Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Episode 1 (Abridged)

???: Master, wake up! ...Super Special Level Three Wake-Up Petting!
MC: (jump) / (catch and pet) / zzz
(A) Solomon: no wait slow down, you'll give yourself a heart attack!
(BC) Solomon: noooo, wake up already and stop being a loser!
MC: It's not even sunrise yet / did I have plans / (go back to bed)
(AB) Solomon: Master you told me to wake you up so you could see the sunrise
(C) Solomon: NO STOP you have plans with your friends for sunrise!
Solomon: Tee hee, I should get something for doing my job right. But first, Happy New Year!
MC: Happy New Year / first petting of the year! (pets)
(A) Solomon: :D
(BC) Solomon: o-ooh

MC gets ready to go! Shirou sent a text saying the gang's gone ahead and to tell Qinglong and Amanojaku that. And then MC leaves the dorm.
MC: Cold. Sleepy. But exciting!
Hey wait something's flying above.

Ophion: WIIIIFE! (flies down)
MC: Happy New Year / lucky! / How long have you been up there!?
Ophion: There are things we have to do as married people! Also this is the Year of the Dragon? That means I should be the first to see you! Flying all night for that is nothing. Let us go!
MC: but I have plans / okay
(A) Ophion: I see. No matter. (pulls MC really close) Where are your friends awaiting you?
(B) Ophion: Now, we shall fly! Where to? I take it you have plans if you came out without me calling for you? I am not so boorish as to keep you from your plans with your friends.
Ophion: The sky is ours!
And so Ophion flies MC gently to Shinjuku Shrine.

MC: Well that was a nice wake up. Got here quick. So quick no one seems to be here yet actually...
Ophion: Hmm, I got too into bringing you over that I rushed. Oh well, we now have some priva--whomst
???: Thank you for bringing my sister so quickly.
Ophion: Hmm... the gambler whale Fuxi!
Fuxi: Indeed! And MC's one and only big brother. Happy New Year! Would you like my special NY food?
MC: Happy New Year / nice kimono / how long have you been there?
(A) Fuxi: And it's OUR year this year! I am here for you! ONLY YOU! JUST FOR YOU!
(B) Fuxi: Oooh, shivers. Thank you.

Fuxi: I read that you'd be here so I've been waiting here the whole time! And then my fortune telling said you'd be flying over, but I didn't see you'd be using one of Roppongi's execs. You surprise me like always.
MC: Um, you didn't have to wait / you haven't changed either / nervous now
Ophion: Bold, especially for someone claiming to be my wife's brother. But it is great that more people know my wife's splendor.
Fuxi: Yes, how wonderful that my sister is so loved.
Amanojaku freaks out in the background.

MC: ...peace? / Soap opera drama! / AMANOJAKU HELP
(C) Amanojaku: UHHHH, Sensei help!

Qinglong: Happy New Year's. Soup?
Ophion: ...you're lucky I'm not my grumpy older self.
Fuxi: Qinglong, did you remember what I said earlier?
Qinglong: Yes, Amanojaku has MC's soup in another pot.
Fuxi: Wonderful! Sister, this way. I talked with the shrine people and got permission to make soup. It was just for you, but I know you and made more for your friends.
MC: why are they in separate pots then? / nice! / (walk past Fuxi)
(A) Fuxi: To keep the soup full of goodies!
(C) Fuxi: Yes! YES! YES! Oh please have a seat, I will pour you soup!

Inside the shrine
Amanojaku: H-happy New Year's.
Inaba: Happy New Year's Master! I'm here early. Also I was up all night making fortune sticks. It's all cool if I can see the sunrise with you.
Agyou: Nice. Three points for you.
Inaba: I'm off to a good start!
Agyou: You already started at -100...
MC: Inaba what did you do
Agyou: He made a mess of my brushwork! He's not a good boy like Amanojaku is!
Amanojaku: O-oh, thank you...
Amanojaku: !!
Reverse Amanojaku: Shove it up your ass, actually! Give ME the -100 points!
MC: wait did I just see into the Shadow Realm

Agyou: What?
Amanojaku: N-nothing!
Amanojaku: (That was close. But fast too? No wait I flipped so hard I went 360. That never happened before... is it because there's someone like me here?)
Amanojaku: ...MC, can I sit closer to you? The madness feels different for some reason... (starts scooting up to MC and bumps into them)
Amanojaku: No wait too close I'm sorry!
MC: it's cool / I wanna hug you
(C) Amanojaku: WHAT

Amanojaku: U-um, this will sound rude but... MC, were you a terrible person once?
Agyou and Inaba: !?
MC: what / yep / Agyou, Inaba, what do you guys think?
Amanojaku: I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!
Agyou: Oh yeah MC sucked BAD a while ago
Amanojaku: wait what
Inaba: MC can't go anywhere for five minutes without starting a scene and a fight!
MC: oof / hmmmm / RUDE
Amanojaku: (stares)
Agyou: Whatever, let's eat New Years food together after the sunrise, MC! Oh wait, here comes everyone else!

