Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Epilogue (Abridged)

PA System: Umm, we'll be starting the mochi making at the temple soon. Freeze come b--aww I messed up...
Overworld Shift's solved, the party smoothed things over with everyone asking what the hell just happened, back to business as usual!

Echo: I'm glad we got things back on track in time...
Kagutsuchi: I'll be throwing things. I'm excited!
Amanojaku: Me too. I hope I can hit MC and Sensei with them...
MC: Cool / I'll catch it!
(C) Amanojaku: O-okay! I believe you'll be fine.

Amanojaku: I hope you and Sensei can catch it okay...
Reverse Amanojaku: With your FACES!
Qinglong: Ahh, the Amanojakus are doing okay. I'll do my best to take your throwback. This might be the first time I've talked and played catch since knowing you.
Everyone gets ready. Amanojaku happily talks with Echo and Kagutsuchi.

MC: I think he'll be fine. I'm hungry now.
Qinglong: It's all thanks to his courage and everyone working towards this path. My power wouldn't have been enough.
MC: What's it do anyway? Why doesn't the madness affect you? / The power to pretty up places?
(C) Qinglong: !?
Qinglong: Ha! I'd be cleaner if I had that power.

Qinglong: Sooo what do you know about Longs, MC?
MC: They're different from dragons? / Big lizards? / They're bigger than the world?
(C) Qinglong: Wow, you know that? Did some other one tell you already?
Qinglong: A world is a sum of individual cognitions and Longs surpass that. I am Hourai's Long who crossed its zenith according to Taoist thought. The ancients say I watch the disinterested foundational world and the world of phenomena of all desires. I studied over ages to learn how to draw out one's internal chi. I should be infinite, and I have no ends or poles within myself to reverse. My power can also give a part of my nature and strength to others, and that madness is a power type that sways others' minds.
MC: what / It's Anti-Madness and that's why you're Amanojaku's chaperone?
Qinglong: I put my chi into Amanojaku's madness earlier, but the rest was all everyone else.
MC: Amanojaku tried hard / Kagutsuchi and Echo were there too / All's well that ends well!
(AB) Qinglong: ...and you too. You and Amanojaku both believed in each other and trusted there were no enemies.
(C) Qinglong: I should be more like you that way. But I should learn how to not have this happen again.

Qinglong: Maybe protecting him means I don't trust him but... nevermind, I'm still learning too. Tee hee. Anyways I want to apologize to Lord Fuxi. Do you know where he is?
MC: Nope. Hmm, bad vibes...
Qinglong: Maybe we should look for him later. Oh, everyone's coming!
People grab bags of mochi and get into position.

Kid A: Wow, thanks guys!
Umamichi Student B: Throw more mochi at me!
Qinglong: Such inclusion. Wonderful.
MC: Got one! / aww... / Come on, Qinglong!

Qinglong: Don't mind me. Also mochi is high carbs so I should cut back or else Amanojaku will--
Amanojaku: (throws bag of mochi at Qinglong)
Qinglong catches the bag! Amanojaku throws another bag at MC!

MC: I guess that means it's okay / Lucky! / Eating these feels like a waste.
(A) Qinglong: Seems so!
Qinglong looks at his bag some more before putting it away and watching Amanojaku throw mochi around.
Fuxi shows up with a giant bag!

Fuxi: All for your SIIIISTER! Take it! TAKE IT!
MC: wait hold on / welp / COME AT ME BRO
Qinglong: ...maybe I'll open up a bag and catch some mochi by random chance.
Oniwaka: How'd he get so much!? MASTERRRR!!!
Red Oni: Me, loyal too!
Takemaru: I'mma build MC the best house, y'all!
Takemaru: Ow. You been working on that throwing arm?
Motosumi: You wouldn't last five minutes in Umamichi, bitch!

And so, big success. The visitors go home and everyone working starts cleanup.
Motosumi: Sorry to make you help too, Sensei. We'll treat you to dinner tonight.
Qinglong: It's fine. I want to ask something before Amanojaku comes back.
MC: What, you wanna surprise him or something?
Qinglong: I wanted to teach him some nice new seasonal customs and superstitions. Know any?
Motosumi: Well Fuxi's making soba while saying MC's name over and over.
MC: But it's Setsubun now, not New Year's.
Motosumi: On the old calendar, same thing, so it stuck around a bit.
Qinglong: Nice. Except Amanojaku doesn't like soba...
Motosumi: What? Then how about--

Amanojaku: Okay, done with cleanup. Thanks guys!
Echo: Thanks. I was nervous with so many people, but it was fun.
Kagutsuchi: I'm glad everyone enjoyed things. Let's have mochi!
Amanojaku: Okay! I wonder where Sensei and MC are? I still need to thank them...
Oniwaka: MC said they're going shopping. I think that Umamichi dragon teacher went too...
Amanojaku: Now? Well I guess the peach candy I got can wait, but oh well then.
Everyone has some mochi. So peaceful.

Amanojaku: (Weird. I'm not worried about flipping out. Must be because I finally have friends.)
???: We're back. Oh, Amanojaku?
Amanojaku: !!
MC: Hey. Qinglong said he wanted to ask Amanojaku something.
Amanojaku: Welcome back. What is it?
Qinglong: Um, want to make udon with me? From scratch.
Amanojaku: Excuse me???

Amanojaku: I never thought we'd be doing this. Oh MC, Sensei's cutting the dough into noodles.
MC: Sorry about this. We'll explain later.
Amanojaku: It's okay. I like cooking. And I better say this now: thanks for believing in me inside the Overworld Shift. Your Plot Sword thing solved everything fast, but you waited for me to flip everything back first.
MC: It's cool, thank you too.
Amanojaku: I hated my power, but it saved everyone this time. I mean it happened because of me to begin with but still, I learned a new way of using it. Maybe I can help someone with it someday. I shoould learn to control it better!
MC: Awesome!
Amanojaku: Oh right, could you help me with something? If something happens again and Sensei is busy, could you be there...?
Amanojaku: Oops. I'll be back.
Amanojaku runs off. He seems to have grown.

Evening now. People have packed up and most have left.

Motosumi: Thanks guys. Something happened while I was gone? Things are fine now so it's all good. Come help again next year, MC!
MC: Sure! / hungry
Fuxi: Ahh, everyone's here. Qinglong said he'll serve you all udon too. I still have soba for you, SIIIISTER!
Everyone goes back to the shrine office area.

Qinglong: Uhh, I guess I should clean up first...
Amanojaku: I can do that. Go finish things up.
Qinglong: Okay. must add toppings...

Qinglong/Amanojaku AR!
Amanojaku: Wow it came out great, especially since you don't cook.
Qinglong: It's Setsubun, so I thought I'd try. Sorry to make you help though.
Amanojaku: It's okay. Also, thank you for everything, past and future.
Qinglong: Same to you. Let's serve up.
Noodles for everyone! Amanojaku is happily joining in on conversations.

Qinglong: Lord Fuxi, thank you and sorry about everything.
Fuxi: It's fine, I just repeated what my fortunes said. Also...
Qinglong: ?
Fuxi: Did you see how SIIIISTER said I seemed different today? They worry about me!
MC: I am literally right here.
Amanojaku: Haha.
Reverse Amanojaku: HA!
Setsubun is over, but the party is just starting. And for two people, things are turning around into something better.

The End

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 4: What People Can Do (Abridged)

Huckle: Okay then. Yoshiori was on top of Monomasa, Danzo was carrying MC, and MC and Exio were having a stare-off in MC's room?
It's night, like ten minutes after the fight inside MC's room. Grigory and Crowne are investigating while everyone else is outside having a meeting.

Melide: Exio, Yoshiori, why? Monomasa, why did leave alone...?
Sui: Melide...
Akashi: Yeah, that's all I saw. Then MC suddenly disappeared and all their stuff was left behind. I tried looking but didn't find them!
Akashi is upset.

Huckle: ...got it, thank you. Also, maybe stop grinding your teeth Akashi.

Huckle: (looks around) Okay, so, Grigory and Crowne are searching MC's room. We'll think it through after, don't worry too much yet.
Excuses came to mind. He started to trust Exio. Exio seemed happy...

Akashi Alter: For someone who's another me, you have no sense of danger.
Akashi: !!
Akashi's nails dig into his palms. He grinds his teeth even harder. How can he stop himself?

