Monday, October 5, 2020

Live A Hero Chapter 1 Episode 6: Business Time

Things begin with a flashback to the end of the National Boys' Baseball Tournament, where a reporter is interviewing Akashi as the MVP of the game. The reporter talks Akashi up as part of the Honmachi Red Suns who've advanced all the way to the nationals, with Akashi playing well enough to put pro athletes to shame and getting called a genius. When the reporter asks Akashi to give a comment on how he's feeling, Akashi is too tongue tied to give an answer, eventually collapsing on camera and leading the reporter to call for a medic.
Akashi then starts narrating about how he's always had a problem being in front of a camera. Even just thinking about having a lot of people looking at him puts in him a state of nerves far above what's normal, and he ends up locking in place. It's stage fright, plain and simple. But for someone trying to be a pro athlete it's a fatal problem to have. So, he tried his best to overcome this issue. He tried to look away from the camera, tried to pretend it didn't exist, whatever he could think of. He has gotten a little better about it, but he never managed to overcome it completely. And now it's come back to haunt him in the worst possible time and place.
We then tune back in at some battle at night as Justice yells for some evildoers to stop, ordering them to drop the money and valuables they stole from a bank and to surrender. He also happens to be yelling into a megaphone, which causes some feedback noise at the level he's shouting. One of the villains tells him to shut up and points out the megaphone is pointless with him being so loud anyways, and he sprinkles random animal noises into his sentences. The second one says that if they get caught by a moron like him, then Team Animal Planet will have a black mark on it forevermore and adds in barking. Chump #3 yipyaps about how the S Rank means nothing and that their superpowers can totally take him down. You either look at the villains in disbelief, tell Ryekie to lower his voice, or comment that there's no tension here whatsoever.
Mokdai seems amused as he suggests everyone has their own gimmicks, and the way these villains are like trash mobs from old sentai shows makes him a little happy. Huckle comments his surprise on Mokdai being excited about that as he says he's known him for three years and never really understood his hobbies. Stooge #1 takes offense at being called a trash mob and calls Modkai a fat dog, which causes him to apologize before protesting at the rudeness of the insult. The villains argue he was rude first.
Justice laughs at how animated Team Angry Muppets are and says he likes them, so he'd best show his respect by blasting them at full power as he turns to Akashi for agreement. Akashi is surprised to be put on the spot and struggles to say anything, and Mokdai calls out that Akashi hasn't said a thing since the camera started rolling. A second later Mokdai realizes he's messed up as Akashi starts falling apart even faster. He does actually push himself to say something this time as he pulls a standard "stop villains!" line, but he flubs it to both the villains' and Mokdai's bafflement. You either are taken aback he messed that up, casually comment on how nervous he is, or say you get how he feels.
Justice is also taken aback that Akashi flubbed his line, and Mokdai rues that he put the camera back on Akashi's mind even though by this point he's known about Akashi's stage fright already. Akashi starts moving stiffly like a puppet with pins attached to its limbs as he grabs his bat. He tries to challenge the villains to fight, though Justice worries about whether he can even fight as is. Akashi says there'd be no point in him being a hero if he can't do it, so he'll do it. Justice is still concerned, but he goes along with it and says he'll support him. Akashi then says he'll do his best.
The villains awkwardly bluster a challenge at the two, claiming to not be afraid of them. When they start charging, Justice tells you and Huckle to get ready. Huckle says he's got the Path opened to its largest setting, then tells him to make it quick. Huckle turns to you and asks you to get ready as the battle is starting assuring you he'll be supporting you, so you should relax and go all out. You acknowledge the order and tell Akashi and Justice to go. Akashi says he'll be counting on you, then tries hard to not look at the camera as the episode battle begins. More happens after that.
After the battle, the story picks back up with the villain teams losing but not quite down yet as they yell about how strong you guys are and how they haven't found a chance to run. Akashi yells that he won't let them get away and attempts to throw a fireball at them. Unfortunately for him he happens to catch sight of the camera while doing so, which throws off his posture and causes the fireball to hit the ground and disperse at the villains' feet.
