Saturday, October 8, 2022

Live A Hero Special Episode: Second Anniversary Celebration (Abridged)

One morning at Parallel Flight
Akashi: ...Mokdai, why are we here? We weren't scheduled to come in or anything.
Mokdai: The director asked me to bring you guys here, but he didn't say why. MC, do you know?
MC: Nope.
Sui: So it's not business-related? But it has to do with us at least. ...maybe I made a mistake at the last sales job.
Mokdai: U-uh, maybe I messed up at that business trip the other day...
Akashi: I...froze up at a hero show when I saw a camera pointed at me...
MC: Oh man I can think of possibilities too...i-it'll be okay!
Huckle's voice comes from the office meeting room.

Huckle: Okay, we're ready. Mokdai, can you bring everyone over if you're all there?
Mokdai: O-okay!
Everyone heads over, nervous.

Mokdai: O-okay, I'm opening the door now--
Huckle, Ryekie, and Crowne: Happy second year of joining, everybody!
There's cake and hors d'oeuvres on the table. Team Rookie is surprised.

Crowne: Heh, nice look. All that work was worth it.
Akashi: Uhh...second year of joining...?
Huckle: Well Mokdai has been here slightly longer than that, but it's been about two years now since you, MC, and Sui joined up. We decided to throw a party to celebrate that.
Ryekie: It's thanks to you guys Parallel Flight is what it is today! We totally gotta celebrate that!
Ryekie pulls everyone forward.

Mokdai: ...whoa, a surprise celebration? That's so great!
Sui: It's been two years, huh? I wasn't a member back then...but now that I think about it, it feels kind of nostalgic.
Mokdai: Yeah, I wasn't a hero back then either... Time flies!
Crowne: And MC's gotten used to this work too. Time to call you a pro now?
Ryekie: Hey Huckle. Speech! Speech! Speech!
Huckle: Can we not...?
Ryekie: Too late, all eyes on you now!
Huckle: ...ahem. Just a little bit then. So I know how much work you all have put in for the agency. Thank you for everything, there's just one thing I want to say to you all.

Summer Hero Fest memory
Huckle: I'm sure you've met plenty of people up to this point
Orient City Assault memory
Huckle: I want you all to treasure the thoughts and feelings you've had then.
Melodic Meteor Christmas memory
Huckle: Those feelings will guide you as Heroes and Operators when you feel lost.
Chocolate Circus memory
Huckle: I'm sure more disasters will appear before us, now and later on.
Reminiscence of Ghostwoods memory
Huckle: Maybe you'll feel stuck at times...
Osaka Space Terrorist Racists (I'll get there soon) memory

Huckle: But all these experiences and encounters...
Lost Ancients of Blue memory

Huckle: Will be the light that brings you courage and lead you to the future.

Huckle: You'll meet more people from here on, so it'd be great if you remember today even a little bit. (nods to Team Rookie)
Crowne: Good speech! Rank S Hero speeches really do hit different!
Huckle: Stop making fun of me. Anyways, that's enough of that. The food's going to get cold, but there's still one more thing.
Crowne: Right, That Thing! The adjustments are perfect!
Crowne pulls out three little boxes and gives them to Huckle.

Huckle: I want to give you all our company badges and had them custom made.
Crowne: You can stick them on top of your hero suits. It's a special from me and Maculata! It won't fall off even in battle.
Huckle: You should probably put them on later and see how it feels. It's the same design as the emblem on MC's tie.

Mokdai: Wow, a custom made medal for our suits? It's so cool! Thanks! Now I'll match MC during battles!
Sui: Thank you very much. Is it okay for us to wear them though?
Akashi: Yeah I'm still officially just a part timer...
Ryekie: Sure it's fine!
Huckle: MC, I'll give them to you so you can put them on when you transform them.
MC: Okay. Tell me when you want to put them on, guys!
Huckle: Thanks again for risking your lives to save our peace. And MC, thank you for always supporting us heroes on the front line. I expect good work from you. Now, okay everyone! (claps)
Huckle: It's about time we toasted to the occasion!
Akashi: Yeees! I'm getting hungry here!
Mokdai: Me too!
Sui: Look, cake. MC, what are you getting first?
Crowne: So many good snacks! Huckle, can I have some beer--
Huckle: ...Crowne, if I let you have alcohol I have to let Ryekie have kiwis too. But I'll consider it if you promise to look after Ryekie when he's drunk.
Crowne ...pass.
Huckle: Come on, there's still the toast to get to.
Ryekie: Oh right! Everyone have their glass!? Congratulations on making it to Year 2 again!
Everyone: CHEERS!
The End


  1. thank you very much for the translation!, happy second year live a hero!

  2. lol... for a big kitty to like kiwi... makes me remember some scene from fairytail..
