Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 3: In the Mirror (Abridged)

???: You're really doing it?
A dumb but repeated question.
???: Obviously. You've been waiting for this.
The obvious response.
???: What did you think you were staying alive for?*
Silence. A decision and understanding made from the start needs determination by being questioned.
???: There's finally a way to do what you wanted to. Not the best way, but good enough.
A connection with no front or back. Ugh, dealing with it is such a pain in the ass.

MC: I'm dreaming.
A boy looks down and tries to live. The boy doesn't know how to speak or know what family is. The boy is hungry, but he puts up with it. Everything hurts. It'll go away he stays hungry. He feels nothing, but somehow he feels afraid. He's dying. He's afraid, even as he feels nothing.

MC: wait am I dreaming?
The boy must've wanted to live. He clung on at any rate. It was only when he did so that he survived... but looking back? Maybe he should've just let go back then. A haunting thought.


MC was seeing some other reality. MC is also in their given room after that talk with Yoshiori last time. Also Monomasa is here.
Monomasa: What are you two trying to do with MC!?
Exio: Whatever do you mean? You're supposed to be on our side.
Yoshiori: (stares)
MC: (what was that dream--actually nevermind) What's going on!?
Monomasa: Stay still. They were about to do something to you.
Exio: Why ARE you here? I don't remember saying anything to you two.
Monomasa: You mean me and Melide!?
Exio speaks as though they were strangers.

Monomasa:'ve been acting strange since we got here. Melide noticed too. We thought you were just changing plans like usual, but depending on what you want with MC...
Exio: You'll what, Monomasa Drovyne?

Monomasa: I...

Monomasa: I can't say everything we did was right, but I believed we shared a goal and could save something where we were going.

Monomasa: ...I want to do the right thing with Monomasa and Melide. I won't let you attack MC!
Exio: (frown) oh okay
Yoshiori sneak attacks Monomasa!

Monomasa: WHAT
Monomasa: How did you sneak up on me!?
Yoshiori: I can be unheroic when I want to be. Hold still or you'll damage that body.
MC: Monomasa! / Wait let's talk this out
(C) Exio: Sorry, maybe later.

Exio approaches with a small Path in his hand!
Yoshiori: !!
Why is he doing that? ...wait, he did this sorta thing with that one mob before, didn't he?

MC: ...I'm screwed.
Exio reaches for MC's head!
Suddenly a thrown kunai!

Danzo: S'up people! Sorry I'm late, MC!
MC: Danzo! wait how'd you get behind me
Danzo: Talk later, leave now!
Exio: Tsk.

Exio is bleeding but ignores it as he tries to figure out how to isolate himself with MC. People are coming because of the noise. Danzo is ready to disengage with MC, Yoshiori is busy with Monomasa, and Danzo is way stronger than him. So...
Exio: ...fine, time to compromise.
Exio pushes the Path to his own head! Weird dimensional mud starts spreading from his feet!

Monomasa: What!?
Danzo: Well shit!
Baaaad vibes like he's felt before at work before. Do nothing and the worst will happen.

Danzo: Sorry about this, MC!
Danzo throws another kunai at Exio and picks up MC, ready to jump out! Except Danzo's kunai doesn't even hit Exio!

Danzo: (Wait what!? At least flinch!)

Someone is running. What was that noise? Something came from the direction where They were. Why did he think they were okay again? Whatever. They're close by, he'll be there soon. Whatever it is, never again...

Akashi: MC!
MC: Akashi!
MC is okay. A brief relief.

MC: Aka--
MC's voice cuts off.

MC: wait what I can't see

Total darkness. Totally new experience, but still something sort of recognizable.
MC: This feels like being in a Path...
Sudden light!

MC is back in their room? Something's wrong. No damage from the fight. No Akashi either.

MC: What? / That fast? / Akashi...
This feels just like when they first came to the Imaginary Point...

Danzo: awake MC? I know you're confused, but stay calm. Guy's seriously bad news. Follow my lead, we need to focus on surviving.
Danzo is leaning so close. He sounds way calmer than usual.

MC: ...okay / (nod) / Danzo what--
(B) Danzo: ... (Danzo's hand tightens on MC)
(C) Danzo holds a finger up to his mouth.

Rechecking the room. Danzo is holding MC. Yoshiori is holding Monomasa down. Also...
Exio: Oh cool the random effect actually worked out for me.
Oddly casual Exio.

Danzo: Dude, Exio, what the hell just happened?
Exio: ...did Seiichirou put you up to guarding MC?
Danzo: Yup! He's a worrywart, but he was right this time. Also you're weirdly calm now. What just happened and where'd Akashi go?
Exio: Trying to get info, or trying to find a chance to slip out? Well, it's fine.
MC: Ow! T-this feeling!
Exio covers himself in the weird dimensional mud! When it goes away, he looks like he transformed!

Exio: You can't escape. I won't let you.
MC: What, he transformed!? How!?

