Sunday, October 6, 2024

Live A Hero Summer Survival Island Episode 1 (Abridged)

It's goddamn hot out, and so are the people cheering for heroes!
Kouki: Hey, the Hero City Summer Fest is on this year! The stall food smells great, come on by!
Hitomi: Don't forget the hero battles! Everyone's watching the O-1 Hero Grand Prix!
Kouki: Who's going to win!?
Hitomi: There's a new Heroes Battle Arena happening!
Kouki: Which hero and Operator has the tightest bond?
Hitomi: Let's party it up everyone!
Hitomi and Kouki: HERO FESTA, GO!
Parallel Flight

Mokdai: Whoa, awesome!
Some day. Mokdai's in the office break room with a cup of noodles and fiddling with his phone watching recorded Hero Fest videos.

Mokdai: Yeeeah, Kalaski's Ult! Oh my god, wild Loren reference! And then Narihito who actually got screen time! Oof, gonna rewind it again!

Akashi: Wow the morning went by fast from all that work. Lunch time!
Sui: Work piles up around Fest time, huh? I should go on break too. How about you, MC?
MC: Okay. What's for lunch? / wait someone's here
(AB) Akashi: Oh man, I miss last year's street food at the fest. Smelled so good it really sucked when it was my turn at the grill.
Sui: Yeah you sure worked hard. I want Kirsche's shaved ice parfait again. Her agency's booth has a long line again.
Akashi: Figures. I'm making myself hungry again!
Mokdai: (takes off headphones) Hi guys, having lunch?
Sui: Yep. You just finished that cup noodles? ...wait what's that bento box behind you?
Mokdai: Uh, main course! Meat lover's lunch box!
Akashi: Eh, a cup does seem like not enough. The bento does seem huge though.
Sui: ...don't get fatter by measurement time, okay?

Mokdai: (rubs belly) U-um...I'll work out more. It's been busy lately and Hero Fest is on so...
Akashi: So you got a large bento and binged Hero Fest videos. But you watched them yesterday too. Won't you get bored?
Mokdai: Never! The O-1 Hero Grand Prix is awesome!
Sui: O-okay. But you've been in it too before.
Mokdai: Doesn't matter! ...oh right, Akashi's fight is after this one! Your combo with Justice was so cool! (mimes swinging a bat)
Akashi: Are you a sports dad or something!?
Mokdai: Aww, nothing to be ashamed of! Your fans must be happy!
Sui: Heh, right. Your practice has been paying off.
Akashi: W-well I was too busy to think about the camera. I'm glad I didn't look weird...
MC: You're getting better with stage fright! / Did the cameras get my operating? / The fans love you too, Sui.

The rest of the gang starts having lunch.
Mokdai: Oh yeah, Huckle says we should start figuring out our summer vacations soon!
Akashi: I already sent my leave requests in for my baseball games. What about you, Mokdai?
Mokdai: I was thinking of going back to visit Fukushima. I'll bring back presents! MC, you like spicy fish eggs?
MC: Yes spicy! / No spicy...
(A) Mokdai: Awesome!
(B) Mokdai: Oh okay, something sweet then.
Mokdai: This gonna be fun! Sui, you gonna take time off? Both your jobs seem busy.
Sui: Yeah, I sorted out my schedule. No plans, so maybe I'll practice designing.
???: Aww, my student's so hardworking.

Maculata walks in.
Sui: Master? I thought you were working on something with Crowne and Hisaki today.
Crowne and Hisaki walk in.

Hisaki: Here I am! Haven't seen you guys since last Hero Fest, huh?
Crowne: I forgot my work tools, figured I'd say hi. You guys on break?
MC: Hi Hisaki! / Hello Maculata! / Hey Crowne!
(A) Hisaki: Hey MC! We haven't talked much, but you seem good! Wanna go out drinking? Call me later, keep it a secret from Sis.
(B) Maculata: Oh hello MC. Your operation's improved, nice to see you and Sui growing. I need to keep it up.
(C) Crowne: Yep, I'm back. Damn it's hot out. Makes me want a cold beer when I get back. Heh, I can share if you bring snacks.

