Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Live A Hero Aqua Vacation Thermae Panic Episode 7 (Abridged)

Alchemist: You want to know why I made you an imperfect being?
Theoreol: yes
A long time ago in a galaxy far away, there was a kingdom on some planet where some dude was traveling with a buddy.

Alchemist: Why do you ask?
Theoreol: as I understand, the point of alchemy is to make life perfect so homunculi should be made like people. weren't all the other homunculi around here like that?
Alchemist: Oh my god you've researched visual learning! And so fast! Fascinating!
Theoreol: are you dodging my inquiry?
Alchemist: No, of course not! Hmm... (thinks)

Alchemist: Do you know about the Philosopher's Stone?
Theoreol: yes, the ultimate goal of alchemy that can perfect life
Alchemist: Good! Now the tricky part: do you know what a perfect life is?
Theoreol: no, no agreed upon definition exists
Alchemist: Right! And that's why I made you.
Theoreol: answer incomprehensible
Alchemist: Figures! Not like I know either, so let's keep traveling the world!
And so the aimless wanderings continued. The journey takes years in the kingdom before plans are made to go outside.

Alchemist: Look, the sea! How fascinating!
Theoreol: different places, different things, same work we've been doing already
Alchemist: You don't care, got it. Analysis time!
Theoreol: correction: I do care. gathering information now
Alchemist: Okay, let's compare notes later. Also, remember that one question you asked me before?
Theoreol: yes I still have a record of asking why you made an imperfect life form
Alchemist: I have a new opinion now after all that traveling. Not a full answer, but something I can express now. (thinks)
Alchemist: So, alchemy's biggest goal is a perfect life but it never looked that way to me. We all research together for some abstract goal. We research, but the goal always stays far away... so what if our goal should be where we are now in all our imperfections?
Theoreol: is that why you made me? answer still incomprehensible. by that logic shouldn't alchemy be about making imperfect homunculi?
Alchemist: You're right, logically speaking. But this is what I feel: we don't need imitations of people to advance, but the most imperfect of lives.
Theoreol: hmm.
Alchemist: I can't explain it any better now, but I want to tell you what it is when this ends one day. Now let's go! It's a big world out there!

Years pass. Decades pass. And then it all suddenly comes to a stop.
Theoreol: shouldn't you rest? I hear most old people die in bed.
Alchemist: Hmm. I do feel old, but I want to keep researching BECAUSE I'm almost dead...do you still remember that question you asked me?
Theoreol: I never lose any records I've made
Alchemist: Right. We've traveled for years, and I still never managed to give you a clear answer...will you still hear me out?
Theoreol: of course!
The alchemist thinks on his long life.

Alchemist: I've spent my life researching imperfect l--actually let me say, researching life as it is. Yes, everything was imperfect but I still thought it was all beautiful.
Theoreol: imperfect life has worth?
Alchemist: Yes! ...I think life is great because it's imperfect.
Theoreol: wow, I never expected that from you!
Alchemist: Me too! (smiles)
Alchemist: I believe the Philosopher's Stone has no form.
Theoreol: may I ask why?
Alchemist: Life is born imperfect, so life works to make things better. Same goes for alchemy. The Philosopher's Stone looks different for everyone, but I think it exists as a guide leading to new knowledge.

Theoreol: ...you have like nothing in common with anyone. one last time then: why did you make an imperfect being like me?
Alchemist: Hmm. Looking back, I wanted someone to travel with me. When I made you, you had no knowledge and a body unlike other people. But that is why you could absorb information the way you do. So I wanted to know how different our goals would be.
Oh, he's starting to die...

Alchemist: I had fun on this imperfect life. I don't know what you'll work towards after this, but I hope you'll be happy, find your own goal.
Theoreol: ...
Theoreol: I just wanted to travel with you. I don't know how rational that is. but it's true I need to think about what I'll do now. Maybe I'll keep traveling. still so much to learn.
Theoreol stayed for the Alchemist's last moments, then set off himself. He wandered the galaxy, researching everything. But in all that time, he kept wondering: why did the alchemist have a smile while explaining his last thoughts? How could he say it was fun and a good life if he didn't make it to the end of his research goals? Theoreol never managed to figure it out.

Title Card: Ignorance Leads to Wisdom

Theoreol dives into the Boss Monster!
Party: WHAT
MC: What are you DOING!?
Alphecca: What is Theoreol thinking!?
Obsidius: This wasn't on my bingo card about your ideas for helping!
Rakta: We should get him out!
MC: R-right!
The party readies to do something!

???: phase one complete, or something!
Party: WHAT
Theoreol: actually keep trying to retake my body, I'll need it back after this
MC: Mini Theoreol for some reason!

