Sunday, July 21, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 1 Part 2 (Abridged)

So Volkh said yes to moving the workshop!
Setagaya School grounds

Masanori: A splendid location.
Takeminakata: Smells nice! Roppongi doesn't have a nice garden like this!
Hippolytus: I'm glad you like it! It's one of the best spots in school!
Krampus: So pretty. It'll definitely get people's attention.
The party works together to set up in the garden. There's two tables for students, a camera, a monitor, and a bunch of stuff Hippolytus made as samples.

Taishakuten: Ready guys? Let's start things off, MC!
MC: Yeah! (holds onto a bundle of fliers)

Taishakuten: Hey y'all check this shit out! All these nice flowers picked from Setagaya!
A crowd gathers. MC starts handing out fliers.

Taishakuten: Flowers for every place and occasion! But not all of them are for sale, but come check out the public demo we have over there!
Taishakuten points at Krampus and Takeminakata working quietly on crafting while Hippolytus helps them. More and more people are paying attention!

Wolf A: Wow, what are they doing?
Pirate B: Look, they're showing it on the monitor over there. The box of flowers they're making looks cool!
Masanori: We've gone straightforward and named that the box flower. This one uses fresh flowers, but you can also use preserved flowers to make it last longer.
Wolf A: Hey aren't you that one Youtuber who--
Masanori: Let's stop there since I'm not making a youtube video right now, thank you. The main star of this show is--oh look he just made something new.
Wolf A: Oh my god!
Masanori: (whew, that was close. I didn't think anyone would recognize me.)
Takeminakata: Wow this came out great for my first time!
Krampus: Me too. I managed since the directions were so easy to follow.
Hippolytus: You both did great!
MC: Wow, so quick! (claps)

The spectator mobs share in Takeminakata and Krampus's accomplishments, and the quality of their work gets even more attention!
Taishakuten: So hey y'all, wanna try doing that?
Randos: YES
MC: Now taking signups! (hands out fliers)
Hippolytus: Workshop classes starting soon in the halls, hope to see you there!
And so the party packs everything back up to bring inside. Volkh has lunch delivered, so lunch time!

MC: Wow Taishakuten / Nice work, Hippolytus and Masanori! / You two did great, Takeminakata and Krampus
(A) Taishakuten: You ain't seen nothing yet
(B) Hippolytus: Thank you, Masanori! It didn't blow up on me again!
Masanori: So this is what Volkh was asking me to do? I am familiar with speaking due to video making.
(C) Takeminakata: That was fun! I thought it'd be worse, but I did it!
Krampus: I'm glad I didn't go all Black Santa on everybody. Also my flower thing came out great.

Taishakuten: You did great too, MC! Wanna help out at Shibamata's Transient shopping district? We can make it the best tourist spot ever!
MC: ooh, nice! / will you join the Summoners if I do? / I have to check with everyone
Taishakuten: Oops, got into personal business there. Well just think about it! So Teach, we good on the workshop?
Hippolytus: Hippolytus is fine, thanks so much. The assistants and I can handle it somehow, so you can join the class like normal.
Takeminakata: But we don't even know if new signups are coming. Are we gonna do a class in the public area tomorrow again?
Krampus: Yeah, I don't think anyone was convinced by my demo...
Takeminakata: But you made yours so well!
MC: Krampus, you okay? You seem out of it. / Feels like a while since I saw timid Krampus
(AB) Krampus: I just get like this right after the Xmas season. Sorry to worry you.
(C) Krampus: Eh, I'm usually focused when we meet in the Xmas season, so I guess I haven't been like this since our first meeting. Nice memories.

Krampus: Anyways, I'm good. I'm still more worried about whether anyone will sign up--
Someone is trying to open the door!

Takeminakata: Oh has someone signed up already?
Hippolytus: That'd be great but we barely just opened up! Maybe I should open the door.
Hippolytus happily approaches the door. Someone tries to open it even harder!

Hippolytus: I'm coming!
Krampus: Wait, this doesn't seem right!

Giant Crowd of Randos: WE'RE HERE FOR THE WORKSHOP
Party: OH MY GOD???
Takeminakata: Am I popular already!?
Krampus: That can't be related! But wow everyone's excited...
MC: What happened!? / the demo was a success! / okay line them up

Taishakuten: I got it! Okay people, I'm handling sign-ins so line up r--(crowded by mobs)--I SAID LINE UP DAMMIT, DON'T TOUCH ME
So many people pushing to be first!

MC: Let's all calm down! / they're acting weird... / WHO TOUCHED TAISHAKUTEN
Merman A: I was first!
Girl B: Hey you're out of line!
Drone Pilot D: Mr. Intellectual Dog Boy p-please be my assistant!
Governor E: T-this is my first time making something, so let's get along!
Masanori: W-what is going on? Are they more focused on us than the workshop?
Volkh: WHAT IS ALL THE NOISE!? ...w-what is this crowd!?
Robot F: Oh my god Volkh, are you part of the workshop too?
Streamer G: Let's make flowers together!
Bug H: Back off, Volkh is MINE!
Volkh: I can't breathe!
MC: Nooo, Volkh! / (jump after Volkh)
(C) Hippolytus: No MC, focus!
Hippolytus: We need to sort this out! I'll get Volkh, everyone handle the rest!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Krampus: okay finally it's done
MC: Good job everybody... / what just happened
Hippolytus: Thanks everyone. Well that was chaotic, haha...
Masanori: Strange how everyone was so crazy to sign up.
Taishakuten: I'm glad we calmed the people down, but was it like this before we came?
Volkh: We sent advertisements electronically then, so no. Still, what just caused all that?
Hippolytus: Whatever happened, I was too hasty. Sorry...
Volkh: It was probably a confluence of causes. Either way I am glad the workshop is doing well again!
Taishakuten: I guess he's right. We got plans to get things back on track?
Masanori: I am already coming up with ideas to address problems that have occurred. We should continue with Hippolytus teaching and MC and I assisting.
Krampus: We can also help other students while taking the workshop.
Takeminakata: I'm excited for tomorrow! ...but Roppongi and Setagaya are so far away from each other.
Volkh: Hmm...

