Monday, July 29, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 2 Part 2 (Abridged)

Time to clean up and get ready for tomorrow's workshop! MC and Taishakuten are helping Hippolytus carry things.
Hippolytus: Thanks you two! We need more stuff since more people came. I used to worry I wouldn't get through them all.
Taishakuten: Where do we put the stuff?
Hippolytus: There!
The culture clubhouse building. Hippolytus opens the door to the closest room.

MC: A flower shop on campus? / Cool! / (look around)
(B) Hippolytus: I know, right?
Hippolytus: Welcome to the Setagaya's Gardening Club room!
Taishakuten: Nice! You could open shop up right now.
Hippolytus: I modeled it after an average flower shop. I might make flower arrangements in the future.
Taishakuten: Cool idea. And damn you're smart for a fluff head with flowers on the brain!
Hippolytus: Ruuude, haha.
MC: Unreliable Old Reliable Senpai! / I could get used to this / maybe you should be working harder at teaching
(A) Hippolytus: WHAT
(B) Hippolytus: Haha, you sound like my kouhai
(C) Hippolytus: (GASP!) Your Shinjuku senpais will call you a bratty kouhai if you keep that up.

Hippolytus: Okay, back to work! Now we'll go to the greenhouse, the school's pride! Or one of since Director Perun is greedy as hell.
MC: Sounds about right.
Taishakuten: You know the sch--oh right. So that's why Volkh treats you so differently!
MC and Taishakuten get one with carrying things and following Hippolytus. They see a bunch of greenhouses. Hippolytus enters one and starts talking to some potted plants.

Hippolytus: Nice! Any changes? Oh, you aren't doing well here, huh? HUP!
Taishakuten: Damn he picked up a huge one solo!
Hippolytus: ...I can't see ahead of me!
MC: Take my load, Taishakuten / I'll lead you! / man, gardening is manual work
(A) Taishakuten: Naw, you take my load. Gimme a sec, Hippolytus!
Taishakuten gives MC his half of the carried stuff and goes to help Hippolytus.

(B) Hippolytus: Thanks! We'll take this one further inside.
(C) Hippolytus: Yep, lots of work. Oh wait, guide me further inside so I can put this one down there!

Hippolytus: I'm glad I didn't trip and fall with that huge plant!
Taishakuten: Why didn't you ask us for help earlier then!? Ugh. Well I know how serious you are, sorry I talked shit about you at first.
Hippolytus: Um, what now?
Taishakuten: I just pick fights a lot, especially with strong dudes.
MC: Hippolytus, strong? Really? / (quietly stare)
Hippolytus: (surprised)
Taishakuten: All high and mighty, proper sorta folks are my enemy. Not anyone else though, so good luck with the workshop Hippolytus! B-but I can't help you with the romance stuff...
MC: So you accept him now? / You're serious deep down too / singleminded gangsters are cool
(A) Taishakuten: Yeah, what fun is it if you know how it goes from the start?
(B) Taishakuten: You sound like the old shopping district folks.
(C) Taishakuten: What? ...well it's cool how frank you are.

Taishakuten: We done yet? Let's go back!
MC, Hippolytus, and Taishakuten head back to the workshop. But then they see two people arguing.
Farm Student A: Girl you were gonna confess to Volos like THAT? Back off, he's MY man!
Farm Student B: Shut your mouth before your brain falls out, pea-for-brains!
MC: what I heard Volos
Hippolytus: Maybe we should stop them from fighting.
Taishakuten: Let them fight.
MC: but people getting hurt could be a problem for the workshop. unless they don't get hurt too bad...
Farm Student A: I challenge you to a duel over Volos's hand!
Classic glove throwing duel challenge! ...except they hit Taishakuten instead!

MC: oh they're dead now

Taishakuten: So. You wanna throw hands, huh?
Farm Student A: O-o-oh my god how do you manage to miss me from four feet away!?
Farm Student B: ME? I'm not the one who missed the broad side of a barn and--
Farm Students A and B: OH NO
They know who he is.

Taishakuten: Oh yeah you guys were fighting over Volos or whatever? So I get him if I win?
Farm Students A and B: NOOOOO
Taishakuten: That a war cry or whatever? Haha! Oh you guys don't have a bancho, even though they stopped doing that like 30 years ago? Eh, you both can come at me and you win if I say I give up. Then you can do whatever. But guess what happens if I win?
MC: Wait Taishakuten, stop! / (he's holding back...?)
(AB) Taishakuten: Shut up MC!

Taishakuten throws his apron at MC.
Farm Student A: what do!?!?
Farm Student B: This was your idea! We gotta fight!
Hippolytus: Oh no we have to stop him!
MC: wait / this isn't a real fight, maybe... let's believe in him
(BC) Hippolytus: what
Taishakuten: Bring it, bitches!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Farm Student A: AAAAAA
Taishakuten: That it!?
Farm Student B: Take this!
Taishakuten: ooh, nice punch. Have one of mine.
Farm Student B: OOF
Taishakuten has just been standing there tanking hits and hitting back for every one.

Farm Student A: Nothing's been working! But we can't let him have Volos... we have to keep going!
MC: m-maybe you should stop, Taishakuten? / (hmm, those two seem different)
The two mobs are leaning on each other now since they're struggling to stay standing.

Farm Student A: Combo attack?
Farm Student B: Combo attack! RAAAAH!
Taishakuten: okay I give up.
Farm Students A and B: ...what?
Farm Students A and B: NO SIR
MC: holy shit what, is it doomsday?

Taishakuten: Damn, you guys did good sticking to your guns even when you were wrong. But shouldn't you be focusing on someone else?
Farm Student A: Oh, right...
Farm Student B: We got caught up in the wrong thing...
A breeze carries along a flower petal.

Hippolytus: ...a ylang-ylang petal? But those are only inside the greenhouses.
Taishakuten: Hey MC, Hippolytus? You guys know Volos?
MC: He's a friend / nope / (look at Hippolytus)
(C) Hippolytus: Um, I talk to him sometimes and have his phone number.

Taishakuten: Cool. Think you can introduce these guys to him?
Farm Student A: What, really? Maybe not now...?
Taishakuten: But why tho? And if he says no, we're shit outta luck anyways.
MC: You want to look your best when you see him, right?
Farm Student B: Yes, he'll worry if we show up all beat up.
Taishakuten: WHAT
MC: uh yeah, why is that a surprise?
Taishakuten: Oh, right. Other people might not like being seen hurt.
Hippolytus: (stares in surprised gardener)

So anyways MC, Hippolytus, and Taishakuten take the two mobs to the school nurse and carry on with business.
Hippolytus: (frown)
Taishakuten: What?
Hippolytus: Oh, nothing. Just remembering my home world.
MC: Huh...can you tell us?
Hippolytus:'s not that interesting.
Hippolytus (narrating): So Olympus wants love to spread like lightning, so they're cool with spouse stealing. I think Tokyo calls it NTR or cuckolding? It happened a lot. I was working as a chaste and pure guy for a while so I didn't care.
Taishakuten: So are you here in Tokyo because you hated how things were there?
Hippolytus:, I was exiled haha.
MC: Why? (Reminds me of Arachne.) You seem cheerful despite the subject.

Hippolytus: Uhhhh, so like, I used to be a radical anti-romance guy. So many people kept yelling they wanted to bond fates with me and stuff and then I made the wrong person mad? I just wanted to be pure... But I couldn't, so I kinda resisted when Taishakuten said what he said. Sorry about that, I know you're here to help.
Taishakuten: !!
Taishakuten: Hippolytus...
MC: WHAT / and you seem so chill usually / What's up, Taishakuten?
Taishakuten: ...Hippolytus, maybe what you did was considered a crime in your home world. But I commit crimes like all the time. Anyone calls you a faker, they can call me one too!
Hippolytus:'re so nice, Taishakuten.
MC: He's nice deep down / I'm here too, Taishakuten / he just like you fr fr
(A) Taishakuten: SHUT UP
(B) Taishakuten: Hell yeah!

Taishakuten: Just saying, I think about old fights sometimes too. Anyways, we're back at the workshop!
The party regroups.
MC: (Huh, I don't know anything about Taishakuten's home come to think of it...guess he has things he doesn't wanna talk about either.)
Later, that night at bed time

MC: Who is it? (open the door)
Taishakuten: Hey MC, sorry it's so late but I had to talk to you.
Taishakuten brought drinks and gives MC one. Then he sits on the floor.

MC: What? / oh my god you like someone?
(BC) Taishakuten: NO! ...wait, stop making me shout this late.

Taishakuten speaks softer.
Taishakuten: Felt like I had to explain why I said no again to joining the Summoners. I don't plan on getting into App battles. It'll take more explaining but it'll take a while. You cool with that?
MC: Okay / is this about what happened earlier today? / (sleepy...)
(B) Taishakuten: Yeah.
(C) Taishakuten: Wake up, dammit! Or I'll blast you with my lightning bolts!
Taishakuten collects himself and gets ready to talk.

Taishakuten: So like I'm from Garothman and I'm known for being evil there. We got seven seats of good and evil over there, but it's more like being gang leaders. I got one because I didn't like Ahura Mazda, so whatever! But then they called me a damn pretender! When you get summoned to Tokyo, you get this doppelganger with your name as a Shadow. Shangri-La and Deva Loka say they have the real me. Pricks. I've been living a life of true evil here, dammit! I punched everyone who looked at me, but I never got away. I'm still affected role-wise as being oppositional.
Taishakuten: Fun fact, my doppelgangers? They got partners/rivals. Irreplacables ones. But I'M the one stuck with an archenemy. Just goes to show you my identity's been pulled apart. I'm real glad Shibamata accepted me. Dunno the differences much, and maybe what I believed in was wrong. But I decided, and not even some God of Tokyo will stop me from calling myself Taishakuten if the Shibamata folks believe in me.
MC: Wow.

Taishakuten: (takes a drink) I stay out of App battles out of respect for Shibamata and wanting to live as one of them. I get into a fight, it's for me. But it gets tricky if I get into a group battle. But...
Taishakuten: (takes another drink) I also care about my friends here in Tokyo. Wasn't expecting to have to deal with one asking me to join up and squaring that with what I want, and I've been thinking about it the whole time. I mean, if all of Tokyo and Shibamata gets set on fire or something, I might join up, but dammit I can't say it right now.
MC: Whoa, you venting to me? You're still cool.
He's opening up and waiting for you to say something.

This could be very important.

MC: Let's take it slow and think about it. / I care about you too.
(A) Taishakuten: I guess I'll figure it out later. Whatever, let's see where this train goes! ...I believe in you MC, and in you not blabbing about all this to people.
(B) Taishakuten: ...uh, you talking about helping me out in Shibamata like you said before? Wait, not really huh? (blush) Well thanks. Gimme some time to think about it. [Flag set!]
Taishakuten gets up and holds his hand out.

MC: (shake hands) / (fist bump)
(B) Taishakuten fistbumps back.
Taishakuten: Thanks again MC. You're a real one!
Taishakuten leaves. He left a flower gift next to your bottle.

End of Episode

Valentine Crossroad Episode 2 Part 1 (Abridged)

Evil Scientist A: What's valenhappening with the analysis?
Evil Scout B: We found a new plant in the mountains.
Evil Scientist A: Making good tines then! And the testing?
Evil Scout C: It works like we thought. Doesn't last long tho.
Evil Scientist A: Valenry good! Anyone blab about us?