Akashi: ...it's okay, I'll get them back somehow.
Sui: ...what?
Melide: Akashi, how...?
Akashi: ...dunno, but I'll get it done somehow. It's my fault. So I gotta do something...
Ryekie: Akashi, you--
Mokdai: Ryekie, wait. Can I handle it?
Ryekie: Huh? Oh, okay!

Mokdai: (walks in front of Akashi) Sorry about this.
Sui: Mokdai me too. Sorry Akashi.
Akashi: What?
Mokdai and Sui: SUCKER PUNCH
Akashi: OW WHAT
Mokdai: Okay wow perfect synch for a first time.
Sui: Yeah, amazing.
Akashi: The hell was that about!?
Mokdai: Oh good you stopped looking like a psycho. Did you know you were making a face?
Akashi: WHAT
Sui: Well you were also being annoying with the "it's all my fault" routine, so.
Akashi: You're a jackass for winding me up like this.
Sui: Oh no I'm actually mad here. How's this all your fault?
Akashi: Huh? Well, if only I noticed earlier...!

Sui: SHUT UP! You didn't not make it in time, you were the first to get there! None of us expected this to happen!
Mokdai: ...also, based on your logic all of us are at fault for being too late. But I wanna save MC too, however that's gonna work. We'll do it together.
Akashi: You guys...right, sorry about before.
Ryekie: That's right Akashi! We're all in this together, and don't you forget it!
Akashi: OOF, STOP! Hug, crushing me! And now the static!
Seiichirou: ...it's nice you all got to have your talk in peace.
Huckle: Thank you for waiting, Seiichirou. Sorry about the display.
Seiichirou: Actually I liked it. Nice change of pace from politicos. Though I suppose I slipped up too sending protection too late.
Mokdai: Are you talking about Danzo?
Seiichirou: He's mainly my bodyguard but sometimes I set him to guard other things, depending. Exio seemed a little more unreadable today. What did he do?

Grigory and Crowne come over.
Grigory: Hey you gaaaiz, we just finished investigating.
Crowne: We're back. Wow I thought you'd all be more tense.
Huckle: Hello. Thank you for helping us, Grigory.
Grigory: It's cooool, I'm the host and junk. Maybe that thing I wanted to talk about just happened, mkaaay.
Akashi: You know what happened!?
Crowne: He found clues at least, just gotta think it over now.
Grigory: Let's go in. Seiichirou, Melide, Huckle? Can you Observers, like, help me out here?
Seiichirou: Okay. Melide?
Melide: ...I think I can help.
Sui: ...you sure?
Melide: Thank you, but yes. I want to know too. And I want to help everyone in Parallel Flight. I might have to go up against Exio and Yoshiori, but I still want to choose to get closer to you all.
Ryekie: ...okay. Together then! I'll guard you while Monomasa's gone, promise!
Melide: ...thank you.
Grigory: Coool! I need more perspectives to figure out what's up, so speak up if you figure something mkaaay?
Mokdai: Akashi, Sui, let's go!
Akashi: ...sure, senpai.

MC's room
Melide: wait what happened here
Seiichirou: Yes, only this room has disturbed ether flow.
Grigory: You can tell? Maaaan, I wish I could see too. But yeah according to my investigation, that.
Huckle: I could see before, but I can't see it now...
Sui: What even IS ether anyway?
Grigory: Hmmmm. Well we can see ether crystals at least, but we'd need tools otherwise. Ether is, like, a warning sign in the Imaginary Point at least? Among other things.
Huckle: What?
Melide: It looks all...torn and taped back together...
Seiichirou: Wait, something's wrong. Did it just mov--

Seiichirou: Wait why are Paths opening up!?
Melide: We didn't do that!
Grigory: ...well shiiiit. Close them before this area becomes Unobservable and--
More Paths open and spawn the white Monsters!

Ryekie: WHAT
Grigory: Monsters...? But why? Are the Paths connected to somewhere or--wait, talk to self later. Everybody, back up to the entrance!
Monster: (Unknown screaming!)
Akashi: There's so many!
Monsters are flooding the room!

Crowne: Huckle, what now!? We can't just fight ALL of them!
Huckle: But they're blocking the doorway. This is bad...
Seiichirou: But it's highly dangerous to fight here! They could cut us off...
Sui: And then pick us off. But...

Ryekie: ...we don't all need to fight.
Huckle: Ryekie? Wait...
Ryekie walks to Mokdai.

Ryekie: Ready, Mighty Knuckle?
Mokdai: wait what
Ryekie looks really determined.

Mokdai: ...!
Mokdai (narrating): He's asking if I can rearguard.
Mokdai shakes, unconfident. But still...

Mokdai: ...I'll do it!
Ryekie: Good! Seiichirou, transform us!
Melide: ...wait, you're serious?
Seiichirou: Understood. Here we go!
Melide: You too, Seiichirou!?
Seiichirou: The heroes are confident they can do this, so I will observe.
Melide: Oh...

Mokdai and Ryekie suit up! Monsters scream!
Ryekie: Let's go!
Mokdai: Right! Mokdai Punch!
Mokdai has punched a hole in the horde of Monsters!

Mokdai: Go, guys! We'll cover for you!
Huckle: You'll be okay, right Mighty Knuckle!?
Huckle also looks determined.

Mokdai: Yeah! I wouldn't be doing this otherwise! President, lead everyone else to safety!
Huckle: (surprised for a second) ...right! Seiichirou, Justice, hang in there!
Seiichirou: We will! But make it quick!
Ryekie: I'm feeling good!
Grigory: W-wait the livestream isn't...!
Akashi: It's cool, Grigory! Mokdai Mighty Knuckle's got it covered!
Sui: Yeah, he'd say so if he didn't! Let's go, Melide!
Melide: Yes. I'll watch this side!

Grigory: Oh my goood the cliche lines!
Crowne: I mean I kinda agree, but if the group whiner is saying that, it's fine!
The rest of the group makes a break for it! Monsters pursue!

Ryekie holds back the Monsters with pure force!

Ryekie: Mighty Knuckle, get the stream on!
Mokdai: Working on it! I need a half-minute!
Mokdai is thinking so fast and knows Ryekie will keep waiting for him.

Mokdai: I'm rushing but I'm still so calm! Justice must've picked me for being able to fight a little without a stream up and doing tech support!
Mokdai (narrating): Maybe I'm wrong, but I still want to decide why I'm here!
Mokdai: We're connected to Somewhere, I should've asked where! But we're connected at least!
Ryekie: Justice Punch! Justice Kick!

Ryekie's watching Mokdai while sticking to basic attacks!
Mokdai: Drones, on and--connected! Seiichirou, we're live now!
Seiichirou: My phone's connected too! I got the camera controls!
Ryekie: Mighty Knuckle, behind you!
Mokdai: Whoa! (dodges Monster attack!) Counter!

Monster: (Feeble screaming)
Mokdai: Wow you're creepy looking!
Seiichirou: You okay!? I'm sending VP, one s--
Mokdai: Wait we haven't gotten much yet have we!?
Seiichirou: W-well no...
Mokdai: Then wait please! Use that VP for--

Grigory: OOF I haven't run in, like, forever!
Crowne: Well keep running, we're almost out!
Sui: You okay, Melide?
Melide: ...sort of! I've been relying a lot on Monomasa lately, but I'll handle it!
Huckle: Akashi, how's it looking back there!?
Akashi: Uhh, we'll make it if we keep it up like this! Barely!
Pursuing Monsters! Akashi brings up the rear of the group!

Akashi: What's with these freaks!? They're a little different from the usual Monsters!
Sui: There's the entrance!

Oh no, Monster doorguard!
Crowne: Goddammit!
Grigory: wheeeze...
Huckle: The ones behind are closing in too. We'll have to fight.
Akashi: You okay Grigory!? Melide, can you transform us!?
Crowne: Yeah me too! Kick their asses!
Melide: oof. Okay, one second!
Grigory: whoo... wait hold on, mkaaay? I'm pissed now.
Huckle: ...what?

Grigory's voice sounds deeper now.
Grigory: I can't believe you'd make me bail on heroes.
Grigory taps on his phone and sends a contract to Melide!

Huckle: Wait...you're a hero too?
Grigory: Uhhh, on paper yeah. It's an emergency tho, so me too.
Melide: ...I'm okay with this.
Melide looks at Huckle. Huckle nods.

Melide: Okay. Let's go!
Rest of the agency plus Grigory suit up! Loud Monster screaming!

