Saturday, July 11, 2020

Onsen Jamboree Episode 2 Part 1

Things pick up with the jamboree starting for real as the weather outside is nice and calm, and the party is making its way to the first checkpoint. Kimun Kamui talks about how you guys started off late, but the departure has been going smoothly. And since it's the start and all, Kimun decides it's time for him to explain the itinerary.
So, everyone is going to be taking the hiking course and the current goal is the first checkpoint halfway up the mountain. Cars can drive on this particular mountain up to that point, so things have been delivered to the campground at the checkpoint. When you get there, you'll stock up on necessities, set up the tent, and spend the first night there.
Shirou starts talking about remembering how he used to go camping when he was younger. Unfortunately all he can really remember is being dragged around by that idiot Kengo and crying, which distresses him a bit. The Evils try to calm him down, and Shirou seems to understand their chirpy noises as he says he knows he shouldn't look sad. He intends to make some new fun memories with them and everyone else.
Kimun continues explaining and says that in the morning, you guys will pack up and start making way to the second checkpoint. That place is a campground next to a mountain stream with some equipment or facilities, and you'll be spending the second night there like you will the first night at the first checkpoint. Kimun also mentions that there will be plenty of free time available on day two, which he wants you guys to use social linking having fun and improving your communication.
Moritaka talks about how mountain streams are elegant and that they'll be pleasantly cool this time of year. Aizen talks about how mountain river fishing is great too, though he makes a point to ask everyone to uphold public decency. No wet clothes, no rolling around with others and interlocking fingers. Lewd. LEWD. Such LEWDNESS cannot be tolerated! You either say you'll be careful, call Aizen a nag, or call him a pervert.
In A, Aizen pretends to accept that you're listening to him before revealing he totally doubts you. He then starts talking about how you're going to cause problems this time too and... In B and C, Aizen gets started with calling you a shameless love singularity and is about to blame you for something. Either way, Aizen cuts himself off saying it's nothing and apologizing for being loud. You either act surprised, shocked, or take note that Aizen seems different.
Kimun continues with his explanation by saying that on the third day, you guys will leave the checkpoint in the morning and start descending the mountain via the summit. The last area will be the plaza from earlier, where you guys will do one last report and end things there. Kagutsuchi gets excited with the idea of going to the summit and seeing the view from up there.
Kimun explains that the slightness of the mountain path's incline makes it easy to walk for first timers. And with all the things at the camp grounds, it'll all be safe. He talks about how he's heard that scout camp has been done a number of times here so safety shouldn't be an issue, but he warns you guys that total safety is impossible so you better be careful. Still, have fun! You express excitement and/or obediently respond. Either way Kimun approves.
Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Make it, Curry Master of Flames!
Camera then tunes back in as Arslan pops out from somewhere to spring another pop quiz on you guys, which is him asking you what his secret surprise is. You are either surprised by him showing up or casually note that he said something about that earlier. In any case Arslan laughs and says that his lower half is still working well. Maria walks up next to greet you all and ask if things are going well. Zabaniya shows up and extends his greetings next, mentioning that the three of them are keeping watch to make sure everything is safe.
Shirou is a bit surprised to see Maria and Zabaniya here too and asks if all the staff are moving out. Maria says yes as all the teams have set out without any issues, so they're heading to the first checkpoint too now. Arslan says there are staff members stationed at every checkpoint, and Azazel is somewhere out of sight keeping watch over everyone. Arslan is totally unconcerned and is looking forward to tonight's curry rice.
Maria sighs and warns Arslan against overeating, even if he claims to be taste testing. Arslan pushes on saying the three of them are moving on, and that there's plenty of curry up there waiting for him to test taste them. He runs off laughing again, leaving Maria to be mildly irritated with his excitement before she says she'll see you guys at the checkpoint and leaves. Zabaniya just silently bows, and narration compares the way the three of them leave to ninjas.
Moritaka is shocked at how quickly Arslan and the others ran off. Aizen supposes they're taking some path they've taken before when doing prelim investigations earlier, then notes their politeness and wonders if that's how the Missionaries are. Kagutsuchi starts wondering what the surprise is the leaders keep talking about is, and Shirou says he has an idea as he brings up the event's name.
Moritaka is surprised the event title would be where the hint to the surprise would be. Shirou explains that it was put there so that everyone would be sure to see it, but when thinking about it in reverse it's just the place that's not too obtuse a location for it. You think on the title a bit and get to hot spring, and Kimun chides Shirou to spit it out as he confirms that he's right. Aizen agrees and points out that if he doesn't, Kagutsuchi and Moritaka are going to implode their brains. The game lists the two as The Pair that Sucks at English when it pans to them.