Evil Scientist A: Mwahahaha! The cute poor ignorant fools! Everyone at Setagaya Agricultural School will be our minions!
Evil Scout C: Sir your line sucks.
Evil Scientist A: But how else do I establish my hammy villain cred??? It's what the script says!
Evil Scout C: Are you sure you aren't supposed to be a magical girl show villain?
Evil Scientist A: QUIET YOU! Our glorious evil organization will make the world in our ideal image!
Evil Scout C: What is our evil organization's name anyway?
Evil Scientist A: uhhhh...Black Valentines! We decided it today!
Evil Scout B: ...this group sucks at naming things.

Setagaya Workshop
The next day! Full workshop! Everything's going fine.

MC: I'm glad we started over and nothing's happened / what the hell happened yesterday
(AB) Masanori: Things are only getting started.
(C) Masanori: You should be paying attention to what's happening now, MC.
Masanori: The two of us are here to support Hippolytus. Also I've did some research in the latest in flowers. Do you know much?
MC: A little / A lot / Nope!
(A) Masanori: Okay, then how about we work together to help students?
(B) Masanori: Wonderful. How about I keep watch on the students while you help with the technical?
(C) Masanori: Oh okay. How about Hippolytus and I do technical help and you watch out for the students?

Masanori: Well, let's do our best.
MC and Masanori split up to different sides of the classroom. No one seems to need help.

MC: (check on Taishakuten) / (check on Takeminakata) / (check on Krampus)
(A) Taishakuten: okay this goes like this, then this...
He's working hard.

Bug A: Wow your stuff is so carefully made.
Taishakuten: Yeah I need to know how to do this and share it back home.
Bug A: Wow, you're thinking so efficiently.
(B) Takeminakata: This is harder than yesterday's!
Guy B: Were you the guy from yesterday's open demo? Oh we start with this piece.
Takeminakata: Oh, uh thank you! Wow you look like a cool city boy! I'm gonna try being like you?
Guy B: O-okay? Nice clothes, dude.
(C) Krampus: >:C
Krampus is scaring his neighbors focusing so hard.

Streamer C: (I wanna move seats but there's nowhere else.)
Krampus: ...sorry. I'm not mad or anything. I can help if you have questions.
Streamer C: O-oh! Thanks, sorry for staring... well in that case, how do I--

Well people seem to be having fun. Questions are starting to come up.
Hippolytus: Yes hello, what is it?
Girl A: I can't get this part right...
Things are going okay as Hippolytus goes around answering questions. But then...

Guy B: This isn't about the class, but I wanna give my present to someone later and...
Hippolytus: Did you want to spruce your present up?
Guy B: Oh no, not that. I just wanted advice on how to give it...
Masanori: !!
MC: Oh no! / (run over) / (signal to Masanori)
(A) Masanori runs over.
(B) MC runs over. Masanori gets there first.
(C) Masanori nods and goes over.
Masanori: Hello excuse me, how about I give you advice?
Guy B stares for a bit.
Masanori: Oh, you know me? Why thank you, but let's set that aside since this isn't a video I'm making today.
Masanori draws attention like he predicted he would.

Masanori: Okay, so...
And then class continues as normal.

Class went on. More questions popped up. MC and Hippolytus handle technical stuff and Masanori gives advice outside that.
Hippolytus: Okay class time is over, thank you for coming!
MC: Come again! (smile and wave)
Everything went okay today! People go home happy.

Drone Pilot A: That was interesting! And easy for my first time. The teacher wasn't as scary as I heard.
Streamer B: inorite? Also omg Youtuber MURAMASA was here! I should've streamed too!
Drone Pilot A: But they banned video recording here. Seemed kinda like a private event?
Hippolytus: (turns around after everyone leaves) Oh my god it's finally over! Thank you so much everyone!
MC: It's cool! / Well it's my job / (Huh, he talks fast when thanking people too)
Hippolytus: I thought things were gonna blow up again when the romance advice questions started happening again.
Masanori: I'm glad I could be of service. I wasn't expecting to be helpful like this. MC being here is how we could do so to begin with.
MC: I think I get you / Did I help? / what?
(A) Masanori smiles.

Masanori: I normally make Youtube videos about crimes, but sometimes I advise my audience.
Taishakuten: Oh is that why they went crazy about you?
Masanori: (nods) Yes, I kept quiet to not interrupt class, but obviously that backfired. I took over romance questions so Hippolytus could focus on teaching.
Takeminakata: I never noticed!
Krampus: Maybe I should've paid more attention too...
Hippolytus: It's okay, you were here to be students anyway! (cleans table)
Hippolytus: Oh right, Volkh sent food! Let's eat when we're done cleaning!
Takeminakata: Yay!
Taishakuten: ...Setagaya bentos? Are you guys selling this to the public!?
MC: well they got everything here / business is everything to you isn't it / so hardworking much consideration
(A) Krampus: Yeah. Farm school and all.
(B) Krampus: Being school admin is hard. Ded sighs a lot when spring comes.
(C) Krampus: Same thought. And we haven't even seen him again.

Bentos for everyone!
Takeminakata: It looks so good! Even the box smells nice. They make money with this?
Taishakuten: I guess if they're spotting this for you. And the workshop has that exclusive locality thing going on.
Hippolytus: I haven't seen these bentos around school much. What if they're special VIP lunches? Oh wow, Volkh is so generous!
Masanori: He spares no expense. Which means we will need to work that hard for him.
Subject change!
Masanori: We can't keep doing what we did to keep class running today, so how about we help Hippolytus find some way to NOT seem like he hates talking about love and romance?
Takeminakata: Why are you even like that? You seem nice and cheerful like Wakan Tanka so you ought to be as popular as him.
Hippolytus: Getting along is nice! But I dissociate so hard when romance comes up. It happened the other day with a kouhai...
Taishakuten: And you STILL took a Valentines workshop post? Well I guess you went in blind.
Krampus: Is it embarrassment? I sorta did that myself before... (briefly looks at MC) One minute I was seen, the next I went crazy and started throwing hands...
MC: Yep. Sad. / And now we're friends.
(C) Krampus: ...yeah, we are now. Haha.

Hippolytus: Hmm... I don't think that's what it is. And sorry, I still can't put it into words! Feels bad trying to teach when I'm like this. Maybe I should just stick to the workshop topics...
Masanori: Maybe, but I think that would just make you regress to how class was before.
Hippolytus: Really? But I figured you guys would do a better--
MC: We need an actual teacher leading the class. We're just assistants.
Masanori: You're the plant expert, so there's worth in you telling people about them. I believe being able to tell others what you know and think is important. I may have a richer vocabulary, but it's better if you speak to the students. Maybe you think you don't have love within, but I think you might have something you didn't in the past. If you don't know what it is, just tell people that.
Taishakuten: (stares)
Masanori: Nobody else can do what you can for this workshop class.
Hippolytus: MC, Masanori...
Taishakuten: Holy hell do you never keep things simple? But I think I get you. You just gotta know how stubborn you are!
Hippolytus: what
MC: Hmm... / what / (stare)
(A) Taishakuten: You get it, don't ya MC?

Taishakuten: Whatever, just start by thinking why you wanna be the way you are. Why live here? You gotta know what you want.
Takeminakata: Like in sumo. You need to have your own footing down to push your opponent off.
Krampus: Yeah. Hard to do though.
Taishakuten: Nah! You just need to love your hometown!
Masanori: ...ah. I wonder about that a lot myself. So many regrets about my home world.
Hippolytus: ...yeah. :|
MC: Senpai? / wait what / (pretend to see nothing)
Hippolytus: U-uh, right, thanks Taishakuten! I'll think about it.
MC: You can take your time. Masanori and I are still helping. / don't have to take the advice.
(C) Hippolytus smiles.
Hippolytus: Sorry I'm so wimpy, I'm glad you guys are here.
Takeminakata: It's fine, you asked us for help. Also, awesome food!
And so the party has a good time, as is everyone outside in Setagaya. Also somebody is watching them.

End of Episode part

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 7: Parallel Connection (Abridged)

Exio (narrating): Sooo many failures. I paid for most of those mistakes myself, but sometimes it included others. Paying for my own mistakes is normal, and I have to use myself as a resource to move forward. Brute force is all I know, but do I really have to give up on everyone else I care about?
Exio (narrating): I tried leaving everyone back at base. I knew they were targeted, but I thought they could handle it. But then they all died to [REDACTED] for some reason. Had to think a lot more about that since HE brought more to his side.
Exio (narrating): I found an alternate self with similar circumstances and tried telling my group to leave our hideout. But then that plan blew up when the heroes came too early, we tired ourselves out, and then some void Monster came by and killed us all.
Exio (narrating): I tried. I'm still trying. I remember everything that happens. If we're using my standards, the time-axis is screwed to hell with the past and future mixed up. In that sense, I'm just as crazy as heroes. But it's still different seeing one parallel world compared to thousands and more. I have no idea where I am. I barely have a sense of myself because I'm the one who met the Broker. Everyone else was just collateral shoved into me. So I have to keep going so I can [REDACTED] the Broker. I just can't hack it yet, so I tried setting new plans up that might work (MC). Somehow. I tried other plans (The Alliance) because I had to. And I had other plans (Team Exio) that I thought were usable at first. I had no expectations, but...

*Present, Reverse Imaginary Point Lab
Yoshiori: Exio, they're starting to move.
Exio (narrating): Wait where am I? Who's they? I had to push myself into my head to make sense of everything. Then I got up to speed.
Exio: Thanks Yoshiori. So, MC, Monomasa, and Seiichirou's servant. Figured as much.
Yoshiori: Yeah. They also have this dragon guy?
Exio: (surprised finger twitch) ...oh. He's alive? Huh.
Yoshiori: You know him?
Exio: Yeah, he calls me a companion. He'd definitely join MC since he likes interesting things. Still, them's the breaks, huh? I'm watching this bubble world, meaning he can use his hero power willy-nilly. Small mercies for your enemies, eh?

Yoshiori: ...are we really going on with this?
Exio: Uh, yeah? I've been saying I can finally fulfill my goals now. It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance where the Broker can't see here, the Unique candidate is here and the world is fragile. Really, I got to thank MC for all this luck.
Yoshiori: ...oh. I guess...I got to thank them too.
Exio: Yes, here I can make as many Monsters as I want, not like usual. The more they destroy, the more unobservable this world becomes. It sucks that this has turned to Plan B instead of Plan A, but oh well, this is luckier than before.
Yoshiori: ...couldn't we have done something else?
Yoshiori is hoping SUPER hard.

Exio: Huh. (turns to Yoshiori, still smiling) Do YOU have a better idea?
Yoshiori:, sorry.
Exio: It's okay. If this works, we'll lose almost nothing. I told you already, and you agreed didn't you?
Yoshiori: ...yes, I did. I won't leave you alone, Exio.
Exio: ...thanks. Really. I suck at fighting, so I have to do this instead.
Exio uses the interdimensional mud inside the Path to make a Replica!

Exio (narrating): I have to do with no prep but lots of experience. And other mes are doing this too. We've made like a crap ton already. Almost time to stop making fakes and start making self-replicas.
Exio: Awaken, Id Replica.
Warping Paths threaten to wreck the world and create dense Ether fragments that Exio puts himself into! Cracks spread from the hole on Exio's chest!

Yoshiori: Oh my god Exio!
Id Replica has appeared! It's way stronger than the fake Monsters Exio made! Also it looks like it's suffering. It barfs out mud or whatever.

