Title card pops up immediately, and this chapter is called Shine On, Snowy Mountain Watchman!
The story then clocks back in on dawn of the final day, and Shirou comments on how nice the morning feels before greeting you and asking why you're up so early. You either greet him back and say being somewhere new makes your sleep cycle go out of whack, or you tell him you wanted to see him first thing in the morning. If you go with C, Shirou is shocked by that remark and tries to play it cool as he asks if you're still sleepy.
Anyways Shirou asks if you're going to wash your face, offering to lend you his towel if you like. The Evils start making noise inside the tent, which Shirou notes means they're waking up, then tells you to go wash up while he makes breakfast. Narration describes how sunrise has happened not long ago, so few people are around and those that are are half asleep. As you wash your face, someone starts to talk to you from behind.
Aizen starts off with talking about the weather and commenting that you're up. You either greet him, ask if he slept well, or note that this is the last day of the jamboree. B has an extra line where Aizen actually decides to answer and says he slept well enough, though with Kagutsuchi around it was a little like being in a sauna. That's how it's been up to today, and he admits to feeling a little lonely at the thought since it's been lively around bedtime.
In any case Aizen clears his throat before going into more serious matters. He talks about how the event ends tonight, which means the ceasefire between you two ends then too. You agree, say it's a shame but true, or ask Aizen to not be so cold. C gets an extra line where Aizen tells you to not stand so close and says that attitude of yours is going to cause fights.
Aizen then starts talking about different kinds of love like loyalty and camaraderie, and how he's been observing these kinds of love outside Roppongi Academy. He explains that the reason for this is that this is his duty in being sent to the Missionaries as a special envoy. As one of the Tycoons, he's been sent to determine the true worth of their allies, and his third eye opens up at this point.
Aizen then brings up something Maria said, that love comes in many forms and isn't something to be put in a ranking order. He admits to being confused since he never really looked into the different kinds of love. To him, love is the most dangerous thing in the world, a kind of energy prone to destroying everything around. Aizen reminds you that his third eye can also see into the realms of the heart and soul as well as the body, so he can see all the passion directed at you by the many people around, love singularity. That amount of energy outstrips the other kinds of love by far, a nuke that threatens the existence of Tokyo! You are a danger, and Aizen says he's never changed his stance on that.
Having said all that, Aizen admits his opinion may not be the One True Answer and that he's started to think this way recently. That's all he wanted to say to you. Anyways, Aizen says it's about time for you guys to regroup as Shirou is done with making breakfast. Jacob is somewhere nearby watching (so to speak) you guys as you leave.
Time skips a bit and tunes in at the point Shirou is giving Aizen his
coffee with milk and sugar, and Aizen thanks him as he says he doesn't
like black coffee that much. Kimun Kamui comments that drinking coffee
on top of a mountain has a certain elegance, then says the sandwich he's
having is great. Kagutsuchi mentions that he and the Evils are having
onion gratin soup, which is nice on a cold mountain. Moritaka hands you
some coffee and Shirou's specialty egg sandwich. You thank him and say
that the sandwich is awesome. Shirou says he just put the egg filling
that was in your supplies in between some bread, but he added to the
taste with a little extra effort. Kimun tells you guys you'll be walking
a lot today, so you guys ought to eat up in preparation for that.
After breakfast is over, Kimun says it's time to go over the schedule for the day, then prompts Shirou to explain. Shirou says it's still early, but today you guys will be heading for the third checkpoint, the mountain summit. Once you get there you'll have an early lunch and break, then start walking down back to the beginning. Kimun explains that the hiking course goes around in a loop, so the way up and down are separate paths. It'll take some time to travel, but the road itself is easy so he feels you guys can get through it safely if you be careful. Shirou says you guys should start getting ready if there are no questions, so you call back in response.
Some time later the party starts heading out, heading towards the summit as planned. Other teams are moving out at a good pace too, and while many still seem kinda sleepy they seem plenty energetic. Moritaka notes that everyone seems to have gotten used to walking on the mountains as they're all moving faster than they did at first. Shirou agrees and points out that the Evils are now walking double file as opposed to the scattered crowd they were at the beginning.
