Sunday, July 21, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 1 Part 1 (Abridged)

Setagaya Agricultural School! When you go there, the first thing you'll see is the big pretty fountain surrounded by beds of pretty flowers. Scenic date spot! Except today we have a big wolf guy standing arms crossed in front of it.
Girl A: Dude's ruining the vibe. Why's he just standing there?
Mermaid B: Shh! He'll hear you! Don't you know who that is?
Volkh: (stares)
Guy C: Isn't that the principal's assistant?
Guy D: Back off, he's MY husbando! Tho it's weird he's standing there instead of running around doing something.
Volkh: (AWKWARD! I figured this would be an obvious place to wait but so many people are staring at me! They must want me to move so they can take couple selfies. Hurry up and get here, MC!)

Taishakuten: Isn't that him, MC?
MC: Ah yes, the Werewolf Prince being conspicuously easy to spot / Your big plan is to cockblock couples on Valentines?
(C) Volkh: HOW DA--well no now's not the time to argue
Volkh: Ahem. Welcome to Setagaya. Let's go right now.
Taishakuten: Thanks! This place is big.
MC: This is an agricultural school? Where's the fields? / Are the farms elsewhere?
(AB) Volkh: They're in another section for space reasons.
(C) Volkh: Indeed. Most first timers ask where they are.
Volkh: Farming isn't our only field of study. There's technology and science too.
Taishakuten: That's how it goes in business, yeah.

And so Volkh leads MC and Taishakuten to the training center in school.
Volkh: We're using one of the college halls for the workshop. We planned on full house attendance the whole time.
Taishakuten: I see jack shit in terms of people here tho--
???: HELLO
MC: WHAT / is it also a dojo? / Isn't that--
(B) Volkh: Those are elsewhere. And no one should be that loud even if we were going to one.
The group heads further along and runs into Takeminakata!

Takeminakata: HEL--oh, hi. Is this where the workshop is supposed to be?
MC: Takeminakata? / did we ever meet or what / (trip towards Takeminakata)
(A) Takeminaka: Hello MC, funny coincidence seeing you here!
(B) Takeminaka: You! You're...MC I think! I saw you with Ashigara at Yoyogi. I'm Takeminaka, nice to meet you!
(C) Takeminakata: (catches MC) You okay? Tee hee it tickles when you do that.

Takeminakata: So you here for the workshop too? Who're these other two?
MC: The one in charge, and a guy who wanted to attend. I'm just here to help out.
Quick round of intros and explanations.

Takeminakata: Well dang. Also I just realized I forgot to sign up!
Volkh: I can take care of that, barely anyone is here anyway.
Takeminakata: Hooray! I'll help however I can!
Volkh: It's just my job. Tell me if the class is too hard, I will be doing some paperwork. Excuse me.
MC: Okay, I'll do my best / this is gonna be a disaster
(C) Taishakuten: Just learn how to do your job.
Taishakuten: Whatever, let's go in and learn!
Takeminakata: I'mma figure out how to be a city boy!
And so the two of them push into the workshop class.

Hippolytus, Masanori, and Krampus are the only ones inside.
Takeminakata: WHAT
MC: Masanori? / You signed up, Krampus? / so who's Mr. Dead Fish Eyes
(A) Masanori: ...oh! Excuse the slackjawed display, I wasn't expecting to see you here. But I'm glad to see you are also here as an assistant. Now Hippolytus, stop standing there and start thinking.
(B) Krampus: MC!? Oh, you're assisting? I thought you were going to make someone a present and--nevermind. Excuse me, Hippolytus? Could you start...oh he's checked out.
Hippolytus: ...what? OH! Hello, I'm Hippolytus, the one in charge of the workshop class!
Taishakuten: Damn, 0 to 60 already! Oh well, nice to meet ya!
Takeminakata: Looking forward to class! So I can be an awesome city boy!
Hippolytus: Okay whatever? Glad you're both excited! Also, are you the new assistant coming today?
MC: Hi I'm MC / big
(AB) Hippolytus: Volkh told me all about you! Something about a love singularity?
(C) Hippolytus: Yeah people say that to me a lot and how I'm freaky because of it...oh that's not what you meant?

Hippolytus: Looking forward to have you for this short event period! I should start with an explanation for first time dummies and--
Takeminakata: (raises hand) W-wait, isn't anyone else coming? I thought this class was popular.
Taishakuten: Volkh told MC and me how empty it's gotten. What the hell happened so I know what to avoid back home?
MC: Curious... / yeah what the hell / damn, Taishakuten
(C) Taishakuten: I'm here for business, dammit!

Hippolytus: Hmm...well I was doing my thing when Volkh asked me to hold the main event. I was happy to do it, but the theme's so outside my wheelhouse that I got really nervous and then [INSERT FF'ed RANT HERE]
Takeminakata: WHAT
Taishakuten: Stop going fisheyed on us!
Masanori: I don't know much, but he's been like that.
Krampus: Maybe I should take over the exposition...

