Sunday, October 18, 2020

Live A Hero Golden Spirit of Dawn Episode 2

Things begin with the Mystery Operator at the end of Chapter 1 asking someone is really going to go. Procy says he is, otherwise there'd have been no point for him to come all this way and cough up a huge sum of money to get Adjusted/Tuned Up/Coordinated. Mystery Man says he'll always welcome him whenever, but he'd still like for him to make a reservation ahead of time. Procy laughs and says if he wants him to come more often he ought to lower his medical fees. Mystery Man laughs and says he'll consider it until next time. Procy promises to swing by again to say hi if he makes it back okay, but no more than that. Mystery Man tells him to be careful, so Procy heads off and says he'll see him Later. Mystery Man nods sadly and hopes that there will be a next time Later.
Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Fighter Vs. Gunman.
Things then tune back on your end of things as Barrel finishes talking with some store owner and thanks them for telling him what they know. He gives a quick bow before turning around and running back towards you. You thank him for going in to talk and ask what he's found out. Barrel says Procy showed up and talked for a little bit earlier that morning, but the wandered off elsewhere. It's been like this everywhere else you've checked, and Barrel wonders how many more places there are to go.
Akashi comments on how conscientious Procy is when making the rounds and how it must be tough to be a bar owner. Huckle describes Procy as being the very honest sort when it involves money, which he supposes means you could say his usual behavior is an expression of that. If the bar suddenly closes, then the usual deliveries will have nowhere to go and problems may arise with fees. So most likely, Procy made a point of checking in everywhere before heading off, and Huckle calls him a focused guy. Mokdai says he's getting the feeling Procy wanted a way to deal with things that wouldn't worry Gomeisa. Akashi notices that Gomeisa isn't with you guys, which surprises Mokdai since he was just there, so he asks where he went. You see him and point him out.
Everyone turns to look, and it turns out that Gomeisa is in the middle of ordering things like banana and chocolate, and chocolate chip mint. Akashi is shocked he got distracted by an ice cream stand, then yells to him that you guys are in the middle of investigating and asking why he's detouring for food. Gomeisa is surprised and apologizes, saying he couldn't help himself when he saw how good it looked. Still he bought enough for everyone as thanks for helping out, and he offers you guys some if you want any.
Akashi protests that this doesn't make it any better, but Mokdai says he wants the one with the cookies in it since he likes it. You either express disbelief at Mokdai and tell him not to join in on it, or you can choose to accept Gomeisa's offer. A and B has Mokdai react in shock and apologize, saying he often buys that one flavor he saw. Gomeisa agrees that it's great and mentions that the new flavor he saw the other day was excellent too. Mokdai agrees and talks about how it doesn't have the minty aftertaste even with mint in it and brings up the aroma. In C, Gomeisa comments that you have good taste as you've picked a recently popular flavor. Mokdai says he likes it too, mentioning that last month's new flavors were too weird, but this month's have all been on point.
Either way Akashi is appalled at what's happening, but then he notices Barrel has disappeared next. Barrel reappears and says he's here through a mouthful of food, so you either express shock that he's eating, say things are going terribly, or ask him which ice cream flavor he wants. C has Barrel ask you to wait since he has something in his mouth already, but he asks you guys to save something not too sweet for him.
Akashi has a fit over everyone eating and points out that something is dripping from Barrel's bag. Barrel has to look and worries that he put so much hot sauce on his hot dog that it might drip onto his uniform. There isn't any when he checks for that though, which he's glad about. Akashi mocks this in disbelief and asks if there's really time to be buying take out. Huckle tries to calm him down as he points out that you guys have been walking around for a while, so of course people would be hungry. It's almost snack time as it is, so he suggests you guys take a break. You'll need to compare notes anyways.
Time passes as narration glosses over you guys sorting through what you've learned in your investigation. You were paired with Akashi, Mokdai was with Huckle, and Barrel was with Gomeisa. Between the three groups you all visited at least 20 different places, which Huckle marks onto a map. Barrel comments on you guys having figured out where to Procy's been headed while doing his normal business, and there's been some worth to asking around. Akashi brings up that Procy has visited a butcher, a fishmonger, a greengrocer, a liquor shop, and a sweets wholesaler. Mokdai says this covers about five hours' worth of time, and he asks Gomeisa if he has any other ideas on where he could have gone. Gomeisa needs to think since Procy has a pattern to the order he visits places, then remembers because of the ice cream that there's also a cake shop he goes to.
Akashi is surprised that Procy would go so far as to offer sweets in his establishment given that he's a barman. Gomeisa explains that the bar gets a lot of different customers from various planets visiting the place. There are as many different tastes in food as there are planets, and while Earthlings may want rice or bread with some sides, people from other cultures may prefer sweet foods, sour foods, or spicy foods. Because of that, Procy makes a set order of various foods from businesses he's on good terms with.
