Sunday, July 21, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 6: Bubble World (Abridged)

Monomasa Oosato: ...yeah, I'm Monomasa Oosato, the original owner of this body.
MC: ...that gymnast guy Melide told me about?
Monomasa Oosato: ...oh, you heard. But yes. My consciousness is normally dormant, but sometimes I wake up and surface. And sometimes I regain control because Drovyne is asleep.
MC: what'd you want to talk about? / Is Monomasa...okay?
(C) Monomasa Oosato: Drovyne? He's fine, he'll be back when I'm done.
Monomasa Oosato: Tell Drovyne...I want him to absorb me.
MC: what...?

Monomasa Oosato: Sorry, I know this is sudden. But I'm asking because I think he'll listen to you.
Monomasa Oosato stares into the abyss somewhere.

Monomasa Oosato: Drovyne told you about Monster commands, right? He and I are melded, so I know what he feels... He's been resisting the whole time, refusing to eat. I'm ready to just go, but he keeps caring about me. He should care more about Melide and everyone else.
MC: and somehow we are here with you asking to be retgone?
Monomasa Oosato: ...yes, I want him to be free. I just gave him myself because I didn't want my life anymore, and I still feel that way actually. But sometimes I hear his feelings. He wants me to live, find a reason to live again. And he tries so hard to find something to show me.
MC: ...yeah, he's always thinking of you.

Monomasa Oosato: ...right, but it's faulty. He wants me to live, but he doesn't want to live himself. He tries to keep my body in one piece...but he holds back because of it. It's my fault he's like that, so tell him he can let me go.
Monomasa Oosato: ...but why? If he does better, he'll be able to protect himself and you guys better.
MC: I observe dreams. I can't tell heroes to give up on them.
Monomasa Oosato: ...even wrong, warped dreams?
MC: Monomasa is a hero and chooses to be that way.
MC thinks of Monomasa.

MC: That's where I stand.
Monomasa Oosato: ...dreams and heroes are special to you, aren't they? I shouldn't have asked, even if I thought you'd say yes if I said it was for him. You're trying to say he and I together are Monomasa? How open-minded of you. I don't know if that's good or bad.
Monomasa shivers.

Monomasa Oosato: I have to go back. Thanks for talking, but remember Drovyne and I both want to disappear and have the other live. Can you keep affirming his dream when the time comes...?
Monomasa goes back to sleep.
MC: ...hmm.
MC goes back to sleep.

Danzo: ...I guess it's okay?
Danzo goes back to sleep.

Danzo: Morning! Or whatever time it is! Anyways, meeting time over intel!
Danzo hands around some rations or whatever.

MC: Okay! / Morning, Monomasa / these rations suck
(B) Monomasa: Morning. I meant to rest, but I actually passed out...why are you staring at me?
(C) Danzo: Better than nothing!
Galvo: I shall help of course. Let us plan together.
Monomasa: I feel a little better now.
Monomasa looks the way he usually does.

MC: ...
Danzo: Aww, why so down MC? Cheer up!
MC: OOF! Stop slapping me on the back!
Danzo: Oops, sorry! Well at least you've relaxed.

Danzo: Anyways, thinking time. We got so many questions like, what the hell is this place? Who the hell is Exio? What do we even do? Your turn!
Monomasa: ...well this looks like the Imaginary Point we saw, but different. And when Exio brought out that mud thing, I felt something.
MC: ...yeah, like some sort of movement.
Monomasa: Also the Exio Galvo came with sounds like a parallel world Exio. There are differences, but it can't be anyone else.
Danzo: So that makes this a parallel Imaginary Point? Huh... Maybe we'll call it the Reverse Imaginary Point? So MC...can Observers shove people into here or something?
MC thinks about Crowne Alter.

MC: ...I don't know if Observers can do that, but there was someone who said it was possible to do.

Danzo: Huh. Let's just say Exio can then. So if Galvo's Exio is a parallel world version...
Monomasa: ...right, that raises questions. How did he know about this place?
Galvo: Wait, why is that strange?
Danzo: You heard about this place from your Exio, right?
MC: ...the Imaginary Point and accessing it?
Monomasa: ...right, how does your Exio know about it?
Grigory: Only people in Zero Trust know about the Imaginary Point, and we need an Observer to get there!

