Monday, May 20, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Episode 2 (Abridged)

In Hourai, auroras are believed to be a a sign of war with the heavens falling apart, a sign that kingdoms will fall apart as history moves on. Light falls from the heavens to the earth, and that's why hierarchies are the way they are. Overturning this setup is impossible without the ability to turn the world on its head. Life grows, kingdoms fall, and things start over again in a cycle. Hourai also believes life and death to be single points in an endless road, and these points come again as the azure guardian watches the world go on from some castle.
Qinglong: ...I always knew where things would go.
The Azure Dragon whose role was to rule over spring loved life more than his colleages.

Qinglong: Why all the fighting, suffering, and sinning? Why all the repetition? ...oh right, I never noticed that there could be a different path before. (gets up and looks back at his throne)
Qinglong: I should go looking for that path and see where it goes. Oh right, I also have to hand the name and title to someone else if I'm leaving my post. I should probably remember to change my name to Meng Zhang...

The day after New Year's, MC goes to Motosumi's temple alone because of something that happened in Cafe Asterism.

Shirou: Thank you so much for reserving the place for us.
Shinya: It's okay, we were having our own NY party too and I owe MC a lot.
Taromaiti: Plus Shinya gets to relax for once. There's tons of food since Echo came. Have some!
Echo: Y-yes, I was only here to help, but thank you...
Conversations about plans!

Schrodinger's Meng Zhang: We're doing Setsubun things at a temple for our school. Want to come?
Amanojaku: ...please come? Knowing someone there helps me relax...
Echo: That Japanese exorcism holiday thing?
Qinglong: Mostly, yes. Want to come too?
Echo: Um, okay!

Volunteering at Motosumi's temple!

Takemaru: Heya, MC! Been lookin' forward to ya comin over!
Kagutsuchi: Hello MC! It's been a long time!
MC: Wow, you two are here? / Fixing something, Takemaru? / You helping out, Kagutsuchi?
Kagutsuchi: I'm here to help move and fix things. So many things to carry, I'm excited for what will happen! I just got here but I'm glad to see--what? (sniffs)
MC: what? I did my laundry.
Kagutsuchi: Oh no not that. I thought I smelled another oni for a second. Weird.
MC: But there are tons of oni in Asakusa / (wait)

Kagutsuchi: Oh I mean, another oni from Takamagahara. My home world calls oni the strayers from heaven who flip over the world's order. Personally...they don't seem that way to me. Oh wait, sorry never mind me!
Motosumi: Hey, there you are. The other four guys you know are inside already.
MC: What fourth person? / I saw this coming
MC goes inside.

Qinglong: Hello MC, thank you for coming.
Amanojaku: Hi MC, let's work hard.
Echo: M-me too. I'll do my best!
Motosumi: This everyone Sensei called over? We got a lot to do today. Make mochi, prep the beans, ehoumaki, and pork soup.
MC: omg so much??? / beans? with oni around? / (hungry now)

Amanojaku: Is it really okay to make beans for Setsubun when there's oni around?
Motosumi: Yeah I know the culture thing. I got an idea for that though, it'll be cool! Also I gotta thank your big brother for making today happen, MC!
MC: wait...
Qinglong: I only just found out too. He didn't tell you either?
Fuxi: Yes, I foresaw you coming! New Year's and Setsubun for good luck! Who better to do that than MEEEE?
MC: yeah yeah get to work / you are gonna help, right? / you really like that kimono, huh?
(AB) Qinglong: Guess I never needed to worry about anything.
(C) Fuxi: Isn't it perfect for this time of year?

Time to get to work! Amanojaku, Kagutsuchi, and Takemaru are carrying things. Fuxi is handling business. Motosumi and Echo are getting ready to cook. MC and Qinglong are errand boys. MC and Qinglong get into Qinglong's car to drive to Setagaya Agricultural School for a pickup.
Qinglong: It's something we'll need so oni can enjoy the bean throwing part of Setsubun, whatever it is. I suppose Motosumi knows what he's talking about, so it should be fun. And I hope Amanojaku acclimates to being around more people. He kept his distance a lot before...
MC: Kinda figures / Sounds rough / it's like you're really a probation officer!
(AB) Qinglong: There's no single right answer for any path, for anyone after all.
(C) Qinglong: I AM a probation officer! But I can't argue against not pushing off my housework...
Qinglong: know, my asking you to come was something Amanojaku asked for. I have some hopes in this activity.
Red light. Awkward silence. Qinglong is staring into the distance.

