Saturday, October 17, 2020

Live A Hero Golden Spirit of Dawn Episode 1

Things begin with a flashback as Procy bitching out some punks in true Japanese form, telling them to get lost and that they're ten million years too early to be going against him. Narration says that after the battle that concluded, he's looking all beat up and flipping off the people running away. After a sigh, he turns around and gives a smile. Procy asks how long the viewer is going to cry, sighing at how much of a scaredy cat they are for being so big. He reassures them that those guys won't come back, but even if they do he swears to beat them down again. This place is going to be their home starting today after all.
Procy then gestures who he's talking to to follow without even waiting for a response. He's so small, far smaller than the memory holder of this flashback. They could cover Procy with their two hands, but now he looks so dependable. Gomeisa then takes over narration as this is his flashback, and he talks about how that was the day he found a place to go home to. It's a new home for him since he can't return to his home planet anymore, and the one to make it for him is this small seeming but great man.
Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Have You Seen Procy?
Things then tune in one day in the early afternoon, over in Parallel Flight's office in the central ward of Orient City. You either casually say you're back, say it more formally, or sigh about how tired you are. Huckle welcomes you back and compliments you for going on dispatch earlier today and on how well your battle went. Akashi gulps down a soda he has saying it tastes great after a job and mentions feeling it flow through him.
Mokdai laughs and points out that if the soda were swapped with a beer Akashi would sound like a classic older man. Akashi protests that he's just talking about rehydrating after getting some exercise and objects to being called old. He then asks for that hamburger lunch you guys bought earlier since he wants to microwave and eat it. Mokdai says it'll be a sec as he goes to dig it out, and he tells you he'll put your drink in the fridge. You comment on how everything feels like you're in someone's house or how there's no sense of tension at all.
Huckle laughs and says it's fine. Since you guys did some hard work, it's okay for you guys to just hang around at least. Plus, the main breadwinner of the office is being hospitalized, and while there are some savings stashed away it does mean that the work will fall to you guys for now. All Huckle can do at the moment is to help you guys relax and work better and have the place ready for you guys. Mokdai asks how Ryekie is doing and mentions he heard he woke up. Huckle answers that while his wound was deep, he is recovering nicely and has said he'd like to leave as soon as possible. They haven't taken the bandages off yet though, and it's estimated he'll be there for another two weeks. You either comment that it's great he sounds fine or say you want to go visit him. In A, Huckle says Ryekie is high-spirited as he always is, but it'd be great if his body were the same. In B, Huckle says it's a great idea since he can't move much and is probably bored.
Akashi thinks on how long Ryekie will be out and mentions needing to put his all into things until he gets back. Mokdai asks if he's okay putting in so much effort to the job, but he's still glad that he can come whenever he can. Akashi tells him that it's fine since he's got enough credits for school. Plus at this time of year in Hinowa, classes tend to go smoothly for third year students. Akashi then changes the subject as he notices his lunch won't be enough, so he'll grab some bread that's in stock. He asks if it's a donut when he looks at it. Mokdai is surprised he's eating already and tries to stop him from eating it since he hasn't been able to buy much of that bread much since leaving Fukuoka. And so the peaceful time continues...until...
You notice some shaking and ask if anyone else felt it. Rattling sounds begin cropping up, which gets louder by the second. Akashi freaks out and asks if it's an earthquake, and Mokdai notices it's getting bigger and moves to open the window for some reason. Huckle realizes it's not an earthquake that's happening and figures it might be footsteps. The shaking sounds get closer to the door, eventually culminating in Gomeisa bursting in and yelling for Procy as loudly as Ryekie does normally.
The sheer force of sound from the 3m giant knocks Mokdai and Akashi off the sofa they were sitting on, and you either take a moment to remember who he is or call out Gomeisa's name in shock. He apologizes and asks if Procy happens to be around. Since he keeps referring to him as manager/boss, Akashi needs a moment to realize who he's talking about before referring to him as the little old man. Huckle tells Gomeisa that he hasn't seen him so far that day. Gomeisa is distraught at the news and wonders aloud where he could have gone, and Huckle notes how panicked he is before asking him to calm down and explain things in order. He asks what's wrong with Procy and why Gomeisa is looking for him. Gomeisa calms down long enough to apologize for getting flustered, so Huckle prompts him to slow down and talk and asks Mokdai to get him some tea. Mokdai moves to do so and says his ears are still ringing.
