Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 4: What People Can Do (Abridged)

Huckle: Okay then. Yoshiori was on top of Monomasa, Danzo was carrying MC, and MC and Exio were having a stare-off in MC's room?
It's night, like ten minutes after the fight inside MC's room. Grigory and Crowne are investigating while everyone else is outside having a meeting.

Melide: Exio, Yoshiori, why? Monomasa, why did leave alone...?
Sui: Melide...
Akashi: Yeah, that's all I saw. Then MC suddenly disappeared and all their stuff was left behind. I tried looking but didn't find them!
Akashi is upset.

Huckle: ...got it, thank you. Also, maybe stop grinding your teeth Akashi.

Huckle: (looks around) Okay, so, Grigory and Crowne are searching MC's room. We'll think it through after, don't worry too much yet.
Excuses came to mind. He started to trust Exio. Exio seemed happy...

Akashi Alter: For someone who's another me, you have no sense of danger.
Akashi: !!
Akashi's nails dig into his palms. He grinds his teeth even harder. How can he stop himself?

Akashi: ...it's okay, I'll get them back somehow.
Sui: ...what?
Melide: Akashi, how...?
Akashi: ...dunno, but I'll get it done somehow. It's my fault. So I gotta do something...
Ryekie: Akashi, you--
Mokdai: Ryekie, wait. Can I handle it?
Ryekie: Huh? Oh, okay!

Mokdai: (walks in front of Akashi) Sorry about this.
Sui: Mokdai me too. Sorry Akashi.
Akashi: What?
Mokdai and Sui: SUCKER PUNCH
Akashi: OW WHAT
Mokdai: Okay wow perfect synch for a first time.
Sui: Yeah, amazing.
Akashi: The hell was that about!?
Mokdai: Oh good you stopped looking like a psycho. Did you know you were making a face?
Akashi: WHAT
Sui: Well you were also being annoying with the "it's all my fault" routine, so.
Akashi: You're a jackass for winding me up like this.
Sui: Oh no I'm actually mad here. How's this all your fault?
Akashi: Huh? Well, if only I noticed earlier...!

Sui: SHUT UP! You didn't not make it in time, you were the first to get there! None of us expected this to happen!
Mokdai: ...also, based on your logic all of us are at fault for being too late. But I wanna save MC too, however that's gonna work. We'll do it together.
Akashi: You guys...right, sorry about before.
Ryekie: That's right Akashi! We're all in this together, and don't you forget it!
Akashi: OOF, STOP! Hug, crushing me! And now the static!
Seiichirou: ...it's nice you all got to have your talk in peace.
Huckle: Thank you for waiting, Seiichirou. Sorry about the display.
Seiichirou: Actually I liked it. Nice change of pace from politicos. Though I suppose I slipped up too sending protection too late.
Mokdai: Are you talking about Danzo?
Seiichirou: He's mainly my bodyguard but sometimes I set him to guard other things, depending. Exio seemed a little more unreadable today. What did he do?

Grigory and Crowne come over.
Grigory: Hey you gaaaiz, we just finished investigating.
Crowne: We're back. Wow I thought you'd all be more tense.
Huckle: Hello. Thank you for helping us, Grigory.
Grigory: It's cooool, I'm the host and junk. Maybe that thing I wanted to talk about just happened, mkaaay.
Akashi: You know what happened!?
Crowne: He found clues at least, just gotta think it over now.
Grigory: Let's go in. Seiichirou, Melide, Huckle? Can you Observers, like, help me out here?
Seiichirou: Okay. Melide?
Melide: ...I think I can help.
Sui: ...you sure?
Melide: Thank you, but yes. I want to know too. And I want to help everyone in Parallel Flight. I might have to go up against Exio and Yoshiori, but I still want to choose to get closer to you all.
Ryekie: ...okay. Together then! I'll guard you while Monomasa's gone, promise!
Melide: ...thank you.
Grigory: Coool! I need more perspectives to figure out what's up, so speak up if you figure something mkaaay?
Mokdai: Akashi, Sui, let's go!
Akashi: ...sure, senpai.

