Monday, July 13, 2020

Onsen Jamboree Episode 2 Part 3

Things pick up with you, Kimun Kamui, and Kagutsuchi setting up a temporary kitchen to prep for Night 1's dinner. After washing the vegetables you guys are using at the camp's cooking area, the three of you take it back so you all can get to peeling and cutting them. Kimun Kamui shows you two which bags to put food scraps in and which to put burnable trash in, saying you shouldn't leave any litter on the mountains. This is partly to keep the mountains clean, but Kimun also explains that leaving trash around might make the animals living there interested in humans.
Kagutsuchi looks over some of the vegetables you guys have, which includes carrots, onions, and potatoes. He comments on how much there is and says you guys should quickly get started. He then picks up a kitchen knife and rapidly gets to prepping the veggies. He's so quick on the prepping that he says he might finish it all at the rate he's going. You comment on how quick and skillful Kagutsuchi is at prepping vegetables, and that the mountain of veg you guys have is going down.
Kagutsuchi says that peeling and cutting vegetables is his job back at the dojo, and there's a lot of veggies to go through since there's a lot of students over there. The amount you guys are using tonight is nothing to him, and he says he can handle it all. Kimun laughs and calls Kagutsuchi reliable, then says he'll go get the pot and firewood. You decide to either to make an effort at peeling vegetables and say you're good at it, or you take it slowly and go your own pace. In A and B, Kagutsuchi is impressed and says he won't fall behind you. In C, Kagutsuchi says it's okay for you to go at your own pace, and he can cover for your share of the work. Either way, Kagutsuchi ends up cutting himself.
Time skips a moment to after you give Kagutsuchi a bandage and tell him to be careful, and he's depressed about messing up as his enthusiasm from before drains out. He apologizes for getting carried away after being complimented, calling himself a simpleton and mentioning that Ikutoshi is always telling him to calm down. On that note, Kagutsuchi starts talking about how cool and strong and calm Ikutoshi is, wishing to be strong enough to stand alongside him. You either comment that he looks up to Ikutoshi, loves him, or sees him as a rival.
Kagutsuchi downplays his opinion since Ikutoshi gets annoyed with him so often, and he talks about being unable to control his fire still. He still doesn't understand anything yet, and he wishes he could at least keep the fire under control somehow. You assure him he'll figure it out, offer to help him find a way, or tell him not to overthink it.
Kagutsuchi is touched by your offer and thanks you. Anyways you and Kagutsuchi continue working with the food prep together. Progress may have slowed down, but it goes steadily. Kagutsuchi is described as looking focused as he keeps sanitation in mind while using his hands while the sunset shines upon him. By the time Kimun comes back, the bowl you guys have is filled with veggies.
Kimun compliments you two for working hard and says it's time to move onto the next step. Kagutsuchi asks what you guys will be doing for the fire now that you have the wood and pot. Kimun assures him he'll know soon, and he describes it as the best sort of fire he didn't see much in Kamuy Kotan. Kagutsuchi is confused by this. Around this time the sun is setting past the mountains, and everyone's attention is drawn towards some people coming towards you guys.
Chouji greets Kimun and mentions that all the teams in the immediate area are at around the same stage. Zabaniya says he's ready to go any time, so you can command him when you're ready. You take notice of the pair and say they're doing good work. Chouji says you guys are doing well too and asks if you're having fun so far. Zabaniya asks the same thing before asking if Kagutsuchi is the boy he was told about.
Zabaniya explains that Arslan told him about things, then says he'll display his own fire. While he may be a torturer, he hopes his fire will be of help to you guys. He bows before walking slowly to an open space in the campground. Chouji talks to you guys and says that the teams around you got here around the same time you did. Kimun talks about how every team needs fire. Originally the plan was for every team to get their firewood lit, but things changed. Chouji notices Kimun at this point and says it's about to begin. As a cook who handles fire this is something he always uses as reference. He describes it as one of the ultimate techniques for fire handling, which Kagutsuchi thinks about.
Zabaniya snaps his fingers, creating a spark that quickly blows up into a big fire. Despite this, he looks calm and composed as he controls the heat. Maria turns up to prompt everyone to come to Zabaniya to light their firewood, which they can then use to start cooking. By this point the sun has fully set, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves as they start gathering around Zabaniya. Some people start using the lit firewood to start cooking. Others start singing and dancing and laughing. And in the middle of it all, Zabaniya smiles as he watches everyone around, engulfed in his flames. 