The villains laugh at Akashi for missing, and Akashi curses before apologizing to Justice. Justice tells him it's fine since he also got the mobs to group together. The three barely have time to react before Justice unleashes his max power and fires off Gigabolt Breaker at them. The villains' things break from the damage, and their transformations come undone. Mokdai announces that things are over and that the winners are our heroes. Justice prompts Akashi to yell with him, who is surprised by this but follows along as Justice mugs for the camera and shouting that justice has won. You thank them for their work, sigh that it's over now, or say you were worried how things were going to turn out for a bit.
Huckle sighs over the incident, then tells you he's already called the police. They'll be there in a few minutes. Mokdai stops the camera around this point and turns off the lighting when the police come to arrest the villains. Huckle talks about how difficulties came up when with you guys nabbing the villains in the end, and Mokdai laughs saying Huckle had been complaining about not getting enough exercise when he was in the hospital. Now he's making up for it by having to run around everywhere! Huckle concedes the point and says it's still better if villains like those guys never show up. He also comments about worrying about his stomach and considers going to a sports gym again.
Mokdai turns to you, telling you you did good and asking if you're used to being an Operator yet. You either be polite and thank Mokdai for his work as you call him senpai, tell him you're getting there, or say you're tired. A gets an extra response where Mokdai gets shy and says you can just call him by name since getting called senpai embarrasses him. But at any rate, Mokdai comments on how surprising you've gotten used to the work after just a few days. Up until now Huckle was the only Operator in the agency, so you being around is reassuring. He hopes that you'll take more work off of Huckle. Huckle gently calls him out on that, but he admits Ryekie was the only hero with them for a while. Now that Akashi is in, the business is a two-man hero organization too. He's personally glad that there's someone who can act as his replacement. You either thank him shyly, say you're glad to hear that, or say you've always been good at these games.
Huckle figures you must have had the background for being an Operator already, as he says that a majority of Observers have problems stabilizing a Path. As far as he knows, you've kept it stable from the beginning, and he comments it's almost unbelievable that you've never done it before. The level of an Observer's basic power correlates to their ability to control the Path, or at least that's how it looks like. Huckle comments that it's a first for him too to see an Observer as strong as you.
You go quiet as you think about the Broker, and Huckle notices as he asks if something's wrong. Ryekie walks over to interrupt, announcing his return as he thanks you guys for your work. He's also dragging Akashi along, who complains he's practically headlocking him instead of walking with his arm over his shoulder. Ryekie is surprised by this and apologizes for almost judo choking his cute kouhai. Akashi coughs as he asks Ryekie to go easier on him if he thinks he's cute. Huckle notes their return and thanks them for their work. You can either say the same as you address them both, say it to Akashi specifically, or tell Ryekie he was cool out there. In A, Akashi thanks you and sighs that he looked uncool while Ryekie thanks you for your efforts. In B, it just cuts out Ryekie's line above and has Akashi say his part on his own. In C the reverse is true, although Ryekie extends his thanks for one more line.
Mokdai tells Akashi he did good and gives him a drink. Akashi thanks him and apologizes for melting down on camera, but Mokdai waves the last part off and says it's his fault since he knew. You comment on Akashi's stage fright and ask if he's that terrible with them. Akashi is ashamed as he admits he's always been like that. He's not as nervous when he's at the dome and live people are watching him, but it gets worse when he starts thinking about how everything he does will be recorded. Mokdai notes that while the battles are live broadcasted, there are some viewers who watch the recording after a time shift.
Akashi talks about how it might be that way for hero work, but it bothers him when he messes up the same way at baseball. He knows he can't stay like this if he wants to go pro, and he sighs at the conundrum. You nod as you say baseball airs on TV and comment on how hard that sounds. Mokdai assures Akashi that it's clear he has strong arms, and he's just a regular when it comes to baseball. When Akashi isn't focused on the camera he's got some strong fastballs out there. Akashi says that comes from daily practice, and he feels confident enough to brag about his pitching accuracy. He also comments on getting fired up at practice recently since a tournament is coming up, and you ask about that.