Monomasa: You can't just coincidentally know the Imaginary Point exists in some part of space and that you need a Path to get there. Did Grigory or someone tell him about it?
Galvo: I have been accompanying them for some time and have not seen them in contact with anyone. But then he suddenly cancelled all his plans to come hither...oh yes, I remember him suddenly saying he had business with an Observer he knew, MC.
MC: what?

Galvo: Something something yoo-neek who brought back a forgotten mountain who has no idea what they are doing that Exio has taken to teaching.
MC: ...oh, me.
Galbo: I see... well I told him I wanted to meet thee, but he said not now. Was that a cipher of sorts? One that passes information one could not concievably obtain otherwise?
Monomasa: !!

Exio: Monomasa will you do me a favor?
Monomasa: What? Yoshiori isn't here.
Exio: Yeah I told him to buy milk. ANYWAYS if I ever can't be saved and Melide still lives... well things will work out somehow.
Melide: oh...
Exio: So will you hear me out?
Monomasa: (frowns)

Monomasa: Oh...that was another of his change of plans.
MC: Monomasa?
Monomasa: We were originally supposed to do it all together, but Exio suddenly changed something. He got badly injured, but sometimes he makes a change of plans. Like, he'd suddenly cancel something Yoshiori or I would be doing and we end up avoiding some huge blow up. Well, sometimes things still happen, but it's like...
Danzo: He can see the future?
Monomasa: ...yeah. I wondered how he'd know, but...
Danzo: Hmmmm, like he knows about a parallel world's possibilities.
MC: He can look into parallel worlds somehow?

Galvo: Perhaps he is learning what happens to his other selves? Your Exio learns of the Imaginary Point, thus so does mine?
Monomasa: ...that's crazy but it explains things.
Danzo: I guess it must be right if you think it makes sense. Now we just need to figure out what to do... we try to get out of here, I guess?
Galvo: Very well. Tarrying here is naught but danger. I would also like to check on my companion if we could, but such would prove difficult given his actions...
Danzo: Maybe! I don't think bringing MC along is a good idea at least!
Galvo: I suppose hoping nothing happens after a few days is not to be expected.
Monomasa: ...I think we should try to leave this world too.
MC: sure? Exio and Yoshiori are here.

Monomasa: ...I AM worried, and I need to check on some things. But escape is our priority. I'd like regroup at least.
Danzo: Yeah. We can kick Exio and Yoshiori's asses later since having my boss I'm bodyguarding also be the Observer transforming me makes things dicey.
Danzo sounds flip, but it sounds like his priority is protecting MC.

MC: (Hmm. That's nice, but am I holding him back?)
Galvo: Hmm. Shall we return to where Exio visited?
MC: As in where he connected the Path from his spaceship?
Galvo: Indeed. Either we escape this Reverse Imaginary Point, or we at least find information.
Danzo: Guess fighting Monsters is still better than sitting in here!
MC: I guess. Let's go! / Man...
Monomasa: Yeah, let's check it out. But what if it connects to a parallel world?
Danzo: Oh yeah. What if I run into my what-if Alter?

The party is already suited up in case of sudden Monster attacks.

Danzo: I keep looking at all this and I STILL can't believe my eyes.
Monomasa: Galvo, has this place always looked like that?
Galvo: The sky, yes. There were less gouges earlier though. The Monsters must have done that. And Lord Observer, art thou well enough to maintain our hero forms?
MC: I'm fine but...something feels weird.
Monomasa: Weird? And not that you're tired? Hmm... !!
Weird Monsters appeared!

Danzo: Already!? Also...
The Monsters are coming this way and are clearly hostile!

Monomasa: Yeah, there's more of them and they seem stronger than the ones we fought earlier.
Galvo: I've been wanting to thrash the knaves more! Lord Observer, thy orders!
MC: Right! Wave battle, ride on!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Danzo: Oh my god they're tougher now!
Danzo kicks a Monster, but he's paying more attention to MC than himself.

