Monday, May 20, 2024

Live A Hero Aqua Vacation Thermae Panic Episode 8 (Abridged)

MC: Wow...
Townsfolk: Hooray!
A hero's welcome! With flower petals thrown around!

Obsidius: Oh. Guess we didn't need to hoof it so hard.
Rakta: Seems so. Aques's hospital isn't sending an SOS either.
Theoreol: aww, I could have just stayed back and do research in the underground lake then...
Alphecca: Haha! Let's be glad the people are okay!
MC turns off everyone's suits.

Townsfolk: YAAAAY
Rando: Alphecca, autograph please!
Alphecca: wait when did they find out who I was?
MC: You don't remember?

Obsidius: Did ya forget?

Alphecca: I AM ALPHECCA!

Alphecca: ...oh.
Theoreol: it's okay. it was a rational decision at the time
Rakta: Agreed.
Obsidius: Hah, yup! You had to do it then and welp this is your life now.
Alphecca: I suppose. May as well stop thinking about it! (waves at crowd)

Obsidius: Oh right, you're a king! You stand in front of crowds all the time.
Rakta: I forgot too.
Alphecca: Why don't you all wave too? You fought for all this as well.
MC: Yeah! / no thanks / (hide)
Rakta: U-uhh...well I guess I will since I'm with you all!
Obsidius: I'd rather not but--hey wait, Theoreol! Get off my back!
Theoreol: (pops up) shhhh I am trying to hide
Obsidius: We were on camera 15 minutes ago!
Theoreol: but now I don't have to be on display
Alphecca: Haha, oops! Oh well. The people look like they're going to throw a party, but how about we turn in for the day?
MC: wait crap this literally all happened in one day / aww, but the party...
(C) Obsidius: I get you, but we're still on the clock.
Alphecca: We can just attend tomorrow!
Alphecca: Let's get back to enjoying our vacation!
And so the party heads back to the hotel. The party enjoys Space Rome the day after and eventually part ways.

Title Card: Hold the Crown to Your Chest

Moon City Copernicus, some big hospital room
Rakta: Obsidius, relax. It'll be over soon.
Obsidius: Just gimme a sec! (deep breaths) it!
Rakta: Uh, this is just a blood drawing but here we go!

Rakta: Okay, quick scan complete! Now take a slow breath while I touch you.
Obsidius: ...
Rakta: Um, you can relax now, we're almost done.
Obsidius: Easy for you to say!
Rakta: I'm still glad you're taking a medical exam now.
Obsidius: Thanks! Damn, that was quick now that I did it. I thought you'd be doing more.
Rakta: This is just a regular check up. But we can still go deeper if you want!
Obsidius: Ha, no thanks! I'll ask you if I feel like it.
Rakta: Why thank you! That trip to Aques was so worth it!
Obsidius: I know, right? But I do have one regret...
Rakta: Yes, me too.
Obsidius and Rakta: WE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME!

Obsidius: They had rare ore down in the underground lake when I went to check it again! I filed for another survey at the university and they never got back to me, dammit!
Rakta: And I only got to visit half the space bathhouses in Aques after the incident!
Obsidius and Rakta sigh.

Rakta: I want us to all go together again.
Obsidius: Same! But we probably can't get the party back together anytime soon with Alphecca's stuff...
Rakta: Theoreol too. Maybe I should have stopped him...
Obsidius: I tried recruiting him to Heroic Educators. He turned you down too?
Obsidius and Rakta sigh again.

Rakta: I told him being a hero means he needs to be in an agency.
Obsidius: Same. But he said he wanted to research the agencies first. But then he didn't join up with any agency and just left...
Rakta: Yes, what could I say? I know how it is to be a researcher...
Obsidius: Yeah. Well, he's not gonna abuse his hero powers.
Rakta: I believe so too! I wonder where he is, and if he's healthy?
Obsidius: I need to discover tons of new minerals!
Rakta and Obsidius laugh and think about Theoreol again.

Rakta: Anyways you seem fine.
Obsidius: Thanks Doc. But now that I came all the way to the Moon...
Rakta: I'm done for the day now, so how about we visit town together? I've started looking up things around here. Maybe it'll help people, even if the places I can talk about could be gone already.
Obsidius: Oh well! Let's go!
Rakta: Okay!

Some wasteland on some other planet
Theoreol: maybe I looked at some place too harsh, there's nothing here...wait
Some hurt native over there!

