Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Episode 4 (Abridged)

Reverse Amanojaku once said "this power fucking sucks, why does it even exist?" Also Reverse Amanojaku is like manifested Madness Susanoo barfed out one day. You know, that Susanoo. Amaterasu's brother, Okuninushi's dad or something? He rained chaos on Amaterasu's rule, she hid behind a rock, and he was thrown out to cause chaos elsewhere. Why did he cause chaos? It is a mystery. Anyways, that Madness disappeared and lost its link to the two worlds.

Qinglong: Amanojaku!
Reverse Amanojaku: All of you, ass over heads now!
Everyone falls over!

MC: OH NO / (look at Qinglong for explanations)
(C) Kagutsuchi: W-what's happening?

Qinglong: Short version, Amanojaku's power includes reversing personalities. He's got two of them, and this area is warping to resemble his homeworld.
Echo: Overworld Shift?
Qinglong: It must have happened when people stopped moving in and out. Also, lots of Umamichi students Motosumi and I called over are Transients, so that added to it. There might be other people caught up in this...
MC: Plot Sword, got it. (pulls out sword)
Qinglong: (gasp!) I sense Nuwa's power! Is that why Fuxi is obsessed with you?
MC's sword is ready to end this nonsense! Reverse Amanojaku is displeased!

Kagutsuchi: Please stop, Amanojaku!
Echo and Kagutsuchi try to run to Amanojaku!

Echo and Kagutsuchi: wait why are we going backwards aaah!
MC: Oh no! (catch them)

Reverse Amanojaku charges at MC! But Qinglong blocks for them and knocks off a dark aura from Amanojaku!
Amanojaku: oof
Kagutsuchi: I couldn't keep up, what
MC: What just happened?
Qinglong: Kung fu magic gives me the power to travel the chi path of other people's bodies. Taoist magic, external alchemy using my own chi to materialize someone else's!
MC: wait is it over already? Wow you AREN'T just a total slob. oh wait we're not done yet.
???: Aww, I missed out on saving my sister.
It's Fuxi!

Qinglong: Lord Fuxi...
Fuxi: I was worried when we got separated, but at least you were with her. Also if you haven't solved the problem already, then we're just getting started.
Echo: Look!

Qinglong: You are correct, my liege. This never really worked because--oh no!
MC: I sense danger!
MC gets blasted with a shockwave!

Fuxi: MC!
Fuxi catches MC before they fall into the wrecked storehouse! Reverse Amanojaku reforms and starts flipping out!

Reverse Amanojaku: EAT SHIT (slams fists)
Voices in the distance!

MC: Amanojaku!? / Oh no, the people!
(C) Fuxi: I know how you feel, but we should withdraw first. Qinglong must know something.

Amanojaku: (wakes up) ...Qinglong-sensei?
Qinglong: (frowns)
Qinglong: ...Amanojaku's mask is made from the bones of his ancestor. Its power and madness was originally theirs, and it possesses Amanojaku when attached to him.
MC: who / why does he have that? / explain pls
(B) Amanojaku: I-I don't know. I always had it.
Qinglong: The Takamagahara borne hero Susanoo, who later moved to Wa no Kuni. His madness later gained its own self to become Amanozako...weren’t they a girl? But Amanozako is Amanojaku's ancestor.
MC: So we just beat up Amanozako over there? / Probably not, huh.
(AB) Kagutsuchi: ...I don't think so, MC.

Kagutsuchi: They're like a part of Amanojaku's body since birth, like my own burning blood.
Amanojaku: ...right.
Qinglong: So I may have said I cut off Amanojaku's flip personality before, but it's still possible that isn't actually a flip side of him. It's like how Takamagahara Susanoo and Wa no Kuni Susanoo may be real and the same.
MC: oh
Qinglong: (looks at Reverse Amanojaku continuing to smash things) This sort of Overworld Shift happening is new though. I wonder why?
Fuxi: (stares)
Qinglong: Anyways, things bad!
Fuxi: Isn't it great that MC has the power to conveniently solve all this?
MC: Plot Sword, got it. (readies sword)

Kagutsuchi: We just need to get MC close enough to hit them, right?
Echo: I-I can cheer you on at least!
Amanojaku: I'm sorry everyone...
Qinglong: It's not your fault. It's also mine for not stopping it.
Fuxi: Hmmmm, I remember saying that a lot. So who's fault is it?
Qinglong: W-what?
Fuxi: Nothing. Let's solve this problem first.
Qinglong: Okay. MC, Echo, Kagutsuchi. Please help me.
Reverse Amanojaku pays attention to the party now!