MC's room
Melide: wait what happened here
Seiichirou: Yes, only this room has disturbed ether flow.
Grigory: You can tell? Maaaan, I wish I could see too. But yeah according to my investigation, that.
Huckle: I could see before, but I can't see it now...
Sui: What even IS ether anyway?
Grigory: Hmmmm. Well we can see ether crystals at least, but we'd need tools otherwise. Ether is, like, a warning sign in the Imaginary Point at least? Among other things.
Huckle: What?
Melide: It looks all...torn and taped back together...
Seiichirou: Wait, something's wrong. Did it just mov--

Seiichirou: Wait why are Paths opening up!?
Melide: We didn't do that!
Grigory: ...well shiiiit. Close them before this area becomes Unobservable and--
More Paths open and spawn the white Monsters!

Ryekie: WHAT
Grigory: Monsters...? But why? Are the Paths connected to somewhere or--wait, talk to self later. Everybody, back up to the entrance!
Monster: (Unknown screaming!)
Akashi: There's so many!
Monsters are flooding the room!

Crowne: Huckle, what now!? We can't just fight ALL of them!
Huckle: But they're blocking the doorway. This is bad...
Seiichirou: But it's highly dangerous to fight here! They could cut us off...
Sui: And then pick us off. But...

Ryekie: ...we don't all need to fight.
Huckle: Ryekie? Wait...
Ryekie walks to Mokdai.

Ryekie: Ready, Mighty Knuckle?
Mokdai: wait what
Ryekie looks really determined.

Mokdai: ...!
Mokdai (narrating): He's asking if I can rearguard.
Mokdai shakes, unconfident. But still...

Mokdai: ...I'll do it!
Ryekie: Good! Seiichirou, transform us!
Melide: ...wait, you're serious?
Seiichirou: Understood. Here we go!
Melide: You too, Seiichirou!?
Seiichirou: The heroes are confident they can do this, so I will observe.
Melide: Oh...

Mokdai and Ryekie suit up! Monsters scream!
Ryekie: Let's go!
Mokdai: Right! Mokdai Punch!
Mokdai has punched a hole in the horde of Monsters!

Mokdai: Go, guys! We'll cover for you!
Huckle: You'll be okay, right Mighty Knuckle!?
Huckle also looks determined.

Mokdai: Yeah! I wouldn't be doing this otherwise! President, lead everyone else to safety!
Huckle: (surprised for a second) ...right! Seiichirou, Justice, hang in there!
Seiichirou: We will! But make it quick!
Ryekie: I'm feeling good!
Grigory: W-wait the livestream isn't...!
Akashi: It's cool, Grigory! Mokdai Mighty Knuckle's got it covered!
Sui: Yeah, he'd say so if he didn't! Let's go, Melide!
Melide: Yes. I'll watch this side!

Grigory: Oh my goood the cliche lines!
Crowne: I mean I kinda agree, but if the group whiner is saying that, it's fine!
The rest of the group makes a break for it! Monsters pursue!

Ryekie holds back the Monsters with pure force!

Ryekie: Mighty Knuckle, get the stream on!
Mokdai: Working on it! I need a half-minute!
Mokdai is thinking so fast and knows Ryekie will keep waiting for him.

Mokdai: I'm rushing but I'm still so calm! Justice must've picked me for being able to fight a little without a stream up and doing tech support!
Mokdai (narrating): Maybe I'm wrong, but I still want to decide why I'm here!
Mokdai: We're connected to Somewhere, I should've asked where! But we're connected at least!
Ryekie: Justice Punch! Justice Kick!

Ryekie's watching Mokdai while sticking to basic attacks!
Mokdai: Drones, on and--connected! Seiichirou, we're live now!
Seiichirou: My phone's connected too! I got the camera controls!
Ryekie: Mighty Knuckle, behind you!
Mokdai: Whoa! (dodges Monster attack!) Counter!

Monster: (Feeble screaming)
Mokdai: Wow you're creepy looking!
Seiichirou: You okay!? I'm sending VP, one s--
Mokdai: Wait we haven't gotten much yet have we!?
Seiichirou: W-well no...
Mokdai: Then wait please! Use that VP for--

Grigory: OOF I haven't run in, like, forever!
Crowne: Well keep running, we're almost out!
Sui: You okay, Melide?
Melide: ...sort of! I've been relying a lot on Monomasa lately, but I'll handle it!
Huckle: Akashi, how's it looking back there!?
Akashi: Uhh, we'll make it if we keep it up like this! Barely!
Pursuing Monsters! Akashi brings up the rear of the group!

