou: Pffft, get to dancing already.

Sounds like it's a real fight instead of a defensive battle now!
Exio: Ugh, how did you guys get in? I thought I made it really hard to get into here.
Exio sent some sort of jammer or something.

Exio: What'd you even use to get through? Oh whatever...
Time to get things done. Exio puts his hand on his face to rewrite his commands.

MC: Exio...
Exio looks at everyone. So full of hope. So ridiculously stupid.

[Akashi Route]
Akashi: I'm so gonna kick your ass!
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: Exio... you've crossed a line.
[Sui Route]
Sui: Exio, I'm more than a little mad with you.

Exio (narrating): They're mad. Figures.
Exio: that's what your dream looks like?
Exio (narrating): What a disappointment.
Exio: That's where your end is.
Two more Id Replicas pop out!

Exio (narrating): This is probably the last I can make.
MC: Oh no!
Exio: Being a hero defines the end point of your dream, your growth. Having dream includes having a dream end, and I HATE that. Don't you get it?
Exio (narrating): They won't agree, but I need to say it so they get what I'm doing and what I'm wearing.

[Akashi Route]
Akashi: Shut up with your bullcrap. You think this is the end for me? PFFFT. Dreams don't end, and nobody would agree with that.
Akashi looks at MC, Sui, and Mokdai.

Akashi: We're just moving forward. Not to some end point, but towards our goals.
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: ...I don't get your point at all, Exio. But I'm sure you're wrong about this being the end of my dream. I have even more things I want to do even after being a hero.
Mokdai looks at MC, Sui, and Akashi.

Mokdai: We're just moving forward. Not to some end point, but towards our goals.
[Sui Route]
Sui: No. What are you trying to say? You're wrong about this dress being the end of my dream, even if it looks like this.
Sui looks at MC, Akashi, and Mokdai.

Sui : We're just moving forward. Not to some end point, but towards our goals.

MC: wait what
Sparks are flying around MC and MC's phone!

[Akashi Route]
Akashi: We'll keep chasing those dreams, wherever it goes for whatever we can get.
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: The more things I can do, the more I'll want to do things. That's how I'll keep going.
[Sui Route]
Sui: I'll keep on living no matter how hard it is, dreaming of how I can be better.

Exio: (frowns)
Exio: (mad) You'll keep on going even if you make it to the end, or even if you don't reach your full potential?
[Akashi Route]
Akashi: Uh, yeah? I'll never stop. Besides...
Akashi thinks of MC, Mokdai, Sui, and Akashi Alter.

Akashi: I know there's a more stubborn me out there! So I'm not giving up!
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: Yes, because I won't give up before trying anymore. Besides...
Mokdai of everyone in Parallel Flight besides Exio's group.

Mokdai: I have everyone with me, so I'll never give up!
[Sui Route]
Sui: I'll just have to think about it if that happens. Figure out where I can go, where I can be me.
Sui thinks of MC, Akashi, Mokdai, and Maculata.

Sui: I have people who believe in me and work with me. So I'll never give up!

MC's phone is making weird noises! The Observation Status window says...
Phone: Error occured. Undefined status detected, 99% similar to hero transformation. Running test... error. Undefined. Unable to simulate.
Exio: Pretty light...if you can keep it up.
Exio snaps his fingers. Id Replicas charge towards the party!

[Akashi Route]
Akashi: Let's go guys. MC, keep watching us!
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: Let's go, everyone. us.
[Sui Route]
Sui: Let's go, you two. MC, keep watching us.

Something looks different. Not quite as dramatic as EX Ryekie, but it's like they've made a step forward.
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
[Akashi Route]
Akashi: Come at me, freaks! I'll take you ALL on!
[Mokdai Route]
Mokdai: I may be scared, but I...WE won't lose!
[Sui Route]
Sui: If we have to fight...then we aren't going to lose!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Id Replica: [Weird Moaning]
Id Replica is falling apart.

Exio: Well damn. You actually won.
There's still three left. Two are busy, and the last is lying on the ground weakly. Also those first two are losing. Exio finds himself getting attached to the copy despite himself, but he has things to do.

Exio: Id Replica, your last job. Sing of annihilation.
Id Replica: [Weird Noises]
Akashi: ...what?
Mokdai: Um...
Sui: it crying?

Galvo's in a good mood.

Grigory: Noooo, Galvo you are moving too far ahead!
Crowne: Dammit, we can't keep up THAT fast!
Grigory and Crowne are also working on an exit while they're doing this.

Galvo: Ah yes, my apologies!
They're working well for having literally met like five minutes ago. Also Galvo enjoys being watched.

Grigory: Bleh. It's nice he's feeling good buuut... wait what?
Crowne: ...the Monsters stopped moving for some reason.
The three guess they heard something. The Monsters are looking up at the sky. They start making some noise, and then suddenly space starts inverting!

Galvo: what?
Grigory's Port Light starts ringing with a warning alarm!

Grigory: w-what, whyyyy?
The Monsters start turning themselves inside out to make Paths like it's the end of the world!

Danzo: Haha, get wreck--
Seiichirou: Wait, get back Danzo!
Danzo stops and jumps back to Seiichirou.

Danzo: Okay what's go--wait what?
Id Replica's fire and mud or whatever starts shining like the universe!

Danzo: Uhhh, I can't handle a phase two here.
Seiichirou: Dammit, it's trying to open a Path and--!?
The Id Replicas turn into widening spatial rends!

Ryekie: What!?
Huckle: Justice, get back! Monomasa, we're disengaging too!
Monomasa: Okay. Melide, grab onto me. Easy does it.
Melide: Okay. But Yoshiori is...!
Monomasa: Right... okay you grab on too, Yoshiori!
Yoshiori: SHUT UP! B-but still...
The weird fire and dimensional mud is starting to cover the entrance area!

MC: What?
Exio: What do you mean, what? You know what Monsters open, right?
MC: This is...a Path?

It's spreading!
Exio: Right. Now here's the important part. We're in the Imaginary Point, right? What happens to a bubble with too many holes in it?
The world is distorting!

Akashi: Exio!
Exio: It can't be stopped anymore, even if you try to attack me.
He looks like he's given up.

Exio: Too bad. I didn't want to do this, especially with everyone here. Oh well, guess I'll take what I can get.
???: Nay.
MC: wait what
Time stops. But one thing is moving, something you've seen before.

Armor Monster: We shall not let this world be destroyed. Begone, children of man.
It didn't speak. It transmitted thoughts.

Exio: ...huh. Are you a gatekeeper or--
Exio can't move. The thing moves towards him and raises its weapon. It seems to glow, but more like it's being painted over. And then, it swings at Exio...

End of Episode

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