Volkh: So these students here are helping you, Hippolytus?
Hippolytus: Yes, they helped so much with the public demo!
Volkh: Very well. I can set you up with unused Setagaya dorm rooms during the event.
MC: Really!? / how very businesslike / is this Military Tactics
(B) Volkh: It is a noble's job to run an organization. Also giving bonuses for merits is obvious.
(C) Volkh: Hah! I will do anything to bring my lord victory!
Takeminakata: Wait really? I feel kinda bad for complaining now.
Volkh: It is no matter. Best to not let talent run from me, though I will not force it upon you if you do not want it.
Taishakuten: Sure, I'll take it. Gotta call back to say I'll be away.
Masanori: ...well this school is a great place to think in. I accept.
Krampus: Uh, I'm good either way. What are you gonna do, MC?
MC: I already sent a note saying I'd be staying out! / Might as well use it / Whatever you want, Krampus
(A) Krampus: Whoa! Well I guess you did come as a workshop helper. I guess I'll stay too then.
(B) Krampus: Oh. I'll stay too then.
(C) Krampus: Uhh...I guess I'll stay with you? I mean, at Setagaya's dorms!

Hippolytus: Wow, everyone's staying! Since I already live here, that means we'll be living together for a while! Sorry things are crazy, but I'm glad we know each other.
Takeminakata: This is gonna be great.
Volkh: We should depart for the day. I suppose everyone has things they need to bring. I will ready the rooms in the meantime.
MC: Thanks for everything Volkh! / Let's do this, everyone! / Let's do our best, Hippolytus
And so the party splits off to do their thing. Masanori notices a petal on the ground outside.

Masanori: ...a violet?

MC has told the gang back in Shinjuku what's up, and it's night by the time they get back to Setagaya. After dinner and a bath, MC is going back to their copypasted room when...

MC: What was that noise!? Did something fall over?
MC goes to investigate.

MC: You okay? / (knock on door) / (barge in)
(AB) No response.
Door's unlocked. MC goes inside.

Krampus: U-uh, MC!?
Krampus is trying to put a fallen bookcase back up.

Krampus: ...did you see it?
MC: See what? / You're just righting a bookcase, right...? / Were you practicing hero posing?
(AB) Krampus: Oh. It's cool then. Well I mean, not cool that I'm damaging stuff.
(C) Krampus: How'd you know!? But I'm glad it's you out of anyone who saw.

Krampus puts the shelf back to where it was.
Krampus: I know we're in different rooms, but staying in the same dorm as you makes me nervous. I got really excited doing some workouts and watching some toku videos, and when I decided to pose like I was back at Santa School, I knocked the shelf over.
Krampus picks up the books and puts them back. He seems lost for words for when he's done with that.

MC: I didn't expect to see you here / (help clean up) / (watch him)
(A) Krampus: Same, didn't expect to see you over here either.
(B) Krampus: Thanks. You really are nice to everyone.
(C) Krampus: ...stop staring, it makes me even more embarrassed.

Krampus seems calmer now.
Krampus: I was surprised to hear you were helping with the workshop, but I never thought I'd be helping too as a signup.
MC: Yeah, things escalated quickly there / Backend work can be fun too.
(AB) Krampus: Heh, yeah. That happens a lot.
(C) Krampus: Yeah, it's interesting.
Krampus: I'm glad to do whatever now.
The last thing Krampus picks up is a toku DVD case.

Krampus: My artifact is something I inherited from other Krampuses. It's not originally mine. And I have a defined role during the Christmas season. I also got a new hero role after coming to Tokyo, but I've been thinking about what I am when it's not that time of year...
MC: You want to help someone? / Heroes never die! / Thinking of post-retirement stuff already?
(A) Krampus: I guess. I've always admired heroes.
(B) Krampus: Yeah. But one day I'll stop being me.
(C) Krampus: Not in concrete terms, but being a Black Santa is manual labor, so I'd have to stop at some point.

Krampus puts the DVD case back. He seems worried about the future as he thinks about his artifact and role.
Krampus: You know I'm a lot more shy than I look, so I figured I'd try looking for something new while I still have my courage and role. And I want to be closer to you since you're a little different each time we meet.
MC: You're cool no matter what you're like / You're such a hard worker / (wait for him to continue)
(AB) Krampus: O-oh, thanks.

Krampus is thinking. Then he starts asking something, nervous.
Krampus: I was thinking of making something original after the workshop is over. And, um...if you'd like...
Krampus blushes and hangs his head. If you wait, he might hold back on what he wants to say. Maybe you should say it instead.

This could be very important.

MC: I can help make it if you want. / I'm looking forward to whatever it is.
(A) Krampus: ...o-oh, okay thanks.
(B) Krampus: !! R-right, just give me some time. Uh, not that it's gonna take THAT long! [Flag set!]
Krampus: ...right, now I just got to do my best at everything. We should go to bed soon, sorry to keep you here so long...see you tomorrow.
MC: Good night, Krampus.
And so MC goes back to their room. Meanwhile...

???: Everyone here? It's time to start our plan to take over Setagaya's Valentine!
End of Episode

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