Sunday, May 9, 2021

Live A Hero The Knight and Ruins Adventure Episode 1

We start off with a flashback with some adventurer yelling in pain and saying he can’t go on anymore, so he tells his partner to leave him behind. Said partner objects to this and says they planned on getting out together and that’s what they’re gonna do dammit. He’ll do whatever it takes to save him, and he tells his partner to take his hand and strains to haul ass.
Marfik takes over narration and talks about how adventure has always been a part of his life. He’d step into unknown ruins and occasionally run into life-threatening danger, but never once did he ever consider stopping what he did. As dangerous as journeys were, the excitement of uncovering the mysteries at the end made all the effort worth it for him. This way of life is the realization of the dreams he had since he was young after all.
Flashback then jumps forward to some other point in time as one of Marfik’s colleagues asks if he’s going somewhere again. Said colleague attempts to politely suggest that Marfik should cut back on personally going on ruin investigations. It’s nice Marfik’s healthy and all, but he needs reading glasses to read smaller writing now and given his age it may be time to slow down a bit. Marfik describes this colleague as a younger coworker in his department, but he notes that his concerns are too late coming to be any effective. Marfik still accepts the concerns though as he gets ready for his next trip out.
Marfik concedes that he’s gotten old, but he declares the flames of his curiosity will never die out. He talks about how he’ll probably keep going on his adventures as long as unknown discoveries lie in wait in the universe, at least until he dies. He’ll go on living out his dreams from his youth, as that is how he’s chosen to live.
We then tune into the present as Marfik is in his office nodding to himself about finding an interesting legend of some kind. Said legend originates from the Perseus’s Arm part of the galaxy, but Marfik runs into a problem regarding his assistants. He’ll need a hero and an operator to go with him, and he wonders how he’ll find the people with those roles.
Title card pops up, and this episode is called Departure.
We then tune back in at Parallel Flight as Akashi sighs in despair about his life being over while sitting on a sofa as the office is on standby. You express concern for Akashi since he’s unusually depressed, so Mokdai tells you that Akashi is having college troubles. He registers for class at his own pace, but he’s realized he’s forgotten about some credits he needs and he’s too late to register for them, so he’s down about that.
Ryekie laughs and says that there’s nothing to be done about that, so Akashi should just reflect upon his mistakes and try to do better going forward. That’s what optimism is all about! Akashi says he wouldn’t be so bummed if that were possible, and at the rate things are going he’ll be stuck repeating a year, which is going to impact job hunting for him later. Mokdai sympathizes, though since he went to a technical school he doesn’t quite feel the weight of that possibility himself. Ryekie stays positive as he says life can work out at times, and he’s had things manage to work themselves out for him several times too. Mokdai points out that his comment sounds kinda irresponsible.
You either sympathize with Akashi, ask Mokdai if his school didn’t use a credit system, or ask Ryekie if he went to college. B gets extra lines as Mokdai explains his degree had his classes arranged beforehand, which he wonders if the school organized together. As such, he never had to plan out his school schedule himself. C has different extra lines where Ryekie says his home planet’s school system is fundamentally different from Earth’s. College and high school are not distinct things there. Ryekie does say that he basically went to a military school, but that’s also all the education he had.
Anyways, Akashi says he could have avoided all this if he took more classes in his freshman year, but since he wanted to make time for baseball practice he decided to leave some of his classes until his third year there. Buuut unfortunately, Akashi totally forgot about them later on and freaks out about how stupid he was to let it slip his mind. Kyoichi walks over and notes that while Akashi looks like he has things under control, he’s actually careless. He also brings up that Akashi had a habit of leaving his summer homework until the end of vacation. Akashi flinches at this and looks away, then wonders why Kyoichi is there. Kyoichi is surprised at this and says he’s been talking to Huckle this whole time. Huckle figures Akashi was too preoccupied to notice when Kyoichi came in earlier, then hands Kyoichi all the stamped paperwork he’s done with. Kyoichi takes them and says he’ll bring them to the desk at his agency. You either thank Kyoichi for his work, ask if the paperwork is agency related stuff, or cheer about Kyoichi being here.
In A, Kyoichi says you’re doing good too. It’s nice when things are peaceful, but he still feels like something is missing. In B, Kyoichi explains it’s a report for some recent work. If multiple agencies are involved, then all agencies need to sign off on it. In C, Kyoichi flirts and approves of how forward you are. Akashi is too depressed to react, and Kyoichi is concerned about this since Akashi would kick him at least once under normal circumstances. Anyways, Kyoichi tries offering to talk to Toshu for Akashi since Toshu also does some gen ed classes too. Akashi says he’s already tried asking Toshu as a last resort when everyone else said no.