Shirou explains that it's not that difficult and explains that the English reading of the event in-game is Hot Spring Scout Jamboree. He then says that "hot spring" has another meaning besides describing a spring that is warm, and you either have trouble following along or start saying the answer. Either way Kimun preempts you and says the answer is nupurupe. You are either confused by that or say it sounds cute.
Kimun apologizes for getting excited and putting it in a hard to understand way. He explains that nupurupe is a blessing of nature granted to the children of men, by which he means hot springs. The party gets excited at the mention of it, and Kimun is happy you're all excited about that. He talks it up saying they have different effects and you'll be visiting them as you all tour around. Here at the camp you'll all improve your health, minds, and relationships! That is the goal of the event and the special surprise only for the participants, and you cheer about it.
Shirou asks if there really is that many hot springs around on the mountains if Kimun is saying they have different effects. Moritaka agrees in that he doesn't smell sulfur and doesn't believe there are that many hot water veins in the mountain. Kimun declines to answer at the moment, saying you guys will understand when you get to camp tonight. He says it's time for you guys to keep going at a suitable pace, and he cautions you guys to stay hydrated along the way.
Time skips a bit, with narration talking about how the party including Kimun are making friendly conversation as they make good progress along the path. Sunlight peeks through the thick tree foliage, and a refreshing breeze blows by against the heat of your bodies. You all eventually reach a rocky area that makes for a good place for a break, with flowing spring water sparkling in the daylight. Kimun suggests resting here and tells you all to take your packs off. You are free to spend your break however you want so long as you stay within sight of him, and Kimun says he'll watch the luggage before declaring break time.
You either comment that it's been a while since you've walked on a mountain, that you feel so much lighter without stuff on your back, or think about going to the hot springs. Shirou, Moritaka, and Kagutsuchi take the time to yodel sorta, and Kagutsuchi comments on how nice the mountain air is. Moritaka waxes nostalgic about the experience, and Shirou is glad that Moritaka is enjoying himself, commenting that he wishes Ryouta could see him now.
The Evils chatter, and Shirou notes how energetic they are but says they should really take a break. The Evils decide to run towards the spring water for a drink to his shock, but before they get there Aizen stands in the way. He doesn't say anything at first, and Shirou is concerned as he tries to talk to him and figure out what he's going to do. Aizen talks about how it's time to get hydrated and that he has water that he can give them. He pulls out a two liter bottle as well as some cups for the Evils.
Aizen says that if they drink untreated spring water the Evils might get stomachaches. Aizen then turns to everyone else and says he won't stand for anyone else getting dehydration symptoms either, so he quickly hands out more water bottles to the party before walking to a rock a little ways away from everyone to sit down on. Kagutsuchi comments that the water is nice and cool and for some strange reason asks if Aizen brought it. Moritaka notes that this is a lot of water to be carrying around in a cooler even if it is for everyone. You either thank Aizen, say he could have sat closer to everyone, or make a suggestive joke about Aizen giving you guys water.
C has an extra line as Aizen is shocked by your phrasing and calls you an idiot for making him sound like some sort of brand name. But anyways Shirou prompts the Evils to thank Aizen for giving them water, though it's unclear if Aizen actually hears the Evils as he turns away and swigs his water.
Time skips a little to tune into a conversation Kagutsuchi is having with Shirou and Moritaka, where he's been told the three of you are all in the same school, class and guild. He expresses some envy at how well you all get along. Shirou feels a little embarrassed at being called senpai by Kagutsuchi, then calls him reliable and levelheaded. Kagutsuchi gets flustered and blushes as he denies that, and around that point some leaf lands on his head.
You tell Kagutsuchi about the leaf and say you'll pick it off. Kagutsuchi however tries to warn you against it, but the moment you touch him you get burned. You react with either a relatively quick response or yell loudly. In A and B, Moritaka asks what's wrong and to see your hand. In C, Shirou asks what's going on and why Kagutsuchi is panicking. In any case, narration describes the burn as being a pinprick sort of pain with a swelling puffing up on your finger. You ask if it's a burn, ask where the fire was, or ask if it has to do with Kagutsuchi.
Kagutsuchi apologizes profusely before trying to look for something cold to put on your burn. Kimun comes over and hugs Kagutsuchi from behind, telling him to calm down and telling you to put your finger in the spring water. Kagutsuchi is surprised and refers to Kimun with -san before changing to Instructor with the same sort of respect he gives to the people who spar and train with him.
