Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fabulous Summer Host Prologue Part 1 (Abridged)

Some bar
Y'golonac: Heeey baaaybeees! Geheheh, thanks for comin', y'all!
Mobs: Yeeeaaaah, [REDACTED] us, Y'golonac!
Y'golonac: Oh fiiiine. It's a secret, mkay?
Y'golonac licks his hands! The mobs are SO into this!

Y'golonac: Now keep quiet now, ya hear?
The abyss of desire~!
Y'golonac is going home for the day. Night. Whatever.

Y'golonac: Whoo, good day! Tsukuyomi's gonna name ME the Emperor of the Night soon gwehehe!
Loud stomach rumbling.
Y'golonac: Aww man, late night ramen sounds good right about now...

Y'golonac notices MC down the street!
Y'golonac: who dat? You gonna get sick sleeping out back there.
Y'golonac tries waking MC. MC barely responds. Y'golonac gets hungry...

Y'golonac: No witnesses... maybe I can eat this instead!
MC: hot old man... / help. hungry. lost. / (scared stiff)
(A) Y'golonac: Aww, thanks! Not that it'll save ya!
(B) Y'golonac: Well looky that! I'm hungry too! And I'm low on faith soooo...
(C) Y'golonac: It's okay, I'mma make it feel good!
Y'golonac holds his hands out and is about to get their mouth around MC's head when he sees their eyes and suddenly flashes back to his own summoning and projects onto MC!

Y'golonac: Hmmmm...what IF I took ya back to make my chore boygirlthing? Oh mah GAWD I'mma genius! Easy job, here I come!
Y'golonac picks MC up and runs back. And that's how MC became part of the Kabukicho Outlaws.

Y'golonac: HEY YOU GUUUUYS! Lookit what I got!
The Outlaws are unimpressed. Y'golonac sometimes shows off random junk his customers give him, but not this time!
Suzuka: DAMMIT Y'GOLONAC why'd you go and kidnap a civvie!? We keep telling you to not do this shit!
Y'golonac: B-but I didn't! I just found them on the street and had to do somethin'!
Suzuka: So you decided to pick up a servant boygirlthing.
Y'golonac: You're so mean to meeee! Uh, this is...Kabukicho pride stuff!
Gyoubu: That's nice, but you still can't go picking up every stray you find. We still need to figure if we're going to take them in.
MC: hot dignified older man! / sorry for bothering you / (look scared)
(A) Gyoubu: No teasing now. You don't seem bad though...
Suzuka: Uncle, be a little more disciplined here.
Gyoubu scratches his head while Tsukuyomi speaks up!

(B) Gyoubu: Oh no, the puppy eyes... well it's the King and Queen's decision.
(C) Suzuka: Nice, Uncle!
Gyoubu scratches his head while Tsukuyomi speaks up!

Tsukuyomi: Ehh, seems cool with me if Y'golonac takes care of them. You found them first, after all.
Y'golonac: But I'm a loser who can't take care of myself! My place is cramped and dirty, bad place for someone else ya know?
MC: Yay! / help please / (SHAKE YOUR DAMN HEAD)
(AB) Y'golonac: uhhh baby I tried to eat you earlier
(C) Y'golonac: See!? ...also damn, ya don't have to be such a bitch about it. Maybe I SHOULD eat ya--(bonked by Marchosias)--OWWIE
Ellie whispers to Tsukuyomi.

Ellie: Really, Tsukuyomi? I'm pretty sure Y'golonac's gonna try something.
Tsukuyomi: True, but it'll be fine. Kid's not that weak, and Y'golonac can use some character development.
Y'golonac looks annoyed.

Y'golonac: (Meh, I can always eat 'em later and make something up! Hell they might just run away from havin' to do all my dirty laundry!)
And so the days slip on by.

Some time later
Barong: Dude Y'golonac we are TOTALLY good partners, I'm saying!
Y'golonac: NO! And stop followin' me!
The Suidocho students are right at Kabukicho's border.

Barong: But your Desire Corruption and my Complete Usage desire totally match! You can even take my share of the money!
Y'golonac: No deal. Also, your night shows would schedule conflict with my host job!
Barong: What about day time shows then?
Barong is a VERY stubborn guy.

Y'golonac: I only go to Suidocho because Tsukuyomi can't be assed to manage things himself. I can't just not!
Barong: You're no fun, lover boy.
Y'golonac: GO AWAY! I got MC to feed!
MC: Welcome back, Y'golonac / except not really? / you lying prick
(A) Y'golonac: Aww, ya came to pick me up? Gweheheh!
(BC) Y'golonac: Ya couldn't wait to see me, huh? I know how ya are.

Barong: Oh my god MC, Y'golonac is being so mean to meee!
MC: Treat your friends better / back off he's mine! / Just kidnap him or something
(A) Barong: Yeah, Y'golonac!
Y'golonac: Creep!
(B) Y'golonac: O-oh...!
Barong: Aww, cute. Lemme join in!
(C) Y'golonac: GASP! Are ya still mad about me tryna eat ya back then? I said it was my bad already!
Barong: Aww come onnn. How about a trial run?
Y'golonac: Just ask the techies for a video!
Barong: I mean, it's good to want a big audience! I just want someone who'll totally use me and run me hard into the ground~!
Y'golonac: Ruuuude. Ya serious about askin' me?
Barong: It's a compliment! You make people shine!