Maculata and Hisaki join the table while Crowne grabs drinks for everyone.
Maculata: Thanks Crowne.
Crowne: You're a guest of our office now. Hisaki, here's yours. So what were you guys talking about?
Crowne sits down.
Mokdai: Summer vacation plans.
Hisaki: Oh yeah, not having plans when break hits kinda sucks. Time flies when I'm studying ancient tech!
Maculata: Oh I see. I wish I could take an extended break...
Sui: Really? Oh, is this about the art museum you mentioned before?
Maculata: Yes. It's rather far, but they're displaying an important dress. But then's an invite-only exhibition. Well anyways, you should think about what you want to do to make your plans.
MC: Hmm... / So many things I want to do! / Maybe something low key...

Hisaki has an idea.
Hisaki: ...maybe I can help! How about this extra ticket I got?
Hisaki pulls up a picture of a giant space cruise ship. Special Ticket is stamped on it.

MC: An eticket?
Hisaki: VIP ticket! For the city ship Este Bolta. Laborer's Site gave these to everyone for doing well in the Hero Fest.
Mokdai: Wow, Este Bolta's a representative for Muiraqua IV!
Maculata: I heard it's big enough you need at least ten tugboats to pull it on the water.
Hisaki: Wow you guys know? They call it the eternal summer city ship since Earth's summer zone keeps moving.
The ticket shows big buildings and pretty beaches.

Hisaki: Can't use it myself, busy with factory and investigation work. Also collabing with Sis. Plus it'll expire by the time I come back. So, want it MC?
Sui: Aren't those all big name brand businesses on that ship?
Crowne: Yeah, isn't a VIP ticket still pretty damn expensive even if it were half-off?
Hisaki: (smiles) Tee hee, the Este Bolte's always hard up for heroes. Check this out!
Hisaki shows off the price chart. It's pretty big.

MC: OH MY GOD / Wait, it goes down that low!? / I-is this a scam?

Hisaki: Cool huh? It'd be a waste to not use it.
Maculata: What a discout. I wish my agency got it too.
Hisaki: Oh yeah, the other Laborer's Site guys should be on Muirauqa IV too, so you can tell them I said hi. It's a good chance to see them! And maybe you and I can go on a date after thi--
Akashi: Oh cool, that means Pubraseer should be there too. The resort ship we were on was going there, right?
Hisaki: Uh, I-I guess? Lots of non-navy ships dock there for supplies too. I heard the Grand Island docks on Este Bolta too.
Mokdai: Wow, the Este Bolta is so big it doubles as a port for smaller ships? Weird.
Hisaki: Haha, the Este Bolta can hold a million people, so it's pretty important as a dock.
Sui: Does that mean you might see Gorou and Lilac too? We haven't really talked since the flower festival.
MC: Oh yeah, awesome! Is it really okay for me to take it?
Hisaki: Sure! S-so, how about that dat--
MC: Thanks Hisaki! / After I get back!
(AB) Hisaki: O-oh, sure! Bring me back a present! Preferably stories we can talk about together!
(C) Hisaki: O-oh, okay! Don't forget, okay!?
Everyone seems excited.

Title Card: To a Relaxing Moment of Time

MC: I'm finally here! On Muirauqa IV among the sea of stars!
The area outside the spaceport looks like how spaceports are back on Earth.

MC: Am I really in a spaceship? Feels like any other city.
There's an ocean visible outside the window. This port is built on top of a giant spaceship.

???: Hey MC!
Lilac's coming this way!

MC: Lilac, nice to see you again! / Thanks for the help at the flower festival!
(AB) Lilac: Hello MC. I guess I saw you at the Hero Fest, but it's been a while since I saw you off the clock. I don't come here often, so I hope we both have fun.
(C) Lilac: Hello MC, you smell familiar... oh excuse me, I was just remembering that time. I'm glad we can relax together like this.

Lilac has a small baggage trunk.
Lilac: Hard to believe we're on an ocean. Want to go to the edge of the ship?
MC: Feels unreal... you come here a lot?
Lilac: I've been sent here by my agency a few times, but I'm not that familiar with it. It's been a while since I wasn't off planet for work, so I'm excited.
Someone's waving and walking over.