Exio: Yep, struggling hard to live. Just like me.
Yoshiori: E-Exio, what is that?
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
Strange lights! It's totally going to destroy everything!

Exio: Good, it has a mind.
He sounds casual. Like he decided this was happening before.

Exio: Okay Yoshiori, let's go. I'll watch your dream, so will you watch my crazy dream through?
Yoshiori: ...okay.

Imaginary Point
Light falls, pushing through eyelids.

Sui: ...morning?
Sui's been having a nap inside a tent in the lab entrance lobby, still in her hero suit. It's not wrinkled at all.
Sui: A normal dress would be wrinkled. I wonder if I can make a real dress like this? I should talk to Crowne and Master.

Sui: Oh right, I should check what's happening and talk to Seiichirou.
Seiichirou is sitting outside the tent.

Sui: Morning, sorry I'm late. How's the wall?
Seiichirou: Morning. It's been holding up, like your suit. And don't worry about oversleeping since our defenses rest on you.
Sui's hero threads are holding the barriers together.

Seiichirou: It'd have been nice to admire your pretty threads without the horrible Monsters outside.
There's a ton of them outside, silently trying to ram the barriers down. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Sui: Wow. You were right with your suggestion earlier.
Seiichirou: Right? Who could sleep with those watching you? We also have this VP we still can't figure out where it's coming from too.
Sui: Yeah. There's way too much for who could be watching. And there shouldn't even be much in terms of people who can.

Crowne: Morning guys. Good nap?
Sui: Morning. And yes.
Crowne: Nice. Wasn't much, but still helpful. Oh right, thanks for keeping Sui's suit up, Seiichirou.
Seiichirou: No worries. We're all in this together at this point, so we should be open.
Crowne: Cool, I suck at staying considerate all the time!
Sui: Well we could only sleep thanks to the thing you and Grigory made. (points at machinery added to the barriers)
Seiichirou: It was a surprise when you suddenly yelled about the noise, but it helped a lot.
Crowne: Looks like it's working, huh? High end stuff since I got Grigory to help. The Active Noise Canceller really is making the material quality work.
Sui: What?
Crowne: Like how salting crab makes it tastier!
Seiichirou: Crude, but understandable I suppose.

Crowne, Sui, and Seiichirou head to a table put in the center of the lobby being used as a temp command center. Grigory's in a corner messing with machine parts. Food and water is stacked in another.
Crowne: Welp, a siege huh? Reminds me of school.
Sui: ...what happened in your school years?
Crowne: Secret! Everyone needs a place to think now and then.
Grigory and Huckle are working on stuff.

Sui (narrating): We take turns sleeping. We're last.
Sui: Okay then!

Sui (narrating): I slapped my cheeks, but Master would disapprove of that. But she'd also say "oh well, get ready." Time to focus.
Akashi: Oh, you're up? Grigory's got some analysis done.
Mokdai: Morning Sui. Things still unstable around here.
Akashi: I needed Huckle to dumb it down for me! Grigory's been getting pissier.
Mokdai: Yeah, lots of grumbling. I'm worried, but kinda scared to talk to him.
Sui (narrating): They're thinking hard on something, but it's comforting to see.
Sui: Thanks. I need to check on the walls.
Akashi: Okay. Don't push yourself too hard!
Sui: Hang on MC, we'll find you.

Grigory: Stuck, weeeeh... (slams into table)
Akashi: OMG are you okay!?
Grigory: Yuuuup. The psychic damage is worse, maaaan.
Akashi: The pings not working?
Grigory: uggggh I thought they would. This suuucks... they have the port light, so whyyyy?
Ryekie: Oh yeah, weren't you surprised about the Monsters showing up before?
Grigory: Monsters? How???

Huckle: Oh yeah huh...what did you mean by that?
Grigory: Oh, did I not explain? whooops.

Grigory: Okay, so. Like, I'mma explain some other stuff first before answering, mkaaay. Remember when I talked about unobservable zones?
Melide: Yes. Something about how they stabilized after the lab was made?
Grigory: Yeah, unobservable means you can't do existence verification, mkaaay.
Mokdai: Um, do they go all black or something?
Grigory: Nah, black means something's still there. Like the closest thing I can think of is damage caused by Monsters, mkaaay.
Flash of Mt. Fuji!

Seiichirou: Like the confirmation of something's absence by checking its surroundings?
Grigory: Yuuup. Like observing ether flow. But unobservable stuff can't even be seen by Observers. This whole meeting was originally about how unobservable areas were expanding and how to find them. Except, like, all this happened...
Huckle: Hmm...
Grigory: So back to the Monsters thing. When the Paths starting bugging out, unobservable areas tend to expand. Especially when ether distorts and--
Mokdai: OMG Akashi what's wrong!?
Akashi: ...nothing. Brain broke, thinking too hard...
Grigory: Whooops, sorry about that. TLDR: with more unobservable areas I didn't expect Monsters to show up... (suddenly freezes)

Sui: Grigory? Wha--
Grigory: Oh my GAWWWD that's it! (starts keyboard mashing)
Grigory: That part was weird to begin with! I limited it to our world and the Imaginary Point, but what if we search parallel worlds? Uhhhh, I need to check the signal strength and...
Melide: Um, what's happening?
Crowne: Grigory, explain!
Grigory: ...oh! S-sorry. Remember how I said I thought Monsters showing up was impossible? But if Monsters appear, then Paths are connected. But where tooo?
Akashi: Uh, our world?
Grigory: Maybe, but unlikely. Remember why?
Seiichirou: ...oh right, all those conditions to get here.
Grigory: Right. Hard to believe the Monsters could do that...
Typing intensifies.

Grigory: But I'd been limiting our search to only our world and the Imaginary Point. Since the Imaginary Point is closed, I didn't think a parallel world could have one too buuut... okay, I'mma use a ton of power here!
Dramatic button press! Coordinate data is getting defined!

Akashi: What!? Is that where MC is!?
Grigory: Yuuup! That's the data from MC's port...light...oh...
Sui: Why are the numbers jumping around?
Grigory: mkaaay I was wrong. This is... (looks around at everyone)
Huckle: ...please tell us, even if it's bad news.
People nod.

Grigory: ...okay, so. There's like, a really high chance MC is in an even more unstable world. I've seen these numbers from before the lab was built and the unobservable areas were expanding.
Mokdai: T-then we have to save them soon! Can we connect there!?
Seiichirou: ...agreed
Grigory: Well...
Huckle: Is it going to be hard?
Grigory: ...yeaaah. The coordinates aren't locked down so....
Heavy silence...

Akashi: Okay, time to make a new plan then.
Ryekie: Right!
Grigory: But...
Akashi: Oh, I don't doubt you. I'm not being desperate, and I can do without being hit by these guys again.
Mokdai and Sui smile.

Akashi: So maybe we should check MC's room again.
Grigory: Hmm...I guess?
Seiichirou: Okay then. So, do we start planning with how to get past the Monsters?
Ryekie: Yeah, they're still spawning, and we still need to hold the fort. Huckle, can you handle this end? I'll lead the away team!
Huckle: Alright. Grigory, Crowne, Sui? Come over here.
Sui: Okay. So Crowne, should we double pad the threads?
Crowne: Or we could do the messy thing and make another exit.

Everyone starts getting ready. Except for Grigory, he's standing there staring.
Grigory: Huh. Maybe I've gotten rusty...
Everyone's determined to act, even if nothing turns up.

Grigory: Hey Huckle? Parallel Flight's a niiiice agency.
Huckle: I know, right? By the way, we still have an opening for a tech advisor.
Grigory: !?
Grigory: Haha, coool. Maybe I should think about it. Mkaaay, time to pack up my measuring tools!
Things quiet down a little, but not oppressively like before.

Sui: Wait what's happening?
Mokdai: Uh, it's supposed to ring when it connects with MC's port light?
Akashi: I guess? But uhh...
Akashi, Sui, and Mokdai's port lights are ringing!

Grigory: You three! Give me your port lights now! (grabs)
Grigory:  Log check...okay not a bug...uhhhh what, coordinates located?
Akashi: W-what's going on?
Grigory: We got a lock on MC's location! Somehow! Uh, everyone's data is slightly different. Whatever, standard deviation or something! (starts typing)
Huckle: Does this mean we can go to where MC is?
Grigory: Uh, not yet. We have one, two...? Well we got some gambles to make. Soooo, who here sucks under time pressure?
End of Episode

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Episode 1 Part 2 (Abridged)

So Volkh said yes to moving the workshop!
Setagaya School grounds

Masanori: A splendid location.
Takeminakata: Smells nice! Roppongi doesn't have a nice garden like this!
Hippolytus: I'm glad you like it! It's one of the best spots in school!
Krampus: So pretty. It'll definitely get people's attention.
The party works together to set up in the garden. There's two tables for students, a camera, a monitor, and a bunch of stuff Hippolytus made as samples.

Taishakuten: Ready guys? Let's start things off, MC!
MC: Yeah! (holds onto a bundle of fliers)

Taishakuten: Hey y'all check this shit out! All these nice flowers picked from Setagaya!
A crowd gathers. MC starts handing out fliers.

Taishakuten: Flowers for every place and occasion! But not all of them are for sale, but come check out the public demo we have over there!
Taishakuten points at Krampus and Takeminakata working quietly on crafting while Hippolytus helps them. More and more people are paying attention!

Wolf A: Wow, what are they doing?
Pirate B: Look, they're showing it on the monitor over there. The box of flowers they're making looks cool!
Masanori: We've gone straightforward and named that the box flower. This one uses fresh flowers, but you can also use preserved flowers to make it last longer.
Wolf A: Hey aren't you that one Youtuber who--
Masanori: Let's stop there since I'm not making a youtube video right now, thank you. The main star of this show is--oh look he just made something new.
Wolf A: Oh my god!
Masanori: (whew, that was close. I didn't think anyone would recognize me.)
Takeminakata: Wow this came out great for my first time!
Krampus: Me too. I managed since the directions were so easy to follow.
Hippolytus: You both did great!
MC: Wow, so quick! (claps)

The spectator mobs share in Takeminakata and Krampus's accomplishments, and the quality of their work gets even more attention!
Taishakuten: So hey y'all, wanna try doing that?
Randos: YES
MC: Now taking signups! (hands out fliers)
Hippolytus: Workshop classes starting soon in the halls, hope to see you there!
And so the party packs everything back up to bring inside. Volkh has lunch delivered, so lunch time!

MC: Wow Taishakuten / Nice work, Hippolytus and Masanori! / You two did great, Takeminakata and Krampus
(A) Taishakuten: You ain't seen nothing yet
(B) Hippolytus: Thank you, Masanori! It didn't blow up on me again!
Masanori: So this is what Volkh was asking me to do? I am familiar with speaking due to video making.
(C) Takeminakata: That was fun! I thought it'd be worse, but I did it!
Krampus: I'm glad I didn't go all Black Santa on everybody. Also my flower thing came out great.

Taishakuten: You did great too, MC! Wanna help out at Shibamata's Transient shopping district? We can make it the best tourist spot ever!
MC: ooh, nice! / will you join the Summoners if I do? / I have to check with everyone
Taishakuten: Oops, got into personal business there. Well just think about it! So Teach, we good on the workshop?
Hippolytus: Hippolytus is fine, thanks so much. The assistants and I can handle it somehow, so you can join the class like normal.
Takeminakata: But we don't even know if new signups are coming. Are we gonna do a class in the public area tomorrow again?
Krampus: Yeah, I don't think anyone was convinced by my demo...
Takeminakata: But you made yours so well!
MC: Krampus, you okay? You seem out of it. / Feels like a while since I saw timid Krampus
(AB) Krampus: I just get like this right after the Xmas season. Sorry to worry you.
(C) Krampus: Eh, I'm usually focused when we meet in the Xmas season, so I guess I haven't been like this since our first meeting. Nice memories.