Some time later Gomeisa has calmed down a little as he curls up trying to sit on the sofa. Huckle repeats what Gomeisa had said offscreen about Procy not being in the kitchen as usual when Gomeisa woke up in the morning, and when he started to look for him he found a note on the counter. You read the note aloud, which says "I have to go settle something. Store's closed for now. Stay home." Gomeisa admits to not being to read much of the standard language so he had no idea what the note said. Huckle tells him it's less that Gomeisa can't read and more that Procy has terrible handwriting, and he's surprised you could read it.
Akashi asks what this "settle something" business is all about. Mokdai wonders if the part about temporarily closing the bar means it's going to take a few days to sort out. Huckle wonders if the lack of details is because Procy had to leave in a hurry or if it's because there were things he couldn't tell Gomeisa. There's no clue where he went to start searching, and there's no details about when he might be back, but then he realizes he's saying all this out loud, which upsets Gomeisa into curling up his hands and crying. You either attempt to get Gomeisa to stop or sigh about Huckle making him cry.
Huckle quickly apologizes to Gomeisa and asks him to stop crying. Akashi suggests going to the police if this is a missing person case, but Mokdai has some doubts about that working since Procy is an adult rather than a lost child. Huckle tells you guys that there are limits to what you can do, so if you're going to do anything then he thinks it can't hurt to go ask the police for help. He suggests taking Gomeisa to a police box since it'll be better if someone who can write Standard comes along to fill out a search request. Gomeisa thanks you all for helping, and you ask Huckle what he meant about it not hurting to try. Huckle says you'll see soon, but he has the feeling it might not go that way.
Scene shifts elsewhere as several minutes have passed since you all left the agency, and narration places you at the police box in the 8th neighborhood district on the city government street. Over there, Barrel is standing up straight in front of it. When he notices you guys approach, he smiles and calls out, asking what business you guys have there. You either say you have something you want to ask him before you remember seeing before at that restaurant, or you exclaim about how fluffy he is. C gets Barrel to act in surprise and bark as you scratch under his chin until Huckle tells you to stop, shocked.
Anyways, Barrel realizes you're all from Parallel Flight, and Huckle greets him and thanks him for that one time. Barrel gets excited and asks if there's some sort of case and if you're here to ask him as a hero to do something. He starts telling you to leave things to him, saying he'll blast the problem to pieces with his great techniques as he pulls two stun guns out and poses. You freak out at his reckless behavior and are in disbelief a policeman is acting this way.
Huckle tries getting Barrel to stop and says they came to make a report, not to ask him to do hero work. Barrel is surprised at that and asks what he means, but he holds the thought to suggest going inside and sitting down to talk about it. He opens the door to his box and beckons you all in, and Akashi asks what's up with Barrel and if he's a hero too. Mokdai explains that Barrel is a hero of the Earth Sphere Alliance Dispatch, and he is also a police officer on top of that. His normal work is there at the police box, but sometimes they meet him out in the field. Akashi then expresses surprise at how widespread heroes are.
Some time later, Barrel says he has accepted the request to go on the search, but there seems to be an issue. Gomeisa asks what's wrong, so Barrel apologizes and brings up that it's possible that he might not work on it. You ask Barrel what that means, and Gomeisa gets upset at the possibility. Barrel quickly offers to explain as he asks him to calm down but mentions the higher ups might get mad again for his getting involved with this sort of thing. He then asks you guys to keep it secret that the managers of the station hate dealing with cases and searches that involve heroes. Plus there's the probably chance those will involve Kaibutsu and Observers.