The Evils get excited at this compliment, and Aizen tells them to stop that or else they'll trip over themselves. He also makes a point of saying that they've done well so far. Kagutsuchi talks to the Evils and says it's great that Aizen is complimenting them. Kimun tells everyone that they should be feeling some changes within yourselves over the course of the three days, and he hopes that the gifts he gave you guys helped with that.
Aizen is quiet, and Moritaka laughs as he says it's still only the beginning of the third day. Shirou agrees as he points out you guys haven't reached the summit yet. You say things aren't over yet and/or say you want to hang around with everyone a bit longer. Kimun laughs as he agrees he's jumped the gun a bit, then says he'll guide you guys all the way to the end.
Time passes with the sun shining down and a cool breeze blows as the party continues on. Eventually everyone makes it to the summit as planned, and Moritaka starts loudly pointing out the sky, Shirou and the Evils point out the clouds, and you all shout about making it to the top before you yell out a sort of yodel. A beat passes, and Kagutsuchi asks you guys if anyone heard an echo. Shirou says he didn't and asks Moritaka if he did. Moritaka says he did and suggests Shirou might not have because his ears are too small. You answer that you did or did not hear the echo.
Kimun walks over commenting on wondering why you guys all ran up like that before saying you guys are still young to be doing that. Aizen sighs about you guys getting into a festive mood and says that if you wanted to be loud you could be like how he is normally. Kagutsuchi invites the two of them to join in since there's a promise or something like that. Aizen attempts to pass, but Kagutsuchi and an Evil push him forward over his protests. Moritaka invites Kimun to yell too since maybe he'll get an echo. He doesn't really seem to get the point, but he decides to play along. You lead up to the yell, and the group yells yahoo all at once. And somewhere out there, someone is yelling wandervogel.
Ryouta, Arslan, Maria, and Chouji also turn up, and everyone is excited that the echo bounced back. Aizen is taken aback when he notices them here and asks where they came from. He also thinks having this many people yell made the echo come back differently. Moritaka is surprised as he tells you he thinks he heard Tadatomo's voice, though he's not sure about that. Shirou is more focused on the part that the echo partially came back with some other word. Zabaniya walks up at this point wondering why Arslan and Maria ran off ahead and asks what they were doing. You either say it was a nice call, note that Ryouta and the others got here, or comment on the counselors made it.
In C, Arslan laughs asking if you were surprised as he sneaking along behind your group. Maria laughs too and says she joined in because she was there, then apologizes for surprising you guys. Zabaniya then considers that maybe he should have joined in too. In B, Chouji laughs and apologizes, saying he just jumped in without thinking about it since it seemed like fun. Ryouta says you guys are all here together at the summit and that you guys need to make memories. Chouji says it was good timing since doing the yell all together has a sense of accomplishment to it. And in any case, Kimun says it's fun how everyone's sense of unity got an upsurge.
Scene jumps ahead to the third checkpoint rest area as Maria says she got soba noodles from some cabin people, which she offers to everyone. People start lining up, and the smell of soup stock gets people's stomachs rumbling. Shirou asks Aizen and Kagutsuchi to go get noodles, and Kagutsuchi agrees to go. Aizen does too and starts talking about needing plates for the Evils too, but he stop midsentence to tell Kagutsuchi to stop running since they'll have to wait in line anyways. Kimun says he'll go with them since he has a report to turn in to the staff.
As the three head over, you hear a different group start talking. Durga (who gets described as Voice that Aims for the Top while offscreen) is surprised at the line for the soba noodles and whines about wanting to get some first. Chernobog (who gets listed as Overlordy Voice) notes that everyone else seems to be a group of mountain climbers, then says he'll get in line. Durga agrees this is the sort of thing that gets put upon first year students normally, but she has reservations about Chernobog going. You either mention that you recognize their voices and had thought they were coming, or you just belt out wandervogel.
In A and B, Durga says she thought she recognized you and asks if you guys also climbed this mountain. Chernobog figures this must be the guidance of the mountain and says he's happy to see you here. In C, Durga and Chernobog yell it back, and Durga says that's the first thing you should yell when on the mountains. Chernobog chuckles about the yell echoing through the mountains and says this conversation makes his heart spring.
Now everyone is here!