Sudden interruption!
Y'golonac's Regular Mob A: Ohhh, Master Y'golonac! I finally have an offering for you!
Y'golonac: WHOMST? Uhh...who you
Mob A: I'm your stan worshipper #1! Sorry I haven't made offerings lately.
Y'golonac: O-oh, okay! (literally who)
Mob A: I finally found a nice present! (holds up Some Thing)
Y'golonac: OH MY GAWD ya can't just pull that out in fronta MC!
MC: what am I even looking a--(Y'golonac covers MC's eyes)
Y'golonac: So like thanks but no waitin' outside the bar for me like a stalker, mkay? Cool kthnxbaiii
Mob A: Noooo!
Y'golonac grabs MC and Barong and turns to go!

Y'golonac: wait Barong why are ya here?
Barong: You grabbed me. So, deal?
Y'golonac: Oh hit the road dammit. Lesgo MC. (dumps Barong and bails)
Mob A: weeeh, why won't you love me, Master Y'golonac?
Barong: You got dumped too huh? Hey, wanna see my dance show?
Mob A leaves.

Barong: Aww, don't leave me hanging! But then again I'm here, so things can't be all good. Hmm...

MC and Y'golonac go to Tsukuyomi's bar.

MC: Uh, you sure about leaving like that? / You can't treat your customers like that! / omg ambushed by fans!
(A) Y'golonac: Well whaddya expect? No business allowed outside business property.
(B) Y'golonac: But all my baby worshippers look the same. Ya can't even expect me to remember every Foreigner, mkay.
(C) Y'golonac: They scared ya? I'mma kick they ass next time then!
Okay, Mob A didn't follow along. And now Bael comes out!

Bael: Okay, I'll call when I'm done handling the dine and dashers.
Marchosias: Thank you, especially since business law isn't your specialty.
Bael: We're fellows in the same business. Also I've been paid and I need to flex my position with some noblesse oblige.
Tsukuyomi: Ooh, maybe we should hire you as our on call consultant. You have that devil's legal knowledge stuff.
Bael: I'll take that as a compliment. Also, no thank you.
Bael turns around and notices MC and Y'golonac.

Bael: Oh. Hello MC and Y'golonac.
MC: (polite greeting) / Leaving already? / Tail! Fluff! Now!
(B) Bael: I was, but I want to ask Y'golonac something.
(C) Bael: No, not this time! (dodges MC and turns to Y'golonac)

Bael: So I've been hearing this host club has been doing unseemly things to gather customers. And lots of them are going berserk for you, Y'golonac. Anything to say about that?
Y'golonac: Uhhhh, no? (badly whistles)
Bael keeps a poker face on. No evidence still.

Bael: ...I see. Good day. (leaves)
Tsukuyomi: ...are you still using your power? Sure, Desire Limiter Release helps in this biz, but only if it's temporary. Those desires will blow up somewhere otherwise, and the memories don't roll back. It's why you're being watched.
Y'golonac: I know, but how else am I supposed to help the guild?
Y'golonac is number 2 in sales.

Tsukuyomi: That's nice of you, but it's not like you have to help out. And if bad rumors start piling up, you or the Outlaws could--
Y'golonac: I'll just go and mooch off somewhere else if that happens! (storms out)
Tsukuyomi: Oops. Sorry MC, could you go talk to him?
MC: Got it! / Okay Big Bro / uggggh
Tsukuyomi smiles.

Y'golonac: FINALLY it's over, gawd. He said all that, but I still gotta use my power or else I can't help out and pay back the Outlaws by bringing in the cash.
MC: Okay no more crying / wanna go apologize if you feel bad?
(A) Y'golonac: I ain't cryin', I'm just sad!
(BC) Y'golonac: Naw, man!
MC: I guess, but you're still helpful on the management side! / wow you really want attention
(C) Y'golonac: SHUT UP
Y'golonac: I mean I'm still being nicer, ya hear? Back in Old Ones I shuffled underlings every week!
Once upon a time in Old Ones, Y'golonac was shoved behind some brick wall underground. The only way for him to get out is to possess some sacrificial priest who summoned him. But then the priest's body wears out and he has to do it all over again.
Y'golonac: I still gave them power while they lived! How am I supposed to change how I do things now...?
MC: Do you still even need to do that in Tokyo? / Tokyo works different / You can't be free if you have to be scolded

Y'golonac: I guess, but I only know how to survive by eatin' people...and now I'm hungry! How about we eat out? Ya love the even-worse-for-ya-than-fast-food junk I make, huh?
Y'golonac pulls out some pot, throws in a ton of garlic and pulls out a big plate of cheese.

MC: nice / I'M GONNA GET SO FAT / You aren't supposed to have garlic and cheese anymore!
(B) Y'golonac: It's cool, I throw in healthy veggies too!
(C) Y'golonac: Nuh-uh you said no fresh cream or mayo last week. Tee hee.
Y'golonac sets the table. Ahh, the smell of arterial clogging~.

Y'golonac: Whoo, junk! We talk after this, mkay.
Y'golonac starts eating. He still seems kinda bothered.

Y'golonac: ...MC, will ya come with me to Tsukuyomi's after this?
MC: Okay! / (headpat) / Sure. I'm not eating any of that.

Y'golonac: oh gawd what do I even say!? Uh, how 'bout we come back tomorrow? Oof my stomach hurts!
MC: You'll be fine / (raises fist) Sure I can make that stomachache happen
(A) Y'golonac: Ya promise? It better be fine or I'mma bite and lick ALL over ya like a candy bar!
(BC) Y'golonac: OKAYOKAY I was just kiddin', geez!
And then Y'golonac goes inside. Tsukuyomi is there with someone.

Tsukuyomi: Oh hey you two, this is--
Ophion: Roppongi Tycoons's Ophion. Oh! MY WIIIIIFE!
End of Episode part

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