Pubraseer: Hey MC and Lilac. Hisaki said you'd be coming, been wanting to see you.
MC: Me too Pubraseer! / omg you're low key today
(AB) Pubraseer: Aww, missed me? Well I'm on break until Grand Island leaves. There's plenty of time. Maybe at night we can stargaze together.
(C) Pubraseer: W-well the Hero Fest fired me up a bit. I didn't think I could keep it up the entire time, but we've got plenty of time to hang out.

Pubraseer is smiling brightly.
Pubraseer: I've been hearing about you from Lilac, Hisaki, and Gorou. You've been busy, huh? Tell me about it over lunch.
Lilac: Sooner or later someone talks about you when we all meet up.
Pubraseer: Having lots of friends is good. We live far from Earth, but we can meet up again like this. Technology sure has evolved.
Lilac: Yes, it has compared to how it used to be.
Pubraseer: ...I might be talking about a different period of how it used to be, but yeah. Maybe I should learn about that tech.
Someone calls from behind.

Isaribi: Move your fat ass already!
Gorou: We've got ten minutes. I can sneak in a drink in that time. We might even be fir--oh, MC!
Isaribi: ...wait, we ARE last!
Lilac: Hello, we only just got here.
Gorou: See? Relax.
Isaribi: I had to drag your drunk ass all the way here!
Pubraseer: This one of the "you hurt the ones you love" thing? Nice. Anyways, say hi to MC already.

Gorou and Isaribi turn towards MC.
Gorou: Well you know me, but thanks for coming? Um, do you know Isaribi already?
MC: Yes / No / Beefy man!
(A) Isaribi: Yeah, a job came in for some sorta investigation. Thanks for back then, Boss! I had to come when I heard you'd be here! Ask me anything about the Este Bolta if you got questions!
(B) Isaribi: Gorou's told me all about you, so I've been wanting to talk to you! I'm Isaribi, a fisherman from Muirauqa IV!! You can be all cool and casual with me. If you're good being on a boat I can send in a job next time!
(C) Isaribi: Aww, thanks! You see my big manly charms? You can look closer! I'll even take a layer off!
Lilac: That's a shirt, Isaribi.
Pubraseer: MC, Isaribi's an exhibitionist. Try not to encourage him.
Isaribi: Stop making me sound weird!

Pubraseer: Okay, that's all of us. Let's get going.
Isaribi: Then I guess Lilac and MC should drop their stuff off first?
Gorou: Right, they're not here much. You got reservations already?
Lilac: Yes, Hisaki recommended a place that takes the VIP ticket. I heard you have a reservation at the same hotel, MC?
MC: Yeah! / I really have to thank Hisaki...
Pubraseer: Okay. Lilac, can you lead the way?
Lilac: Sure, it's by the spaceport.
MC has a big bag. Gorou comes up to talk.

Gorou: I'll carry that for you. Can't let it all fall on your shoulders.
MC: Oh no, I'm fine. / Thanks / Can I get on your shoulders!?
(A) Isaribi: Tee hee, you got rejected.
Gorou: They're just being nice! You oughta carry Lilac's bag.
Lilac: No it's okay! I shouldn't ask Senpai to do that.
Gorou: Aww, you got rejected.
Isaribi: I did???
(B) Gorou: It's cool, I do this all the time at work. Isaribi, take Lilac's bag.
Isaribi: Oh okay!
Lilac: No it's okay! I shouldn't ask Senpai to do that.
Gorou: Aww, you got rejected.
Isaribi: I did???
(C) Gorou: Hah, sure! I haven't done that since my kids did that.
Isaribi: Isn't MC an adult though?
Pubraseer: Yeah, what if you bump them against something?
Lilac: I-is that really the main issue for everyone...?
And so everyone walks over to the hotel.

Lilac: Okay I'm done.
MC: oh my god the price tag / hooray VIP treatment!
Pubraseer: Yeah it's nice. Lots of good food.
Isaribi: Wanna go eat? I know a place that uses the fish we get. Kinda pricy, but the ticket should make it affordable.
Gorou: Booze!
Lilac: How about checking out an activity first? Makes lunch taste better after
Gorou: Hmm, makes sense.
Isaribi: Oh my god you AREN'T going for booze? ...wait, you wanna go to the beach's beer garden, don't you!?
Gorou: What, you want booze too don't you?
Pubraseer: Well either way, what do you want to do MC? Maybe look at the sea at the beach? They have a boat tour.