Danzo: ...the hell is that transformation? Since when were you a hero? So edgy.
Danzo: (seriously what is going on? Is this like Huckle's case? No wait...)
Monomasa: Exio? No way, that form!
Yoshiori: Shut up Monomasa. Nobody move.
MC: Ow! Head hurts, fainting...!
Exio: Thanks Yoshiori. I should get a move on, time's a-wasting.
Weird dimensional mud bubbling!

Exio: Come forth, Replicas.
Strange white Monsters!

MC: Monsters!?
They're bone white with unnatural voices. And more are coming.

Danzo: ...well shit. Do I have to get past them, Exio, AND Yoshiori if I'm getting out of here?
Outnumbered! And that's with one hand tied carrying MC! Maybe he'll have to sacrifice himself...

Monomasa: ...Yoshiori, I'll only ask once. Whose side are you on?
Yoshiori: ...what do you expect? Exio's, no matter what's happened.
Monomasa: ...I see. In that case...!
Monomasa spreads a net from his arm across the whole room! The white Monsters scream, sort of!

Yoshiori: What did you do!? How'd you even attack untransformed!?
Monomasa: It's not an attack, it's Intimidation. I'm a Monster too, you know.
The Monsters panic and rampage!

Exio: ...well now. I didn't know you could do that, Monomasa.
An opportunity!

Danzo: Thanks, Monomasa!
Flashbang Throw!

MC: Not again!

Yoshiori: Oh no! (gets tripped)
Danzo: Adios, amigos!
MC, Danzo, and Monomasa escape! That leaves Exio, Yoshiori, and a bunch of Monsters that aren't moving.

Exio: Damn heroes...
Yoshiori: I'm sorry Exio I let them escape...
Exio: No, it's fine. (looks at the Monsters he made)
Exio: I can't believe a paper tiger could threaten them that much. Well whatever. Let's just settle in then. (puts Monsters away)
Exio: They can't go anywhere anyways, so we should get ready.
Yoshiori: ...yes sir. So Plan B?
Exio: Yes. We're the only ones here now.
Yoshiori: Roger... I'll do my best to help you.

Photonegative Imaginary Point!
Danzo: Whoa whaaaat!?
Danzo's still carrying MC as he and Monomasa run through Crazy Plains.

Monomasa: ...why is the ground so damaged unlike before?
MC: Oof, my eyes...
Danzo: MC's not doing good, but what do...?
Monomasa: ...we should find cover to rest and regroup our plans.
Danzo: But this place has nothing.
Monomasa sees something and stops.

Monomasa: What about that?
One of the scooped out bits of ground looks like a foot trail to some hole in the ground.

Danzo: Sus, but we can't be out here!
Monomasa: ...let's go. If we have to, we'll fight off any problems.
Danzo: Nice! Okay, let's do it.
The party goes in.

Floating in a daze...
MC: ...did I pass out? Is this that dream again?
MC starts walking, like they're looking for something. Eventually, they do find something and MC conveniently gets beamed information.

MC: This is...
This darkness is something that's been overwriting whatever a bunch of times.

MC: I kinda get and don't get this. A lucid dream?
A faint light in the distance! It circles, like...

MC: A Ferris wheel?
Welp, something says it's time to get out!

Some cave
MC: ...where are we? Did I pass out?
Danzo: You up MC? Good thing you didn't need a wake-up kiss, but kind of a shame.
Monomasa: How can you joke now?
Danzo: This is the sort of time you should make jokes! Seriously though, I'm glad you're up. We found a cave! An emergency escape since those things might come back whenever.
Status check! That pain that made MC pass out earlier?

MC: ...huh, I'm totally fine now.
Monomasa: Wonder why. Because of the place, or Exio? Don't push yourself right now. I can't understand everything that's been happening.
He's sorting out his feelings now that there's down time.

Monomasa: I could barely tell Exio was acting strange, but I wasn't expecting this to happen.
Danzo: So you went to MC's room after watching Exio?
Monomasa: Yes, since he brought Yoshiori in hero form.
Danzo: Damn, that's crazy bro. But aren't they your friends? I'd rather not fight you too, but what if you're with them?
Monomasa: ...I can't prove it, just bring up what I said. I want to do the right thing, and I can't trust Exio and Yoshiori now. What about you? Why are you here?
Danzo: Ohhh, gotta cover your bases in an emergency sorta thing?
MC: Hello I have an opinion here too.

Danzo: What's up MC?
MC: Since we're in an emergency, I want us to have a meeting to share intel.
Monomasa and Danzo think.

MC: We should decide things after, because...
Monomasa: ...go on.
Monomasa: ...same here.
Danzo: Ha, you said it! Well I guess MC has a point.
Party meeting time! Everyone fills each other in about the situation up to this point and think of what to do next. But someone else is here in the cave, watching the party and starts sneaking closer...

End of Episode

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