Akashi gets indignant and asks if Barrel can do anything and what is he good for as a policeman then. Mokdai attempts to calm him down and brings up that these thoughts are also common among regular citizens. Huckle says everyone prefers to stay as far away as possible from Kaibutsu and Observers, and this isn't something you can deal with by forcing the issue. He then notes to himself that while it wouldn't hurt to try, it doesn't seem to be working out. Akashi briefly tries to argue the point but doesn't continue on any further, and you say nothing.
You have a quick flashback to your firing, where everyone was afraid of having anything to do with an Observer. And back to the present, Gomeisa is crushed at the idea nothing can be done, hanging his head down like a withered plant as big tears fill his eyes again. Huckle is sad for him, but then gets surprised when Barrel sees Gomeisa upset and tightens his fists (or grabs Gomeisa's hands). Barrel then figures there's only one thing left to do in this case, which you ask him about.
Barrel says he'll skip over the lower side of things and go directly to someone who can handle this case. Huckle has an idea of what he's talking about and asks if he's talking about Him. Barrel confirms this and says he knows him very well. Huckle agrees that this is his field of expertise, but he can already see the sort of face he'll be making. Barrel shrugs, saying it's an all or nothing gamble. It's a better chance than doing things the normal way at least. Barrel starts getting ready to go and talks to someone on break further inside. Once he's done with that, he asks if you guys will go together with him to the police station. You wonder who he's talking about and/or get a bad feeling about where things are going, and Barrel leads the party away from the police box.
Time skips to you guys reaching the police station and picks back up with Barrel explaining the situation and asking Gammei if he can do anything. Narration backs up a second to explain you guys have gone to the police HQ in the central part of the city, and in one corner of the big building is a section designated as the Hero-Related Case Investigation Office. Gammei is annoyed with how casually Barrel segued into asking him for help and declares he's not an all powerful god. The game describes Detective Gammei as looking tired as he bites Barrel's head off.
Gammei says there's an order to things that needs to happen, starting with the area of jurisdiction accepting the case; it only goes to him when the department of life and safety can't handle it. Barrel expresses his doubt about the chain of command here since the case involves searching for an adult hero. Gammei agrees he has a point and says that when something involving heroes or Observers comes up, they punt the case to him. He sighs, scratching his head long-suffering as he takes the papers from Barrel and looks at them.
Gammei decides to do the groundwork for the other departments later and asks if Gomeisa is the one making the report. He remembers seeing him before and asks if he's the waiter at Procy's bar. Gomeisa confirms it and introduces himself, saying he's Procy's live-in worker. Since he suddenly disappeared, Gomeisa wants to go find him and asks Gammei for help. Gammei gives in and says he'll do what he can and comments on it feeling like a child being searched for by their parent. Gomeisa doesn't get what he means, so Gammei waves it off and turns his attention to the rest of you.
Huckle greets Gammei, saying it's been a while and apologizes for the sudden visit. Gammei is less than thrilled to see him since it usually comes along with some tough work. Huckle says he might just be imagining it and says that being so grumpy is going to age him again. Gammei takes offense to the 'again' part and says you guys are definitely a reason for his aging. He then switches focus to comment on some tagalongs coming along, but Barrel proudly tells him he brought you guys here instead of tagging along. Gammei gets annoyed and says that's even worse and asks what he's so proud about.
That said, Gammei says it's convenient if you guys are getting involved in this. He then asks who you and Akashi are since he doesn't recognize you two. Huckle introduces you as an Operator and introduces Akashi as a new part timer. You either politely introduce yourself, comment on how tired he looks, or call him cool and refined. In A, Akashi nods along politely. In B, Gammei is shocked you'd say that, but he admits he can't deny it. Still he tells you to stop talking as if he's an old fart as he's still just 30 years old. In C, Gammei is taken by surprised but isn't against you saying that of him.