Grigory: Cool, thanks Melide. Auto drone deploy!
Grigory's camera drones start recording his general area!

Akashi: WHAT
Crowne: Are those drones? I've never seen their model before!
Grigory: Call them my Parallel Weapons, mkaaay? Melide, are they connected?
Melide: What? Wait, we're streaming somehow?
Grigory: Forced connection, sorry! Now, time to smash the Monsters!
Sui: ...Grigory's tougher than I thought.
Huckle: Here they come! Get ready!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Mokdai: oof... Mokdai Punch!
Monster deleted!

Seiichirou: You okay!? You look tired from here!
Mokdai: Honestly yeah! Everyone should be out soon though! How's our VP!?
Seiichirou: ...we have enough for your plan, but you sure?
Mokdai: I can do it! Justice, we should go too, soon!
Ryekie: Is it time already!?
Mokdai: I'm worried, but I need to look together in front of Seiichirou! ...huh?

Suddenly, spheres pop up in front of the rear guard!
Grigory: Oh coool, you guys are okay!
Grigory is projected from the Parallel Weapon sphere.

Mokdai: You're a hero, Grigory!?
Grigory: Yeeep. Talk later, help now!
Geometric patterns spread from Grigory's drones. Upon reaching Ryekie and Mokdai...

Mokdai: wait what I just got healed?
Grigory: Ehh, just a temp boost to bring you up to baseline speed mkaaay? Did it help?
Ryekie: Yeah, now we can jump real good!
Grigory: ...wait what?

Entrance Area
Akashi: W-whew, we made it out.
Sui: I should reinforce the door. Crowne, can you help buff my strings?
Crowne: Well okay...
Akashi: We just finished a battle, you okay?
Sui: I still have to do it, for you, me, and Mokdai.
Akashi: what
Sui: We need to get ready to save MC! So we'll need a safe place to talk and think it all over!
Akashi: Oh...! Alright then!
Crowne: ...right, I'll help. One sec while my Parallel Weapon does stuff...

Sui and Crowne shore up defenses! Still a lot of Monsters on the other side.
Huckle: So, what do we do? Beat them one at a time? Maybe we need to get help and--
Grigory: wait what are you guys doing!?
Crowne: W-what? Did your call connect with them?
Grigory: Y-yeah, but...
Melide: But what? Are there more Monsters than expected?
Grigory: No, but uhhhh... is jump real good some code word for you guys?
Huckle: No?

Ryekie: It's all cool!

Huckle: Wait, I'm pretty sure he can levitate with his lightning powers. But Mokdai--

Akashi: I got you Mokdai! Boost!
Akashi: oh wait he did do that
Sui: ...hold on
Crowne: Pffft, no way he'd just jump all that mess!
Whistling sound!

Crowne: ...someone say psych?

Mokdai: Yay, perfect landing!
Ryekie: Awesome, first try!
Seiichirou: You two were winging that!?
Ryekie: It worked right? Hahaha!
Look, it's them!

Akashi: ...as long as they're okay I guess???
Sui: I guess only they could pull it off but...I feel bad for Seiichirou.
Crowne: ...Huckle, say something to them.
Huckle: Can you at least talk to Mokdai...?
End of Episode

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Episode 4 (Abridged)

Reverse Amanojaku once said "this power fucking sucks, why does it even exist?" Also Reverse Amanojaku is like manifested Madness Susanoo barfed out one day. You know, that Susanoo. Amaterasu's brother, Okuninushi's dad or something? He rained chaos on Amaterasu's rule, she hid behind a rock, and he was thrown out to cause chaos elsewhere. Why did he cause chaos? It is a mystery. Anyways, that Madness disappeared and lost its link to the two worlds.

Qinglong: Amanojaku!
Reverse Amanojaku: All of you, ass over heads now!
Everyone falls over!

MC: OH NO / (look at Qinglong for explanations)
(C) Kagutsuchi: W-what's happening?

Qinglong: Short version, Amanojaku's power includes reversing personalities. He's got two of them, and this area is warping to resemble his homeworld.
Echo: Overworld Shift?
Qinglong: It must have happened when people stopped moving in and out. Also, lots of Umamichi students Motosumi and I called over are Transients, so that added to it. There might be other people caught up in this...
MC: Plot Sword, got it. (pulls out sword)
Qinglong: (gasp!) I sense Nuwa's power! Is that why Fuxi is obsessed with you?
MC's sword is ready to end this nonsense! Reverse Amanojaku is displeased!

Kagutsuchi: Please stop, Amanojaku!
Echo and Kagutsuchi try to run to Amanojaku!

Echo and Kagutsuchi: wait why are we going backwards aaah!
MC: Oh no! (catch them)

Reverse Amanojaku charges at MC! But Qinglong blocks for them and knocks off a dark aura from Amanojaku!
Amanojaku: oof
Kagutsuchi: I couldn't keep up, what
MC: What just happened?
Qinglong: Kung fu magic gives me the power to travel the chi path of other people's bodies. Taoist magic, external alchemy using my own chi to materialize someone else's!
MC: wait is it over already? Wow you AREN'T just a total slob. oh wait we're not done yet.
???: Aww, I missed out on saving my sister.
It's Fuxi!

Qinglong: Lord Fuxi...
Fuxi: I was worried when we got separated, but at least you were with her. Also if you haven't solved the problem already, then we're just getting started.
Echo: Look!

Qinglong: You are correct, my liege. This never really worked because--oh no!
MC: I sense danger!
MC gets blasted with a shockwave!

Fuxi: MC!
Fuxi catches MC before they fall into the wrecked storehouse! Reverse Amanojaku reforms and starts flipping out!

Reverse Amanojaku: EAT SHIT (slams fists)
Voices in the distance!

MC: Amanojaku!? / Oh no, the people!
(C) Fuxi: I know how you feel, but we should withdraw first. Qinglong must know something.

Amanojaku: (wakes up) ...Qinglong-sensei?
Qinglong: (frowns)
Qinglong: ...Amanojaku's mask is made from the bones of his ancestor. Its power and madness was originally theirs, and it possesses Amanojaku when attached to him.
MC: who / why does he have that? / explain pls
(B) Amanojaku: I-I don't know. I always had it.
Qinglong: The Takamagahara borne hero Susanoo, who later moved to Wa no Kuni. His madness later gained its own self to become Amanozako...weren’t they a girl? But Amanozako is Amanojaku's ancestor.
MC: So we just beat up Amanozako over there? / Probably not, huh.
(AB) Kagutsuchi: ...I don't think so, MC.

Kagutsuchi: They're like a part of Amanojaku's body since birth, like my own burning blood.
Amanojaku: ...right.
Qinglong: So I may have said I cut off Amanojaku's flip personality before, but it's still possible that isn't actually a flip side of him. It's like how Takamagahara Susanoo and Wa no Kuni Susanoo may be real and the same.
MC: oh
Qinglong: (looks at Reverse Amanojaku continuing to smash things) This sort of Overworld Shift happening is new though. I wonder why?
Fuxi: (stares)
Qinglong: Anyways, things bad!
Fuxi: Isn't it great that MC has the power to conveniently solve all this?
MC: Plot Sword, got it. (readies sword)

Kagutsuchi: We just need to get MC close enough to hit them, right?
Echo: I-I can cheer you on at least!
Amanojaku: I'm sorry everyone...
Qinglong: It's not your fault. It's also mine for not stopping it.
Fuxi: Hmmmm, I remember saying that a lot. So who's fault is it?
Qinglong: W-what?
Fuxi: Nothing. Let's solve this problem first.
Qinglong: Okay. MC, Echo, Kagutsuchi. Please help me.
Reverse Amanojaku pays attention to the party now!

MC: Welp, here he comes.
Reverse Amanojaku: (stares)
Reverse Amanojaku: Reverse Ideology! (blows dark mist)

Qinglong: Oh no, Berserker Madness! I can't believe it's so powerful even though the Overworld Shift isn't boosting it completely!
Control screws for everyone!

Kagutsuchi: I can't...move forward!
Echo: (Too scared, can't speak! Can't use power!)
MC: Did he just reverse bravery into fear!? Uh, I seem fine though
Qinglong: I have resistance to this sort of thing because of how I'm built, but you seem to be resistant for some other reason.
Fuxi: (frowns)
Qinglong: Oh no, Lord Fuxi!
Fuxi: (waaaah, why won't you come back to meeee?)
Qinglong: Oh no, did Reversal affect his love!? Believe in your memories, everyone! Remember yourself! (I might not be able to protect MC if Fuxi attacks them!)
MC: (slap Fuxi) / (walk up to Fuxi)
(A) MC winds up...
Fuxi grabs MC by the neck and pulls their hand down to kiss it!