Krampus: Anyways, I'm good. I'm still more worried about whether anyone will sign up--
Someone is trying to open the door!

Takeminakata: Oh has someone signed up already?
Hippolytus: That'd be great but we barely just opened up! Maybe I should open the door.
Hippolytus happily approaches the door. Someone tries to open it even harder!

Hippolytus: I'm coming!
Krampus: Wait, this doesn't seem right!

Giant Crowd of Randos: WE'RE HERE FOR THE WORKSHOP
Party: OH MY GOD???
Takeminakata: Am I popular already!?
Krampus: That can't be related! But wow everyone's excited...
MC: What happened!? / the demo was a success! / okay line them up

Taishakuten: I got it! Okay people, I'm handling sign-ins so line up r--(crowded by mobs)--I SAID LINE UP DAMMIT, DON'T TOUCH ME
So many people pushing to be first!

MC: Let's all calm down! / they're acting weird... / WHO TOUCHED TAISHAKUTEN
Merman A: I was first!
Girl B: Hey you're out of line!
Drone Pilot D: Mr. Intellectual Dog Boy p-please be my assistant!
Governor E: T-this is my first time making something, so let's get along!
Masanori: W-what is going on? Are they more focused on us than the workshop?
Volkh: WHAT IS ALL THE NOISE!? ...w-what is this crowd!?
Robot F: Oh my god Volkh, are you part of the workshop too?
Streamer G: Let's make flowers together!
Bug H: Back off, Volkh is MINE!
Volkh: I can't breathe!
MC: Nooo, Volkh! / (jump after Volkh)
(C) Hippolytus: No MC, focus!
Hippolytus: We need to sort this out! I'll get Volkh, everyone handle the rest!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Krampus: okay finally it's done
MC: Good job everybody... / what just happened
Hippolytus: Thanks everyone. Well that was chaotic, haha...
Masanori: Strange how everyone was so crazy to sign up.
Taishakuten: I'm glad we calmed the people down, but was it like this before we came?
Volkh: We sent advertisements electronically then, so no. Still, what just caused all that?
Hippolytus: Whatever happened, I was too hasty. Sorry...
Volkh: It was probably a confluence of causes. Either way I am glad the workshop is doing well again!
Taishakuten: I guess he's right. We got plans to get things back on track?
Masanori: I am already coming up with ideas to address problems that have occurred. We should continue with Hippolytus teaching and MC and I assisting.
Krampus: We can also help other students while taking the workshop.
Takeminakata: I'm excited for tomorrow! ...but Roppongi and Setagaya are so far away from each other.
Volkh: Hmm...

Volkh: So these students here are helping you, Hippolytus?
Hippolytus: Yes, they helped so much with the public demo!
Volkh: Very well. I can set you up with unused Setagaya dorm rooms during the event.
MC: Really!? / how very businesslike / is this Military Tactics
(B) Volkh: It is a noble's job to run an organization. Also giving bonuses for merits is obvious.
(C) Volkh: Hah! I will do anything to bring my lord victory!
Takeminakata: Wait really? I feel kinda bad for complaining now.
Volkh: It is no matter. Best to not let talent run from me, though I will not force it upon you if you do not want it.
Taishakuten: Sure, I'll take it. Gotta call back to say I'll be away.
Masanori: ...well this school is a great place to think in. I accept.
Krampus: Uh, I'm good either way. What are you gonna do, MC?
MC: I already sent a note saying I'd be staying out! / Might as well use it / Whatever you want, Krampus
(A) Krampus: Whoa! Well I guess you did come as a workshop helper. I guess I'll stay too then.
(B) Krampus: Oh. I'll stay too then.
(C) Krampus: Uhh...I guess I'll stay with you? I mean, at Setagaya's dorms!

Hippolytus: Wow, everyone's staying! Since I already live here, that means we'll be living together for a while! Sorry things are crazy, but I'm glad we know each other.
Takeminakata: This is gonna be great.
Volkh: We should depart for the day. I suppose everyone has things they need to bring. I will ready the rooms in the meantime.
MC: Thanks for everything Volkh! / Let's do this, everyone! / Let's do our best, Hippolytus
And so the party splits off to do their thing. Masanori notices a petal on the ground outside.

Masanori: ...a violet?

MC has told the gang back in Shinjuku what's up, and it's night by the time they get back to Setagaya. After dinner and a bath, MC is going back to their copypasted room when...

MC: What was that noise!? Did something fall over?
MC goes to investigate.

MC: You okay? / (knock on door) / (barge in)
(AB) No response.
Door's unlocked. MC goes inside.

Krampus: U-uh, MC!?
Krampus is trying to put a fallen bookcase back up.

Krampus: ...did you see it?
MC: See what? / You're just righting a bookcase, right...? / Were you practicing hero posing?
(AB) Krampus: Oh. It's cool then. Well I mean, not cool that I'm damaging stuff.
(C) Krampus: How'd you know!? But I'm glad it's you out of anyone who saw.

Krampus puts the shelf back to where it was.
Krampus: I know we're in different rooms, but staying in the same dorm as you makes me nervous. I got really excited doing some workouts and watching some toku videos, and when I decided to pose like I was back at Santa School, I knocked the shelf over.
Krampus picks up the books and puts them back. He seems lost for words for when he's done with that.

MC: I didn't expect to see you here / (help clean up) / (watch him)
(A) Krampus: Same, didn't expect to see you over here either.
(B) Krampus: Thanks. You really are nice to everyone.
(C) Krampus: ...stop staring, it makes me even more embarrassed.

Krampus seems calmer now.
Krampus: I was surprised to hear you were helping with the workshop, but I never thought I'd be helping too as a signup.
MC: Yeah, things escalated quickly there / Backend work can be fun too.
(AB) Krampus: Heh, yeah. That happens a lot.
(C) Krampus: Yeah, it's interesting.
Krampus: I'm glad to do whatever now.
The last thing Krampus picks up is a toku DVD case.

Krampus: My artifact is something I inherited from other Krampuses. It's not originally mine. And I have a defined role during the Christmas season. I also got a new hero role after coming to Tokyo, but I've been thinking about what I am when it's not that time of year...
MC: You want to help someone? / Heroes never die! / Thinking of post-retirement stuff already?
(A) Krampus: I guess. I've always admired heroes.
(B) Krampus: Yeah. But one day I'll stop being me.
(C) Krampus: Not in concrete terms, but being a Black Santa is manual labor, so I'd have to stop at some point.

Krampus puts the DVD case back. He seems worried about the future as he thinks about his artifact and role.
Krampus: You know I'm a lot more shy than I look, so I figured I'd try looking for something new while I still have my courage and role. And I want to be closer to you since you're a little different each time we meet.
MC: You're cool no matter what you're like / You're such a hard worker / (wait for him to continue)
(AB) Krampus: O-oh, thanks.

Krampus is thinking. Then he starts asking something, nervous.
Krampus: I was thinking of making something original after the workshop is over. And, um...if you'd like...
Krampus blushes and hangs his head. If you wait, he might hold back on what he wants to say. Maybe you should say it instead.

This could be very important.

MC: I can help make it if you want. / I'm looking forward to whatever it is.
(A) Krampus: ...o-oh, okay thanks.
(B) Krampus: !! R-right, just give me some time. Uh, not that it's gonna take THAT long! [Flag set!]
Krampus: ...right, now I just got to do my best at everything. We should go to bed soon, sorry to keep you here so long...see you tomorrow.
MC: Good night, Krampus.
And so MC goes back to their room. Meanwhile...

???: Everyone here? It's time to start our plan to take over Setagaya's Valentine!
End of Episode

Valentine Crossroad Episode 1 Part 1 (Abridged)

Setagaya Agricultural School! When you go there, the first thing you'll see is the big pretty fountain surrounded by beds of pretty flowers. Scenic date spot! Except today we have a big wolf guy standing arms crossed in front of it.
Girl A: Dude's ruining the vibe. Why's he just standing there?
Mermaid B: Shh! He'll hear you! Don't you know who that is?
Volkh: (stares)
Guy C: Isn't that the principal's assistant?
Guy D: Back off, he's MY husbando! Tho it's weird he's standing there instead of running around doing something.
Volkh: (AWKWARD! I figured this would be an obvious place to wait but so many people are staring at me! They must want me to move so they can take couple selfies. Hurry up and get here, MC!)

Taishakuten: Isn't that him, MC?
MC: Ah yes, the Werewolf Prince being conspicuously easy to spot / Your big plan is to cockblock couples on Valentines?
(C) Volkh: HOW DA--well no now's not the time to argue
Volkh: Ahem. Welcome to Setagaya. Let's go right now.
Taishakuten: Thanks! This place is big.
MC: This is an agricultural school? Where's the fields? / Are the farms elsewhere?
(AB) Volkh: They're in another section for space reasons.
(C) Volkh: Indeed. Most first timers ask where they are.
Volkh: Farming isn't our only field of study. There's technology and science too.
Taishakuten: That's how it goes in business, yeah.

And so Volkh leads MC and Taishakuten to the training center in school.
Volkh: We're using one of the college halls for the workshop. We planned on full house attendance the whole time.
Taishakuten: I see jack shit in terms of people here tho--
???: HELLO
MC: WHAT / is it also a dojo? / Isn't that--
(B) Volkh: Those are elsewhere. And no one should be that loud even if we were going to one.
The group heads further along and runs into Takeminakata!

Takeminakata: HEL--oh, hi. Is this where the workshop is supposed to be?
MC: Takeminakata? / did we ever meet or what / (trip towards Takeminakata)
(A) Takeminaka: Hello MC, funny coincidence seeing you here!
(B) Takeminaka: You! You're...MC I think! I saw you with Ashigara at Yoyogi. I'm Takeminaka, nice to meet you!
(C) Takeminakata: (catches MC) You okay? Tee hee it tickles when you do that.

Takeminakata: So you here for the workshop too? Who're these other two?
MC: The one in charge, and a guy who wanted to attend. I'm just here to help out.
Quick round of intros and explanations.

Takeminakata: Well dang. Also I just realized I forgot to sign up!
Volkh: I can take care of that, barely anyone is here anyway.
Takeminakata: Hooray! I'll help however I can!
Volkh: It's just my job. Tell me if the class is too hard, I will be doing some paperwork. Excuse me.
MC: Okay, I'll do my best / this is gonna be a disaster
(C) Taishakuten: Just learn how to do your job.
Taishakuten: Whatever, let's go in and learn!
Takeminakata: I'mma figure out how to be a city boy!
And so the two of them push into the workshop class.

Hippolytus, Masanori, and Krampus are the only ones inside.
Takeminakata: WHAT
MC: Masanori? / You signed up, Krampus? / so who's Mr. Dead Fish Eyes
(A) Masanori: ...oh! Excuse the slackjawed display, I wasn't expecting to see you here. But I'm glad to see you are also here as an assistant. Now Hippolytus, stop standing there and start thinking.
(B) Krampus: MC!? Oh, you're assisting? I thought you were going to make someone a present and--nevermind. Excuse me, Hippolytus? Could you start...oh he's checked out.
Hippolytus: ...what? OH! Hello, I'm Hippolytus, the one in charge of the workshop class!
Taishakuten: Damn, 0 to 60 already! Oh well, nice to meet ya!
Takeminakata: Looking forward to class! So I can be an awesome city boy!
Hippolytus: Okay whatever? Glad you're both excited! Also, are you the new assistant coming today?
MC: Hi I'm MC / big
(AB) Hippolytus: Volkh told me all about you! Something about a love singularity?
(C) Hippolytus: Yeah people say that to me a lot and how I'm freaky because of it...oh that's not what you meant?