Akashi tells you the tournament is next weekend, and it's important since pro baseball team scouts will be coming to see it. Mokdai realizes that's why Akashi has been working nights recently, and Akashi says he has to keep in the best condition possible so he won't make any mistakes. You either comment on how passionate he is, question whether pro scouts typically look at high schoolers, or wish him luck. B gets an extra section with Akashi being surprised at the question since that's not how it works now. He has heard of it being that way before aliens visited Earth with player drafting and all. When aliens started participating in Earth sports the basic level for entry had to go up, and now earthlings hoping to get scouted tend to be college students. Also, it's open to all sexes now as opposed to the guys only way he heard it used to be. C just has a line where he thanks you and says he's happiest with your support. In any case, Akashi tells you to watch him as he swears to catch his break this time as the light of hope and enthusiasm shine in his eyes.
Time skips to the next day as Mokdai and Akashi greet you good morning. You greet them both back or are surprised Akashi is here so early. B prompts Akashi to explainshis practice game is in the evening, so he'll be working here until then. Mokdai then says they're organizing things in storage and comments having an athlete is handy at times like this. But anyways Huckle walks in and greets you, complimenting your work from the previous night. He does think it's a bit rough to have you join a sudden night time emergency after joining so soon though. You either say you learned a lot from it or say you haven't felt any better even after getting some sleep. A has Huckle be glad at that, and he hopes you'll keep learning until he can leave things to you. B has Huckle ask if you're okay and comment that the work can be physically demanding at times.
Huckle says that things can go at a leisurely pace today so long as another emergency doesn't pop up. He also mentions that Ryekie is off on a compensatory holiday since he had to come in on a regular off day. And today, Huckle says he'd like for you to attend a business meeting happening later. It's a business meeting with a hero from Heroic Educators, a place they've contracted joint business with. You guys will be helping with an event their organization is holding this weekend. You then ask about the things he just said.
Mokdai explains that the work a hero agency performs generally falls into one of two things. The first is Public Order Maintenance Services where heroes go out fighting villains and Kaibutsu. The second is having heroes do promotional work and provide services through joint business efforts. Those are called Dispatch Operations, and that's where most of the revenue comes from. Huckle says that helping keep the peace of an area is a hero's main job, but a business still needs to make money to keep going. They also do business that makes use of popularity too. You say you see and compare the place to a media agency.
Akashi is surprised as he comments on heroes having to do all sorts of things, and he mentions often seeing them in magazine ads. Mokdai says it's the same for company overhead, and that heroes can't make a living just by fighting Kaibutsu. There aren't that many heroes who spend the majority of their time doing that to begin with, so most take hero work as a side job and do something else as their main. You are either shocked at this or comment that the world is harsh.
Huckle tells you that the heroes coming from Heroic Educators are also a collection of heroes who do it as a side job. And as the name implies, that agency is set up to manage and support heroes whose main work deals with education. Akashi nods and figures that means their heroes are teachers. Huckle says the event they're running this weekend is a workshop where people play and study together with the heroes. Since it'll be work on Saturday and Sunday he asks you guys to take two other days off for the week.
At this point, a voice calls out saying they're from Heroic Educators. Huckle comments on their timing and asks Mokdai to bring them over. Mokdai moves to obey, and Akashi mentions recognizing the voice. Kyoichi turns up to join the conversation saying he's heard about the meeting today. The game describes him as having a rough appearance, tanned skin, and short hair. He's also got the fresh smile of a sportsman. You either comment on how energetic he is, gasp at how cool he is, or question if he's a teacher too.
Akashi is surprised to see Kyoichi here as he refers to him as senpai. It takes a moment for Kyoichi to notice him, but Kyoichi does recognize him and says it's been a while. He asks why Akashi is here in a hero agency, then asks if he's a hero. But before Akashi can say anything Kyoichi turns his attention to Akashi's chest and comments on how big it is. He steps in closer making grabbing motions with his hands, but Akashi responds by giving him a body blow.
Mokdai is shocked by this treatment of a guest, and Akashi apologizes for falling into old conversation patterns. Kyoichi doesn't mind though, saying Akashi is always merciless to him. Akashi points out that Kyoichi hasn't changed much either since it hasn't even been 10 seconds since his arrival before he started with the sexual harassment. He asks if he's treating his own students the same way. Kyoichi insists that his students are fourth graders, so they aren't his type. You are surprised he's an elementary school teacher and ask if he's okay.