Qinglong: My job as probation officer is ultimately about helping and encouraging independence. I hoped Amanojaku finds his own interests, so I trust you with my own hopes.
MC: Are you talking about his rehab or yours?

Qinglong: Oops I said too much. Just call it me having my own hope for things. Oh well, how about I talk some more since Setagaya is a way aways?
Qinglong (narrating): So back in Hourai I wandered around to learn about people and figure out my own path. I taught a little about agriculture and medicine and did some mediation. And then one day...
Qinglong: Seiryu Punch!
Pirate: OOF! Damn old man...
Qinglong: You the one stealing things around here lately? Mugging people for crops and livestock? Punishment time!
Qinglong (narrating): This village went through hard times and was finally bouncing back when this thief showed up. He was punished, though the villagers asked for less than what his crimes were worth. Oh well, revenge and punishment are different things. And then...
Qinglong: Huh. Who are you, child? Looking for someone?
Boy A: Yeah, have you seen Big Br--I mean a striped furry?
Qinglong (narrating): The boy came from a flooded village and only had his brother left. They lived on whatever the brother got through "work" but then he didn't come back.

MC: He didn't know, huh? / Couldn't they just ask for help? / ...
Qinglong: I heard later that they did ask for help, but they were turned away, so the big brother went stealing in secret. Sad how things turned out. And I only saw a part of the big picture.
MC: So what happened?
Qinglong: Oh right, sorry to frown like that. Anyways, yes the big brother committed crimes, but I negotiated to have the brother work to make up for everything and get their necessities.
Qinglong: This village is going to be okay now. I should think of where to go next.
???: Sifu!
Qinglong: Oh!
Pirate: My family got bigger! Thanks to you, I...!
Qinglong: Aww thanks. Go home and be a family man.

Qinglong: Eventually the thief became a trusted worker and the two brothers had a life of plenty. It was just one possible ending for them, but seeing it made me realize that no matter how your path goes, anyone with you can intervene. But intervention can't be done from far away. Help and education help you figure out your destination and make it possible to pick the happy future you want. And that's why I'm a teacher here.
MC: That's nice.
Qinglong: Right, now Amanojaku is trying to make things possible. I won't say much, but he's at a crossroads. I'm there with him so he has more choices. Oops, I'm getting old and rambly.
MC: Can I help? / I'll go with you / Tell me more
(A) Qinglong: You're so nice. Just be yourself.
(B) Qinglong: Oh okay then.
(C) Qinglong: About my path? Another time when we can really sit down and talk.
Qinglong: It's not like I hate Hourai's teachings of just being yourself as is, but I wonder if there's more than that out there. Oh well, check up on the boy if you ever have time. Okay we're almost there!

Volos: Hello again, Qinglong! Here's your order.
MC: Volos! / You know each other?
(A) Volos: Hello MC! How's everyone else? Call me if you need stew ingredients.
Volos: Qinglong buys a lot of fruit from me. Your regular order is in front of Motosumi's order.
Qinglong's tail shakes! Volos puts down a box full of peaches.

Qinglong: Yay, donut peaches! Coming to Tokyo was worth it to have these year round...
Qinglong: Uhhhh I'll be freezing these up and sharing them later!
MC: How many peaches is that??? / Didn't Amanojaku tell you to cut back?

Qinglong: I'll clean and wash up enough so he won't take them away!
Volos: So uh, is the other order okay?
Qinglong: Oh, right, that. MC, can you check?
MC opens a box. It's stuffed full.

Qinglong: Peanuts? Oh, I see now.
MC: ooh / what / why so many
Qinglong: Let's take everything back! I hope things don't flip out tomorrow.
Meanwhile in Asakusa
Amanojaku: Oh no things might blow up tomorrow...I hope everything goes okay.
Amanojaku: !!
End of Episode

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