Thursday, February 2, 2023

Fortune Rabbit New Years 2023 Episode 1 (Abridged)

Inaba: (sniffles)
Onamuji: Hmm. Rabbit boy. What's wrong?
Inaba: (sniffles)
Onamuji squats down while Inaba continues crying. Inaba eventually looks up and is surprised at how close Onamuji is squatting down to him.

Inaba: Um, I'm a rabbit who lived on some island and wanted to cross the sea to a bigger island. And I did it by tricking my friend and his group.
Onamuji: Go on.
Inaba: I asked my shark friend how many of them there were and asked them to line up to this island. I jumped over here on them, then told them it was all a trick. They got mad and tore my fur off...salty wind on exposed skin hurts. I did something bad...
Onamuji: I see. Well let's fix you up first. You know what you did was wrong and won't do it again, so you don't need to suffer anymore. And I can't leave you in pain like this.

Onamuji: Okay, river water and cattail flowers. Now just rest and you'll be good.
Inaba: Um...are you leaving me?
Inaba looks sad. Onamuji looks away before shrugging his shoulders.

Onamuji: Hmm, I suddenly want to sit down because I am tired from moving heavy things. Is it okay if I sit with you?
Inaba: O-okay!
It's nice and peaceful. Inaba is dying to ask Onamuji why he was nice to him. Onamuji sees as much and smiles up at the sky.

Onamuji: I didn't do anything special. I just can't bring myself to abandon anyone crying in front of me.
Onamuji pets Inaba.

Onamuji: Okay, time to go. Relax until you heal up. Don't worry, the guardian here is kind.
Inaba: ...w-wait, Master!
Inaba takes out a board and chants something, causing a hair to fly out and write words.

Onamuji: ...what's this?
Inaba: I'm Inaba and I tie bonds and fates with fortune telling sticks. This one says you'll have a good relationship for sure,'ll happen! Maybe! For sure!
Onamuji: Oh, nice. But that can be a problem.
Inaba: wait what
Onamuji: I already have a good relationship. If I want something even better, everyone will be mad. Thank you, rabbit boy.
Inaba is so moved he can't see Onamuji's face through his tears, and he swears to meet him again. This is the story of the meeting of the man who would be Okuninushi and Inaba.

New Year's Eve
MC is dreaming of the Treasure Ship.

Inaba: Yesssss!
MC: whomst
Inaba: Nice to meet you! Oh wait, the backlight is too strong but I don't know how to change it. Sorry about that. I'm Inaba, the Inaba white rabbit. I come from Takamagahara to meet my old Master!
MC: what
Inaba: To do that, I came to ask for a new master for help, and that's why we're talking in your dream like this. I got lost in Tokyo...and Shinjuku is even worse! Especially the train station!
MC: uhhh
Inaba: Whoops! Back on topic, please come see me at some shrine where I'm working when you can!
MC: okay
Inaba: Let me give you a new year's message then!
A light comes from the Treasure Ship and turns into an omikuji fortune stick.

MC: Huh...a fortune stick? / Godly light!
Inaba: This is a White Rabbit Mikuji made from my power! My old Master swears it works! Go ahead, open it up. May fortune bless your relationships. Boing boing!

Shirou: Weird dream you had, MC.
Gullinbursti: Strange, but just like you to have such a bright dream so quickly, Master!
Kengo: Your life is WEIRD. Japanese culture says you're supposed to see the Treasure Ship as the first dream of the year for luck, right?
Moritaka: What did he mean by wanting you to meet him?
MC: (shrug) / I wanted the Treasure Ship be my first dream of the year
(A) Shirou: W-well it wasn't technically the new year yet, so I guess it doesn't count?
Ryouta: Maybe it'll come again tonight. That'd be lucky.
Gullinbursti: Master is very lucky! Take me with you on your next Treasure Ship trip.
(B) Gullinbursti: I hear the Treasure Ship is good for relationships in Tokyo.
Kengo: What, is it not like that where you're from?
Gullinbursti: It's beautiful, but thieves always attack it and it smells of war.
Ryouta: Huh. Well the crew of the Treasure Ship we know would probably kick butt.

Ryouta: Why'd a rabbit show up on the ship anyway? New member?
Shirou: Haha, no way...but I can totally see Benten doing that.
Imaginary Benten: New Treasure Ship member, and it's a white rabbit!? OMG, banger incoming!
Kengo: Yeah that sounds like her. It's kinda cool she rolls like that.
Shirou: Just to recheck, you're gonna go see this rabbit?
MC: I guess? I can't leave him alone, and I'm curious about the Treasure Ship.
Gullinbursti: Your kindness makes me proud to have you as a Master. I strive to be just a good a ride as the Treasure Ship!
Ryouta: Okay WOW. Also, you got a fortune, right? What'd it say?
MC: Uhh...