Huckle says he sees the logic, saying people who mainly eat sweets would want to go somewhere with decent sweet food. Mokdai thinks on the idea of cultures being as numerous as the stars, then comments that it must be hard to be a manager to think that far. Barrel wonders if there's a planet out there that mainly eats spicy food and expresses an interest in that. You either comment that this is enlightening or find it weird aliens would talk about the topic as if they weren't involved. B gets extra lines where Huckle laughs and says there recently has been a lot of aliens in appearance born on Earth, though he doesn't seem to include himself in that. He tells you that Mokdai is a second generation alien who comes from Fukuoka in Kyushu. When he gets to Barrel, Barrel tells you he was born and raised on Earth and has only been to space on trips.
Anyways, Akashi thinks on the idea of people living mainly on sweets and says it feels like there are Earthlings like that too. He suggests going to the cake shop to ask questions next given that you guys have checked everywhere else already. Barrel agrees and asks Gomeisa to show you guys the way. Gomeisa says he will and adds that the place isn't that far. You all get going, and Narihito is somewhere behind stalking you guys.
Time passes as Gomeisa leads the party to a stylish looking Western confectionary shop on a residential street. The inside is combined with a cafe and more notably is completely empty. Gomeisa is confused as he wonders if the store is closed as he notes the interior is dark. Mokdai recognizes the place as always having a line out the door with customers waiting to get in, so it's weird how no one is around. Huckle points out that there's no Open sign put out, but also the door was unlocked. You wonder if they really are closed or comment how careless it is that the door is unlocked.
Barrel hushes you guys and asks if you can hear something from further inside. Everyone shuts up, and you indeed pick up on some sounds coming from the kitchen. This is followed by an explosion, which shocks Mokdai into asking if he heard that right. It's so strong that Akashi notes that the place shook a little and says it can't be normal. Barrel seems to notice something as he looks up, and Huckle frowns as if expecting something to go wrong when he notices Barrel's actions.
Barrel yells that his sixth sense is telling him something and figures a burglar is here. As a policeman he can't ignore a crime in progress, so he chooses to go in right away to arrest them. He pulls out his stun gun, opens the door, and gets the gun ready as he runs inside. Huckle attempts to get him to wait, but is too late on that, so he tells you guys you're heading in too. You acknowledge the order or call this reckless entering. Gomeisa calls after you guys when you run on in, asking you to not leave him behind.
Inside the kitchen, Barrel demands whoever is inside to stop and put their hands up. This turns out to be the bakery where Kirsch works, and she in surprise demands to know who's there. Barrel has apparently fired a blank shot (though I don't think stun guns work that way nor do I remember a sound effect playing to suggest that), which causes her to turn around. Kirsch gets described as a short alien girl with rabbit ears. You either point out her appearance in shock, ask if she's a burglar, or call her cute.
Mokdai sort of recognizes seeing Kirsch before, but before he remembers where Kirsch pins him to the wall with something thrown like nails. Huckle looks closer and is surprised to see that Kirsch used cake candles on him, and Mokdai freaks out since he thought he was going to die. Kirsch repeats herself in demanding to know who you all are and comes to the conclusion that you guys are robbers out to knock her store over.
Barrel is taken aback by the accusation but takes offense rather than think any harder on it. He accuses Kirsch of claiming everything in the shop for herself and calls her brazen over it. She in turn is outraged at being called a thief and goes to the "NO YOU" line of attack. Huckle is frustrated that both sides are only partially listening to each other, but then takes notice of Kirsch's stance. Kirsch calls HQ for help into the phone strapped to her arm, which causes a light familiar to you to shine. Kirsch transforms into her magical girl hero outfit and challenges you guys to come at her. She gets described as changing into something easy to move in and having a giant staff of sorts appear in her hands. A small drone starts flying around her.
Barrel assumes that Kirsch is a villain and reacts by calling into his phone too. You are surprised that he's transforming too, and Barrel announces his hero form by calling himself the sheriff of justice before telling Kirsch to come quietly. You either express shock at him calling himself a sheriff or say he's cool. B has Barrel laugh and thank you as he says he'll carry out justice like the gunman from the movies he admired.
The game describes Barrel's outfit as both looking like a police officer's and a cowboy's. He pulls out two guns from his pockets and gets into a stance, and Kirsch holds her staff up into a ready position. Akashi is alarmed that things are turning into a fight, and Huckle says you guys need to get both sides to listen to you. You agree and tell Akashi it's time to transform and sigh over the other pair. Akashi agrees since there's not much else to be done, and you tap the button on your phone to initiate the transformation.
Once Akashi's transformation is complete, he says the first thing to do is to get both sides to calm down and listen. Barrel is surprised to see that Akashi is a hero and assumes he's on his side. Akashi tries to explain that he isn't, but Kirsch assumes both of them are villains and agrees to take them both on. She swears upon the name of her disappeared master that she will protect their kitchen (re: holy ground), and she declares that as Kirsch Toire Toire (?), inheritor of Vistash Confectionary Martial Arts she's going to beat them. Barrel announces himself as Symphonic Trigger, part of the Earth Sphere Alliance Hero Dispatch, then says he'll shoot her up in the name of justice. Akashi desperately tries to get both sides to listen, and Gomeisa runs in recognizing Kirsch in her hero outfit and panics over what to do as the episode battle begins. More happens after that.
