Monday, July 29, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 2 Part 1 (Abridged)

Evil Scientist A: What's valenhappening with the analysis?
Evil Scout B: We found a new plant in the mountains.
Evil Scientist A: Making good tines then! And the testing?
Evil Scout C: It works like we thought. Doesn't last long tho.
Evil Scientist A: Valenry good! Anyone blab about us?

Evil Scientist A: Mwahahaha! The cute poor ignorant fools! Everyone at Setagaya Agricultural School will be our minions!
Evil Scout C: Sir your line sucks.
Evil Scientist A: But how else do I establish my hammy villain cred??? It's what the script says!
Evil Scout C: Are you sure you aren't supposed to be a magical girl show villain?
Evil Scientist A: QUIET YOU! Our glorious evil organization will make the world in our ideal image!
Evil Scout C: What is our evil organization's name anyway?
Evil Scientist A: uhhhh...Black Valentines! We decided it today!
Evil Scout B: ...this group sucks at naming things.

Setagaya Workshop
The next day! Full workshop! Everything's going fine.

MC: I'm glad we started over and nothing's happened / what the hell happened yesterday
(AB) Masanori: Things are only getting started.
(C) Masanori: You should be paying attention to what's happening now, MC.
Masanori: The two of us are here to support Hippolytus. Also I've did some research in the latest in flowers. Do you know much?
MC: A little / A lot / Nope!
(A) Masanori: Okay, then how about we work together to help students?
(B) Masanori: Wonderful. How about I keep watch on the students while you help with the technical?
(C) Masanori: Oh okay. How about Hippolytus and I do technical help and you watch out for the students?

Masanori: Well, let's do our best.
MC and Masanori split up to different sides of the classroom. No one seems to need help.

MC: (check on Taishakuten) / (check on Takeminakata) / (check on Krampus)
(A) Taishakuten: okay this goes like this, then this...
He's working hard.

Bug A: Wow your stuff is so carefully made.
Taishakuten: Yeah I need to know how to do this and share it back home.
Bug A: Wow, you're thinking so efficiently.
(B) Takeminakata: This is harder than yesterday's!
Guy B: Were you the guy from yesterday's open demo? Oh we start with this piece.
Takeminakata: Oh, uh thank you! Wow you look like a cool city boy! I'm gonna try being like you?
Guy B: O-okay? Nice clothes, dude.
(C) Krampus: >:C
Krampus is scaring his neighbors focusing so hard.

Streamer C: (I wanna move seats but there's nowhere else.)
Krampus: ...sorry. I'm not mad or anything. I can help if you have questions.
Streamer C: O-oh! Thanks, sorry for staring... well in that case, how do I--

Well people seem to be having fun. Questions are starting to come up.
Hippolytus: Yes hello, what is it?
Girl A: I can't get this part right...
Things are going okay as Hippolytus goes around answering questions. But then...

Guy B: This isn't about the class, but I wanna give my present to someone later and...
Hippolytus: Did you want to spruce your present up?
Guy B: Oh no, not that. I just wanted advice on how to give it...
Masanori: !!
MC: Oh no! / (run over) / (signal to Masanori)
(A) Masanori runs over.
(B) MC runs over. Masanori gets there first.
(C) Masanori nods and goes over.
Masanori: Hello excuse me, how about I give you advice?
Guy B stares for a bit.
Masanori: Oh, you know me? Why thank you, but let's set that aside since this isn't a video I'm making today.
Masanori draws attention like he predicted he would.

Masanori: Okay, so...
And then class continues as normal.

Class went on. More questions popped up. MC and Hippolytus handle technical stuff and Masanori gives advice outside that.
Hippolytus: Okay class time is over, thank you for coming!
MC: Come again! (smile and wave)
Everything went okay today! People go home happy.

Drone Pilot A: That was interesting! And easy for my first time. The teacher wasn't as scary as I heard.
Streamer B: inorite? Also omg Youtuber MURAMASA was here! I should've streamed too!
Drone Pilot A: But they banned video recording here. Seemed kinda like a private event?
Hippolytus: (turns around after everyone leaves) Oh my god it's finally over! Thank you so much everyone!
MC: It's cool! / Well it's my job / (Huh, he talks fast when thanking people too)
Hippolytus: I thought things were gonna blow up again when the romance advice questions started happening again.
Masanori: I'm glad I could be of service. I wasn't expecting to be helpful like this. MC being here is how we could do so to begin with.
MC: I think I get you / Did I help? / what?
(A) Masanori smiles.

