Monday, February 5, 2024

Oedo Christmas Episode 1 Part 3 (Abridged)

Some diner filled with dating couples and families
Typhon: What to get...? The Christmas special?
Seth: Sounds good! Maybe I should get the roast chicken.
Gouryou: Maybe I'll order cake and a yule log...wait why are we here together like a bunch of losers!? How come nobody ever said yes to all the hitting on people I've done!?
Typhon: Them's the breaks. Let's just pig out and sing karaoke all night!
Seth: Uh, I have plans.
Gouryou and Typhon gasp and freeze.

Gouryou: Bro you what
Seth: I said I have plans so I can't go karaoke with you guys.
Typhon: (stares)
Seth: Y-you're freaking me out here.
Gouryou: Hey Typhon, we got a traitor here.
Typhon: We promised to be hot and popular together, y'all!
Gouryou: Bro how dare you forget us!
Seth: I never heard of that promise in my life. And who cares!? It's just a school thing from Roppongi since they figured I wasn't doing anything anyway.
Gouryou and Typhon squint at Seth.

Gouryou: Sus.
Typhon: What dirty shenanigans are you up to!?
Seth: Your mind is what's dirty here! You can come if you care that much, it's open to the public!
Typhon: Oh well don't mind if I do. We gotta get in there, Gouryou!
Gouryou is staring at his phone.

Typhon: Are you ditching me too!?
Gouryou: Tee hee would you believe me if I said I had a date too?
Typhon: WHOMST
Gouryou: Secret. Have fun, kthnxbye!
Seth: ...he's lying.
Typhon: Maybe? If he's serious, then I gotta support him.
Seth: I see you still look sad though. Come on, let's pig out and go.
Typhon: Shaddup, you both were gonna ditch me! Gimme all the chicken and cake then!

Gouryou: ...welp. Got any bright ideas you could invite me to?
Otter: Hehe, I'm glad you came though! But wow you really chickened out after putting on a big show like that.
Gouryou: Shut up I'm old enough to forget how to try at things!
Otter: (pats Gouryou) Aww, don't be like that. Come to our Christmas party. Look, a present!
It's a Santa suit.
Gouryou: Wait crap this is fancy. You sure?
Otter: Yep! For a regular like you.
Gouryou: I'm just bailing on temple training stuff by coming here. You might've wasted your money on me.
Otter: It's cool! I didn't pay for it myself, I asked the boss for this. Put it on!
Gouryou reluctantly does so.

Gouryou: How is it? Feels weird wearing something besides my regular stuff.
Otter: You look great! We match now.
Gouryou: Well I feel better now! Maybe I'll give things another shot now.
Otter: That's the spirit! See you at the party!
Gouryou: Date, here I come!

And now we get back to the point where MC and Gouryou meet up.
MC: Gouryou!? / You work here too!? / Cheater!
(B) Gouryou: No I'm just a customer!
(C) Gouryou: Rude! I just come here to see a friend over tea! ...oh no that sounds like a classic excuse!
Gouryou: Like my suit? It's a present I just got. Guy who gave it should still be in that room.
MC: Wait, Otter gave it to you? I thought I just heard him.
Gouryou: Oh, you know him?
MC explains how they got here with Horus.

Gouryou: Ohhh, so you're saying you're free? I was about to ask you out to the party here tonight.
MC: oh NOW you ask me / I'm here with my nephew... / you're like, third or fourth in line now
(A) Gouryou: Hey there's still time. Wanna go to a cafe and--
(B) Gouryou: Wait you are? Is that him?
(C) Gouryou: WHAT
Suddenly Horus pops out!

Horus: UNCLLLLEEEE! There you are! We are here on business!
MC: whoops / I found out where Otter is! / you better take me then
(A) Gouryou: Looking for Otter? He's in there.
(C) Horus: O-of course I will! As your escort!
Gouryou: Dude I'm trying to ask out MC here. Otter's over there, thanks.