After the battle, things tune in with Kirsch remarking upon how strong you two are and deciding to ask her master to lend her strength. Barrel likewise is impressed with how well Kirsch is doing but refuses to let himself lose. Both yell as they launch their attacks at each other, but Gomeisa sweeps in yelling for the fighting stop after having transformed at some point. You are surprised to see Gomeisa sticking himself into the situation and that he's in costume, and Gomeisa stands in between Barrel and Kirsch.
Gomeisa sends out a wave of jade green energy that erases Kirsch's and Barrel's launched energy attacks. Kirsch is shocked to see him and asks why he's working with a villain, and Barrel is shocked to find out Gomeisa is a hero as he tries to process things. Gomeisa insists that they put away their weapons, calm down, and talk things out, looking more serious than ever. Barrel and Kirsch look at each other, then awkwardly agree to stop.
Sometime after the battle is over for real, both Kirsch and Barrel are sitting on their feet on the warehouse floor hanging their heads. Kirsch apologizes saying she didn't realize you were a police officer and cooperators. Barrel apologizes for barging in guns blazing and not knowing she was store staff. Kirsch starts to say things might've been different if she saw Gomeisa first, but she stops and says it'd all be an excuse. Gomeisa asks her to stop being so depressed and is glad the fight has stopped. You either ask her to raise her head or sigh about how tiresome everyone is.
Huckle claims some responsibility for not stopping things despite getting an idea it might turn out like so. But that said, he says it's great how by some miracle no one was hurt and the store wasn't damaged. Mokdai admits to have wet himself a little, and Akashi comments how neither Barrel nor Kirsch have any chill. One minute they're refusing to listen to anything, and now they're repentant on their knees head down. You either agree, or you point out that Akashi doesn't have room to talk as you stare at him. B and C has Akashi get embarrassed by your expression and admits he knows he's like that.
Anyways, Kirsch verbally beats herself up for being stupid enough to choose on her own to come in when the store is closed and forget to put the Closed sign up. Besides that, she doesn't try to run from the fact that she did attack you all and get in the way of your activities and is fully ready to be arrested for obstruction of justice. Barrel protests this in alarm and says he should be the one reprimanded for all this, adding he can already hear in his head everyone over the radio laughing at him. You yell about how they have no chill and comment about how serious the both of them are.
Barrel changes the subject to talk to Gomeisa and say he never knew he was a hero. Gomeisa says he's a hero and he works together with Procy, but he admits he's not good at fighting. You ask him about about his outfit looking like a dancer's and say it was sexy. Gomeisa explains that he used to be a dancer that offered prayers to God at his homeworld, prayers for peace and healing for those that live there. So now when he transforms and dances, he now has the ability to heal the wounds of people nearby. Procy has gotten mad at him and brought up the possibility that Gomeisa might heal enemies though, he says with a laugh. He then looks sad again, which gets Kirsch curious.
Akashi asks Kirsch why she's here if the store is closed, then asks about the techniques she was using. She explains that she came to train in the Rotation Confection Martial Arts she learned from her master, as even the path of baking starts with a single step. She has to train in it every day and remember to give thanks to the ingredients. Kirsch says her master disappeared one day beyond the sands of the desert, and when she thinks of their regrets a splitting pain fills her chest. That's why she does her best coming in on days off to practice baking. You either express some bafflement over her fighting style name or try to ask her to speak in more understandable terms.
Mokdai points out that she is speaking Standard perfectly, and while he doesn't totally understand her he does get what she means to some extent. At this point it occurs to Kirsch to ask why you guys are here, and Huckle remembers you guys never managed to get that part across. He tells her that you guys are looking for Procy and ask if she's seen him. Gomeisa pleads for anything she can tell you guys. Kirsch is surprised to hear Procy is gone, then seems to understand something. When Gomeisa tries talking to her again Kirsch waves it off as nothing and smiles at him, then looks down a little as she starts remembering. She says she's sure she saw Procy around 10 o'clock earlier, so you ask her for details.
Kirsch explains that Procy told her he was putting his store on hold temporarily so he'll also be putting his orders on hold too. He left after that. Akashi notes that this is about the same thing everyone else has said that you guys have talked with, and Mokdai says it sounds like this was the last place Procy stopped by. Kirsch then remembers that there was someone else who seemed to be waiting for Procy in front of the shop. Barrel jumps on that and asks her for a description of their height, age, and appearance. Kirsch apologizes as she says she doesn't know that much about those things, but she thinks it was an Earthling. Someone large but not as big as Gomeisa, with a solid build. They also seemed to know Procy well, and they were laughing as they left.
Gomeisa tries to think as he repeats what Kirsch said about the person's general appearance. Huckle says that Procy knows a lot of people, but this is still some important information. Barrel says he'll send everything you guys know to Gammei to collate, then thanks Kirsch for telling you guys what she knows. Kirsch says it's fine, then turns to talk to Gomeisa. When he faces her, Kirsch asks him to not be so depressed. For what it's worth, she feels he'll see him again for sure. He apologizes for worrying her, but Kirsch says it's okay. She tells him to bring Procy when he finds him, offering to bake a special cake for them. He smiles and thanks her, and Kirsch sees you guys off a little worried as the episode ends.

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