Kimun says he was planning to explain things later and apologizes since it's his responsibility. Moritaka asks what's going on and asks if it has to do with Kagutsuchi suddenly being added to the party. Kimun says he's correct and calls him insightful, then asks Kagutsuchi how he wants to handle this, offering to explain if he can't bring himself to say it all. Kagutsuchi asks to explain himself since he doesn't plan on hiding things.
Kagutsuchi starts explaining that things started right after the opening ceremony where his original team was about to head out. Flashback kicks in as Kagutsuchi greets his team and says he's on recreation duty. Rando tenjin guide greets him back and asks if he can take care of the luggage. Kagutsuchi agrees to do it and asks what some of the luggage is. The tenjin decides to tell him since he has that has to do with his assigned job, then says it'll be something fun for tonight. Kagutsuchi gets excited, and the tenjin says it's fireworks.
Back to the present, Kagutsuchi admits his inner fire lit the fireworks out of nerves, but Kimun says that thanks to it happening around the same time his underlings started rampaging, the situation was quickly controlled. Kagutsuchi cries and apologizes for his lack of self-control troubling everyone, then slams his head to the ground. Shirou is a bit alarmed as he tries to get Kagutsuchi to calm down, saying he won't fix things by doing so.
Kimun says that from the sounds of it, Kagutsuchi's fire gets released in response to his emotions. Kagutsuchi says he's still in training and got carried away when he felt happy about having his head pat. He describes himself as an oni child/a changeling since his parents do not have anything resembling fire powers like he does. You either comment on him being an oni Transient, say his horn is cute, or say he's the same as Shuten and Takemaru.
In B, Kagutsuchi tries to deny it and takes being called cute as proof that he's still immature. In C, Kagutsuchi hesitates over the comparison and comes to the same conclusion in B. In any case, Kimun says he heard about it all in HQ and decided to invite Kagutsuchi along because of that, hoping to do something for a lost child. There's lots of opportunities in the event to handle fire, so maybe he can pick something up through that. Kagutsuchi promises to figure something out and asks you guys to let him come along. You say yes and that your burn is fine now, nod and say yes to Kimun, or offer to look after anything for Kagutsuchi.
C has an extra line where Kagutsuchi gets embarrassed by the offer, which leads to him shooting fire again. But anyways, Shirou starts talking to Kagutsuchi about how he has a childhood friend who also took up martial arts like he did. He used to smack into everything around, but having seen how he's grown since then he's sure Kagutsuchi can control himself. Moritaka says he's also in training, and he suggests that the two of them can try to learn something together. Kagutsuchi thanks them and promises to meet their expectations. Aizen just sits by quietly.
Time skips to the end of break time as Kimun says it's about time to go, and he warns people to be careful since the incline will steepen a bit. Everyone responds in acknowledgement. The party moves out and slows down once the slope changes, though some team members are moving slower than others. Kagutsuchi is panting as he walks along, commenting that the path should make for good training. He is heating up however, and he tries to control his flames before he sets his bags on fire.
Aizen walks over to Kagutsuchi, wordlessly taking his backpack and putting a cold wet towel on his head. Kagutsuchi says the towel feels nice, and Aizen says the water he used on a whim was helpful. Aizen also says he'll carry Kagutsuchi's bag and tells him to go at his own pace. Kagutsuchi thanks him, and Aizen snorts with a smile as he continues on. Kimun sees all this happening and smiles, which you notice and ask about and/or ask if he saw the interaction with Kagutsuchi just now.
Kimun says he was just thinking that there are people everywhere under the sky who worry about the little children. He also says it's strange how everything he comes across on the mountain reminds him of his home world. You ask him to explain, so Kimun describes Kamuy Kotan as an ever harsh world of nature that rejects change. It's a world where a young hero set off on a journey with a treasured sword and armor and helmet in hand, the "little one."
Kimun is staring at you, which you ask about and mention feeling a bit embarrassed about. Kimun asks if Kamuy Kotan doesn't ring any bells for you, further describing it as a snow covered eternally frozen land of winter. You tell him you don't recognize it or that someone might have told you about it, but that's probably it.
Kimun says he can faintly smell his Scent off of you, which is proof that you Had Once Worn His Pelt. He calls himself the ruler of the faith of the mountains, the repeater of the transmigration of souls. Any armor or protector made from his fur is supposed to be kept as a noble and precious thing. He can see that you don't seem to recognize anything he's talking about, but he suggests that you might have been a famous Hero. You either mull over the hero part or ask if you smell, and B throws in one last line as Kimun laughs about how you shouldn't underestimate a bear's nose before ending the episode part.

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