Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 5: Overpainting Will (Abridged)

So there's this guy sneaking closer to where MC's current party is inside this cave thingy...
Danzo: (pulls kunai up to Mystery Person's neck) Surprise. Who are you?
Galvo: Oh, thou noticed me? I tried to stay hidden.
He doesn't seem surprised.

Danzo: Well YEAH I noticed you sneaking in like a creep! Oh wait oops, my hands feel shaky, stay still. Let's just introduce ourselves, huh?
Danzo's hands are perfectly still.

Monomasa: ...who are you? You aren't a Monster.
MC: Not an enemy, fingers crossed / You live here? / Danzo, stop!
(C) Danzo: What, I want us to get through this peacefully too! Also you shouldn't let your guard down so fast with all this crap going down.

Galvo: My apologies, I mean no harm. (steps into the light)
Galvo: I was curious to see others who do not know this place. I am Galvo. I came with a companion but now am alone. I do not know how to return. Perhaps we can share knowledge?
MC: I'm MC / what? / ELEGANT
(A) Galvo: Pleasure to make thy acquaintance. Also where have I heard MC before...?
(B) Galvo: Do people not use that word anymore? I meant, someone I know of.
(C) Monomasa: You okay? You're breathing hard... you are? I see...
Galvo: Such...frankness.
Danzo: Okay cool! Sorry I almost backstabbed you, Galvo! (lowers kunai)
Galvo: Nay, I admittedly did come to peer at thee.
Danzo: I'm Danzo! Can I call you Galvy?
MC: Nicknames? Already? / Can I call you that too!?
(AB) Danzo: My secret to success! Being casual drops guards! But sometimes the boss gets on my case for being too casual.
(C) Galvo: By all means!

Monomasa: I guess I'd have done the same in your position. I'm Monomasa, and I appreciate anything you can tell us.
Galvo: Splendid! Now, Danzo was it? Based on thy weapon and stance...
Galvo looks excited.

Galvo: Art thou a NINJA!?
MC: wait what
Galvo: Rare culture discovered! Please give me details!
Danzo: A researcher, eh? Nice!
Monomasa: W-wait, Galvo how did you even get here first?
Galvo: OH! A-ahem. Apologies, I get that way when encountering cultures of rare and novel breed...
MC: You first! / Very research-y / We'll tell you more later
(C) Galvo: Wonderful news!

Galvo: Right, so about myself. I came here with my Observer acquaintance Exio.
MC: ...wait, Exio?
Galvo: Why dost all of thine faces look so puzzled? Mayhaps you know him?
Monomasa: ...sorry, go on.
Galvo: Very well then? So I pestered the pestilent man out of curiosity...

Galvo: Thou underestimate my tenacity and forget my day job with words and analogies. Off to thine mystery location thou hadst dropped all plans and rented a private spaceship for? Take me to these unknown lands like before!
Exio: ...too bad, I'm not going anywhere exciting. There's nothing you like ov--
Galvo barges ahead into Exio's ship.

Exio: Are you listening to me?
Galvo: Pshaw, I am already here, and thou art not so barbaric to run me off now. Also...hast thou realized there is a face I have never seen on thy face before?
Exio: No, what's so different about it?
Galvo: Thou seems panicked rather than orderly and in control of thoughts. Why not rely on a companion in such times? Thou knowest heroes. Thou excels in using in my mind.
Exio: know I'm using you and you're fine with that?
Galvo: I'm using thou as well.
Exio:'ll regret this. You're still sure?
Galvo: What a novel idea!

Galvo: ...Exio, why are we in the depths of absolute nothingness? (sucks on new Moon popular item bubble tea)
Exio: Sorry, these coordinates are right. Now I just need to open it with brute force.
Galvo: what
Exio opens a portal big enough for Galvo!

Galvo: A Path!? ...why is it crackling like that?
Exio: Forced connection. I'm opening it up wider.
Exio does so. Much darkness. Something in the distance!

Galvo: What a curious experience! Are we within a Path?
Exio: Sort of, but somewhere closer than that?

Photonegative Imaginary Point is getting closer! Until Exio and Galvo arrive!
Galvo: Thou art too modest Exio! Is this some manner of parallel world!?
Exio: You're HAPPY? I really can't get a read on you. They call it the Imaginary Point or something. Not a parallel world, just somewhere part of our own. Like a parallel world that didn't come to be. Though this is still different from the one I know. Ill effect of brute forcing it?
Galvo: Oh! It is just as thou said!
Exio: I didn't know what to expect either, but this makes my work easier.
Galvo: How wonderful for thee. Why hadst thee come, anyway? There must be some danger to not refuse my accompaniment, but there should be no Monsters given there is no sign of people here.

Exio: Mmm...a guard while I work I guess. I can't defend myself against heroes either. Also, Monsters can be anywhere actually.
Galvo: ...that is hard to comprehend.
Exio: Sorry I suck at explaining things easily. I have a hard time telling between what I know and don't know, and my train of thought scatters quick.
Galvo: How dost thou even learn the things thou tells me? Thou art a person like everyone else, I suppose. I also accumulate knowledge as time passes.
Exio: My method of learning is a lot more dirty than yours: brute force trial and error. A stupefying amount of it.
Galvo: Rather talkative about thyself today, I see. Thou always seemed to be hiding such information.
Exio: Really? Coming from you of all people? Damn. Well I'm just saying all this because I think it might be the last time I ever can--OW
Galvo: What is wrong!?

Exio: Goddammit.
Exio crouchs for a while before suddenly looking up and stares at Galvo.