Hippolytus: Looking forward to have you for this short event period! I should start with an explanation for first time dummies and--
Takeminakata: (raises hand) W-wait, isn't anyone else coming? I thought this class was popular.
Taishakuten: Volkh told MC and me how empty it's gotten. What the hell happened so I know what to avoid back home?
MC: Curious... / yeah what the hell / damn, Taishakuten
(C) Taishakuten: I'm here for business, dammit!

Hippolytus: Hmm...well I was doing my thing when Volkh asked me to hold the main event. I was happy to do it, but the theme's so outside my wheelhouse that I got really nervous and then [INSERT FF'ed RANT HERE]
Takeminakata: WHAT
Taishakuten: Stop going fisheyed on us!
Masanori: I don't know much, but he's been like that.
Krampus: Maybe I should take over the exposition...

Krampus: oh my god so many confident people. Maybe I should've asked someone to come with...nah...
Krampus looks for a seat near the back and finds one.
Oni: Can I sit here? No other spots left.
Krampus: O-oh, sure. Bigger guys like us ought to try not to block the view and all.
Oni: Yeah! Me like flowers, but me bad at control. You here to learn tricks?
Krampus: Um...I wanted to make something since I suck at saying things.
Oni: Oh my god, you have someone you like? (accidentally pats Krampus really hard on the back and gets everyone's attention)

Krampus: No? Yes?? I dunno???
Oni: You go, boy!
Krampus: Thanks. I dunno if they'll even take my present though.
Oni: It okay, Valentine present!
Ding dong, class time! Hippolytus walks up.

Hippolytus: Welcome everyone, I'm here to teach the workshop! I'm Hippolytus.
Attendees: Hello!
Day 1, nothing in particular happens. Class goes well, people wrap up their presents, then go home. Day 2, more of the same as everyone gets to crafting.

Hippolytus: Let me know if anyone needs help!
Hippolytus goes to help out the people who need help.

Krampus: ...okay going good. Harder than yesterday, but should be fine. Hippolytus is so nice.

Girl A: Thanks for being a good teacher, Hippolytus!
Hippolytus: Did it come out well? Hooray!
Camoflauger B: This present came out cute. You're cute too, Teach. Do people tell you that a lot?
Hippolytus: What? Umm...
Camoflauger B: So where do you live? What's your social media?
Girl A: Oh my god stop hitting on the teacher while we're in class!
Camoflauger B: It's okay, I'm only a student for a day! Hey, how about we--
Hippolytus is acting weird.

Hippolytus: :|

Camoflauger B: WHAT
Hippolytus: ...OH! Sorry, I start dissociating when people talk about love, so um, let's not talk about that now.
Camoflauger B: Aww, cute. So how about we talk af--
Hippolytus: seriously can we not
Camoflauger B: o-oh okay
Krampus: (what just happened!?)
And so Hippolytus has been acting weird more often ever since.

Streamer C: Hippolytus I finished my present! But how do I give it...?
Hippolytus: Just see whoever it is and hand it over you pus--I MEAN uhh, I dunno?
Krampus: (I'm getting scared of Hippolytus...)
Guy D: So I wanna give my flower present to my one true love with some chocolates, but what should I get?
Hippolytus: you have more than one love? you're a whore
Hippolytus:'re a casual whore?
Guy D: sorry I think I'll figure it out on my own
Krampus: Damn.

Takeminakata: you can't handle talking about love?
Masanori: And yet that happens to be the subject of the day this time of year. Them not being able to figure things out during the class makes them associate it with negative feelings.
Hippolytus: I know, but I have a BAD history with love stuff! I want to deal with it, but I black out whenever it comes up...
MC: Yeah, people want romance advice on Valentines / Shouldn't things be fine if the class goes well? / (mmm, shy boy)
(A) Hippolytus: OH NO! What do I do...?
(B) Hippolytus: That's what I thought but so many people have romance questions.
(C) Hippolytus: ...what is it MC? I sense unseemly thoughts from your stare.

Taishakuten: What, it's a customer service problem? Hey, Krampus? Is he any good as a crafting teacher?
Krampus: Yeah he's fine there.
MC: How about I handle customer service? / It'd be great to have more signups / (wait for Taishakuten to go on)
(A) Masanori: Sounds like a plan. We can split the service between us and call Hippolytus when needed.
Taishakuten: Cool, now we just need people coming in.
(B) Taishakuten: Hell yeah.
Masanori: We will need a plan on serving these people as well. It should be fine if MC and I handle questions.
(C) Taishakuten: So we just need the assistants to back things up if it goes pearshaped.
Masanori: I see. So MC and I should handle that.
Taishakuten: Yep. Then it's just bringing people in.

Takeminakata: Are there any class fliers left?
Masanori: Yes but we can't expect just throwing them out there will help much.
Everyone has ideas!

Hippolytus: I'm sorry we have to redo everything...
Krampus: ...what if we did the workshop somewhere else?
Hippolytus: Uh...I guess we can if we have all the stuff there. But what if more people do come?
MC: Oh I get it / What's the plan, Krampus?
(A) Krampus is happy MC thought the same thing.
(BC) Krampus looks away as he explains.

Krampus: Maybe if we held the workshop somewhere more public more people would be interested.
Taishakuten: Oh yeah, nice! Gives people a better idea what's up!
Krampus: Yeah, it might seem more fun to people that way, and giving fliers then might work better...I'd rather not be the showman though.
Masanori: Oh? Maybe someone else can do it then.
Takeminakata: Oh, oh, me!
Krampus: ...actually it might be better if we do it together.
MC: Taishakuten and I will make announcements then / Masanori, will you help Hippolytus? / Where should we do it?
(A) Taishakuten: Hell yeah!
(B) Masanori: Should be fine.
Hippolytus: Thanks everyone! I'll go call Volkh about a new venue, it'll be great!
End of Episode part

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 6: Bubble World (Abridged)

Monomasa Oosato: ...yeah, I'm Monomasa Oosato, the original owner of this body.
MC: ...that gymnast guy Melide told me about?
Monomasa Oosato: ...oh, you heard. But yes. My consciousness is normally dormant, but sometimes I wake up and surface. And sometimes I regain control because Drovyne is asleep.
MC: what'd you want to talk about? / Is Monomasa...okay?
(C) Monomasa Oosato: Drovyne? He's fine, he'll be back when I'm done.
Monomasa Oosato: Tell Drovyne...I want him to absorb me.
MC: what...?

Monomasa Oosato: Sorry, I know this is sudden. But I'm asking because I think he'll listen to you.
Monomasa Oosato stares into the abyss somewhere.

Monomasa Oosato: Drovyne told you about Monster commands, right? He and I are melded, so I know what he feels... He's been resisting the whole time, refusing to eat. I'm ready to just go, but he keeps caring about me. He should care more about Melide and everyone else.
MC: and somehow we are here with you asking to be retgone?
Monomasa Oosato: ...yes, I want him to be free. I just gave him myself because I didn't want my life anymore, and I still feel that way actually. But sometimes I hear his feelings. He wants me to live, find a reason to live again. And he tries so hard to find something to show me.
MC: ...yeah, he's always thinking of you.

Monomasa Oosato: ...right, but it's faulty. He wants me to live, but he doesn't want to live himself. He tries to keep my body in one piece...but he holds back because of it. It's my fault he's like that, so tell him he can let me go.
Monomasa Oosato: ...but why? If he does better, he'll be able to protect himself and you guys better.
MC: I observe dreams. I can't tell heroes to give up on them.
Monomasa Oosato: ...even wrong, warped dreams?
MC: Monomasa is a hero and chooses to be that way.
MC thinks of Monomasa.

MC: That's where I stand.
Monomasa Oosato: ...dreams and heroes are special to you, aren't they? I shouldn't have asked, even if I thought you'd say yes if I said it was for him. You're trying to say he and I together are Monomasa? How open-minded of you. I don't know if that's good or bad.
Monomasa shivers.

Monomasa Oosato: I have to go back. Thanks for talking, but remember Drovyne and I both want to disappear and have the other live. Can you keep affirming his dream when the time comes...?
Monomasa goes back to sleep.
MC: ...hmm.
MC goes back to sleep.

Danzo: ...I guess it's okay?
Danzo goes back to sleep.

Danzo: Morning! Or whatever time it is! Anyways, meeting time over intel!
Danzo hands around some rations or whatever.

MC: Okay! / Morning, Monomasa / these rations suck
(B) Monomasa: Morning. I meant to rest, but I actually passed out...why are you staring at me?
(C) Danzo: Better than nothing!
Galvo: I shall help of course. Let us plan together.
Monomasa: I feel a little better now.
Monomasa looks the way he usually does.

MC: ...
Danzo: Aww, why so down MC? Cheer up!
MC: OOF! Stop slapping me on the back!
Danzo: Oops, sorry! Well at least you've relaxed.

Danzo: Anyways, thinking time. We got so many questions like, what the hell is this place? Who the hell is Exio? What do we even do? Your turn!
Monomasa: ...well this looks like the Imaginary Point we saw, but different. And when Exio brought out that mud thing, I felt something.
MC: ...yeah, like some sort of movement.
Monomasa: Also the Exio Galvo came with sounds like a parallel world Exio. There are differences, but it can't be anyone else.
Danzo: So that makes this a parallel Imaginary Point? Huh... Maybe we'll call it the Reverse Imaginary Point? So MC...can Observers shove people into here or something?
MC thinks about Crowne Alter.

MC: ...I don't know if Observers can do that, but there was someone who said it was possible to do.

Danzo: Huh. Let's just say Exio can then. So if Galvo's Exio is a parallel world version...
Monomasa: ...right, that raises questions. How did he know about this place?
Galvo: Wait, why is that strange?
Danzo: You heard about this place from your Exio, right?
MC: ...the Imaginary Point and accessing it?
Monomasa: ...right, how does your Exio know about it?
Grigory: Only people in Zero Trust know about the Imaginary Point, and we need an Observer to get there!

Monomasa: You can't just coincidentally know the Imaginary Point exists in some part of space and that you need a Path to get there. Did Grigory or someone tell him about it?
Galvo: I have been accompanying them for some time and have not seen them in contact with anyone. But then he suddenly cancelled all his plans to come hither...oh yes, I remember him suddenly saying he had business with an Observer he knew, MC.
MC: what?

Galvo: Something something yoo-neek who brought back a forgotten mountain who has no idea what they are doing that Exio has taken to teaching.
MC: ...oh, me.
Galbo: I see... well I told him I wanted to meet thee, but he said not now. Was that a cipher of sorts? One that passes information one could not concievably obtain otherwise?
Monomasa: !!