Fuxi: Yes! YES! YES! Finally I have you! It's your fault I'm like this.
(B) Fuxi stops frowning and hugs MC.
Fuxi: Welcome back. I know what I have to do.

Fuxi: I'm okay now. Qinglong, behind you.
Qinglong: !?
Qinglong: Yes, my lord! (KOs some rando dragged into this mess)
The rando gets dispossessed! And then possessed again...

Qinglong: Okay we have to cut to the root of the problem to solve this.
Possessed Randos!

Amanojaki: Oh no!
Fuxi: Hmm. Maybe all the Madness possessed people are attacking us for not being possessed. I suppose big boy over there has the most faith gathered in here, sort of.
MC: Some synergy effect that means we can't just beat him up and call it a day? Damn.

Fuxi: One more thing. Reminder, app rollback doesn't affect memories.
Qinglong: Right, the berserker madness possession might still cause lingering confusion.
Amanojaku: Oh no!
Mobs approach!

MC: We might get run down before we get to the boss! Protect Echo and Kagutsuchi!
???: Get down, MC!
Surprise naginata attack! It's Oniwaka, Takemaru, and Red Oni!

Takemaru: Hell yeah, Red! Punch out everyone including yourself!
Red: No hurt Master! Stopping others, okay!
Huh, they're possessed but still fighting everyone else.

Qinglong: Oh my! Tokyo is full of surprises. Lord Fuxi, please stop the possessed so I can use my artifact on them! I will weaken them by dispelling the madness so MC can hit the boss!
MC: Will that save everyone? Guess we'll have to do it.

Qinglong: Madness contagion will just possess them again and I am already busy using my power on one target at a time. Take the boss out first and I can handle the clean up after th--*(mob attack!)*
Qinglong: Whoa! I can stop everything if I can use my artifact on the boss, but cooldown means I have to make the hit count!
MC: Incoming! (get ready to charge)
Fuxi: Stay calm. That is a lot of violence up in the air.
Amanojaku: It's all my fault...
MC: No, you aren't your own enemy Amanojaku! Just do this!

Amanojaku: what
Mob attack!

Amanojaku: Whoa!
Kagutsuchi: Karate Chop!
Amanojaku: Kagutsuchi! Did you fight off your madness effect!?
Kagutsuchi: No, I just reframed my thinking based on what Oniwaka and the onis did. MC is right, if no one is an enemy, then I can attack anyone!
Amanojaku sees how determined everyone is.

Echo: Good luck everyone!
Kagutsuchi: Thank you, Echo!
Another mob attack!

Amanojaku: Kagutsuchi! ...Oni Tackle!
The mob's possession jumps to Amanojaku!

MC: Oh no! / Hmm, a plan?
(C) Amanojaku: Yeah!

Qinglong: You should get back and let me han--
Amanojaku: No, I'm done running. If this madness came from my power, then it should be mine. In my name, I command you! Reverse!
Madness dispelled on Oniwaka, Takemaru, and Red Oni!

Takemaru: wait what just happened y'all
Red Oni: No want hurt Master anymore!
Oniwaka: Now I wanna kick all the asses after MC! Come at me, bros!
Reverse Amanojaku: !!
Amanojaku: Okay, time to do it to everyone else!
Fuxi: Wait, similar powers aren't supposed to override each other...unless this is less override and more Amanojaku retaking control?
Qinglong: But that connects him to the boss! What if it flips him back around again!?
Amanojaku: It'll be okay!

Amanojaku: Pretty girl! She's so nice. Her name's Urikohime?
Amanojaku visits Urikohime despite know what a disaster he is.

Amanojaku: Um, could you let me in? I wanna share some veggies I picked.
Urikohime: My grandparents said I shouldn't talk to you.
Amanojaku: (gasp!)
Reverse Amanojaku: (hmm...)
Amanojaku (narrating): Annnd it all blew up on me.
Villager A: Urikohime got tied up to a tree! And after she got betrothed to some rich lord! Get him!
Amanojaku (narrating): The life of a chaotic outcast...

Amanojaku: No, we're in Tokyo now. And people are fighting for me.
Reverse Amanojaku: Nah, they're just using you to get out. Now give me your body!
Qinglong: MC!
MC: Solve the problem, got it!
???: Sorry we're late MC!
Echo: !?
Echo: I'm okay now thanks to Amanojaku! Echo magic activate!
Echo: Let's be friends!
Kagutsuchi: We all have our own problems!
Flashback with Agyou! Then Inaba! Then the Summoners! Qinglong! And Fuxi!

Echo magnifies the voices in Amanojaku's memories!

Qinglong: Is Amanojaku trying to retake control!?
Echo: Believe in him!
Qinglong: !!
Amanojaku: Everyone! W-whaa!?
Reverse Amanojaku swings his fist at Amanojaku!

Takemaru: Body block!
Oniwaka: Yeah you're a threat.
Kagutsuchi: No mercy!
MC: (help out)
Amanojaku: Thanks everyone! Time to save the possessed!
Red Oni: More enemies coming!
Reverse Amanojaku: Chaos, chaos!
Takemaru: He's not taking damage!
Oniwaka: AND he's strong! We gotta make an opening for MC!
MC: Hang in there guys! We just need to thin them out a little... Big Brother, help!

Fuxi: Do you grieve for the child, Emperor Qinglong?
Qinglong: (frown)
Qinglong: I've gotten sentimental. Such courage everyone has.
Qinglong steps forward. Does he hit Reverse Amanojaku directly and end things fast, leaving everyone with the effects of the lingering madness? Or does he do what feels like relying too much on others to help?
Qinglong: I've only thought about how to help things by myself, but sometimes believing is enough.
Refreshing breeze.
Qinglong: Overcome anything, and no path will stop short. I will shine the way, Shenlong Spellstrike!
Fuxi: Hmm, hermit magic for buffing and purification. I'll add to it then.
Qinglong: Territory Creation advantages eliminated. Defenses are down too. We can cut ourselves out of this mess soon, but you want to save everyone here first, right?
Amanojaku: Yeah.
Reverse Amanojaku: Hell to that!
Kagutsuchi: We'll block for you! Karate Chop!
Reverse Amanojaku: Ow!
MC: It worked! Get him!
BATTLE START (more happens after)\

Reverse Amanojaku: GODDAMMIT ALL
MC: He's weakening, but it's still too early for Plot Sword!
Amanojaku: Just a little longer, I'm almost there!
Amanojaku's past memories are flowing through the madness, but Amanojaku is determined!

Amanojaku: We can relax. No one here is an enemy.
Reverse Amanojaku: !!
Amanojaku: I used to give up on my dreams and stay away to keep from getting hurt. But things are different now, because I have friends who still support me after what just happened! My pain and tragedies won't stop me anymore! Reverse Ideology!
Amanojaku dispels the possessions!

Reverse Amanojaku: REEEEE
Qinglong: He can still keep going!?
Fuxi: Alright, your time has come MC! Big Brother will stop anyone trying to stop you!
MC: Plot Sword activate!
And so the shining sword cuts Reverse Amanojaku's connection to the shift...

End of Episode

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 3: In the Mirror (Abridged)

???: You're really doing it?
A dumb but repeated question.
???: Obviously. You've been waiting for this.
The obvious response.
???: What did you think you were staying alive for?*
Silence. A decision and understanding made from the start needs determination by being questioned.
???: There's finally a way to do what you wanted to. Not the best way, but good enough.
A connection with no front or back. Ugh, dealing with it is such a pain in the ass.

MC: I'm dreaming.
A boy looks down and tries to live. The boy doesn't know how to speak or know what family is. The boy is hungry, but he puts up with it. Everything hurts. It'll go away he stays hungry. He feels nothing, but somehow he feels afraid. He's dying. He's afraid, even as he feels nothing.

MC: wait am I dreaming?
The boy must've wanted to live. He clung on at any rate. It was only when he did so that he survived... but looking back? Maybe he should've just let go back then. A haunting thought.


