Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Chapter 14 Episode 16: Backstage 1 (Abridged)

So, the Wanderers. Their guildmaster is missing and Barguest working at Yurakucho was originally done to look for clues into his disappearance. Well, they're's assumed to be missing when the concrete detail is that they failed to check in as normal. Since the guild doesn't have a home base, they instead do periodic "I'm alive you guys" check ins. The Wanderers have tried hard to look for the guildmaster and have come up emptyhanded, other than they were last sighted near Yurakucho. So, the Wanderers have taken Tianzun's suggestion of forging a grand guild alliance, which brings up the tidbit that the Asakusa guildmaster is also missing.


Maria: Hello Ueno and Arakawa guild people, this is Maria.
Motosumi: Dammit, Tianzun pissed off somewhere again! Oh, and only NOW did he think to tell us our guildmaster is missing! Oh right, I'm Motosumi and subbing in for the guildmaster in the meantime.
Barguest: Barguest and Gurangatch from the Arakawa guild here.
Pazuzu: Hey Yuma, I'll help you here, and by help I mean I'll basically take over for you! Anyways, I'm Pazuzu, people!
Conference call time!

Barguest: So first, the Exception in Yurakucho. Christine called him the All Exception King Solomon.
Gabriel: GASP
Barguest: She said it was just as planned. Also there was a second Exception summoned too. Called itself Utopia's Alibi or Proof of Nonexistence, the Zero Exception Overlord.
Maria: Huh. Two separate Exceptions at the same time.
Barguest: Seems like three people are involved in the summonings. First is Bigfoot from the Yurakucho guild. The second is some dick named Kirito. And third is...MC.
Maria: MC? We're allied with them.
Barguest: That makes them our ally too. We'll probably need to speak with them more officially later when they get back, but anyways all three of them disappeared. It looked like Overlord sucked in Kirito and Bigfoot. I dunno what in hell happened to MC.

Maria: Guildmasters going missing is a big deal, and we need to contact the Summoners...except we can't get in touch with them through the app. They're missing on the app name lists, so I think the Entertainers did something. Probably admin functions since not even the true big three guilds should be able to do that.
Pazuzu: Hmm. Looking at it another way, no one can actually attack MC right now too. If they're invisible on the app, they can't be challenged to battle either. They could be in the safest spot ever.
Barguest: Or they might not be. Also they dropped this when the disappeared. (holds up MC's Sword Held By Unspecified Appendage)
Maria: A human arm?
Gabriel: An angel wing?
Maria and Gabriel: wait what

Pazuzu: ...I think I'll just give you guys the facts. So, this Schrodinger's Body Part? Still alive, still got a pulse even though it's like that. That suggests the rest of the body is just somewhere we can't see. The Yurakucho guild can disappear people. They can also put on and take off roles from anyone, which not even the true big three guilds can do. And then the Exceptions that showed up. Are they using these facts...?
It's just like they switched parts u gaiz

Pazuzu: We should assume they did that to the Shinjuku, Asakusa, and Arakawa guildmasters.
Yuma: Hmm...
Hastur: Wait, doesn't that make them invincible!?
Recap: powers need roles to work at all.

Pazuzu: No, there are limits. Think, where'd the guildmasters go? More specifically...did they really go anywhere? We don't describe dying and decomposition as "disappearing" after all. It's like actors moving offstage when their part is done. To the story, they're gone. To God, they're still there. And it's not like they let go of the actor roles either. They're just in another frame of being that we're not looking at.

Maria: ...from what the Ueno guild told me, I always thought most Transients with finished roles disappear from Tokyo.
Chapter 8 flashbacks with Oniwaka, Zabaniya, and Ophion!

Maria: For those three, I thought they went back to their home worlds. But we as natives only have Tokyo as a home to go back to, so maybe what Barguest saw...
Barguest: Are you saying they're actually still in Yurakucho?
Gurangatch: Huh. Maybe so are the other guildmasters?
Babel Tower

Alice (who isn't even part of this conversation): All the Entertainers handle are the stage and its equipment, and the admin privileges they have only relate to making the game interesting. And somehow Christine STILL kicked your butt, huh Beowulf?
Beowulf: Shut up girl! You lost to the Invaders!
Alice: Hmm...did Oscar really turn on us?
Beowulf: Yeah, all the Entertainers are working on the same thing. Him included.

Yurakucho Opera House
Oscar: Welp, the Game Masters went away now, so time for the next act!
Pazuzu: If they're putting on a show, then there must be a script. Best thing to do is ask their guildmaster why they went after the other guildmasters.
Everyone Else: >:(
Pazuzu: We need to get the Entertainers guildmaster to rescue the missing guildmasters. We at Ueno will go rescue our guild friends, you guys get the guildmasters. Cool?
Yuma: ...Ueno agrees. What about everyone else?
Barguest: I'll presume to speak on the guildmaster's behalf and accept.
Pazuzu: Okay! Now for the first problem: where is the Entertainers guildmaster?
The Entertainers Portals are known, so apparently admin privileges can't hide those.

Barguest: ...when I went in, I've confirmed 26 possible locations that they've got.
The Entertainers' Portals are theaters, movie places, and other entertainment facilities.

Pazuzu: But which one is he in?
Enter a Portal and you'll have a list of enemy players. They get tons of territory defense bonuses though, so getting in and out safely will be hard.

Barguest: We can handle that part.

Qursha: I'M GOING IN
End of Episode

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