Exio: Monomasa will you do me a favor?
Monomasa: What? Yoshiori isn't here.
Exio: Yeah I told him to buy milk. ANYWAYS if I ever can't be saved and Melide still lives... well things will work out somehow.
Melide: oh...
Exio: So will you hear me out?
Monomasa: (frowns)

Monomasa: Oh...that was another of his change of plans.
MC: Monomasa?
Monomasa: We were originally supposed to do it all together, but Exio suddenly changed something. He got badly injured, but sometimes he makes a change of plans. Like, he'd suddenly cancel something Yoshiori or I would be doing and we end up avoiding some huge blow up. Well, sometimes things still happen, but it's like...
Danzo: He can see the future?
Monomasa: ...yeah. I wondered how he'd know, but...
Danzo: Hmmmm, like he knows about a parallel world's possibilities.
MC: He can look into parallel worlds somehow?

Galvo: Perhaps he is learning what happens to his other selves? Your Exio learns of the Imaginary Point, thus so does mine?
Monomasa: ...that's crazy but it explains things.
Danzo: I guess it must be right if you think it makes sense. Now we just need to figure out what to do... we try to get out of here, I guess?
Galvo: Very well. Tarrying here is naught but danger. I would also like to check on my companion if we could, but such would prove difficult given his actions...
Danzo: Maybe! I don't think bringing MC along is a good idea at least!
Galvo: I suppose hoping nothing happens after a few days is not to be expected.
Monomasa: ...I think we should try to leave this world too.
MC: sure? Exio and Yoshiori are here.

Monomasa: ...I AM worried, and I need to check on some things. But escape is our priority. I'd like regroup at least.
Danzo: Yeah. We can kick Exio and Yoshiori's asses later since having my boss I'm bodyguarding also be the Observer transforming me makes things dicey.
Danzo sounds flip, but it sounds like his priority is protecting MC.

MC: (Hmm. That's nice, but am I holding him back?)
Galvo: Hmm. Shall we return to where Exio visited?
MC: As in where he connected the Path from his spaceship?
Galvo: Indeed. Either we escape this Reverse Imaginary Point, or we at least find information.
Danzo: Guess fighting Monsters is still better than sitting in here!
MC: I guess. Let's go! / Man...
Monomasa: Yeah, let's check it out. But what if it connects to a parallel world?
Danzo: Oh yeah. What if I run into my what-if Alter?

The party is already suited up in case of sudden Monster attacks.

Danzo: I keep looking at all this and I STILL can't believe my eyes.
Monomasa: Galvo, has this place always looked like that?
Galvo: The sky, yes. There were less gouges earlier though. The Monsters must have done that. And Lord Observer, art thou well enough to maintain our hero forms?
MC: I'm fine but...something feels weird.
Monomasa: Weird? And not that you're tired? Hmm... !!
Weird Monsters appeared!

Danzo: Already!? Also...
The Monsters are coming this way and are clearly hostile!

Monomasa: Yeah, there's more of them and they seem stronger than the ones we fought earlier.
Galvo: I've been wanting to thrash the knaves more! Lord Observer, thy orders!
MC: Right! Wave battle, ride on!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Danzo: Oh my god they're tougher now!
Danzo kicks a Monster, but he's paying more attention to MC than himself.

Monomasa Oosato: He's holding back because he's focused on worrying about me.
MC: (Oh, he hates being a burden...) / I sorta get how he feels I guess...
Danzo: Monomasa, finish this one for me!
Danzo jumps back! Monomasa comes in from above!

Monomasa: Got it! (diving kick or something!)
Monster: [Weird Screeching] (deleted)

MC: Uh, b-battle over? Yeah, it kinda did feel tougher...
Galvo: Good! Makes punching them more worth it!
Danzo: Galvo could you not!?
Monomasa: I noticed they were getting less clunky as time went on.
Galvo: We ought to talk and walk lest more come by.
MC: Makes sense. Let's go / dang he switched gears fast
(B) Galvo: My previous family head sent the secrets of code switching directly into my brain.
Monomasa: You're in some kind of family business?
Galvo: Oh my, a misunderstanding. I am in a way, but take what I said as a joke.

Galvo leads the party over to what ends up the same place MC and the others visited. It's a twenty minute walk with Monomasa up front, Galvo in the middle with MC, and Danzo on the rear.
Galvo: Why dost thou make such a face like so?
MC: Oh, sorry just worried about something.
Danzo: What!? Why didn't you say something? Spit it out, I'm good at counseling!
Galvo: are worried about Danzo then?
Danzo: What WHAT? Did I do something!?
MC: ...I was worrying if I was holding you back or something.
Danzo: Not really?
Monomasa: ...I think MC is talking about your guarding them.
MC: yeah
Danzo: OH! Okay yeah that does crimp my actions a bit, but of course it would. Milord ordered me to protect you. Aren't I cool in how I work so hard while setting my personal feelings aside~?
MC: I guess / okay yeah you're cool but / you are such a butt
(B) Danzo: Like me already? Awesome! I'll do even better!
(C) Danzo: Aw geez now you sound like Milord!

Galvo: ...thou wishes to stand together with us heroes, I see.
Galvo smiles.
Galvo: Such an action requires trust from both heroes and thyself, Observer.
MC: Me too...?
Galvo: Indeed, thou must believe. Clarify thine wish. Who is it thou speaks as equals and supports in kind? Then thou shalt understand how to involve thyself with yonder ken.
MC: Hmm...
MC thinks of Akashi, Sui, and Mokdai. Which relationship would they make the base model for their dream?

MC: (Akashi?) / (Mokdai?) / (Sui?)

Galvo: Thou seem to have thought of someone. Now do the same for us as thou wouldst them. It shan't always be perfect, but it can be the base thou exert thyself from as thou support one other.
Monomasa: Hmm...
Galvo: So how about thou try doing so as Danzo's temporary master?
Danzo: What? I don't even do that with Milord!
Galvo: 'tis an example. MC wishes for thee to act freely, no?
MC: Well, yeah. I'd like you to not devalue yourself.
Galvo: Yes, but Danzo is still working, so if thou wishest to stand with him...can thou trust in him and make it worthwhile?
MC: Hmm...
Monomasa: ...don't taunt MC too much. They do well already, and relationships are fluid.
Galvo: Hmm, indeed. Forgive the meddling of a doting old man.
Danzo: ...uh MC I swear I ain't dissing you.
MC: I know, thanks. I might just be a little crazy.
Danzo: As long as you get it! Anyways, let's try getting a little closer!

Later, the party reaches Exio and Galvo's entry point. Which is also MC's side of the party entry point.
Galvo: Now it is the Observer's turn.
Monomasa: Can you try opening a Path and looking at a parallel world?
MC: Okay! Uhh...I'll figure it out!

Melide: Use your Observer Vision on the world.
MC: So I stare into the distance and use Wizard's Eye and...
MC stares into space where they'll open a Path and sees something different!

MC: !!
Monomasa: What is it!?

Melide: Do you see any distortions? It happens when ether flow gets weird.
MC: ...this place is beyond distorted.
Like why hasn't this place blown up already?

Danzo: guys have Grigory's port light?
Monomasa: Was that the sound we've been hearing?
MC looks at their port light. Big red screen, mystery numbers.

Danzo: ...this looks bad, man.
End of Episode

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Valentine Crossroad Prologue Part 2 (Abridged)

Santa School

Krampus: (sigh)
Yule: What's up?
Krampus: AAAHHH! O-oh, nothing.
Krampus stuffs a flier into his pocket. Ded, Tanngrisnir and Tomte are here too.

Tomte: You seem down. Need me to look after you!?
Krampus: No, I'm fine! Just thinking, thanks. Did you need something Yule? School's over for today.
Yule: I wanted to ask if you had plans. We're gonna go to an onsen resort!
Krampus: Nice, hope your back pain heals.
White: Thank you, haha. Must get ready for next year.

Krampus: ...wait, aren't you going too, Tanngrisnir?
Tanngrisnir: No, Tomte and Yule can look after Ded. I'm taking the off season to work out and research stew recipes since my rival Gullinbursti called. You going to work out too?
Krampus: Not sure yet. I had something in mind though...
Yule: Oh okay then.
Everybody else leaves. Krampus leaves a minute after and pulls the flier out again.

Krampus: Hmm. Well I've already decided. (folds up flier) I just need to work up the courage...
Hey, remember Hero of the Holy Night? That happened.

Krampus: Man, I didn't want to think about how cowardly I am when I'm not playing my role. I can't even invite someone to hang out, but...
Krampus thinks about MC.

Krampus: I should at least TRY to say something.
Krampus is by himself, but he's not alone anymore.

Krampus: ...guess I'll go to Setagaya. (leaves)

Several days later, but a day before Volkh visits the Summoners
Akihabara community workshop

Volkh: Please help me, Comrade Masanori!
Masanori: Please stop shouting first. (sighs)
Masanori: Is this about the Setagaya Valentine event?
Volkh: How did you know!?
Masanori: I said, stop shouting.
Masanori apologizes to the other random people using the workshop.

Masanori: I just deduced it from watching you. You're Perun's right arm, so you'd never ask anyone for help for political reasons. It couldn't be something where failure could be allowed, and at this time of year it must be a school thing. Then I just connected the dots. Also I suppose Perun put all responsibility on you for you to be so desperate.
Volkh: Correct. Impressive.
Masanori: It is just my skill at Observation. Wa no Kuni considered it important.
Volkh: Can you help?
Masanori: ...I suppose I owe you for letting me use the school garden despite not being a student there. Very well then.
Masanori goes to Setagaya the next day.

Masanori: I said yes to helping, but can I really do it? Can I really speak of love? Well a comrade is asking for help so I sho--MEOW WHAT

Summoners safehouse
MC: oh my god cute / You and Perun picked this out? Really?
(AB) Volkh: Going over the top is the Kitezh way for festivities and military action!
(C) Volkh: Are you displeased!? ...oh, it's cute? Very well, you may simply give direct compliments! Going over the top is the Kitezh way! Hahaha!
The gang is looking at the event flier. Volkh gives exposition. Shirou and MC ask questions sometimes.

Shirou: I heard Setagaya has open campus events like four times a year.
Volkh: Indeed, an event for every season since agriculture is broader than people may think. So much to show, so much science and demos to be done.
MC: Cool, farming sounds interesting. / Your last autumn event was fun
(AB) Volkh: I shall inform Perun. You are always welcome to come.
(C) Ryouta: I know, right? I went too, and there were food stalls everywhere! The veg you brought back were so good.
Volkh: Flattering!

Volkh: Oh, we've strayed off topic. Anyways, this winter's event is the Setagaya Valentines and we've advertised it everywhere in Tokyo. But the main event program, the Flower Gift Workshop...isn't doing well. It's a one day crafting program with choices of products that people can sign up for. The garden club president Hippolytus is in charge, a friendly third year who is popular in the school. We are supplying the flowers, including ones you can't find elsewhere. The setup and such is all perfect, but people keep dropping out of the workshop class! I don't know what's gone wrong...
MC: Cheer up / Figured out why? / I wonder what's up?
(A) Volkh: I need no consolation. But if you wish to help...
(B) Volkh: I cannot discern the reason. But if someone else were to take a look...
(C) Volkh: I've investigated but cannot figure it out. But perhaps if someone else took a look...

Volkh grabs MC's hands!
Volkh: I need your help, MC! If anyone can do it, it must be the famed Love Singularity!
MC: what the hell are people saying / Dammit Aizen / Okay
(B) Ryouta: Aizen's so good at catchy nicknames.
Moritaka: Maybe he should be a businessman.
(C) Kengo: BRO WHAT
Touji: I concur. You agreeing to do something without thinking is nothing new, but this is for some other school's event.
Shirou: Hands off MC!
Volkh: Never! I need you, MC! It has to be you!
Shirou: Stop making it sound like you want to propose to MC! Evils, protect MC--
Loud door knocking!
MC: I'll get it / (look at Agyou) / It's open!
(AB) Agyou: I'll get it. It can't possibly be more outsiders.
(C) Agyou: No it's not, I locked it! One sec, I'm coming!