MC was seeing some other reality. MC is also in their given room after that talk with Yoshiori last time. Also Monomasa is here.
Monomasa: What are you two trying to do with MC!?
Exio: Whatever do you mean? You're supposed to be on our side.
Yoshiori: (stares)
MC: (what was that dream--actually nevermind) What's going on!?
Monomasa: Stay still. They were about to do something to you.
Exio: Why ARE you here? I don't remember saying anything to you two.
Monomasa: You mean me and Melide!?
Exio speaks as though they were strangers.

Monomasa: ...you've been acting strange since we got here. Melide noticed too. We thought you were just changing plans like usual, but depending on what you want with MC...
Exio: You'll what, Monomasa Drovyne?

Monomasa: I...

Monomasa: I can't say everything we did was right, but I believed we shared a goal and could save something where we were going.

Monomasa: ...I want to do the right thing with Monomasa and Melide. I won't let you attack MC!
Exio: (frown) oh okay
Yoshiori sneak attacks Monomasa!

Monomasa: WHAT
Monomasa: How did you sneak up on me!?
Yoshiori: I can be unheroic when I want to be. Hold still or you'll damage that body.
MC: Monomasa! / Wait let's talk this out
(C) Exio: Sorry, maybe later.

Exio approaches with a small Path in his hand!
Yoshiori: !!
Why is he doing that? ...wait, he did this sorta thing with that one mob before, didn't he?

MC: ...I'm screwed.
Exio reaches for MC's head!
Suddenly a thrown kunai!

Danzo: S'up people! Sorry I'm late, MC!
MC: Danzo! wait how'd you get behind me
Danzo: Talk later, leave now!
Exio: Tsk.

Exio is bleeding but ignores it as he tries to figure out how to isolate himself with MC. People are coming because of the noise. Danzo is ready to disengage with MC, Yoshiori is busy with Monomasa, and Danzo is way stronger than him. So...
Exio: ...fine, time to compromise.
Exio pushes the Path to his own head! Weird dimensional mud starts spreading from his feet!

Monomasa: What!?
Danzo: Well shit!
Baaaad vibes like he's felt before at work before. Do nothing and the worst will happen.

Danzo: Sorry about this, MC!
Danzo throws another kunai at Exio and picks up MC, ready to jump out! Except Danzo's kunai doesn't even hit Exio!

Danzo: (Wait what!? At least flinch!)

Someone is running. What was that noise? Something came from the direction where They were. Why did he think they were okay again? Whatever. They're close by, he'll be there soon. Whatever it is, never again...

Akashi: MC!
MC: Akashi!
MC is okay. A brief relief.

MC: Aka--
MC's voice cuts off.

MC: wait what I can't see

Total darkness. Totally new experience, but still something sort of recognizable.
MC: This feels like being in a Path...
Sudden light!

MC is back in their room? Something's wrong. No damage from the fight. No Akashi either.

MC: What? / That fast? / Akashi...
This feels just like when they first came to the Imaginary Point...

Danzo: ...you awake MC? I know you're confused, but stay calm. Guy's seriously bad news. Follow my lead, we need to focus on surviving.
Danzo is leaning so close. He sounds way calmer than usual.

MC: ...okay / (nod) / Danzo what--
(B) Danzo: ... (Danzo's hand tightens on MC)
(C) Danzo holds a finger up to his mouth.

Rechecking the room. Danzo is holding MC. Yoshiori is holding Monomasa down. Also...
Exio: Oh cool the random effect actually worked out for me.
Oddly casual Exio.

Danzo: Dude, Exio, what the hell just happened?
Exio: ...did Seiichirou put you up to guarding MC?
Danzo: Yup! He's a worrywart, but he was right this time. Also you're weirdly calm now. What just happened and where'd Akashi go?
Exio: Trying to get info, or trying to find a chance to slip out? Well, it's fine.
MC: Ow! T-this feeling!
Exio covers himself in the weird dimensional mud! When it goes away, he looks like he transformed!

Exio: You can't escape. I won't let you.
MC: What, he transformed!? How!?

Danzo: ...the hell is that transformation? Since when were you a hero? So edgy.
Danzo: (seriously what is going on? Is this like Huckle's case? No wait...)
Monomasa: Exio? No way, that form!
Yoshiori: Shut up Monomasa. Nobody move.
MC: Ow! Head hurts, fainting...!
Exio: Thanks Yoshiori. I should get a move on, time's a-wasting.
Weird dimensional mud bubbling!

Exio: Come forth, Replicas.
Strange white Monsters!

MC: Monsters!?
They're bone white with unnatural voices. And more are coming.

Danzo: ...well shit. Do I have to get past them, Exio, AND Yoshiori if I'm getting out of here?
Outnumbered! And that's with one hand tied carrying MC! Maybe he'll have to sacrifice himself...

Monomasa: ...Yoshiori, I'll only ask once. Whose side are you on?
Yoshiori: ...what do you expect? Exio's, no matter what's happened.
Monomasa: ...I see. In that case...!
Monomasa spreads a net from his arm across the whole room! The white Monsters scream, sort of!

Yoshiori: What did you do!? How'd you even attack untransformed!?
Monomasa: It's not an attack, it's Intimidation. I'm a Monster too, you know.
The Monsters panic and rampage!

Exio: ...well now. I didn't know you could do that, Monomasa.
An opportunity!

Danzo: Thanks, Monomasa!
Flashbang Throw!

MC: Not again!

Yoshiori: Oh no! (gets tripped)
Danzo: Adios, amigos!
MC, Danzo, and Monomasa escape! That leaves Exio, Yoshiori, and a bunch of Monsters that aren't moving.

Exio: Damn heroes...
Yoshiori: I'm sorry Exio I let them escape...
Exio: No, it's fine. (looks at the Monsters he made)
Exio: I can't believe a paper tiger could threaten them that much. Well whatever. Let's just settle in then. (puts Monsters away)
Exio: They can't go anywhere anyways, so we should get ready.
Yoshiori: ...yes sir. So Plan B?
Exio: Yes. We're the only ones here now.
Yoshiori: Roger... I'll do my best to help you.

Photonegative Imaginary Point!
Danzo: Whoa whaaaat!?
Danzo's still carrying MC as he and Monomasa run through Crazy Plains.

Monomasa: ...why is the ground so damaged unlike before?
MC: Oof, my eyes...
Danzo: MC's not doing good, but what do...?
Monomasa: ...we should find cover to rest and regroup our plans.
Danzo: But this place has nothing.
Monomasa sees something and stops.

Monomasa: What about that?
One of the scooped out bits of ground looks like a foot trail to some hole in the ground.

Danzo: Sus, but we can't be out here!
Monomasa: ...let's go. If we have to, we'll fight off any problems.
Danzo: Nice! Okay, let's do it.
The party goes in.

Floating in a daze...
MC: ...did I pass out? Is this that dream again?
MC starts walking, like they're looking for something. Eventually, they do find something and MC conveniently gets beamed information.

MC: This is...
This darkness is something that's been overwriting whatever a bunch of times.

MC: I kinda get and don't get this. A lucid dream?
A faint light in the distance! It circles, like...

MC: A Ferris wheel?
Welp, something says it's time to get out!

Some cave
MC: ...where are we? Did I pass out?
Danzo: You up MC? Good thing you didn't need a wake-up kiss, but kind of a shame.
Monomasa: How can you joke now?
Danzo: This is the sort of time you should make jokes! Seriously though, I'm glad you're up. We found a cave! An emergency escape since those things might come back whenever.
Status check! That pain that made MC pass out earlier?

MC: ...huh, I'm totally fine now.
Monomasa: Wonder why. Because of the place, or Exio? Don't push yourself right now. I can't understand everything that's been happening.
He's sorting out his feelings now that there's down time.

Monomasa: I could barely tell Exio was acting strange, but I wasn't expecting this to happen.
Danzo: So you went to MC's room after watching Exio?
Monomasa: Yes, since he brought Yoshiori in hero form.
Danzo: Damn, that's crazy bro. But aren't they your friends? I'd rather not fight you too, but what if you're with them?
Monomasa: ...I can't prove it, just bring up what I said. I want to do the right thing, and I can't trust Exio and Yoshiori now. What about you? Why are you here?
Danzo: Ohhh, gotta cover your bases in an emergency sorta thing?
MC: Hello I have an opinion here too.

Danzo: What's up MC?
MC: Since we're in an emergency, I want us to have a meeting to share intel.
Monomasa and Danzo think.