Akashi: What's with these freaks!? They're a little different from the usual Monsters!
Sui: There's the entrance!

Oh no, Monster doorguard!
Crowne: Goddammit!
Grigory: wheeeze...
Huckle: The ones behind are closing in too. We'll have to fight.
Akashi: You okay Grigory!? Melide, can you transform us!?
Crowne: Yeah me too! Kick their asses!
Melide: oof. Okay, one second!
Grigory: whoo... wait hold on, mkaaay? I'm pissed now.
Huckle: ...what?

Grigory's voice sounds deeper now.
Grigory: I can't believe you'd make me bail on heroes.
Grigory taps on his phone and sends a contract to Melide!

Huckle: Wait...you're a hero too?
Grigory: Uhhh, on paper yeah. It's an emergency tho, so me too.
Melide: ...I'm okay with this.
Melide looks at Huckle. Huckle nods.

Melide: Okay. Let's go!
Rest of the agency plus Grigory suit up! Loud Monster screaming!

Grigory: Cool, thanks Melide. Auto drone deploy!
Grigory's camera drones start recording his general area!

Akashi: WHAT
Crowne: Are those drones? I've never seen their model before!
Grigory: Call them my Parallel Weapons, mkaaay? Melide, are they connected?
Melide: What? Wait, we're streaming somehow?
Grigory: Forced connection, sorry! Now, time to smash the Monsters!
Sui: ...Grigory's tougher than I thought.
Huckle: Here they come! Get ready!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Mokdai: oof... Mokdai Punch!
Monster deleted!

Seiichirou: You okay!? You look tired from here!
Mokdai: Honestly yeah! Everyone should be out soon though! How's our VP!?
Seiichirou: ...we have enough for your plan, but you sure?
Mokdai: I can do it! Justice, we should go too, soon!
Ryekie: Is it time already!?
Mokdai: I'm worried, but I need to look together in front of Seiichirou! ...huh?

Suddenly, spheres pop up in front of the rear guard!
Grigory: Oh coool, you guys are okay!
Grigory is projected from the Parallel Weapon sphere.

Mokdai: You're a hero, Grigory!?
Grigory: Yeeep. Talk later, help now!
Geometric patterns spread from Grigory's drones. Upon reaching Ryekie and Mokdai...

Mokdai: wait what I just got healed?
Grigory: Ehh, just a temp boost to bring you up to baseline speed mkaaay? Did it help?
Ryekie: Yeah, now we can jump real good!
Grigory: ...wait what?

Entrance Area
Akashi: W-whew, we made it out.
Sui: I should reinforce the door. Crowne, can you help buff my strings?
Crowne: Well okay...
Akashi: We just finished a battle, you okay?
Sui: I still have to do it, for you, me, and Mokdai.
Akashi: what
Sui: We need to get ready to save MC! So we'll need a safe place to talk and think it all over!
Akashi: Oh...! Alright then!
Crowne: ...right, I'll help. One sec while my Parallel Weapon does stuff...

Sui and Crowne shore up defenses! Still a lot of Monsters on the other side.
Huckle: So, what do we do? Beat them one at a time? Maybe we need to get help and--
Grigory: wait what are you guys doing!?
Crowne: W-what? Did your call connect with them?
Grigory: Y-yeah, but...
Melide: But what? Are there more Monsters than expected?
Grigory: No, but uhhhh... is jump real good some code word for you guys?
Huckle: No?

Ryekie: It's all cool!

Huckle: Wait, I'm pretty sure he can levitate with his lightning powers. But Mokdai--

Akashi: I got you Mokdai! Boost!
Akashi: oh wait he did do that
Sui: ...hold on
Crowne: Pffft, no way he'd just jump all that mess!
Whistling sound!

Crowne: ...someone say psych?

Mokdai: Yay, perfect landing!
Ryekie: Awesome, first try!
Seiichirou: You two were winging that!?
Ryekie: It worked right? Hahaha!
Look, it's them!

Akashi: ...as long as they're okay I guess???
Sui: I guess only they could pull it off but...I feel bad for Seiichirou.
Crowne: ...Huckle, say something to them.
Huckle: Can you at least talk to Mokdai...?
End of Episode

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