Alphecca: Explanations later, get body now!
Rakta: Agreed!
Obsidius: R-right, my tons of questions can wait!
Alphecca and Obsidius attack!

MC: Rakta, now!
Rakta: Understood! (grabs Theoreol's body)
Theoreol: thank you! okay, next part
Mini Theoreol jumps off from MC's hand and rejoins his body!

Theoreol: everything is in order, next part of plan!
Obsidius: Which would be!?
Monster: REEEE
Obsidius: We're tryina talk here, dammit!
The Monster swings two arms at the party! Obsidius counterdrills so hard the boss falls over and explodes!

MC: whoa

Rakta: Wow! Shouldn't it be dead now!?
Obsidius: Probably not yet... well we got a few seconds at least. (turns to Theoreol)
Obsidius: Shouldn't you be telling us you'll do something dangerous before you do it?
The party agrees.
Theoreol: I suppose I should have! I wanted to analyze the Monster's acid body trait, so I needed to grab a sample to do so. Preferably, while the Monster was whole. I split off part of myself for preservation, even though I never done this before. thankfully it did work! fascinating how I learned something new about myself! anyways I am making a counter agent and need a little more time...
Party: (frowns)
MC: But still!

Alphecca: ...let me speak, MC. First, thank you Theoreol! We'd be done for if we couldn't counter the acid attack, and we are forever friends! Now, I can't fault you for putting your life on the line since I am doing it too, but I will still ask. WHY!?
Obsidius and Rakta: (stares)
Theoreol: ...I have no rational explanation. All I can say is... I wanted us to go on together, wherever that turns out to be.
MC: Oh... / what?
Theoreol: I have been traveling for a long time, just moving and gathering information. I wasn't meant to find my own meaning in life like people do. I just happened to land here and planned to leave quickly after I was done. but then I met you all.
He sounds a bit emotional for once instead of flat.

Theoreol: you talked to me, openly curious. you threw yourselves in danger without hesitation, just like imperfect people always have. and traveling with such people? it's...fun. and I want to stay together longer before I have to go my own way.
Alphecca: (smiles and nods)

Theoreol: I want to know. (puts hands on chest)
Theoreol: you are all imperfect, which is why I find you so interesting. and as imperfect as I am, I may never reach perfection. there is no end point for my data collection, but I still want to know more about this world and the people in it. what will I find in the end? I will bet my life as many times as it takes to find out!
Beep beep!

Phone: New Path detected. Subject: Theoreol. Connectivity: Very High
MC: Oh!
Theoreol: (stares at MC's phone)
Monster: REEEE
Obsidius: Dammit, it's back again!
Rakta: MC, Theoreol, get back!
Alphecca: We must not waste Theoreol's efforts! Let's go!
The party readies to fight!

Theoreol: MC, does your phone shining like that mean I can be a hero too?
MC: uhh, yes?
Theoreol: ...ah! this is like what happened with Alphecca, though the light color is different. since it happened after talking about my hopes like Alphecca did, I hypothesized it would be the same. so I can fight like they can? (stares)
Theoreol: ...will you transform me then? I wonder what hero power I will get? if it helps to analyze the Monster...no wait, if it helps me save you, then I'll happily become a hero.
He sounds determined.

MC: ...okay, let's do it!
Theoreol: please!
click. Ta-dah! Hero Theoreol!

Theoreol: hmm...
Obsidius: Wait what!?
Alphecca: Haha! Now we can stand on the battlefield together!
Rakta: Let us cure the town's ills together!
Theoreol: interesting!
Theoreol's lab equipment Parallel Weapon glows and makes something!

Theoreol: I can use myself to make items! anti-acid potion, coming right up!
Theoreol pours a topical potion on the party!

Alphecca: Ooh!
Rakta: Instant medicine creation!? Details, later, please!
MC: Wow, Theoreol! / why is it slimy?
(C) Theoreol: that is because I'm using space eel mucus as the main ingredient!
Alphecca: WHAT! oh well, I will deal with it
Obsidius: Let's get the Monster!
MC: Wave battle, ride on!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Alphecca: Go! (throws spears)
Monster: REEEE
Theoreol: your acid attack won't work anymore
That Anti-Acid Potion is still working.

MC: Take it down!
Rakta: Roger! Obsidius, here!
Rakta pours water to cast a buff on Obsidius!

Obsidius: Got it!
Obsidius's weapon shines even brighter!

Obsidius: Get nailed already!
The Monster dies and doesn't even get to scream LOVELY!

MC: ...is it dead yet? / You did it!
Theoreol: yes it seems the main body is dead now
Obsidius: We should still check around just in case
Alphecca: I think we should check back on the townspeople first
Rakta: Yes, maybe people got hurt!
The party returns to town. There...

MC: Wow...
The pretty lights are back!

End of Episode

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