MC: We should decide things after, because...
Monomasa: ...go on.
Monomasa: ...same here.
Danzo: Ha, you said it! Well I guess MC has a point.
Party meeting time! Everyone fills each other in about the situation up to this point and think of what to do next. But someone else is here in the cave, watching the party and starts sneaking closer...

End of Episode

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fortune Superstitions with Oni and Dragons Episode 3 (Abridged)

Merely Okay Farmland

Amanojaku: They kicked me out again. I really really tried to be a good oni! Hungry now...
Girl A: There you are! Amanojaku? Have some extra mochi we made.
Amanojaku: ...you sure? I'll pay you back with whatever veggies I find up in the moun--
Sudden warp!

Later, some ruined temple

Amanojaku: ...it happened again...
Amanojaku looks towards the village. He remembers everything that happens as Reverse Amanojaku and only returns to normal after he notices he's flipped over.

Amanojaku: I probably shouldn't go back. Still hungry. Sleep for dinner.
Amanojaku tried so hard to live like normal people, but it keeps blowing up on him. So stays away for everyone's sakes and his own. But that decision will also reverse itself eventually.

It's Setsubun! Time to get ready at Motosumi's temple because it's already drawing people in for things.

Echo: Umm...how many more cucumbers should I cut?
Amanojaku: And how much more of the other things I'm making? I'll help cut after that!
Kagutsuchi: Rice, up! ...two more pots? O-okay!
Takemaru: Thanks for comin' to help y'all.
Red Oni: Yeah. What are we helping with?
Takemaru: Mochi prep first!
Oniwaka: All these exorcism traditions always happening bug the crap outta me.
Motosumi: But you still dressed in festival gear. Why are you bitching about it NOW?
Oniwaka: Yeah yeah, I'll do my job. And give MC some good mochi!
Motosumi: Same for my babies! Now bring it!
Oniwaka and Motosumi start making mochi.

MC: Wow, vibing! / so pro / (run fast with the rice)

Girl A: Wow, he's pounding the rice so hard!
Boy B: They're giving out ehoumaki! Let's help later!
Guy C: Boss, the last of the rice? What do I do after?
Takemaru: Oh. Uh, mochi making demo after! Call dem kids over for it!
Guy C: Okay!
Qinglong: How appropriately lively for spring starting.
Fuxi: Indeed. And SIIIISTER is shining brightest.
Qinglong: I should go help now before Amanojaku complains.
Fuxi: Yes, you should. My fortune telling says you're too late though.
Qinglong: Oh. Couldn't you have said so earlier...?
Fuxi: I need to get ready! Setsubun is New Year's Eve on Old Japan calendar, so we need noodles! Which I shall make! FROM SCRATCH! FOR YOU, SIIIISTER!
Qinglong: O-okay, good(?) luck with that???

All those cardboard boxes from the other day

Motosumi: Okay I gotta explain this shit. We're gonna throw peanuts instead of beans at each other!
MC: huh? / yay! / what
Motosumi: I said what I said. Instead of Setsubun exorcism tradition using beans, we use peanuts that DON'T have magic cultural faith to do what's now problematic fantasy racism stuff. Also cleaning will be easy if they're still unshelled peanuts. Then we eat!
MC: oh okay / wow you actually thought this through / nice, Qinglong
(C) Qinglong: Yes, wonderful plan Motosumi.
Motosumi: I-it's cool, Sensei... stop looking at me like that, MC

Amanojaku: Is this really okay?
Kagutsuchi: Maybe we should try it ourselves before opening it to everyone.
Motosumi: Okay. MC, throw these suckers at Takemaru.
MC: Yeet! / (toss) / (YEET THEM SO HARD)
(AB) No reaction.
(C) Takemaru blushes.
Echo: O-oh, this seems fine... why does he look happy about this?
Oniwaka: Loophole, huh? Nice.
Amanojaku: Wow...
Motosumi: How about throwing them at Qinglong too?
Amanojaku: !?
Amanojaku: !!
MC; Wow, he's getting into this

Qinglong: N-now now, I've started picking up after myself and washing utensils, haven't I?
Amanojaku: Haven't you also been secretly ordering Tokyo DoorDash at night?
Qinglong: O-of course not, not while you're slee--
Amanojaku: So why is there suddenly unexplained trash lying around in the morning?
Qinglong: okay I did it...
Echo: whoa...
Fuxi: SIIIISTER! I'll be very soft when I throw peanuts at you.
MC: I'mma bean you SO HARD / (grab peanuts) / (catch the peanuts)
(AB) Fuxi: That's so cold! ...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Oniwaka: what is this guy's deal
(C) Fuxi: Good luck to you, SIIIISTER!
Oniwaka: Back off my Master, creepo!

Motosumi: Wait we haven't even started for real yet
Takemaru: Motosumi we have like tons of people here. Maybe too much?
Motosumi thinks.
Echo: U-um, maybe this can help!
It's almost time for bean peanut throwing and all the ehoumaki are out!

PA System: Hello everyone, the peanut throwing will be starting soon. Uhh, activity explanation to be given in front of the temple? Yes that's right. Yay I didn't flub my lines!
Qinglong's car drives over to the activity area. People start coming over.
One explanation later, peanut bags are given out.

Motosumi: Here you go. Go bean Qinglong!
Amanojaku: R-right, thank you.
Oniwaka: Here ya go, Master! I'll get you some good luck!
Red Oni: Me big. Hit me. Master too, thanks.
Takemaru: We're on the other side for once! Tokyo is awesome.
Kagutsuchi: Everyone is having fun!
MC: Yeah / Gimme three more bags / this isn't a competition okay?
Motosumi: LET'S GOOOOO
BATTLE(?) START (more happens after)

Boy A and Girl B: Good luck to Motosumi! (throws peanuts)
Motosumi: Wow thanks, kids! Now I'mma pray fo--HEY WAIT you're supposed to stay still!
Echo: Um, will you throw peanuts at me, Amanojaku?
Amanojaku: O-okay?
Qinglong: You weren't NEARLY this refrained when you were throwing peanuts at me!
Kagutsuchi: Amanojaku, me too!
Amanojaku: O-okay. Good luck to you...! (throws)
Kagutsuchi: That was so nice of you!
Amanojaku: Thank you. O-okay, my turn to be thrown at...
Kagutsuchi: Okay! (throws)
Amanojaku: ...wow this is kind of fun.
Amanojaku: (I hope this stops my dark side too.)
MC: (throw at Oniwaka) / (throw at Fuxi) / (fling that shit everywhere!)
(A) Oniwaka: Thanks Master! ...wait you want me to throw them at you too!? T-tell me if I hurt you!
(B) Fuxi: Yes! YES! YES! ...okay, Big Brother's turn now. I'll be gentle...
Qinglong: You are making this sound so wrong!
(C) Qinglong: O-oh my. How kind of you.
Red Oni: Happy day!

The crowd of randos join in! Later...
Motosumi: Okay, time to clean up. Also I need to buy more rice to make mochi with because this ain't gonna be enough.
Takemaru: 'kay I got things covered here.
Motosumi: Cool. You handle any shit that happens.
Qinglong: The children can go visit the stalls set up. We can clean ourselves. MC, Amanojaku, help?
MC: Okay. Kagutsuchi, Echo, you guys go ahead?
Echo: O-oh, okay then!
Kagutsuchi: I kind of feel bad for this...
Qinglong: It's okay. Have fun.
Fuxi: I still have noodles to make, I suppose.
Red Oni: Me help.
Oniwaka: Same. I can go have fun later.
Qinglong and Fuxi give spending money to everyone. Amanojaku bows politely and seems really happy.

Amanojaku: Thank you everyone. I've been wanting to talk with you all...
Kagutsuchi and Echo: !?
MC: WHAT? The world's flipped upside down!
Brain shaker! Everyone falls down!

Qinglong: Amanojaku! Oh no, it finally happened!
Fuxi: Did the trigrams just reverse?
Amanojaku: Oh no, and things were going so well...
MC: What just happened!? / did I just get Aura Vision? / sudden tsundere snapping. nice
(AB) Qinglong: Everything is still okay. Shall I explain?
(C) Amanojaku: WHAT? W-wai--
Reverse Amanojaku comes out! Qinglong pushes him back in!

Qinglong: Better now? It's okay, I'll explain.
Amanojaku: ...okay.