Pubraseer looks at his phone. MC nods, so Pubraseer wags his tail.
Pubraseer: Cool! Now let's finally get this trip rolling and--whoops almost got too excited.
Gorou: It's cool. You're fun when you're drunk! MC, how about we loosen him up by going to that beer garden?
Pubraseer: No wait, it's too soon to let loose like that!
Hey wait, there's someone familiar over there.

MC: Wait...
Sadayoshi: ...oh, it IS you MC.
MC: Wow Colonel, been a while!

Sadayoshi stands up straight and salutes.
Sadayoshi: I'm surprised to meet you here. How are you?
Gorou: Wow, formal. You know MC?
Sadayoshi: Yes, I'm Ikusabata Sadayoshi, commander of Japan's National Defense Bureau's first hero squad.
Isaribi: what
Lilac: Oh, that's where MC is from. A Defense Bureau hero squad captain, huh?
Pubraseer: You know a military hero? Wow.
Sadayoshi: Yes, I have a favor to repay to MC and Parallel Flight for a previous incident.
Isaribi: what
Gorou: MC what fresh hell did you stick your nose into
MC: Haha, I have SEEN things. Thanks for everything Sadayoshi.

Sadayoshi smiles.
Sadayoshi: So you are all MC's friends? Pleasure to meet you.
Lilac: Yes, thank you. We're heroes from Laborer's Site. We've all worked with MC before.
Pubraseer: Same here. But today we're all together for vacation.
MC: So we have Gorou, Isaribi, Pubraseer, and Lilac. Kind of a lot now that I think about it.
Sadayoshi: I see... I came here because I was told to go on vacation as well.
Sadayoshi starts thinking.
Gorou: Oh cool. Nice place, huh?
Lilac: Lots of activites here.
Isaribi: Food's good! Fisherman's guarantee the fish is fresh!
Sadayoshi: O-oh, yes... MC?
He seems overwhelmed.

Sadayoshi: How does one spend their vacation?
Sadayoshi: My superiors do tell me to take time off on occasion to relax, but I've never been away so long before. I've done some working out at the hotel gym, but what else should I do?
MC: hold up I need to process this / Whatever you want! / so military
(A) Sadayoshi: I usually finish all my activities on breaks if I have a day or so. The rest of the time I usually go back because there's so much to do...

Lilac: Does that mean you like moving around, Sadayoshi?
Sadayoshi: Not in particular. I'm just used to exercising every day.
Gorou: Uh, then why come all the way over here?
Sadayoshi: My father referred me to here. I did some preparing when I heard of the sea of stars, but I still don't know what to do with myself now that I'm here. Where are you all going?
Lilac: We're about to check out the beach. Maybe swim or play volleyball.
Sadayoshi: What is this "volleyball" you speak of?
Lilac: 2v2 beach sport, don't let the ball drop on your side.
Isaribi: Sports are awesome for having fun!
Sadayoshi: Hmm...
Sadayoshi seems interested. MC turns to the Laborer's Site gang.

MC: What do you guys think of taking Sadayoshi along?

Isaribi: It's cool with me!
Lilac: I'd like to know one of your acquaintances more.
Pubraseer: If he's okay, sure. It's good to spend time with your friends.
Sadayoshi: Are you sure?
Gorou: It's cool! I already invited you.
Sadayoshi: Thank you, I'll be sure to watch and learn about enjoying a vacation.
Gorou: In that case, start by loosening up, haha.
Sadayoshi: I'll try my best.
Pubraseer: (looks at phone map) So I'm seeing recommendations for an island tour at the beach area. There's still time to join, so how about that?
Isaribi: Oh yeah, that. They got this little cruiser and you can buy food and souvenirs.
Gorou: Sounds good.
Lilac: Okay. If there's some time before it goes, then we can also hang around the beach first. Did everyone bring swimsuits?
MC: Ooh, a tour! / Swimsuits!? / Let's have fun!
Sadayoshi: Yes I have. I'll be a moment.
Sadayoshi bows and runs off.

MC: This is gonna be great! / mmm, swimsuits
And so MC thinks about the fun times ahead as the blue skies spread out outside the hotel windows.

End of Episode

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