MC: Welp, here he comes.
Reverse Amanojaku: (stares)
Reverse Amanojaku: Reverse Ideology! (blows dark mist)

Qinglong: Oh no, Berserker Madness! I can't believe it's so powerful even though the Overworld Shift isn't boosting it completely!
Control screws for everyone!

Kagutsuchi: I can't...move forward!
Echo: (Too scared, can't speak! Can't use power!)
MC: Did he just reverse bravery into fear!? Uh, I seem fine though
Qinglong: I have resistance to this sort of thing because of how I'm built, but you seem to be resistant for some other reason.
Fuxi: (frowns)
Qinglong: Oh no, Lord Fuxi!
Fuxi: (waaaah, why won't you come back to meeee?)
Qinglong: Oh no, did Reversal affect his love!? Believe in your memories, everyone! Remember yourself! (I might not be able to protect MC if Fuxi attacks them!)
MC: (slap Fuxi) / (walk up to Fuxi)
(A) MC winds up...
Fuxi grabs MC by the neck and pulls their hand down to kiss it!

Fuxi: Yes! YES! YES! Finally I have you! It's your fault I'm like this.
(B) Fuxi stops frowning and hugs MC.
Fuxi: Welcome back. I know what I have to do.

Fuxi: I'm okay now. Qinglong, behind you.
Qinglong: !?
Qinglong: Yes, my lord! (KOs some rando dragged into this mess)
The rando gets dispossessed! And then possessed again...

Qinglong: Okay we have to cut to the root of the problem to solve this.
Possessed Randos!

Amanojaki: Oh no!
Fuxi: Hmm. Maybe all the Madness possessed people are attacking us for not being possessed. I suppose big boy over there has the most faith gathered in here, sort of.
MC: Some synergy effect that means we can't just beat him up and call it a day? Damn.

Fuxi: One more thing. Reminder, app rollback doesn't affect memories.
Qinglong: Right, the berserker madness possession might still cause lingering confusion.
Amanojaku: Oh no!
Mobs approach!

MC: We might get run down before we get to the boss! Protect Echo and Kagutsuchi!
???: Get down, MC!
Surprise naginata attack! It's Oniwaka, Takemaru, and Red Oni!

Takemaru: Hell yeah, Red! Punch out everyone including yourself!
Red: No hurt Master! Stopping others, okay!
Huh, they're possessed but still fighting everyone else.

Qinglong: Oh my! Tokyo is full of surprises. Lord Fuxi, please stop the possessed so I can use my artifact on them! I will weaken them by dispelling the madness so MC can hit the boss!
MC: Will that save everyone? Guess we'll have to do it.

Qinglong: Madness contagion will just possess them again and I am already busy using my power on one target at a time. Take the boss out first and I can handle the clean up after th--*(mob attack!)*
Qinglong: Whoa! I can stop everything if I can use my artifact on the boss, but cooldown means I have to make the hit count!
MC: Incoming! (get ready to charge)
Fuxi: Stay calm. That is a lot of violence up in the air.
Amanojaku: It's all my fault...
MC: No, you aren't your own enemy Amanojaku! Just do this!

Amanojaku: what
Mob attack!

Amanojaku: Whoa!
Kagutsuchi: Karate Chop!
Amanojaku: Kagutsuchi! Did you fight off your madness effect!?
Kagutsuchi: No, I just reframed my thinking based on what Oniwaka and the onis did. MC is right, if no one is an enemy, then I can attack anyone!
Amanojaku sees how determined everyone is.

Echo: Good luck everyone!
Kagutsuchi: Thank you, Echo!
Another mob attack!

Amanojaku: Kagutsuchi! ...Oni Tackle!
The mob's possession jumps to Amanojaku!

MC: Oh no! / Hmm, a plan?
(C) Amanojaku: Yeah!

Qinglong: You should get back and let me han--
Amanojaku: No, I'm done running. If this madness came from my power, then it should be mine. In my name, I command you! Reverse!
Madness dispelled on Oniwaka, Takemaru, and Red Oni!