One explanation later
Echo: The ability to reflect and let loose vectors?
Kagutsuchi: And being with Qinglong-sensei was to learn to control that?
Amanojaku: (frowns)
Amanojaku seems conflicted.

Echo: ...I've been cursed too. I can only answer in echoes. I know you have your own problems, but...I think that's good enough to be friends!
Kagutsuchi: I've burned people because I can't control my fire before. Nobody's perfect. I support you in trying to get better!
Amanojaku: (shocked!)
MC: Yeah!

Amanojaku: W-wait, there's more to it though! It's more than emotions and directions!
Fuxi: So, everything then?
Amanojaku: !?
Fuxi: Pfffft, that's nothing new here in Tokyo. Remember what my fortune said? Go use your money present however you want.
Qinglong: Whatever you're planning, I'm in. Go have fun.
Amanojaku: w-what?
MC: Let's goooo!
MC and the kids check out the stalls!

Kagutsuchi: Did Fuxi get all these stalls set up?
Echo: Everything looks good but I can't eat all that...
Amanojaku: You guys, this is really impor--(stomach growl)--oh.
MC: Relax! Want cotton candy? Or shooting games?

Amanojaku: I guess I am hungry...
Kagutsuchi: Let's get takoyaki then!
Echo: I'll get in line for drinks! I'll text a picture of the menu.
Amanojaku: T-thanks. What should I do?
MC: Kick back / Figure out where to go next / Let's talk
(C) Amanojaku: O-okay. Um, could you step back a bit?
Amanojaku: I don't get what everyone is thinking, but...this is fun. Also before, when I flipped out? It wasn't supposed to stop so fast. Who are you, MC?
MC: Eh, nobody really / What do you see? / Still figuring that out too.
Amanojaku: You have even more Big Mess Energy than Qinglong-sensei, but that makes you relaxing somehow.

Echo and Kagutsuchi come back with stuff, being friendly in the way Amanojaku always wished he had friends.
Amanojaku: Oh, I'll go get us wet wipes to wash our hands with. (walks off)
Amanojaku: ...this feels weird.
Too much emotional whiplash. Amanojaku decides to go inside to wash his face.

Amanojaku: Huh. I never thought what my flip side looks from the outside before... maybe it's what I felt when I looked at MC? ...ah, oh no!
Sudden Urikohime flashbacks!

Amanojaku: I have to get away from everyone! (regretting his life choices) ...huh?
Reverse Amanojaku!

Fuxi: I'm ready to make noodles no--wait I sense a disturbance in the flow of things!

Where MC is
Kagutsuchi: I hope I can make mochi with Amanojaku!
Echo: Hmm. Should I make another announcement...?
Qinglong: Hello everyone!
MC: are you slacking off / didn't Amanojaku tell you no more takoyaki? / Amanojaku's getting wet wipes
(A) Qinglong: No, no, some people helped me to clean up!
(B) Qinglong: N-no he didn't! I wouldn't steal food from my students.
Qinglong: So Amanojaku went to the shrine? Maybe I should buy someth--!?--oh no! Get over here!
World warping!
Qinglong: Is everyone okay!?
Echo: I'm okay... what happened?
Kagutsuchi: Careful, I sense danger!
Qinglong steps forward! Some house collapses and something crawls out of it!

Reverse Amanojaku: (stares)
MC: Amanojaku! / (reach out) / (ready sword)
Qinglong: !!
Reverse Amanojaku: AAAAAA
End of Episode

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 2: Imaginary Point (Abridged)

Some flower field! In space!
MC: pretty...
Mokdai: oh my god???
Sui: I think their minds blew up.
Ryekie: Mine's getting there!
Grigory: Tee hee, back at my first time? Saaaame. So aaaanyways, this place is outside our universe and you can only get here when an Observer observes the way.
Huckle: So, a parallel world?
Grigory: Not reeeeally? Just outside ours.
MC: That Imaginary Point thing you said? / what / head empty~
(A) Grigory: Yuuuup, that's what we call it.
(B) Grigory: Cooool, huh?
(C) Melide: MC please focus
Grigory: Weeeell, I'M entertained~!

Grigory: Sooo like, it's like a parallel world that's way closer? TLDR, it's just outside our world.
Crowne: C-can we even go in? Not doubting you, just worried about what it means to visit some other world.
Crowne Alter flashback!

MC: oh, right / but think of the beers you could be chugging there
(C) Crowne: Aww, you know me so well. Hey Joker, wanna guess what's on my mind now?
Crowne: ...well it eased the tension at least. Thanks.

Grigory: Hmmm.  Well, looky here? (gives MC and Crowne some band things)
MC: feels like really clunky wristwatches
Grigory: Port Lights, which are proof lights. They're markers, measurers, PA systems...that sorta thing. Whateves, wear them so you don't get lost inside, mkaaay? You get a Port Light, and you get a Port Light! (hands them out to everyone)
Akashi: Hey don't just walk on ahead of us! And thanks! (awkward walks to the space door)
MC: You okay? / That's right, hunch that back, Quasimodo! / wow still polite with your mind blown
(A) Akashi: What!? I-I'm not scared or anything!
(B) Akashi: How can you joke at a time like this!?
(C) Akashi: I can't help it, I'm used to it from baseball... wait, how can you joke at a time like this!?

Akashi: Shouldn't you be MORE concerned about going to some other world thing?
Huckle: I know how you feel, but I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.
Seiichirou: Me too. Still, there's actually tech capable of allowing dimensional travel?
MC: oh right / what? / what are you on about now?
(A) Seiichirou: You think so too? The possibilities and abuses are endless. But maybe I don't even need to worry about something that might not be that producable.
Danzo: You two are worrywarts.
Seiichirou: You need to be more alert!
(B) Seiichirou: I'm worried about its uses and abuses. Hopefully it's all groundless.
Danzo: Aww, turn that frown upside down, Boss Worries-A-Lot!
Seiichirou: W-what!? Stop making that face at me!
(C) Seiichirou: W-what are you looking annoyed for!? I'm just thinking of the possibilities like I always do.
Danzo: Yeeeah, Boss can catastrophosize about anything. Must be his job's influence.

Exio: ...well, surprises always come out of nowhere.
Yoshiori: (surprised, then frowns)
Grigory: Okay everybody, special lab time! Let's gooo!
Huckle: We're going in!?
Grigory: Yuuup. Our meeting has to be done over there. It's coool, we put on all the safeties! I've been there before, coming back works oookay!
Huckle: What? But...
Exio: I think it'll be fine. Not too much danger to worry about. You feel it too, MC?
MC: Why do you think so? / uhhh / sorta...?
Melide: You should be able to tell. Try looking at it like when you observe heroes.
MC: Oh wait, like during those Path control lessons? Uhh, okay!
Bird's Eye Observer Vision activate!

MC: Umm...I guess it's okay? / seriously how is he judging that

Melide: Look closely. Is it warping weirdly? The view does that when ether flow is affected or unstable... right, Exio?
Exio: (frowning)
Exio: (smiles) Yes, that's right.
Grigory: ...so like, it's coool. If it suddenly DOES bug out on us, it'll tell us ahead of time.
Huckle: (stares)

Crowne: So, WHY are all of us going again? This isn't just a group decision, is it?
Huckle: If possible, as I said. But I've been feeling for some time that we need to learn, think, and come together as a group.
Hero Huckle's return! Crowne Alter! EX Ryekie! Akashi Alter!

Huckle: Weird things happen around us even compared to other hero agencies, but we don't know why.
Ryekie: Oh, so that's why we're going?
Crowne: ...right, all that bad shit.
Huckle: Also, Exio clearly knows something we don't.
Ryekie: Which he hasn't shared yet. Isn't that a problem?
Huckle: Right. The Alliance and Zero Trust also know things we don't, so now's a good chance to find out what. Learn whatever we can about stuff and hopefully continue working as an agency...
Ryekie: And for our own selves!
Crowne: Oh, okay.
Huckle: Right. Also, Crowne...

Exio: ...something on your mind, President?
Huckle: ...nothing. Everyone good to go?
MC: Understood / Let's go! / still worried
(A) Huckle: Good. Watch your feet, MC.
Danzo: I can carry you if you get tired!
(B) Ryekie: YEAAAH!
Melide: It's like a hiking trip.
Mokdai: Maybe we can picnic too!
Sui: Wow you actually brought lunch. That bagel sandwich looks nice.
(C) Crowne: ...got it. I guess it'll be fine.
Akashi: Stay near me, MC!
Seiichirou: We can't relax too much, but I guess something managed by Zero Trust should be legit. We have things to do anyway.
Monomasa: ...I need to know too. Melide says it should be fine.