Someone just went in.
MC: Turing? Oh yeah he likes this stuff! That Santa suit looks awesome on him!
Horus: Isn't that the one looking after Sphinx? I didn't know he knew Otter too.
Gouryou: Oh yeah, I've seen him around a lot. He's a regular with a favorite.
Horus: You know him too? Uncle your social network is too big, stop getting more people I need to beat back.
Inside the room

Otter: Hey Ringring, you look good in that suit!
Turing: Thanks, my guildmates loved it.
Otter: Awesome! I'm surprised you came on Christmas too!
Turing: What do you take me for? Now can you do the thing again?
Otter: (points sword at Turing) Okay. Noble Phantasm activate!

Turing gets turned into a chibi and jumps into Otter's arms!
Turing: Yeeees my fix
Otter: Oof, ticklish!
Turing: I wish I had a giant teddy bear in my room. But this works too!
Otter: You're really loud. You okay with that?
Turing: Indubitably! Not like I've met anyone I know here so far, so it's fine to drop the gentleman persona for now!

MC: God I wish that were me / Nothing's happening. Got it. / (look away)
Horus: (gasp!) You mean this store named after Edo's infamous adult entertainment district isn't a wholesome family friendly establishment!?
Gouryou: Uh. It's just lots of bodily contact. Joshing around, you know?
Gouryou: no wait stop!

Otter: You're just like a little kid, Turing.
Turing: it's strange how changing the outside affects my inside so much. Your power would be so great if it brings me back to purer times.
Otter: As in back before you changed? I have a chibification sword, not a time machine.
Turing: But what if? The math might work out one day.
Otter's already helped with Turing's experiments a lot. Turing claims it's just a way to study Otter's artifact.

Otter: But if you go back that far, that means you'd go back to the part where we never met and that's sad. You putting on a Santa suit now and enjoying Christmas is a good change.
Turing: You're right. Which means I need a new solution! I'll just enjoy myself until then.
Otter: Oh yeah, have you put your presents together for your kids?
Turing starts thinking of his creations as rambunctious children now.

Turing: Oh, I made a Metaverse™ escape game and they seem to like it.

Sphinx: This game is awesome! Turing really made this for us!?
Enigma: I have concerns about this, but if Master orders me to...
Sphinx: Stop sweating the details and have fun!
Tindalos: (zooms in) Yeah! I'll go with you instead!
Enigma: How did you get past security!?
Tindalos: It was easy!
Game start! Classic murder mystery begin!

Sphinx: Hey look it started.
Enigma: Understood. Goal: frame mangy mutt.
Tindalos: Come at me bro!

Turing: I assume they must be still stuck in it by now.
Otter: ...isn't that a problem?
Turing: I got you something else! (gives Otter a doll around the same size Chibi Turing is) I commissioned a master to make this.
Otter: Wow, thanks!
Turing: I'm glad you like it. I should take my leave soon.
Otter: Okay, see you at the party!

Turing: MC? Why are you here with a police officer?
Horus: ...ahem, hello Akihabara Guildmaster. Thank you for taking care of Sphinx and Otter.
Turing: Ooh, Lord Horus. I'm glad we're all getting along. And I bet you heard us from outside? Can't tell you what we were doing. All alone. With no one watching. Not the type to kiss and tell.
Horus: (GASP)
MC: OMGWAT / Turing don't tease him!

Gouryou: ...wait is someone else coming over?
Horus: Otter is seeing someone else already!?
Turing: Oh, Otter's VERY popular. He's got a cast of regulars.
Horus: OTTER!
Gouryou: Hang on, you're supposed to need a warrant for this!
Horus: But the INDECENCY!

Ulaanbaatar: dang it's loud outside. Christmas is wild.
Otter: Yep. Didn't think you'd come too.
Ulaan: Jealous of all the invites I've been getting? (lies down)
Otter: You do need to take breaks now and then~.
Ulaan: I know right!?
Otter: I'm just here to make your dreams come true. (chibifies Ulaan)
Ulaan: Did you know I've been working since I was 4? My childhood sucked.
Otter: It's never too late to be a kid again!
Ulaan: Don't mind if I do!

Gouryou: Ow my face!
Ulaanbaatar: MC! Did you come to see me!?
MC: Why are you small!? / HUG / coinkydink
(B) Ulaan: yessss i'm baby now
(C) Ulaan: You're no fun~
Horus: A child? Otter, have you no standards!?
Otter: No wait it's not what it looks like!
Horus: Jail! Jail for Otter! Jail for 1000 years! Also you're fired.
End of Episode part

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