Akashi says Kyoichi has always sexually harrassed his kouhai. Kyoichi responds by calling him rude in shock and insists he draws a line to stop at some wholesome skinship. Huckle notes they seem familiar with each other and asks if Akashi knows Kyoichi. Akashi explains that Kyoichi is his senpai on the college baseball team, and Kyoichi says he's now a school teacher. Kyoichi also gives his full name of Kyoichi Ootomo as he greets everyone. Akashi introduces everyone present to Kyoichi, going from the director Huckle, cameraman Mokdai, and you his childhood friend and Operator. You either politely give your name and greet him or jump straight into asking if you can touch him. C has Kyoichi comment on how forward you are and tease that Akashi could stand to be like that too. Akashi gets mad and says he'll kick him if he touches you any more than he is.
Either way, Kyoichi mentions that he's heard about you from Akashi from a long time ago, though this is his first time meeting you. He'll probably be seeing a lot more of you from now on. Mokdai notices that Kyoichi seems to be alone and says he heard there were supposed to be three people showing up. Kyoichi explains the others had their own stuff to do at the colleges they teach at and are coming separately. They're supposed to show up soon, and Toshu and Shouen show up right on cue. Toshu excuses himself and says he came since he heard about the meeting. Shouen just nods. The game describes them as an alien with a tufty mane and an alien with a big soft build. Both look rustic, are dressed in Japanese clothes, and get described as a strange pair. You curiously call them a lion and a tanuki.
Huckle says they've been waiting for them, asking them to sit down as they get the meeting started. Toshu thanks him and is about to do so when he notices that Kyoichi is around. Kyoichi greets the two and says he got there just a while ago. Toshu comments that it's unusual for Kyoichi to not be late and starts worrying about whether this means there will be rain. Kyoichi protests that he's a working adult now so he does things right. Shouen just laughs from the side. Akashi recognizes Toshu as a kendo instructor and is surprised he's a hero too. Toshu recognizes him after a minute as he confirms that he's a hero, then asks if Akashi is working here part time. You ask if Akashi knows him, comment on how well known he is, or start touching Toshu's mane. C gets an extra scene with Toshu being shocked at this and demanding you fix your rudeness. Akashi tries to calm him down and promises to talk you out of this. He explains to you that Toshu starts purring if you touch his mane, but this just causes Toshu to get pissed at him too.
Anyways, Akashi explains that Toshu is a kendo instructor for his college and the kendo team coach. He then comments on how small the world is for both him and Kyoichi to be heroes too. Toshu apologizes for introducing himself late and says he's part of the job this time. He also introduces Shouen for him, calling him a calligraphist and hero. Shouen greets you guys quietly after that and bows his head. Toshu prompts him to speak a little louder, but Shouen instead starts writing something with his brush and hands the paper to Toshu. It's a poem about how his timidity is keeping him from speaking that Toshu reads aloud, and Toshu says the meeting can't start if he won't talk, even if he's sympathetic to him being nervous in front of strangers. You ask if he's shy, or you can call him cute or quiet and cute. B and C prompts Shouen to be surprised and blush.
Huckle suggests starting the meeting now that everyone's here. Since Akashi isn't supposed to be at the event, Huckle says it's okay for him to leave. Kyoichi is surprised and asks about him not coming, so Akashi answers he has a game coming up on the weekend. If he wins the first one, there's another game coming the day after, and the baseball team is practicing hard for it. Kyoichi notes it's almost time for that again and that Akashi is trying to go pro. He wishes him luck and is sure he'll make it through. Kyoichi also asks him to carry on for his sake since he gave up on going pro, and Akashi thanks him. Shouen laughs and comments on their youth. Akashi gets embarrassed about holding up the meeting and asks for you guys to start. Huckle assures him he knows it's a critical moment for him. He can't go watch him in person, but he'll be cheering for him, which Akashi nods at.
Time skips a bit as Akashi leaves for the day. His fists tighten as he holds onto everyone's words of encouragement, and he swears to do his best. His determination piles up as he reaches for his dream and his future, and the episode ends.

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