Everyone goes inside the Imaginary Point.
Akashi: ...huh, those things in the sky are here too.
Grigory: The Satellite Bands? Yeaaah, just a simplified version compared to what's on Earth. We at Zero Trust made those, along with that building up ahead.
MC: That thing way over there?
Grigory: Yep, it's a transceiver. Okay it's experimental, but it can use Live@Hero too.
Crowne: ...so what is this world you sometimes see?
Grigory: Uhhhh, a closed world that isn't quite a parallel world.
MC: what
Monomasa: The technobabble is here. So what's the difference?
Grigory: Weeell, a parallel world has something you can clearly say is different. Environment, people, choices...anything you can tell is different from your home world.
Crowne Alter flashback!

Crowne: ...oh, I see.
Grigory: Here, we can't actually identify those differences. Maaaybe there's something? Who knows, which is why it's closed. It gets unobservable, and this place doesn't have much left observable either.
MC: So it's transient / wait, it's shrinking? / hold up what

Exio: It's fine, that's what the Satellite Bands are for. The lab's built, right?
Grigory: Wooow, sharp. But you got things backwards.
Akashi: MC are you getting any of this?
MC: Uh, difference in cognitions? / Foundation Fortification? / Nope!
(AB) Grigory: Mmmm, mostly!
Grigory: So, like, we just tripped over this place one day? We sent drones to take pictures, and then we noticed more of it was getting unobservable. We were, like, oh my goood is the place shrinking? We rushed to build a base, and welp! Suddenly the unobservable areas stopped spreading so fast.
Exio: Oh I see now.
Grigory: Yuuup! Okay so we have like a sample size of one with little experience, but I guess we sorta stuck a nail into Schrodinger's World? Now we gotta figure it out, but doing it all safely and aggressively? Eeeeh, maybe it'll be done in a hundred years.
Crowne: Holy crap, don't drown us in details about our safety or anything, genius!
Grigory: We're almost there, so I shorthanded it! Look, the lab!

Giant prefab building!
Yoshiori: WHAT? I thought you said it was a rush job!
Akashi: Oh my god don't just yell like that! I thought you were being weirdly quiet!
Yoshiori: I-I was just thinking! Also, you calling me loud!?
Akashi: Uh, yeah simp.
Yoshiori: Uppity little jock!
Ryekie: Awww, friendship!
Mokdai: I think Yoshiori is legit trying to break something.
MC: Stop! / Okay, calm down now.

Yoshiori: ...oh, sorry.
Akashi: ...uh, whatever? Are you--
Sui: Guys, hurry it up or you'll be left behind.
Akashi: O-oh, right!
Yoshiori: Tch, what's the point at getting pissed at a kid?
MC: You okay?
Yoshiori: ...stop looking like you know me. Go on, your friends are calling.
MC: ...alright / what about you?
(B) Yoshiori: I'll... catch up soon. Now get.
Yoshiori: ...man I'm losing my merc edge.
Exio: Yes, you've been much more expressive. That might be a good thing actually. So, what did you want to ask me?
Yoshiori: !!
It's just them two now.

Yoshiori: ...am I that easy to read?
Exio: ...sort of. But we've known each other long. You can probably tell when I'm different than usual.
Yoshiori: ...heh, I guess. (scratches head) ...Exio, are you--

Temp Lab Base!
Mokdai: Whoooa! ...huh?
Sui: It's so white
Grigory: Let's call it simplicity, mkaaay? The construction drones just popped it all out like that. Efficiency, rush job, budget issues, yeaaah.
Seiichirou: Is this literally 3D printed?
MC: aah, the default settings / fancy / pretty
(A) Sui: I guess? Industrial style?
(B) Grigory: Thaaanks! The low hanging feeling's nice.
(C) Ryekie: It's so clean! Not like our office!
Mokdai: I know! We barely moved and already there's trash everywhere!
Huckle: Funny words from the two responsible for at least half that mess.
Ryekie and Mokdai: !!

Grigory: Oh wait, it's night time already? Bummer. Let's do the meeting tomorrow, mkaaay? We got some food here.
Grigory's drones fly everywhere and bring drinks to everyone while Grigory apparently just sits there.

Melide: Handy carrier drones.
Crowne: Wow, are they autopiloting?
Grigory: Sooorta. It's a combo of existing tech, not commercially sold yet, shhhh.
Huckle: So really good programming then. We should think of buying some when they go on sale.
Grigory: Yaaay, thanks! Drone work is turning into my main job even though I work at Zero Trust.
Mokdai: The drones we use? ...wait omg Grigory were you with Woden Industrial!?
Grigory: oh did I not say so? Yeeep!
Mokdai: OMG thanks for all your work!
MC: WHAT / hey senpai loop me in / O-oh, awesome!
(C) Monomasa: It's okay MC, you don't have to fake that you knew.

Mokdai: The drones we use are high end stuff, super popular. Made by Woden Industrial, Grigory specifically. I heard he transferred out, but I didn't know it was to Zero Trust.
Grigory: Temp thing, joint tech stuff with me popping in and out. Looots of consulting, mostly.
Monomasa: ...as big as this place is, I don't sense anyone else.
MC: It's just you and us in this huge place?
Grigory: Sooo like, this is an info meeting and all, but getting people here is haaaard. There's the people who know about this place, the coordinate calculations, and then we need an Observer. Sooo yeah it's probably just us this time.
MC: wait we need to know that much? / what?
(A) Grigory: Yup. Sooo many conditions and junk.

Grigory: Well tldr, it's all reserved for us. Alll those other buildings outside? Dorms or whatever. There's enough for everyone so take whichever one you liiiike after dinner. Speaking of, let's open up the gooood stuff! (clicks on nearby panel)
Danzo: ...did I just see you just order a ton of food?
Grigory: It's coool, we can eat it all.
MC: is that what he's like when not working on tech?
Seiichirou: This is a concerning amount of food the drones are bringing.
Grigory: They'll be bringing seconds! Make yourselves at hooome.
It's like a buffet now.

Mokdai: That variety... I figured you'd be giving us space MREs or something.
Ryekie: Oh my god, you guys! FOUR kinds of curry!
Huckle: Curry's mostly your thing. But are you sure it's okay for us to have this?
Grigory: Yuuup! What kind of host would I be otherwise? Like, yeeeah it's mostly instant stuff but it's the goood stuff.
Sui: ...can we actually finish it all?
Crowne: It does feel wrong to waste any of it...
Melide: ...thank you for the food.
Monomasa: Don't force yourself to eat, okay Melide?
The party is taken aback but slowly loosens up.

Yoshiori: (stares)

MC: oof
Yeah it was too much food. Grigory suggested everyone go to bed, but...

MC: yeah I won't be sleeping soon like this... hm?
Someone's outside.

Yoshiori: ...oh, MC. After-dinner walk?
MC: you too? / you feel a breeze? / going on patrol?
(AB) Yoshiori: ...sorta. Way too much food there earlier.
(C) Yoshiori: ...kinda. Gotta digest a bit.
MC: ...you didn't eat as much as usual.
Yoshiori: Pffft, invasion of privacy much? Whatever, it seems okay enough here, so go to bed after your walk.
Hmm, he seems quick to shut conversation down before he'd say something. MC blurts stuff out as Yoshiori starts to leave.

MC: Wait, is something bugging you? You've been weird since we got here.

Yoshiori: Piss off.
He mad.

Yoshiori: What are you, my keeper or something? What are you gonna do about it?
Something is definitely bugging him.

MC: ...what I do is watch and observe heroes.
Yoshiori: ...so?
MC: So I worry when you act weird. If you're mad, I want to know why. If nothing else, I want to be with you.
Yoshiori: (stares)
MC: It's all I can do, so I decided I'll put everything into it.
Yoshiori: ...so it's all work to you? Snoop.
Yoshiori sighs big. Bit of tension goes.

Yoshiori: I know this ain't a damn thing about work...but I guess you do the only things you can do just like everyone else, huh? (turns to some breeze)
Yoshiori: Fine, I guess I can tell you and ask your opinion while I'm at it... what would you do if you HAVE to play dirty to save someone you want to help?
End of Episode