Inaba: Do the toast in mouth running late for school anime cliche and you'll have a good connection when you turn around the corner

Moritaka: Is this really okay!?
Kengo: Dude, this guy's totally pranking ya!
Ryouta: Hmm, maybe he's right though if he was on the Treasure Ship.
MC: Well, why not? / I wanna try / (crouch like a runner)
(AB) Gullinbursti: Master, your optimism!
(C) Gullinbursti: Ooh, Master...!
Shirou: Well okay then. How about a bread roll?
MC: You just bring out a bread roll like it's nothing. And it's handmade... / Did you always have bread on you?
(AB) Shirou: I picked up baking recently from Maria. I hope you try some sometime.
(C) Shirou: I brought some for the Evils since we were going to be in line.

Ryouta: Welp, time to count down. 3...2...1...GO!
MC: Turn left! / Turn right! / Charge ahead! Nobody can stop me!
(A) Hakumen: OH! Oh my, such a soft crashing into! Milord? You shouldn't run with bread in your mouth, but I forgive you. Amazing we meet so early in the year. I'm in a good mood, so here's a special New Year's money present! I have a meeting to go to, so bye!
(B) Smoky God: RICH AND FABULOUS ESCAPE! ...oh! Fancy meeting you here. And you have bread in your mouth...this year looks to be a good one, haha. Let me give you a present. Oh, it's not money, sorry. I don't walk around with cash on hand. I'll send it through someone else, later. With elephants and dancers of course. If I get any closer, my bodyguard will react...bye.
Kengo: Damn...

Benten: Those fortunes are fr! I scouted them out and all, you know? New Treasure Ship member, and it's a white rabbit!? OMG, banger incoming!
Gullinbursti: Oh Freyr above Kengo was right
This is Some Shrine in Taitou that Inaba told MC to come to. Of course Benten and the others are here.

Ebisu: Benten, it's just too much to have the Treasure Ship show up on New Year's Eve.
Hotei: Meh, it's cool if it's funny. You're as unpredictable as ever, Benten!
Benten: Not like it's a trick or whatevs. And it's true that white rabbit has been looking around.
MC: Couldn't he have just called instead of dream calling?

Ebisu: I'm surprised he was looking for you, MC.
Hotei: The Treasure Ship sails from dream to dream, so only he knows where it's goin'.
Moritaka: Why didn't you call or text MC when you found out he was looking for them?
Ebisu, Hotei, and Benten: oops
Shirou: Nobody thought of it...
Benten: D-details! And I'm not so crazy as to call in the middle of the night!
Ebisu: But you call me up late all the time to bug me to join you for karaokeing.
Benten: STFU
Ebisu: OW
Hotei: Nice...
MC: So where's Inaba or whoever?
Ebisu: He's still busy with stuff. Can you wait a little longer?
Shirou: Okay, I guess...
Benten: You're here to visit the shrine like Japanese tradition, right? I'll lead you in!
Ryouta: But I haven't eaten the sweets here yet!
Hotei: She's just like that, please understand
Benten: You're coming too!
Hotei: NOOO not the cold!

Shirou: I expected as much, but these lines are long. Don't get separated, everyone.
There's another long line here too.
MC: What's that line for?
Moritaka: It's just as long as this line. Benten, what are they lining up there for?
Benten: Pulling fortunes after the shrine visit. They're super popular.
MC: A line that long for fortune sticks? Are they that accurate?
Benten: Lots of people in Tokyo believe in those fortune sticks.
Ebisu: It's not just Wa no Kuni and Takamagahara. Other worlds have something similar.
Moritaka: Brings back memories of when I would go to the shrine on New Year's with my dog Yoshiro.

Kengo: Long line after long line? Barf. Hey Shirou, why don't we just split up between the lines?
Ebisu: You can't, there's a proper order to these things.
Kengo: what
Benten: Visiting the shrine on New Year's is making a wish for how you want to be in the coming year.
Hotei: The fortune stick is like advice on how your wish will go.
Ryouta: Sooo pulling great luck doesn't mean you'll have lots of luck this year?
Ebisu: Not unconditionally, but it's basically a show of your fate. Good luck means good year, bad means bad...
Hotei: It can also mean that gettin' good luck means you peak while gettin' bad luck means you can only go up.
Benten: It's all in what you believe, so believe in what you want.
Kengo: Way to not answer, damn!
Benten: But that's what luck is.

MC: That reminds me...the message also mentioned love and waiting.
Benten: Yeah, there's lots of details so you better read carefully.
Gullibursti: I see, it's a thing of faith. I should pray to see what I should be for Master.
Benten: Now that you agree, pay me back by buying me a coffee. We got a long line ahead!
Vending Machine Hotei: Welcome y'all, beep boop!
Gang: No thanks!

Touji: Excuse me, I am Hougen-sensei's pupil Sakimori Touji and I am here subbing in for the main priest. Have you finished visiting the shrine? These is the shrine's special omikuji sticks, the White Rabbit Mikuji with divine grace over connections. Would you like one Superintendent Daikoku?
End of Episode

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