Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Prologue Part 2 (Abridged)

Santa School

Krampus: (sigh)
Yule: What's up?
Krampus: AAAHHH! O-oh, nothing.
Krampus stuffs a flier into his pocket. Ded, Tanngrisnir and Tomte are here too.

Tomte: You seem down. Need me to look after you!?
Krampus: No, I'm fine! Just thinking, thanks. Did you need something Yule? School's over for today.
Yule: I wanted to ask if you had plans. We're gonna go to an onsen resort!
Krampus: Nice, hope your back pain heals.
White: Thank you, haha. Must get ready for next year.

Krampus: ...wait, aren't you going too, Tanngrisnir?
Tanngrisnir: No, Tomte and Yule can look after Ded. I'm taking the off season to work out and research stew recipes since my rival Gullinbursti called. You going to work out too?
Krampus: Not sure yet. I had something in mind though...
Yule: Oh okay then.
Everybody else leaves. Krampus leaves a minute after and pulls the flier out again.

Krampus: Hmm. Well I've already decided. (folds up flier) I just need to work up the courage...
Hey, remember Hero of the Holy Night? That happened.

Krampus: Man, I didn't want to think about how cowardly I am when I'm not playing my role. I can't even invite someone to hang out, but...
Krampus thinks about MC.

Krampus: I should at least TRY to say something.
Krampus is by himself, but he's not alone anymore.

Krampus: ...guess I'll go to Setagaya. (leaves)

Several days later, but a day before Volkh visits the Summoners
Akihabara community workshop

Volkh: Please help me, Comrade Masanori!
Masanori: Please stop shouting first. (sighs)
Masanori: Is this about the Setagaya Valentine event?
Volkh: How did you know!?
Masanori: I said, stop shouting.
Masanori apologizes to the other random people using the workshop.

Masanori: I just deduced it from watching you. You're Perun's right arm, so you'd never ask anyone for help for political reasons. It couldn't be something where failure could be allowed, and at this time of year it must be a school thing. Then I just connected the dots. Also I suppose Perun put all responsibility on you for you to be so desperate.
Volkh: Correct. Impressive.
Masanori: It is just my skill at Observation. Wa no Kuni considered it important.
Volkh: Can you help?
Masanori: ...I suppose I owe you for letting me use the school garden despite not being a student there. Very well then.
Masanori goes to Setagaya the next day.

Masanori: I said yes to helping, but can I really do it? Can I really speak of love? Well a comrade is asking for help so I sho--MEOW WHAT

Summoners safehouse
MC: oh my god cute / You and Perun picked this out? Really?
(AB) Volkh: Going over the top is the Kitezh way for festivities and military action!
(C) Volkh: Are you displeased!? ...oh, it's cute? Very well, you may simply give direct compliments! Going over the top is the Kitezh way! Hahaha!
The gang is looking at the event flier. Volkh gives exposition. Shirou and MC ask questions sometimes.

Shirou: I heard Setagaya has open campus events like four times a year.
Volkh: Indeed, an event for every season since agriculture is broader than people may think. So much to show, so much science and demos to be done.
MC: Cool, farming sounds interesting. / Your last autumn event was fun
(AB) Volkh: I shall inform Perun. You are always welcome to come.
(C) Ryouta: I know, right? I went too, and there were food stalls everywhere! The veg you brought back were so good.
Volkh: Flattering!

Volkh: Oh, we've strayed off topic. Anyways, this winter's event is the Setagaya Valentines and we've advertised it everywhere in Tokyo. But the main event program, the Flower Gift Workshop...isn't doing well. It's a one day crafting program with choices of products that people can sign up for. The garden club president Hippolytus is in charge, a friendly third year who is popular in the school. We are supplying the flowers, including ones you can't find elsewhere. The setup and such is all perfect, but people keep dropping out of the workshop class! I don't know what's gone wrong...
MC: Cheer up / Figured out why? / I wonder what's up?
(A) Volkh: I need no consolation. But if you wish to help...
(B) Volkh: I cannot discern the reason. But if someone else were to take a look...
(C) Volkh: I've investigated but cannot figure it out. But perhaps if someone else took a look...

