Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Epilogue (Abridged)

PA System: Umm, we'll be starting the mochi making at the temple soon. Freeze come b--aww I messed up...
Overworld Shift's solved, the party smoothed things over with everyone asking what the hell just happened, back to business as usual!

Echo: I'm glad we got things back on track in time...
Kagutsuchi: I'll be throwing things. I'm excited!
Amanojaku: Me too. I hope I can hit MC and Sensei with them...
MC: Cool / I'll catch it!
(C) Amanojaku: O-okay! I believe you'll be fine.

Amanojaku: I hope you and Sensei can catch it okay...
Reverse Amanojaku: With your FACES!
Qinglong: Ahh, the Amanojakus are doing okay. I'll do my best to take your throwback. This might be the first time I've talked and played catch since knowing you.
Everyone gets ready. Amanojaku happily talks with Echo and Kagutsuchi.

MC: I think he'll be fine. I'm hungry now.
Qinglong: It's all thanks to his courage and everyone working towards this path. My power wouldn't have been enough.
MC: What's it do anyway? Why doesn't the madness affect you? / The power to pretty up places?
(C) Qinglong: !?
Qinglong: Ha! I'd be cleaner if I had that power.

Qinglong: Sooo what do you know about Longs, MC?
MC: They're different from dragons? / Big lizards? / They're bigger than the world?
(C) Qinglong: Wow, you know that? Did some other one tell you already?
Qinglong: A world is a sum of individual cognitions and Longs surpass that. I am Hourai's Long who crossed its zenith according to Taoist thought. The ancients say I watch the disinterested foundational world and the world of phenomena of all desires. I studied over ages to learn how to draw out one's internal chi. I should be infinite, and I have no ends or poles within myself to reverse. My power can also give a part of my nature and strength to others, and that madness is a power type that sways others' minds.
MC: what / It's Anti-Madness and that's why you're Amanojaku's chaperone?
Qinglong: I put my chi into Amanojaku's madness earlier, but the rest was all everyone else.
MC: Amanojaku tried hard / Kagutsuchi and Echo were there too / All's well that ends well!
(AB) Qinglong: ...and you too. You and Amanojaku both believed in each other and trusted there were no enemies.
(C) Qinglong: I should be more like you that way. But I should learn how to not have this happen again.

Qinglong: Maybe protecting him means I don't trust him but... nevermind, I'm still learning too. Tee hee. Anyways I want to apologize to Lord Fuxi. Do you know where he is?
MC: Nope. Hmm, bad vibes...
Qinglong: Maybe we should look for him later. Oh, everyone's coming!
People grab bags of mochi and get into position.

Kid A: Wow, thanks guys!
Umamichi Student B: Throw more mochi at me!
Qinglong: Such inclusion. Wonderful.
MC: Got one! / aww... / Come on, Qinglong!

Qinglong: Don't mind me. Also mochi is high carbs so I should cut back or else Amanojaku will--
Amanojaku: (throws bag of mochi at Qinglong)
Qinglong catches the bag! Amanojaku throws another bag at MC!

MC: I guess that means it's okay / Lucky! / Eating these feels like a waste.
(A) Qinglong: Seems so!
Qinglong looks at his bag some more before putting it away and watching Amanojaku throw mochi around.
Fuxi shows up with a giant bag!

Fuxi: All for your SIIIISTER! Take it! TAKE IT!
MC: wait hold on / welp / COME AT ME BRO
Qinglong: ...maybe I'll open up a bag and catch some mochi by random chance.
Oniwaka: How'd he get so much!? MASTERRRR!!!
Red Oni: Me, loyal too!
Takemaru: I'mma build MC the best house, y'all!
Takemaru: Ow. You been working on that throwing arm?
Motosumi: You wouldn't last five minutes in Umamichi, bitch!

And so, big success. The visitors go home and everyone working starts cleanup.
Motosumi: Sorry to make you help too, Sensei. We'll treat you to dinner tonight.
Qinglong: It's fine. I want to ask something before Amanojaku comes back.
MC: What, you wanna surprise him or something?
Qinglong: I wanted to teach him some nice new seasonal customs and superstitions. Know any?
Motosumi: Well Fuxi's making soba while saying MC's name over and over.
MC: But it's Setsubun now, not New Year's.
Motosumi: On the old calendar, same thing, so it stuck around a bit.
Qinglong: Nice. Except Amanojaku doesn't like soba...
Motosumi: What? Then how about--

Amanojaku: Okay, done with cleanup. Thanks guys!
Echo: Thanks. I was nervous with so many people, but it was fun.
Kagutsuchi: I'm glad everyone enjoyed things. Let's have mochi!
Amanojaku: Okay! I wonder where Sensei and MC are? I still need to thank them...
Oniwaka: MC said they're going shopping. I think that Umamichi dragon teacher went too...
Amanojaku: Now? Well I guess the peach candy I got can wait, but oh well then.
Everyone has some mochi. So peaceful.

Amanojaku: (Weird. I'm not worried about flipping out. Must be because I finally have friends.)
???: We're back. Oh, Amanojaku?
Amanojaku: !!
MC: Hey. Qinglong said he wanted to ask Amanojaku something.
Amanojaku: Welcome back. What is it?
Qinglong: Um, want to make udon with me? From scratch.
Amanojaku: Excuse me???

Amanojaku: I never thought we'd be doing this. Oh MC, Sensei's cutting the dough into noodles.
MC: Sorry about this. We'll explain later.
Amanojaku: It's okay. I like cooking. And I better say this now: thanks for believing in me inside the Overworld Shift. Your Plot Sword thing solved everything fast, but you waited for me to flip everything back first.
MC: It's cool, thank you too.
Amanojaku: I hated my power, but it saved everyone this time. I mean it happened because of me to begin with but still, I learned a new way of using it. Maybe I can help someone with it someday. I shoould learn to control it better!
MC: Awesome!
Amanojaku: Oh right, could you help me with something? If something happens again and Sensei is busy, could you be there...?
Amanojaku: Oops. I'll be back.
Amanojaku runs off. He seems to have grown.

Evening now. People have packed up and most have left.

Motosumi: Thanks guys. Something happened while I was gone? Things are fine now so it's all good. Come help again next year, MC!
MC: Sure! / hungry
Fuxi: Ahh, everyone's here. Qinglong said he'll serve you all udon too. I still have soba for you, SIIIISTER!
Everyone goes back to the shrine office area.

Qinglong: Uhh, I guess I should clean up first...
Amanojaku: I can do that. Go finish things up.
Qinglong: Okay. must add toppings...

Qinglong/Amanojaku AR!
Amanojaku: Wow it came out great, especially since you don't cook.
Qinglong: It's Setsubun, so I thought I'd try. Sorry to make you help though.
Amanojaku: It's okay. Also, thank you for everything, past and future.
Qinglong: Same to you. Let's serve up.
Noodles for everyone! Amanojaku is happily joining in on conversations.

Qinglong: Lord Fuxi, thank you and sorry about everything.
Fuxi: It's fine, I just repeated what my fortunes said. Also...
Qinglong: ?
Fuxi: Did you see how SIIIISTER said I seemed different today? They worry about me!
MC: I am literally right here.
Amanojaku: Haha.
Reverse Amanojaku: HA!
Setsubun is over, but the party is just starting. And for two people, things are turning around into something better.

The End

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