You either talk about how pretty the fire is, comment to Kagutsuchi how amazing it is, or notice something and ask about it. Kagutsuchi is in such awe that he's shaking, though he also notices something and asks about it. "It" in this case being the fact that Zabaniya had set himself on fire. Zabaniya notices that Kagutsuchi has picked up on it and says it's natural for him to notice since he has the same kind of power. The fire that he is creating outside his body is also burning him from within. Because of that, he won't ever mistake how hot something is since he uses his own body to measure it.
Kagutsuchi is shocked by this and asks if it hurts or is scary to be on fire. Zabaniya answers that it does hurt, more so inside than outside, but he's never been afraid of this. That is because he now knows there's someone out there in the same state he is in. He describes this state as being in pain due to standing at the borders of two clashing forces, clumsy and unskillful. As he says this he glances at you, which you notice but don't really say anything about.
Kagutsuchi wonders if he can also learn to control his fire by setting himself ablaze and channeling his emotions outward. Zabaniya however tells him that he can't do the Same Thing. He advises him to find a method that suits him instead. To fire users like them, fire is their true nature that burns within, so there should be many different ways for it to exist. Zabaniya then suggests that Kagutsuchi's issue is that he doesn't recognize his true self. If so, he should accept or examine himself, then maybe he'll discover something. It might do him good to stop looking at his mistakes and focus on catching up to someone he admires. Kagutsuchi nods as he grabs your hand, fearing the fire that comes from within, but also seeking peace.
Back at your camp area, Kagutsuchi is surprised to be put on fire duty, worrying that he'll end up burning dinner. This happens around the time you guys are putting in food and water into the pot when Kimun decided to inform Kagutsuchi of that fact offscreen. Kagutsuchi talks about never handling the heating when back at the dojo, because when he did he accidentally turned his fire up. He wasn't able to make smaller flames, and Ikutoshi would always get mad at him for it.
Kimun says nothing, and Moritaka tries to suggest that he do the cooking instead. Kimun however puts his foot down, saying Kagutsuchi is responsible for making the curry since he was assigned to it. The change in tone frightens Kagutsuchi, and Kimun reminds him that he said he'd make his personal curry for everyone when he was put up to the job. He also argues that it'd be the same if someone else were assigned to the task, which Kagutsuchi isn't able to give a response to. You tell Kagutsuchi that you'll do it together with him since you're also on the task and that you want to eat the curry he makes.
Kagutsuchi is touched by the offer but admits he can only see things turning out badly. Chouji asks Kagutsuchi what kind of curry he likes, like smoother curry or thicker curry. Kagutsuchi answers with thicker, mentioning that it's the kind he always eats with Ikutoshi. Chouji says both are good, though thicker curry often gets mixed with rice. He then suggests that Kagutsuchi get to making the kind of curry only he can make. Kagutsuchi thinks on this a bit, then eventually says he feels like he can make the curry. He turns to you to ask for your help. You can either agree or mention you like smoother curry better.
C has an extra line where Chouji promises to make you curry like that, but for now you should make what Kagutsuchi likes. Anyways, Chouji excuses himself here since he needs to check on Ryouta his team. Zabaniya asks Kagutsuchi to make some curry for him too if possible. Kagutsuchi admits to not being confident but swears to do his best.
Time skips a bit as Kagutsuchi is trying to remember how much of some ingredient to mix into the curry the way the dojo makes it. Kimun comes by and says it's looking good, then tells you guys to put the lid on the pot and lock it in when it's done. That way you guys won't need to worry about spilling it if something were to happen. Kimun then says he'll go prep dinner with the rest of the team since Shirou will be handling the eggs and salad.
Kagutsuchi says he will, and Kimun figures now is a good time to teach you guys something about camping. He talks about how fire needs heat, fuel, and oxygen. The firewood burns because of oxygen mixing in with the fuel in the wood the heat brings out, and if there's no heat there won't be any fire. Fire is a hard thing to directly control for anyone, but anyone can keep fire away from any of its components. The end result is that anyone can control fire. Starting, keeping, and putting out a fire requires that you keep all of this in mind. You shouldn't focus on just the fire, you should keep the bigger picture in mind. What you've feared can then be your ally.