Volkh grabs MC's hands!
Volkh: I need your help, MC! If anyone can do it, it must be the famed Love Singularity!
MC: what the hell are people saying / Dammit Aizen / Okay
(B) Ryouta: Aizen's so good at catchy nicknames.
Moritaka: Maybe he should be a businessman.
(C) Kengo: BRO WHAT
Touji: I concur. You agreeing to do something without thinking is nothing new, but this is for some other school's event.
Shirou: Hands off MC!
Volkh: Never! I need you, MC! It has to be you!
Shirou: Stop making it sound like you want to propose to MC! Evils, protect MC--
Loud door knocking!
MC: I'll get it / (look at Agyou) / It's open!
(AB) Agyou: I'll get it. It can't possibly be more outsiders.
(C) Agyou: No it's not, I locked it! One sec, I'm coming!

Taishakuten: S'UP BROS
MC: Taishakuten!? / How did you know abo--oh right / nice repeating gag
Ryouta: Hi Taishakuten! Did you get lost?
Taishakuten: Nope! I know how to read a map! Oh wow, a komainu? Nice. Want a manju bun?
Agyou: I mean I am a komainu, but I never met you before.
Taishakuten: I met one in Shibamata at a shrine. You protect the Summoners? Nice.
Agyou: ...MC, he's cool! He gave me food!
MC: Yeah Taishakuten! / Yeah Agyou! / You like him because he gave you food? pffft what a kid
Ryouta: I'm so glad you're getting along already!
Kengo: What, he a new guy joining us?
Shirou: Didn't Ryouta tell you about that already?
MC: oh my god you are???

Touji: Oh right, we were waiting for his decision.
Moritaka: Are you saying yes since you walked all this way!?
Taishakuten: (looks awkward) Uhh, I came to say no.
Taishakuten: I mean I wanna say yes, but I wanna devote my after school time for Shibamata's shopping district.
Ryouta: Oh, that's unfortunate but understandable.
MC: you really love Shibamata / I hope we can still be friends and stuff / What if we helped too?
(A) Ryouta: Yeah! But what if we helped too?
(B) Ryouta: Same. Ooh, brain wave! What if we helped out too?
Ryouta: Would you say yes if we helped you get more time?
Taishakuten: Thanks, but I'd have to talk to the guys first. Don't hold your breath. Also, Valentines first!
MC: Speaking of, have you seen this flier? / Give chocolate!?
(AB) Taishakuten: You heard of the workshop too?
(C) Taishaketen: You wanted some from me? Next time. Also about that flier you have...

Taishakuten: Is it that time of year already? It's not like chocolate is Valentines only. But going seems good for research, except they're filled up on sign-ups. Any of you guys going?
Shirou: Volkh just came to ask MC to help with it, so we might not be going...
Ryouta: We're not!?
Shirou: I want to go, but we still have end of term tests to worry about.
MC: I'm doing good! / I'm doing bad in my bad subjects / (look away)
(A) Shirou: I'm glad about that. I was worried about tutoring everyone on my own.
(B) Shirou: That's still helpful for planning your studies.
(C) Shirou: I-it's okay, I'll help you!

Kengo: Dammit, I can't argue because I'll be held back if I flunk out!
Shirou: There's that, but I also can't let the guild be the reason everyone's grades suffer. But I don't want to turn Volkh down since he asked for help...
MC: How about I go help alone? / Let's call Shamash! / How about a deal...?
(A) Shirou: I guess he did ask you specifically, but are you okay with your stu--
Volkh: So I only need to make sure MC passes?
(B) Shirou: I thought about that, but we'd have to pay him fo--
Volkh: Is that the only problem? I can handle it.
(C) Volkh: You just want to be sure your guildmates's grades rise?

Volkh: I shall arrange for Shamash to come. Will our paying for him suffice?
MC: welp
Shirou: Don't worry about us, I'll handle the guild! Thank you Volkh!
Volkh: No matter. I will be borrowing your guildmaster. And you, Taishakuten? A seat suddenly opened up. Shall I talk things over for you?
Taishakuten: Really!? Awesome!
Volkh: Very well. See you at Setagaya!
And that's how MC became event staff at Setagaya.

Takeminakata: Hello!
Empty Workshop

Takeminakata: WHAT
Oh hey, barely anyone who signed up came.

End of Episode

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