Anyways, Gammei greets you two, giving his full name as Gammei Tsukinowa. He's a detective and a hero. Akashi is surprised by the hero part, and Gammei says that while he's in a different job department from Barrel, he's part of the same hero agency he's in. Barrel tells you that Gammei's hero name is Justi Arrester, and he describes him as someone masterfully in control who'd never let anyone he sets his sights on get away. Gammei is surprised in the choice of words and wonders if Barrel understands what he's saying. But that aside, since he's also a hero, he deals with cases that involve heroes, villains, Kaibutsu, and Observers. Now he's stuck dealing with things that drag him out at random, and he figures he'll get involved in this one sooner or later. He never thought a pro hero like Procy would disappear, and he wonders where he went off too.
Gomeisa starts worrying about Procy again and brings up concerns about whether he's hurt anywhere or hungry. Gammei is taken aback as he points out that Procy isn't a pet or something and that Gomeisa has weird ideas on what to worry about. But that aside, Gammei mentions that he doesn't have enough people to put on this, so you guys will have to help too. You express surprise that the police would work together with a private business on a search investigation, so Huckle tells you that Gammei's position is special in various ways. He can contract with private hero agencies to ask for their help with work. Gammei says the higher ups justify it as leaving things to the experts, but it's more about them not wanting to deal with superpowered people. The few members he has are out on other tasks so it's just him left, and he decides to take charge of this case.
Gomeisa says he wants to help out too since he wants to find Procy himself. Gammei is a little taken aback at how insistent he is about this, but he lets him do so. He takes a moment to remember where Gomeisa is affiliated, then says he'll contact their office later. He then turns to you and Akashi and asks if you'll pitch in too. You agree, saying you're already along for the ride. Gomeisa is touched and thanks you, and Akashi decides to help too since having more heroes would be better. He does say he can only be here when he's not at school though. Mokdai also offers to help saying you'll need a cameraman if a battle breaks out. Huckle says that means everyone's in. He has to look after Ryekie, so he'll only be able to help when he has time. Gammei thanks you guys and says he'll send the contract later.
Gammei is about to go over how to split the work when Barrel protests that he hasn't been added to the search party and that he really really really wants to help. Gammei tells him he already knows how much of an issue the bosses will make of things if he joins some other department's work. Him bringing the papers here means the job falls under the investigation department now, and if he tries sticking his nose into it Barrel's superiors in the regional department will get mad. Barrel concedes to the point, but he still feels he should help as a matter of principle. He insists there must be something he can do even as a local police officer. Gammei sighs at him and says this isn't the same as poking his nose into a lost puppy case.
Gammei's tone gets more forceful, but Barrel refuses to back down as he declares he joined the police and became a hero so that no one would have to cry anymore. Letting a problem pass by him would mean disgracing the title of hero, so he pleads for Gammei to add him to the team for the job. You either comment on how straightforward he is, comment on how forceful he can be, or ask Gammei too in support of him.
Barrel lowers his head, and Gammei is taken aback, beginning to concede as he scratches his head. He eventually tells Barrel he can join then, but he reserves the right to kick him off if he half-asses the job he was so passionate about saying he'd do. Barrel is briefly surprised before thanking him and promising to do his best. He also surprises Gammei by suddenly hugging him and wagging his tail, prompting Gammei to tell him to stop those things and to act with a bit more dignity. Gammei then sighs to himself about needing to explain something else to the office.
Anyways, Gammei asks you guys to go check out the places Procy might go to and ask anyone that seems relevant for information. He'll be trying to negotiate with a forensic investigator and get a search done of Procy's home and searching through the database. If you find anything you should forward it to him, even if it's just about random crap. You say you understand and suggest keeping steady. Barrel also acknowledges the order and says he'll do his best.
Barrel spins around to face you guys, then salutes you all and formally introduces himself. His full name is something like Barrel Crankrack, and he describes himself as a municipal police officer. The episode ends with him saying he hopes you'll all work together well.


  1. So it is some time after the main plot and not a parallel dimension.

    1. its seems that way, (raiki at the end of chapter 1 gets injured badly by the kaibutsu surprise attack on mc (because they transform back to normal without finishing him properly) and gets hospitalized for 2 weeks) but hey at least unlike. housamo story mode and events stories are not treated like a alternate universe (looking at you mononobe breaking the fourth wall with your presence on the current event even. after the events of chapter 10)