Masanori: I normally make Youtube videos about crimes, but sometimes I advise my audience.
Taishakuten: Oh is that why they went crazy about you?
Masanori: (nods) Yes, I kept quiet to not interrupt class, but obviously that backfired. I took over romance questions so Hippolytus could focus on teaching.
Takeminakata: I never noticed!
Krampus: Maybe I should've paid more attention too...
Hippolytus: It's okay, you were here to be students anyway! (cleans table)
Hippolytus: Oh right, Volkh sent food! Let's eat when we're done cleaning!
Takeminakata: Yay!
Taishakuten: ...Setagaya bentos? Are you guys selling this to the public!?
MC: well they got everything here / business is everything to you isn't it / so hardworking much consideration
(A) Krampus: Yeah. Farm school and all.
(B) Krampus: Being school admin is hard. Ded sighs a lot when spring comes.
(C) Krampus: Same thought. And we haven't even seen him again.

Bentos for everyone!
Takeminakata: It looks so good! Even the box smells nice. They make money with this?
Taishakuten: I guess if they're spotting this for you. And the workshop has that exclusive locality thing going on.
Hippolytus: I haven't seen these bentos around school much. What if they're special VIP lunches? Oh wow, Volkh is so generous!
Masanori: He spares no expense. Which means we will need to work that hard for him.
Subject change!
Masanori: We can't keep doing what we did to keep class running today, so how about we help Hippolytus find some way to NOT seem like he hates talking about love and romance?
Takeminakata: Why are you even like that? You seem nice and cheerful like Wakan Tanka so you ought to be as popular as him.
Hippolytus: Getting along is nice! But I dissociate so hard when romance comes up. It happened the other day with a kouhai...
Taishakuten: And you STILL took a Valentines workshop post? Well I guess you went in blind.
Krampus: Is it embarrassment? I sorta did that myself before... (briefly looks at MC) One minute I was seen, the next I went crazy and started throwing hands...
MC: Yep. Sad. / And now we're friends.
(C) Krampus: ...yeah, we are now. Haha.

Hippolytus: Hmm... I don't think that's what it is. And sorry, I still can't put it into words! Feels bad trying to teach when I'm like this. Maybe I should just stick to the workshop topics...
Masanori: Maybe, but I think that would just make you regress to how class was before.
Hippolytus: Really? But I figured you guys would do a better--
MC: We need an actual teacher leading the class. We're just assistants.
Masanori: You're the plant expert, so there's worth in you telling people about them. I believe being able to tell others what you know and think is important. I may have a richer vocabulary, but it's better if you speak to the students. Maybe you think you don't have love within, but I think you might have something you didn't in the past. If you don't know what it is, just tell people that.
Taishakuten: (stares)
Masanori: Nobody else can do what you can for this workshop class.
Hippolytus: MC, Masanori...
Taishakuten: Holy hell do you never keep things simple? But I think I get you. You just gotta know how stubborn you are!
Hippolytus: what
MC: Hmm... / what / (stare)
(A) Taishakuten: You get it, don't ya MC?

Taishakuten: Whatever, just start by thinking why you wanna be the way you are. Why live here? You gotta know what you want.
Takeminakata: Like in sumo. You need to have your own footing down to push your opponent off.
Krampus: Yeah. Hard to do though.
Taishakuten: Nah! You just need to love your hometown!
Masanori: ...ah. I wonder about that a lot myself. So many regrets about my home world.
Hippolytus: ...yeah. :|
MC: Senpai? / wait what / (pretend to see nothing)
Hippolytus: U-uh, right, thanks Taishakuten! I'll think about it.
MC: You can take your time. Masanori and I are still helping. / don't have to take the advice.
(C) Hippolytus smiles.
Hippolytus: Sorry I'm so wimpy, I'm glad you guys are here.
Takeminakata: It's fine, you asked us for help. Also, awesome food!
And so the party has a good time, as is everyone outside in Setagaya. Also somebody is watching them.

End of Episode part

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