The gang joins together and goes to Overworld Shifted Mt. Hakone for a nice sightseeing spot. Ophion and Fuxi come along.
Ryouta: Three dragons in one place. This year's gonna be lucky!
Touji: Stop bothering them.
Ophion: Hmph. I forgive you for MC's sake, peasant.
Fuxi: I don't mind either!
Qinglong: There you have it. Now worship us!
MC: Luck! / giv money pls / (clasp hands)
Gullinbursti: is that what good luck feels like?
Moritaka: it certainly feels that way
Ophion: Yes, bask in my radiance, worms! Oh right, Qinglong? You are watching Amanojaku, yes? He reminds me of one of my subordinates who needs more training. Any advice on encouraging growth, even after I put him in an exchange program?
Qinglong: Handle with care and send them to new places. Ahh, Amanojaku has come a long way since doing my housework.
Amanojaku: !?
Amanojaku: ...
Amanojaku: >:(
MC: What?

Amanojaku: I do Qinglong's housework because he's a giant mess!
Shocked gang and event cast!

Fuxi: What else is he doing besides housework?
Kengo: Damn bitch, you live like that?
Qinglong: N-now now, giant mess is a bit much over ordering Tokyo DoorDash but--
Amanojaku: You don't cook, you don't do laundry, you don't even clean! At least pick up your dirty clothes!
Qinglong: okay...
MC: dang / I guess it worked out?
(AB) Qinglong: Now now, we can just say my lack of domestic skills was good for--
(C) Qinglong: Yes, that! If we frame my total lack of domestic skills as--
Amanojaku: >:C
Qinglong: I'm sorry...
Fuxi: ...
Fuxi: Heh. Oh sorry, I just remembered how you were back in Hourai. And now you're here, chastised by a child.
Qinglong: Lord Fuxi!

Time to go further up! A bunch of other people are at the sightseeing spot too.
Shirou: I'm glad it's clear. There's tea and hand warmers if anyone wants any.
Ryouta: Ooh! Hand warmers for me and Touji!
Touji: ...tea too, please. Thank you.
Kengo: Gullinbursti, bro, aren't you cold?
Gullinbursti: Seeing the sunrise with Master is heating me up!
MC: Moritaka, warm my hands! / Amanojaku, you need a hand warmer? / tea pls
(A) Moritaka: No wait stop! Awoo! No tail, stop shaking!
(B) Amanojaku: I'm okay, thank you.
(C) Shirou: Here you go. Don't burn yourself.

Inaba: Ooh, not cold Amanojaku? Inaba Stamp!
Amanojaku: !?
Qinglong: Aah, youth.
Fuxi: Yes, just like in Hourai. I'm glad MC is having fun.
Ophion: I wish we were alone, but if they are happy then all is well.
The sky is brightening.

Fuxi: It's almost sunrise, everyone.

Amanojaku: ...wooow. Feels weird.
Qinglong: This year feels like it'll be great somehow.
Amanojaku: I hope so.
Someone claps MC's shoulder!

Fuxi: Seeing the year's first sunrise with you is touching as always. How about I give personal fortune tellings for everyone?
And so everyone heads back for Shinjuku Shrine.

So many randos!

Moritaka: Line is over here! Restroom is over there!
Shirou: Amazake for three! Evils, pour out three more amazake cups and two pork soups!
Evils: Eeeee!
MC: Fortune sticks this way! Amazake is over to the right! Oh god, Nomad help!
Soooo many people.

Inaba: Fortune sticks!
Boy A: A real dragon! Can I shake your hand and take a picture?
Qinglong: Okay.
Umamichi Girl: Wow, cool getup Sensei!
Qinglong: Thank you, someone I know recreated it from my home world.
The younger crowds are drawn to Inaba and Qinglong.

MC: Wow. Is it break time yet?

Hanuman: MC I am here to help!
Amanojaku: Qinglong-sensei asked him to come.
Hanuman: I got this! Go take a break.
MC goes on break with Amanojaku. Some of the others should be too, but too many people to find them.

MC: How about a fortune stick? / Want some amazake? / (pull Amanojaku)
Amanojaku: Oh, okay...thanks.
???: There you are!
Otter: Hey MC, Happy New Year's! Present for you, don't resell it! Okay byeeee! (disappears into crowd)
Look who else is here!

Melusine: Hello MC. Greetings from my master along with a gift. Also something from me too. Please look when you have time.
New People and Past New Years Reps: MC!
Amanojaku: Wow, so many people I've never seen before in my home world! They're all being themselves...is it okay for me to be that way too?
Fuxi: Fortune telling for anyone who wants to know!
Amanojaku: (frowns)
Amanojaku: !!
Reverse Amanojaku appears!

End of Episode

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