Takemaru: wait what just happened y'all
Red Oni: No want hurt Master anymore!
Oniwaka: Now I wanna kick all the asses after MC! Come at me, bros!
Reverse Amanojaku: !!
Amanojaku: Okay, time to do it to everyone else!
Fuxi: Wait, similar powers aren't supposed to override each other...unless this is less override and more Amanojaku retaking control?
Qinglong: But that connects him to the boss! What if it flips him back around again!?
Amanojaku: It'll be okay!

Amanojaku: Pretty girl! She's so nice. Her name's Urikohime?
Amanojaku visits Urikohime despite know what a disaster he is.

Amanojaku: Um, could you let me in? I wanna share some veggies I picked.
Urikohime: My grandparents said I shouldn't talk to you.
Amanojaku: (gasp!)
Reverse Amanojaku: (hmm...)
Amanojaku (narrating): Annnd it all blew up on me.
Villager A: Urikohime got tied up to a tree! And after she got betrothed to some rich lord! Get him!
Amanojaku (narrating): The life of a chaotic outcast...

Amanojaku: No, we're in Tokyo now. And people are fighting for me.
Reverse Amanojaku: Nah, they're just using you to get out. Now give me your body!
Qinglong: MC!
MC: Solve the problem, got it!
???: Sorry we're late MC!
Echo: !?
Echo: I'm okay now thanks to Amanojaku! Echo magic activate!
Echo: Let's be friends!
Kagutsuchi: We all have our own problems!
Flashback with Agyou! Then Inaba! Then the Summoners! Qinglong! And Fuxi!

Echo magnifies the voices in Amanojaku's memories!

Qinglong: Is Amanojaku trying to retake control!?
Echo: Believe in him!
Qinglong: !!
Amanojaku: Everyone! W-whaa!?
Reverse Amanojaku swings his fist at Amanojaku!

Takemaru: Body block!
Oniwaka: Yeah you're a threat.
Kagutsuchi: No mercy!
MC: (help out)
Amanojaku: Thanks everyone! Time to save the possessed!
Red Oni: More enemies coming!
Reverse Amanojaku: Chaos, chaos!
Takemaru: He's not taking damage!
Oniwaka: AND he's strong! We gotta make an opening for MC!
MC: Hang in there guys! We just need to thin them out a little... Big Brother, help!

Fuxi: Do you grieve for the child, Emperor Qinglong?
Qinglong: (frown)
Qinglong: I've gotten sentimental. Such courage everyone has.
Qinglong steps forward. Does he hit Reverse Amanojaku directly and end things fast, leaving everyone with the effects of the lingering madness? Or does he do what feels like relying too much on others to help?
Qinglong: I've only thought about how to help things by myself, but sometimes believing is enough.
Refreshing breeze.
Qinglong: Overcome anything, and no path will stop short. I will shine the way, Shenlong Spellstrike!
Fuxi: Hmm, hermit magic for buffing and purification. I'll add to it then.
Qinglong: Territory Creation advantages eliminated. Defenses are down too. We can cut ourselves out of this mess soon, but you want to save everyone here first, right?
Amanojaku: Yeah.
Reverse Amanojaku: Hell to that!
Kagutsuchi: We'll block for you! Karate Chop!
Reverse Amanojaku: Ow!
MC: It worked! Get him!
BATTLE START (more happens after)\

Reverse Amanojaku: GODDAMMIT ALL
MC: He's weakening, but it's still too early for Plot Sword!
Amanojaku: Just a little longer, I'm almost there!
Amanojaku's past memories are flowing through the madness, but Amanojaku is determined!

Amanojaku: We can relax. No one here is an enemy.
Reverse Amanojaku: !!
Amanojaku: I used to give up on my dreams and stay away to keep from getting hurt. But things are different now, because I have friends who still support me after what just happened! My pain and tragedies won't stop me anymore! Reverse Ideology!
Amanojaku dispels the possessions!

Reverse Amanojaku: REEEEE
Qinglong: He can still keep going!?
Fuxi: Alright, your time has come MC! Big Brother will stop anyone trying to stop you!
MC: Plot Sword activate!
And so the shining sword cuts Reverse Amanojaku's connection to the shift...

End of Episode

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