Kagutuschi is amazed at the idea of controlling the distance of something to fire rather than controlling fire itself. Kimun repeats his point that what you fear is not your enemy, but your ally. For example, if you look at a bear from another perspective, it is less a fearsome creature and more a servant of heaven that grants things to mortal children. Even if natural traits are unchangeable, their meaning can still be changed.
Kagutsuchi says he understands, then calls to Kimun before he leaves since he has something he wants to say. When Kimun turns to look at him, Kagutsuchi apologizes for what he was saying earlier and and promises to handle the cook fire well. Kimun doesn't answer back, and he has a mixed expression on his face brief enough that Kagutsuchi doesn't notice. Then he smiles and walks over to the tent.
Time skips a little as Kagutsuchi stirs the pot a bit more before moving to use his fire. He immediately starts panicking and going overboard with his output, but you walk over to intervene by lifting the pot and prompting him to get a grip. He thanks you for helping, then slowly adjusts the heat, distance, and air to simmer down the fire. You eventually put the pot back down at a good distance.
Kagutsuchi talks to himself about understanding how he can at least fix things by trying to move things closer or further away from fire. He then confirms that things seem okay and nods to you. The curry is boiling and simmering in the pot, and eventually the aroma of the condense flavors and spices waft up. You comment on the nice smell, on feeling hungry, and on feeling like you want to have a taste of it.
Kagutsuchi says it seems to have turned out well and asks you to wait a bit more before tasting it. He smiles in relief as he goes to sit on some nearby rock, then stares at the fire looking like it's been forever since he's felt so calm looking at it. He suddenly starts talking aloud about one of his memories, which he starts by saying the curry smelled like this too.
Flashback kicks in to Ikutoshi being glad the fire went down, then suggesting that Kagutsuchi stops panicking and blasting his fire at high heat. He asks if Kagutsuchi saw how the small flame became so big and asks why he was acting so frantic. Ikutoshi points out that Kagutsuchi is always apologizing and facing down, so he suggests looking around more since that's the basics of battle, and for a brief moment he shows a lonely expression.
Narration says that when Kagutsuchi tried to stand next to him, Ikutoshi would pull away like some sort of whirlwind, never facing anyone recklessly. He puts distance between himself and others who try to approach, carrying an aloof air about him. Still, Kagutsuchi admired him and that sort of timid kindness to not hurt anyone around him.
Back to the present, Kagutsuchi thinks about how he was always apologizing, rushing around, and accomplishing nothing. He was told to look around, which he took as an admonition to apologize. But now he thinks back on things again, rethinking what that look on Ikutoshi's face meant. Since Kagutsuchi has been so quiet you try talking to him, commenting on him being quiet, and smiling at him.
Kagutsuchi takes the nearly complete pot of curry away from the fire and shuts the lid on it. He thinks about how you're smiling, then thinks back how everyone else was smiling at that time too. Kagutsuchi starts talking to you about being on the verge of a breakthrough. He stares at the fire as he talks, and the fire seems to shiver when suddenly someone runs in yelling and kicking the pot away.
You and Kagutsuchi are shocked by this sudden turn of events, and Wen Kamui talks about just making it in time before growth had actually happened and became a problem for him. Kagutsuchi initially thinks it's Kimun but notices that there's a difference and says as much to you. Wen says who he is is unimportant for you guys compared to getting the curry pot back. Kagutsuchi agrees that he has a point and says that yes he kicked the whole pot away.
Scene shifts over to where Shirou and Moritaka are as Shirou comments that the salad is ready and talks about borrowing a pan to cook the eggs in. You run in yelling Shirou's name and asking if the pot came flying by. Shirou cannot believe his ears and asks you to repeat yourself, and Moritaka notices and points out that some ciramantep are carrying something away. The mobs are carrying the curry pot and are being led by Wen Kamui.
Wen Kamui says they made it in time and that it's time to make their escape. The ciramantep declare that no one can be allowed to gain something through growth, and you either ask what they said or note that they seem to be possessed. Kagutsuchi is more focused on the pot and says you guys have to take it back if you all want curry. Moritaka initially thinks Wen is Kimun before catching on to the difference, then turns to Shirou for directions. Shirou says that Aizen and Kimun aren't here, so you'll have to catch them yourselves. Then the episode battle begins as the Evils screech.

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