Monomasa Oosato: He's holding back because he's focused on worrying about me.
MC: (Oh, he hates being a burden...) / I sorta get how he feels I guess...
Danzo: Monomasa, finish this one for me!
Danzo jumps back! Monomasa comes in from above!

Monomasa: Got it! (diving kick or something!)
Monster: [Weird Screeching] (deleted)

MC: Uh, b-battle over? Yeah, it kinda did feel tougher...
Galvo: Good! Makes punching them more worth it!
Danzo: Galvo could you not!?
Monomasa: I noticed they were getting less clunky as time went on.
Galvo: We ought to talk and walk lest more come by.
MC: Makes sense. Let's go / dang he switched gears fast
(B) Galvo: My previous family head sent the secrets of code switching directly into my brain.
Monomasa: You're in some kind of family business?
Galvo: Oh my, a misunderstanding. I am in a way, but take what I said as a joke.

Galvo leads the party over to what ends up the same place MC and the others visited. It's a twenty minute walk with Monomasa up front, Galvo in the middle with MC, and Danzo on the rear.
Galvo: Why dost thou make such a face like so?
MC: Oh, sorry just worried about something.
Danzo: What!? Why didn't you say something? Spit it out, I'm good at counseling!
Galvo: are worried about Danzo then?
Danzo: What WHAT? Did I do something!?
MC: ...I was worrying if I was holding you back or something.
Danzo: Not really?
Monomasa: ...I think MC is talking about your guarding them.
MC: yeah
Danzo: OH! Okay yeah that does crimp my actions a bit, but of course it would. Milord ordered me to protect you. Aren't I cool in how I work so hard while setting my personal feelings aside~?
MC: I guess / okay yeah you're cool but / you are such a butt
(B) Danzo: Like me already? Awesome! I'll do even better!
(C) Danzo: Aw geez now you sound like Milord!

Galvo: ...thou wishes to stand together with us heroes, I see.
Galvo smiles.
Galvo: Such an action requires trust from both heroes and thyself, Observer.
MC: Me too...?
Galvo: Indeed, thou must believe. Clarify thine wish. Who is it thou speaks as equals and supports in kind? Then thou shalt understand how to involve thyself with yonder ken.
MC: Hmm...
MC thinks of Akashi, Sui, and Mokdai. Which relationship would they make the base model for their dream?

MC: (Akashi?) / (Mokdai?) / (Sui?)

Galvo: Thou seem to have thought of someone. Now do the same for us as thou wouldst them. It shan't always be perfect, but it can be the base thou exert thyself from as thou support one other.
Monomasa: Hmm...
Galvo: So how about thou try doing so as Danzo's temporary master?
Danzo: What? I don't even do that with Milord!
Galvo: 'tis an example. MC wishes for thee to act freely, no?
MC: Well, yeah. I'd like you to not devalue yourself.
Galvo: Yes, but Danzo is still working, so if thou wishest to stand with him...can thou trust in him and make it worthwhile?
MC: Hmm...
Monomasa: ...don't taunt MC too much. They do well already, and relationships are fluid.
Galvo: Hmm, indeed. Forgive the meddling of a doting old man.
Danzo: ...uh MC I swear I ain't dissing you.
MC: I know, thanks. I might just be a little crazy.
Danzo: As long as you get it! Anyways, let's try getting a little closer!

Later, the party reaches Exio and Galvo's entry point. Which is also MC's side of the party entry point.
Galvo: Now it is the Observer's turn.
Monomasa: Can you try opening a Path and looking at a parallel world?
MC: Okay! Uhh...I'll figure it out!

Melide: Use your Observer Vision on the world.
MC: So I stare into the distance and use Wizard's Eye and...
MC stares into space where they'll open a Path and sees something different!

MC: !!
Monomasa: What is it!?

Melide: Do you see any distortions? It happens when ether flow gets weird.
MC: ...this place is beyond distorted.
Like why hasn't this place blown up already?

Danzo: guys have Grigory's port light?
Monomasa: Was that the sound we've been hearing?
MC looks at their port light. Big red screen, mystery numbers.

Danzo: ...this looks bad, man.
End of Episode

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