Krampus: oh my god so many confident people. Maybe I should've asked someone to come with...nah...
Krampus looks for a seat near the back and finds one.
Oni: Can I sit here? No other spots left.
Krampus: O-oh, sure. Bigger guys like us ought to try not to block the view and all.
Oni: Yeah! Me like flowers, but me bad at control. You here to learn tricks?
Krampus: Um...I wanted to make something since I suck at saying things.
Oni: Oh my god, you have someone you like? (accidentally pats Krampus really hard on the back and gets everyone's attention)

Krampus: No? Yes?? I dunno???
Oni: You go, boy!
Krampus: Thanks. I dunno if they'll even take my present though.
Oni: It okay, Valentine present!
Ding dong, class time! Hippolytus walks up.

Hippolytus: Welcome everyone, I'm here to teach the workshop! I'm Hippolytus.
Attendees: Hello!
Day 1, nothing in particular happens. Class goes well, people wrap up their presents, then go home. Day 2, more of the same as everyone gets to crafting.

Hippolytus: Let me know if anyone needs help!
Hippolytus goes to help out the people who need help.

Krampus: ...okay going good. Harder than yesterday, but should be fine. Hippolytus is so nice.

Girl A: Thanks for being a good teacher, Hippolytus!
Hippolytus: Did it come out well? Hooray!
Camoflauger B: This present came out cute. You're cute too, Teach. Do people tell you that a lot?
Hippolytus: What? Umm...
Camoflauger B: So where do you live? What's your social media?
Girl A: Oh my god stop hitting on the teacher while we're in class!
Camoflauger B: It's okay, I'm only a student for a day! Hey, how about we--
Hippolytus is acting weird.

Hippolytus: :|

Camoflauger B: WHAT
Hippolytus: ...OH! Sorry, I start dissociating when people talk about love, so um, let's not talk about that now.
Camoflauger B: Aww, cute. So how about we talk af--
Hippolytus: seriously can we not
Camoflauger B: o-oh okay
Krampus: (what just happened!?)
And so Hippolytus has been acting weird more often ever since.

Streamer C: Hippolytus I finished my present! But how do I give it...?
Hippolytus: Just see whoever it is and hand it over you pus--I MEAN uhh, I dunno?
Krampus: (I'm getting scared of Hippolytus...)
Guy D: So I wanna give my flower present to my one true love with some chocolates, but what should I get?
Hippolytus: you have more than one love? you're a whore
Hippolytus:'re a casual whore?
Guy D: sorry I think I'll figure it out on my own
Krampus: Damn.

Takeminakata: you can't handle talking about love?
Masanori: And yet that happens to be the subject of the day this time of year. Them not being able to figure things out during the class makes them associate it with negative feelings.
Hippolytus: I know, but I have a BAD history with love stuff! I want to deal with it, but I black out whenever it comes up...
MC: Yeah, people want romance advice on Valentines / Shouldn't things be fine if the class goes well? / (mmm, shy boy)
(A) Hippolytus: OH NO! What do I do...?
(B) Hippolytus: That's what I thought but so many people have romance questions.
(C) Hippolytus: ...what is it MC? I sense unseemly thoughts from your stare.

Taishakuten: What, it's a customer service problem? Hey, Krampus? Is he any good as a crafting teacher?
Krampus: Yeah he's fine there.
MC: How about I handle customer service? / It'd be great to have more signups / (wait for Taishakuten to go on)
(A) Masanori: Sounds like a plan. We can split the service between us and call Hippolytus when needed.
Taishakuten: Cool, now we just need people coming in.
(B) Taishakuten: Hell yeah.
Masanori: We will need a plan on serving these people as well. It should be fine if MC and I handle questions.
(C) Taishakuten: So we just need the assistants to back things up if it goes pearshaped.
Masanori: I see. So MC and I should handle that.
Taishakuten: Yep. Then it's just bringing people in.

Takeminakata: Are there any class fliers left?
Masanori: Yes but we can't expect just throwing them out there will help much.
Everyone has ideas!

Hippolytus: I'm sorry we have to redo everything...
Krampus: ...what if we did the workshop somewhere else?
Hippolytus: Uh...I guess we can if we have all the stuff there. But what if more people do come?
MC: Oh I get it / What's the plan, Krampus?
(A) Krampus is happy MC thought the same thing.
(BC) Krampus looks away as he explains.

Krampus: Maybe if we held the workshop somewhere more public more people would be interested.
Taishakuten: Oh yeah, nice! Gives people a better idea what's up!
Krampus: Yeah, it might seem more fun to people that way, and giving fliers then might work better...I'd rather not be the showman though.
Masanori: Oh? Maybe someone else can do it then.
Takeminakata: Oh, oh, me!
Krampus: ...actually it might be better if we do it together.
MC: Taishakuten and I will make announcements then / Masanori, will you help Hippolytus? / Where should we do it?
(A) Taishakuten: Hell yeah!
(B) Masanori: Should be fine.
Hippolytus: Thanks everyone! I'll go call Volkh about a new venue, it'll be great!
End of Episode part

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