Exio: Oh. Right... Galvo's here... but...
Galvo: Hold. Why didst thou make such a face?
Exio seems way out of it unlike how he usually is. Like he's someone else now, a child. Exio also puts his hands over his face, first like he's pushing something in, then just holding up his head.

Exio: Stuff just happened. Sorry, you need to survive, Galvo.
Exio sounds flat.

Galvo: What!?
A bunch of void holes open up behind Exio!

Galvo: Paths!? Exio, did thou do this!?
Exio: No. But it's something "I" did. I can't tell where the borders are anymore. Sorry, [##] can't send you back to your home world. I'm so sorry, I was never [###].
Exio sounds like a broken record. Also Monsters are here now!

Galvo: Oh no! Exio!
Flood of white Monsters seems to bury Exio!

Exio: Run, you can't be here. [##] is dead, but I won't, so--
Monster: [Weird Screaming!]
Galvo: Exio! Transfrom me! Exio!
The Monsters just keep coming!

Galvo: As if these things could stop me! Don't give up, Exio!
Exio peeks out of the flood of Monsters and...smiles.

Galvo: Exi--
Exio disappears among the Monsters.

Galvo: Curse all of ye!
And the flood of Monsters bear down on Galvo...

Galvo: So then I ran. The Monsters almost caught me, but suddenly stopped. Then I hid in this cave. I currently seek a way home and a way to check on my acquaintance.
Monomasa: ...I see, thanks.
MC: many questions / welp, that escalated quickly / I'm so glad you're okay Gabby...
(A) Danzo: Yeeeaah, bro needs a little thought sorting.
(B) Monomasa: ...very. Was that really...Exio?
(C) Galvo: A nickname! Such a fresh experience! But to still worry about others in an emergency? Thank you.
Galvo: So, that is my tale. How did thou come to be here?
MC: Well...

One explanation later
Galvo: I see...
Monomasa: It sounds crazy having to repeat all that.
Galvo: Wouldst thou like to hear my thoughts?
MC: Yes! / ...
Galvo: So, what if Exio sent thee to this new world?
MC: Excuse me? / He might actually have... / ...hmm.
Galvo: So similar but so different. Sounds like a parallel world. I've also heard of drifters from parallel worlds. Couldn't that be thou in this case?
Danzo: What, like Akashi's what-if alter? Sounds weird... hey I think we've got an audience now. Monomasa?
Monomasa: ...the Monsters from before? MC, are you up for this?
MC: Yeah, I can handle the transformation! Do streams even work here though!?

Danzo and Monomasa suit up!
Danzo: Thanks!
Monomasa:'s up for now. VP's unstable, but good enough to send these things packing!
Galvo: ...hmm. Thou art an Observer, MC?
Galvo sends a contract!

MC: Oh right, you're a hero! / You're a hero!?
(B) Galvo: Indeed! 'tis why Exio bade me to defend him.

Galvo: Transform me as well?
MC: Okay!
Ta-dah! Hero Galvo!

MC: Let's go! / Wow!
Galvo: Behold the supreme glimmer!
So many Monsters coming!

Danzo: Gotta get rid of them sooner or later, right? Ready Galvo!?
Galvo: I am beyond ready!
Monomasa: Get rid of them all at once! Come on!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Galvo: Dragon Claw for all of thee!
The fire at Galvo's claws blow up!

Monster: (confused screaming) (deleted)
Galvo: Ha! Such trifling beasts! More!
MC: Stop stop, it's already dead!
Galvo looks around confused. All the Monsters are gone.

Galvo: B-but I have not thrashed them to my satisfaction...
Danzo: Damn, you're manlier than I thought!
Monomasa: Still, what just happened?
MC: ...yeah that was weird. We got VP as normal but the Monsters were like...?

Danzo: Nah I get it. Like we were facing copies of stuff. I'm more curious about how we can fight like normal. Who's even watching us?
Monomasa: I absorbed one of them, but they're hollow inside. Monsters have instinctual...commands written into them, telling them to survive and gather Cognition. I just keep rejecting it. Their commands however were different, but too indistinct to tell what.
Danzo: You can look inside Monsters!? Though I guess based on looking at you, you--whoa you okay MC?
MC started staggering and now Danzo is supporting them by the waist.

MC: w-whoa... / sorry my head is spinning / (gasp!) so romantic!
(C) Danzo: Whew, you noticed? I'm up for that! But seriously, you okay?

Monomasa: We we HAVE been up all night ever since the sudden turn of events into an emergency. Galvo, how often do Monsters come here?
Galvo: (gestures to a hard to see side road) I was watching thee from here. I never saw them in there.
Danzo: Okay finally, break time! Let's catch up later and take turns keeping watch while we catch a nap now!
MC: Yeah! / Thanks Danzo
(C) Danzo: For what? Really, sorry you have to come with me!
Galvo: Ah, how meticulous.
Danzo: Is that a diss?
Galvo: Oh very well, and nay, it wasn't. I shall take first watch since I am rested enough.
Monomasa: ...sorry, thanks. Wake us if something happens.
Galvo: Of course.

And so the party hunkers down at a dead end of the cave.
MC: (so much to think about, and I might dream again, but damn I'm tired)
???: MC, right...? Sorry, could you give me a moment even though you're tired?
MC: Who's shaking me...? Monomasa?
Well it sounds like Monomasa.

Monomasa Oosato: Thanks for waking up, I really needed to talk to you. It's not always I can come out like this.
Monomasa looks different, especially his eyes.

MC: ...Monomasa?
Monomasa Oosato: ...well yes that's right. I'm Monomasa Oosato, just...not the Monomasa you know. I'm the original owner of this body Drovyne kept alive.
Danzo: ...
End of Episode

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