Theoreol: I found someone! Research ti--actually, healing time!
Native: w-what? You here to help?
Theoreol: if I can! have a healing potion.
Some first aid later

Native: Thanks, I thought I was dead!
Theoreol: it's okay! no charge
Native: But I feel bad about that...oh, how about I show you to town? Treat you to some crag potatoes since that's all we have?
Thereol: ohh okay! fyi I don't eat like other people, is that okay?
Native: Sure whatever! Also, you a traveler? We don't get much of those around here.
Theoreol: close enough, I wander from planet to planet with no plan in mind
Native: Cool, we should talk about that! I'm a travelogue journalist and wanna visit other planets.
Theoreol: interesting! I would like a copy whichever decade it comes out.
Native: It won't take that long, haha. Any standout memories from your travels?
Theoreol: hmm. it's been centuries so--oh wait I recently learned about the senses of other people.
Native: O-okay? Go anywhere nice?
Theoreol: city of water and trees! I met a king there, among other people.
Native: Tell me more!
Theoreol: okay! I wonder how he's doing?

Rutilix: YOUR HIGHNESS! The chancellor has been looking for you! The messengers are almost here.
Alphecca: Ah yes, the ones from Aques! I'm coming!
Rutilix: I'm impressed you went to a foreign land, slayed some fiends, and opened up formal communications so quickly!
Alphecca: Ha! Coincidences. Such is fate.
Rutilix: Oh right, the chancellor and chamberlain wanted me to ask you to check the materials before the messengers arrive. Are you opening up the kingdom for sightseeing?
Alphecca: Yes, I wanted to learn about their tourism methods so I invited them to check our land.
Rutilix: I know I'm from here, but is that going to be okay?
Alphecca: Who knows! But I want to show our citizens the way.
Rutilix: What?

Alphecca: It's a big universe out there and I want people to go see it, and I'll do my best so they can go see it as people of Aradicia!
Alphecca excitedly remembers the king statue in Space Rome.

Alphecca: Well, business first.
Rutilix: Your Majesty, I don't know much of the outside world either but I will do my best to protect this kingdom!
Alphecca: Good luck with that, Senpai!
Rutilix: Stop calling me that!
Alphecca: Just kidding! But anyways... I wonder how everyone else is doing?
Rutilix: We need to get moving along!
Alphecca: Oh, right! Also, I wonder if the souvenirs I bought got delivered to the agency yet?

Orient City. It's hot out.
MC: I'm back! OH GOD it's hot!
Mokdai: Wow you are sweating! I'll get you a towel... okay here you go.
Akashi: Hey MC, want ice cream? We got some good ice cream left!
Mokdai: MY SECRET STASH! ...oh well, I guess it's a good day for it.
MC: Is is just you guys here? / Hey Mokdai! / You work today, Akashi?
(B) Mokdai: I've been watching the videos of you guys in action! I wish I could've seen Obsidius and Rakta's new suit up close. And a brand new hero! Oh, sorry to get all excited.
(C) Akashi: Not today. Just doing homework over here since it felt better than doing it at home or school. Huckle said it was okay.

Mokdai: Everyone's out doing stuff. The Prez and Ryekie should be back soon. Oh, I saw the videos but tell me about your trip!
Akashi: The one at the resort with the king? I was worried when Monsters showed up. I mean there were other heroes with you so you'd be okay, but...STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT
MC: Counting on you, Akashi! / Aww, thanks
Akashi: Y-yeah, sure! I'll always come running to save you! Oh right, your stuff came in.
Mokdai: King Alphecca sent in some huge box.
MC: Huh, wonder what? It's from Aques?
Mokdai: I asked the Prez and he said it was stuff the king put together. Also said I can open it if you're okay with that. Also there's a message card. Here you go.
MC opens the card. Which Mokdai reads for some reason.

Mokdai: "Thank you for your work!" ...wait, is this for all of us!?
Akashi: Cool! Let's open it!

MC, Akashi, and Mokdai open Alphecca's package!
Akashi and Mokdai: Uhhhh...
It's a giant water tank!

Akashi: A-are those eels?
Mokdai: Space eels, I think. Wow, there's no import ban since they can only live in the waters from their home planet.
MC: I can't believe he sent us these...
Akashi: What do we do with them?
Mokdai: Maybe some restaurant nearby can cook them for us? I'll go call.

Akashi: Ha! Weird, but these look nice actually. Wish I went with you...
MC: Wait, don't get close to them!
Akashi: what? wait WHAT IS THIS
Space eels got into Akashi's clothes!

Akashi: HELP
Mokdai: They said ok--wait WHAT
Akashi: Don't just stand there, help me!
Shenanigans! Oh look everyone else is back.

Ryekie: We're back! Wow, I am sweating like hell all over!
Huckle: Hello we--wait what's going on
MC: Hi! So uh... / It's an emergency!
Akashi: HELP ME
Ryekie: Uh, okay? Grab that? Got it!
Huckle: It's so slippery... oh no!
Mokdai: Oh no, now they're in his clothes too!
And so a nice breeze blew outside...

The End

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