Taishakuten: S'UP BROS
MC: Taishakuten!? / How did you know abo--oh right / nice repeating gag
Ryouta: Hi Taishakuten! Did you get lost?
Taishakuten: Nope! I know how to read a map! Oh wow, a komainu? Nice. Want a manju bun?
Agyou: I mean I am a komainu, but I never met you before.
Taishakuten: I met one in Shibamata at a shrine. You protect the Summoners? Nice.
Agyou: ...MC, he's cool! He gave me food!
MC: Yeah Taishakuten! / Yeah Agyou! / You like him because he gave you food? pffft what a kid
Ryouta: I'm so glad you're getting along already!
Kengo: What, he a new guy joining us?
Shirou: Didn't Ryouta tell you about that already?
MC: oh my god you are???

Touji: Oh right, we were waiting for his decision.
Moritaka: Are you saying yes since you walked all this way!?
Taishakuten: (looks awkward) Uhh, I came to say no.
Taishakuten: I mean I wanna say yes, but I wanna devote my after school time for Shibamata's shopping district.
Ryouta: Oh, that's unfortunate but understandable.
MC: you really love Shibamata / I hope we can still be friends and stuff / What if we helped too?
(A) Ryouta: Yeah! But what if we helped too?
(B) Ryouta: Same. Ooh, brain wave! What if we helped out too?
Ryouta: Would you say yes if we helped you get more time?
Taishakuten: Thanks, but I'd have to talk to the guys first. Don't hold your breath. Also, Valentines first!
MC: Speaking of, have you seen this flier? / Give chocolate!?
(AB) Taishakuten: You heard of the workshop too?
(C) Taishaketen: You wanted some from me? Next time. Also about that flier you have...

Taishakuten: Is it that time of year already? It's not like chocolate is Valentines only. But going seems good for research, except they're filled up on sign-ups. Any of you guys going?
Shirou: Volkh just came to ask MC to help with it, so we might not be going...
Ryouta: We're not!?
Shirou: I want to go, but we still have end of term tests to worry about.
MC: I'm doing good! / I'm doing bad in my bad subjects / (look away)
(A) Shirou: I'm glad about that. I was worried about tutoring everyone on my own.
(B) Shirou: That's still helpful for planning your studies.
(C) Shirou: I-it's okay, I'll help you!

Kengo: Dammit, I can't argue because I'll be held back if I flunk out!
Shirou: There's that, but I also can't let the guild be the reason everyone's grades suffer. But I don't want to turn Volkh down since he asked for help...
MC: How about I go help alone? / Let's call Shamash! / How about a deal...?
(A) Shirou: I guess he did ask you specifically, but are you okay with your stu--
Volkh: So I only need to make sure MC passes?
(B) Shirou: I thought about that, but we'd have to pay him fo--
Volkh: Is that the only problem? I can handle it.
(C) Volkh: You just want to be sure your guildmates's grades rise?

Volkh: I shall arrange for Shamash to come. Will our paying for him suffice?
MC: welp
Shirou: Don't worry about us, I'll handle the guild! Thank you Volkh!
Volkh: No matter. I will be borrowing your guildmaster. And you, Taishakuten? A seat suddenly opened up. Shall I talk things over for you?
Taishakuten: Really!? Awesome!
Volkh: Very well. See you at Setagaya!
And that's how MC became event staff at Setagaya.

Takeminakata: Hello!
Empty Workshop

Takeminakata: WHAT
Oh hey, barely anyone who signed up came.

End of Episode

Valentine Crossroad Prologue Part 1 (Abridged)

Tokyo, City of Flowers. So many cultures, so many flowers! And so many people from different worlds bringing different things. Like perspectives on love and romance. Also isn't it funny how a seed can grow into a totally different colored flower depending on where you plant it? And how planting it elsewhere can change its meaning?
Setagaya Agricultural School

Hippolytus: Pretty blooms!
Wolf A: Great work, Gardening Prez! Is it hard work doing it every day?
Hippolytus: Not for me!
Fixing things up around the school fountain! Hippolytus seems happy.

Wolf A: (We're alone! Maybe I can ask him out since I never heard of him dating anyone!) Nice! I heard you were assigned something for Valentine's.
Hippolytus: Yeah, the school owner asked me so I had to. I'm gonna run a workshop about making flower gifts. But can I really handle it...?
Wolf A: Y-yeah you're super nice, senpai!

Quick, time to make an impression!
Wolf A: You're super popular among us younger students! Anyone meeting you would think you're great!
Hippolytus: O-oh, thanks. I feel a little better now.
Wolf A: (DOKI DOKI!) S-so, will you have time after the workshop?
Hippolytus: Uh...?
Wolf A: Well I was just wondering. Maybe we could get to know each other better if you do...?
Hippolytus: (blushes)
Wolf A: (Huh. Did I fumble or is Senpai shy and I should try harder to--)
Hippolytus: :|

Summoners Safehouse
Kengo: Battle...withdrawals...hitting...hard... (sighs)
Shirou: What's so great about violence? Now finish your work before I let you leave.
Ryouta: Look, Kengo! Seasonal chocolates from Chouji's bakery! You get one for every problem you solve!
MC: Test time soon / Gimme! / (Mmm, tired Kengo...)
(A) Kengo: Don't you just ditch me while you study like a good boy!
Moritaka: Kengo, shouldn't you be more like MC that way?
(B) Ryouta: You finished one? Hmm... oh you got it right, here you go! Open up~!
Kengo: But I wanted that one!
Touji: There's still more like it... also I'm surprised we're trying to motivate you with food instead of Ryouta.
(C) Kengo: WTH are you smiling at me for? ...did you already finish!?
Shirou: MC, the answers aren't on Kengo's face. If you want to give a hint, that's fine.

Study group! There's a box of chocolate in the middle that Chouji said are this year's test products.
Moritaka: Food as reward makes sense, but I can't handle chocolate...
Agyou: High school sounds like it sucks, but I still wanna go there since you guys seem to have lots of fun...
MC: It'll be okay if you study / I think you'd be okay there / tests nooooo
10 chocolate pieces left. Someone knocks on the door but nobody was expecting anyone.

MC: Hello? / (A chance to get away!) / Is that Gullinbursti?
(AB) Agyou: I'll get it. Hello, who is it?
(C) Agyou: Wouldn't he just come in then? I'll go check.

Guild alliances are up so sometimes people come by so maybe it's someone like that.
Agyou: HELP
MC: WHAT / stop scaring the kid / ooh, hi Volkh~
(A) Volkh: I can find things even if the app doesn't say where they are! ...but you have a small child for a door guard? Tokyo is just as hellish as home.
(B) Volkh: Oh. My apologies... but having a small child for a door guard? Tokyo is just as much a hellhole as Kitezh!
(C) Touji: ...MC why are you acting like Ziz to an outsider?
Volkh: Oof, you heard how that woman greeted me at the beach? She complimented me? That was nothing special! Anyways, having a small child for a door guard? Tokyo is as hellish as Kitezh!

Agyou: RUDE! My name is Agyou!
Volkh: Oh I see, my apologies. Some candy for your bravery, little boy.
Agyou: YOU CAN'T WIN M--ooh it has a flower inside
MC: welp / you know how to handle kids!? / wow you carry candy around?
Ryouta: Wow! Volkh, is that flower edible?
Volkh: Of course! This is also an invasion plan! Fruit and vergetables aren't the only points of pride for Setaga--oh
Volkh remembers why he's here.

Volkh: Summoners, I will take your guildmaster with me to Setagaya! Resist and I shall slaughter you all!
Kengo: I've been wanting to fight but what the hell is even happening!?
Shirou: He's right! I assume you're here on Setagaya school business but...well even if it is, you can't just take MC without explanation.
Ryouta: Yeah, maybe we can work something out if you tell us.
MC: Yeah / well if there's a reason... / carry me off pls
(C) Volkh: Do you even value your life, Heritor of Veles? You should be more vigilant even if you don't fear losing your existence. Yes I know it's strange to say while trying to take you away.

Volkh: Hmm... I cannot disgrace my school, but to show my mistakes...?
He seems conflicted.

Volkh: I must cast off my shame for my lord's sake! MC, behold!
Volkh waves a poster for some activity that happened in Setagaya a few days ago.

MC: A flower gift workshop using flowers from an Overworld Shift?
Volkh: (nods) Last week, Lord Perun was being unreasonable telling me about a great plan he had.

Volkh: A workshop event? Sounds like a brilliant splash of color this time of year.
Perun: Yes! Our school has no need for weathering bad weather with preserved foods since Tokyo is much warmer than Kitezh! I don't know why I brought that up! But anyways, wouldn't this be a perfect chance to show how green and lush our grounds are even in winter?
Volkh: Yes, it will surely bring in attention for our school!
Perun: Good! You are in charge of running everything for this event!
Volkh: Thank you, milord! I shall--excuse me?
Perun: You will manage everything. Are you displeased?
Volkh: N-no, my liege! It is an honor to receive such an absurd extravagant role! But why like this when you usually take command yourself...?
Perun: I just heard of a mountain range Overworld Shift, so I will investigate! For Science™! I expect great success from you, Volkh! I take my leave!
Volkh: Wait come b--

MC: oof
Volkh: I suppose that is his initiative and foresight driving him to keep the school superior. I just can't keep up.
MC: so loyal / you can complain, it's okay / wanna take a break here?
Volkh: Do not mock me! I know how to work in a group, unlike Horokeu Kamui! Anyways, I am taking command of this operation. Also I have others I will be recruiting.
Meanwhile, in Roppongi

Takeminakata: NOBODY'S JOINING THE SUMO TEAM! And we just got more sponsors...! We can't have a real match with other schools if this keeps up...
Takeminakata is cleaning up after practice. And talking to himself.

Takeminakata: At least Yoyogi will compete with me, but they probably want team matches. Hey, wasn't Ashigara also worried about recruiting the other day...?

Ashigara: We have no manager, waaah! We have plenty of members, sure, but NO MANAGER! Dammit, we gotta steal someone from the football team Yasuyori!
Yasuyori: I'm worried too but I don't think that will work.
Ashigara: UGH I wish I was popular like Wakan!
Yasuyori: just can't help but let these things slip out quick, huh?
Takeminakata: Hmm... I should get popular then! That'll solve my sumo club problems!
Takeminakata starts running out! And then he stops.
Takeminakata: do I even do that?
Takeminakata has always been a head empty sort of person.

Takeminakata: I should ask the other Tycoons for ideas!

Ophion's office
Ophion: I'm glad I sent Aizen out on errand work. Anyways I can't help you because I am just naturally awesome and my charms are only for my wife.
Gyumao's office

Gyumao: Popularity is personal charm, which you already have! Maybe you just need to make some wild changes. Maybe try starting a new business? I can advise you!
Tokyo Casino

Hakumen: Now you're thinking like a REAL Tycoon! Popularity is important, especially here where fate and bonds have power! Why don't you get a makeover and dress more like a Westerner?

Lucifuge's office
Lucifuge: What? Hakumen already told you to get a makeover? Then accessorize!
Tsathoggua's room
Tsathoggua: Why ask me? And everyone said anything I could say. Oh well, take this event poster.
Licht's office
Licht: An event at Setagaya? I was wondering about that school.
Melusine: The maid network says Perun is off on a trip. The workshop is headed by the gardener club president.
Licht: Oh okay. Go attend if you want to, spy for me if you do go. You'll be fine! I can go talk with Roppongi Academy so you owe m--I mean, nothing!
Makeover it is!
Roppongi Station

Takeminakata: So I am somehow attending school off campus now??? Whatever, makeover done! Here I goooo!
End of Episode part

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 5: Overpainting Will (Abridged)

So there's this guy sneaking closer to where MC's current party is inside this cave thingy...
Danzo: (pulls kunai up to Mystery Person's neck) Surprise. Who are you?
Galvo: Oh, thou noticed me? I tried to stay hidden.
He doesn't seem surprised.

Danzo: Well YEAH I noticed you sneaking in like a creep! Oh wait oops, my hands feel shaky, stay still. Let's just introduce ourselves, huh?
Danzo's hands are perfectly still.

Monomasa: ...who are you? You aren't a Monster.
MC: Not an enemy, fingers crossed / You live here? / Danzo, stop!
(C) Danzo: What, I want us to get through this peacefully too! Also you shouldn't let your guard down so fast with all this crap going down.

Galvo: My apologies, I mean no harm. (steps into the light)
Galvo: I was curious to see others who do not know this place. I am Galvo. I came with a companion but now am alone. I do not know how to return. Perhaps we can share knowledge?
MC: I'm MC / what? / ELEGANT
(A) Galvo: Pleasure to make thy acquaintance. Also where have I heard MC before...?
(B) Galvo: Do people not use that word anymore? I meant, someone I know of.
(C) Monomasa: You okay? You're breathing hard... you are? I see...
Galvo: Such...frankness.
Danzo: Okay cool! Sorry I almost backstabbed you, Galvo! (lowers kunai)
Galvo: Nay, I admittedly did come to peer at thee.
Danzo: I'm Danzo! Can I call you Galvy?
MC: Nicknames? Already? / Can I call you that too!?
(AB) Danzo: My secret to success! Being casual drops guards! But sometimes the boss gets on my case for being too casual.
(C) Galvo: By all means!

Monomasa: I guess I'd have done the same in your position. I'm Monomasa, and I appreciate anything you can tell us.
Galvo: Splendid! Now, Danzo was it? Based on thy weapon and stance...
Galvo looks excited.

Galvo: Art thou a NINJA!?
MC: wait what
Galvo: Rare culture discovered! Please give me details!
Danzo: A researcher, eh? Nice!
Monomasa: W-wait, Galvo how did you even get here first?
Galvo: OH! A-ahem. Apologies, I get that way when encountering cultures of rare and novel breed...
MC: You first! / Very research-y / We'll tell you more later
(C) Galvo: Wonderful news!

Galvo: Right, so about myself. I came here with my Observer acquaintance Exio.
MC: ...wait, Exio?
Galvo: Why dost all of thine faces look so puzzled? Mayhaps you know him?
Monomasa: ...sorry, go on.
Galvo: Very well then? So I pestered the pestilent man out of curiosity...

Galvo: Thou underestimate my tenacity and forget my day job with words and analogies. Off to thine mystery location thou hadst dropped all plans and rented a private spaceship for? Take me to these unknown lands like before!
Exio: ...too bad, I'm not going anywhere exciting. There's nothing you like ov--
Galvo barges ahead into Exio's ship.

Exio: Are you listening to me?
Galvo: Pshaw, I am already here, and thou art not so barbaric to run me off now. Also...hast thou realized there is a face I have never seen on thy face before?
Exio: No, what's so different about it?
Galvo: Thou seems panicked rather than orderly and in control of thoughts. Why not rely on a companion in such times? Thou knowest heroes. Thou excels in using in my mind.
Exio: know I'm using you and you're fine with that?
Galvo: I'm using thou as well.
Exio:'ll regret this. You're still sure?
Galvo: What a novel idea!

Galvo: ...Exio, why are we in the depths of absolute nothingness? (sucks on new Moon popular item bubble tea)
Exio: Sorry, these coordinates are right. Now I just need to open it with brute force.
Galvo: what
Exio opens a portal big enough for Galvo!

Galvo: A Path!? ...why is it crackling like that?
Exio: Forced connection. I'm opening it up wider.
Exio does so. Much darkness. Something in the distance!

Galvo: What a curious experience! Are we within a Path?
Exio: Sort of, but somewhere closer than that?

Photonegative Imaginary Point is getting closer! Until Exio and Galvo arrive!
Galvo: Thou art too modest Exio! Is this some manner of parallel world!?
Exio: You're HAPPY? I really can't get a read on you. They call it the Imaginary Point or something. Not a parallel world, just somewhere part of our own. Like a parallel world that didn't come to be. Though this is still different from the one I know. Ill effect of brute forcing it?
Galvo: Oh! It is just as thou said!
Exio: I didn't know what to expect either, but this makes my work easier.
Galvo: How wonderful for thee. Why hadst thee come, anyway? There must be some danger to not refuse my accompaniment, but there should be no Monsters given there is no sign of people here.

Exio: Mmm...a guard while I work I guess. I can't defend myself against heroes either. Also, Monsters can be anywhere actually.
Galvo: ...that is hard to comprehend.
Exio: Sorry I suck at explaining things easily. I have a hard time telling between what I know and don't know, and my train of thought scatters quick.
Galvo: How dost thou even learn the things thou tells me? Thou art a person like everyone else, I suppose. I also accumulate knowledge as time passes.
Exio: My method of learning is a lot more dirty than yours: brute force trial and error. A stupefying amount of it.
Galvo: Rather talkative about thyself today, I see. Thou always seemed to be hiding such information.
Exio: Really? Coming from you of all people? Damn. Well I'm just saying all this because I think it might be the last time I ever can--OW
Galvo: What is wrong!?

Exio: Goddammit.
Exio crouchs for a while before suddenly looking up and stares at Galvo.

Exio: Oh. Right... Galvo's here... but...
Galvo: Hold. Why didst thou make such a face?
Exio seems way out of it unlike how he usually is. Like he's someone else now, a child. Exio also puts his hands over his face, first like he's pushing something in, then just holding up his head.

Exio: Stuff just happened. Sorry, you need to survive, Galvo.
Exio sounds flat.

Galvo: What!?
A bunch of void holes open up behind Exio!

Galvo: Paths!? Exio, did thou do this!?
Exio: No. But it's something "I" did. I can't tell where the borders are anymore. Sorry, [##] can't send you back to your home world. I'm so sorry, I was never [###].
Exio sounds like a broken record. Also Monsters are here now!

Galvo: Oh no! Exio!
Flood of white Monsters seems to bury Exio!

Exio: Run, you can't be here. [##] is dead, but I won't, so--
Monster: [Weird Screaming!]
Galvo: Exio! Transfrom me! Exio!
The Monsters just keep coming!

Galvo: As if these things could stop me! Don't give up, Exio!
Exio peeks out of the flood of Monsters and...smiles.

Galvo: Exi--
Exio disappears among the Monsters.

Galvo: Curse all of ye!
And the flood of Monsters bear down on Galvo...

Galvo: So then I ran. The Monsters almost caught me, but suddenly stopped. Then I hid in this cave. I currently seek a way home and a way to check on my acquaintance.
Monomasa: ...I see, thanks.
MC: many questions / welp, that escalated quickly / I'm so glad you're okay Gabby...
(A) Danzo: Yeeeaah, bro needs a little thought sorting.
(B) Monomasa: ...very. Was that really...Exio?
(C) Galvo: A nickname! Such a fresh experience! But to still worry about others in an emergency? Thank you.
Galvo: So, that is my tale. How did thou come to be here?
MC: Well...

One explanation later
Galvo: I see...
Monomasa: It sounds crazy having to repeat all that.
Galvo: Wouldst thou like to hear my thoughts?
MC: Yes! / ...
Galvo: So, what if Exio sent thee to this new world?
MC: Excuse me? / He might actually have... / ...hmm.
Galvo: So similar but so different. Sounds like a parallel world. I've also heard of drifters from parallel worlds. Couldn't that be thou in this case?
Danzo: What, like Akashi's what-if alter? Sounds weird... hey I think we've got an audience now. Monomasa?
Monomasa: ...the Monsters from before? MC, are you up for this?
MC: Yeah, I can handle the transformation! Do streams even work here though!?

Danzo and Monomasa suit up!
Danzo: Thanks!
Monomasa:'s up for now. VP's unstable, but good enough to send these things packing!
Galvo: ...hmm. Thou art an Observer, MC?
Galvo sends a contract!

MC: Oh right, you're a hero! / You're a hero!?
(B) Galvo: Indeed! 'tis why Exio bade me to defend him.

Galvo: Transform me as well?
MC: Okay!
Ta-dah! Hero Galvo!

MC: Let's go! / Wow!
Galvo: Behold the supreme glimmer!
So many Monsters coming!

Danzo: Gotta get rid of them sooner or later, right? Ready Galvo!?
Galvo: I am beyond ready!
Monomasa: Get rid of them all at once! Come on!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Galvo: Dragon Claw for all of thee!
The fire at Galvo's claws blow up!

Monster: (confused screaming) (deleted)
Galvo: Ha! Such trifling beasts! More!
MC: Stop stop, it's already dead!
Galvo looks around confused. All the Monsters are gone.

Galvo: B-but I have not thrashed them to my satisfaction...
Danzo: Damn, you're manlier than I thought!
Monomasa: Still, what just happened?
MC: ...yeah that was weird. We got VP as normal but the Monsters were like...?

Danzo: Nah I get it. Like we were facing copies of stuff. I'm more curious about how we can fight like normal. Who's even watching us?
Monomasa: I absorbed one of them, but they're hollow inside. Monsters have instinctual...commands written into them, telling them to survive and gather Cognition. I just keep rejecting it. Their commands however were different, but too indistinct to tell what.
Danzo: You can look inside Monsters!? Though I guess based on looking at you, you--whoa you okay MC?
MC started staggering and now Danzo is supporting them by the waist.

MC: w-whoa... / sorry my head is spinning / (gasp!) so romantic!
(C) Danzo: Whew, you noticed? I'm up for that! But seriously, you okay?

Monomasa: We we HAVE been up all night ever since the sudden turn of events into an emergency. Galvo, how often do Monsters come here?
Galvo: (gestures to a hard to see side road) I was watching thee from here. I never saw them in there.
Danzo: Okay finally, break time! Let's catch up later and take turns keeping watch while we catch a nap now!
MC: Yeah! / Thanks Danzo
(C) Danzo: For what? Really, sorry you have to come with me!
Galvo: Ah, how meticulous.
Danzo: Is that a diss?
Galvo: Oh very well, and nay, it wasn't. I shall take first watch since I am rested enough.
Monomasa: ...sorry, thanks. Wake us if something happens.
Galvo: Of course.

And so the party hunkers down at a dead end of the cave.
MC: (so much to think about, and I might dream again, but damn I'm tired)
???: MC, right...? Sorry, could you give me a moment even though you're tired?
MC: Who's shaking me...? Monomasa?
Well it sounds like Monomasa.

Monomasa Oosato: Thanks for waking up, I really needed to talk to you. It's not always I can come out like this.
Monomasa looks different, especially his eyes.

MC: ...Monomasa?
Monomasa Oosato: ...well yes that's right. I'm Monomasa Oosato, just...not the Monomasa you know. I'm the original owner of this body Drovyne kept alive.
Danzo: ...
End of Episode