Flashback kicks in as Toshu tells Akashi it isn’t happening. Akashi begs for mercy and asks that Toshu think it over some more, but Toshu says he’s thought it over plenty and that it can’t be done. The cultural history class is filled up, never mind that the registration period is closed now. Akashi tries to plead further, but Toshu says he can’t do anything about it and doesn’t want to deal with the student affairs office over that. He figures Akashi was turned down by the other teachers, and that everyone else has filled up classes too. As it stands, Akashi will either have to take the class outside of campus or stay back a year. Akashi isn’t keen on the first idea since he feels it’s aimless. He’s also worried he won’t fit in with the course level outside Hinowa. Toshu sighs and asks if Akashi’s parents have said anything about it all, so Akashi says they told him they’d kill him if he’s held back.
Toshu: Rip 
When the flashback ends, you either sympathize and say Akashi is running out of luck, comment on Toshu not swaying from his position, or suggest Akashi’s parents are super freaky. C gets some extra lines where Akashi is surprised and says you met them before in elementary school, but then he realizes you must have forgotten about that. They act nice to other people, but they will actually hit Akashi if they threaten to do so. He’s pretty sure they won’t kill him, but he’s still afraid of what they’ll do since he’s not sure what that would be.
In any case, Kyoichi suggests that Akashi could just go take the class off campus and volunteers that he got a teaching license for times like these. Akashi says he’d go if he could, but he’s having trouble actually finding the class anywhere. Huckle notes that it’s generally specialized classes to get opened to the public whenever something like that happens. Kyoichi adds that it’ll be hard to find one now since it’s also the cutoff point for registration too. It’s unlikely teachers will take anyone else if their classes are filled up already. Kyoichi then gets a brainwave about someone having just come back to Earth and is fairly active, so maybe his ‘classes’ will jive with Akashi.
You ask Kyoichi who he means and what an active class is supposed to be, so Kyoichi says it’s one of his agency’s heroes. He’s a college professor, but he goes around a lot and isn’t at college much. It’s possible he can take Akashi on now though. Akashi leaps at the chance and gets in Kyoichi’s face as he presses for details. Kyoichi wastes no opportunity to point out how close he is, but Akashi insists on keeping things serious. Kyoichi is briefly disappointed by this, but then gets back on topic by telling you his coworker is part of the same college Shouen teaches at, Orient City University. He’s a researcher in archaeology, and the scene transitions in the middle of Kyoichi getting to his name.
Camera tunes in on the west side of Orient City where the university’s main campus is. It’s reputed to be the barrier to the top class of the county as you and Akashi head over there and walk to the office in one of the research buildings. Akashi reads off Marfik’s name off the door or door plate, then says he’s getting nervous. You hope the consultation will go well or try to get Akashi to relax. Akashi nods, then asks why you’re here since this is his problem.
You tell Akashi that Kyoichi and Huckle told you to come as a flashback kicks in. Huckle thinks about Marfik and says that if things go as usual, he’s likely in the middle of planning his business. Kyoichi argues that may be true, but getting involved in his business should make it easy for Akashi to get his credits. Plus if it’s someone with oodles of stamina like Akashi, he’ll be a perfect fit for it. Huckle concedes the point and says Akashi should be able to handle the heavy labor. In case things go That Way, Huckle asks you to go with Akashi.
Flashback ends with you noting that Kyoichi and Huckle were throwing out various unsettling things about this, and Akashi is confused by what they could mean by business and heavy labor. Whatever it is, he figures it’ll be way better than getting held back, so he resolves himself and knocks on the door. A voice inside the office acknowledges your presence, and Akashi explains he’s been told to come here by Kyoichi. He’s so nervous that he has to wipe the sweat off his hand with his clothes, then opens the door.
As soon as Akashi opens the door, he leaps back in alarm and bumps into you, and you both fall to the ground. Akashi apologizes and says that something fell over when he did that, and when he looks over said something turns out to be a very pointy pickaxe. The both of you freak out with you wondering if being hit by that thing would kill you, and Marfik apologizes about forgetting that he propped it against the door while he was thinking about his prep work. He walks out and smiles, saying he’s glad you guys are okay. Akashi is surprised by this, and Marfik already knows your names, saying Kyoichi informed him as such before prompting you two to come in.
Marfik’s office is crowded with shelves that have things like lithographs, gems, bone samples, and other historical relics. They’re also cluttered up with wrapped up documents and old books. You are amazed by the place and say it looks just like a professor’s office. Marfik formally introduces himself as Professor Marfik I. Jordan of Orient City University’s Literature Department’s History Section. He does archaeological research on various planets.
When Marfik puts his hand out for a handshake, you comment in surprise at how big his hand his, how big he is in general, and/or how buff he is. Marfik laughs about the comment saying he got so swole visiting so many ruins. Akashi is taken aback, but then introduces himself as a third year student at Hinowa Sports University, and you introduce yourself after him. Marfik notes that Akashi is Kyoichi’s kouhai while you’re an Operator for Parallel Flight. Based on the latter fact, he reasons Akashi must be a hero. Akashi is surprised by this but confirms as such, even if he’s only doing it part time. Marfik nods to himself, then looks the both of you up and down and stares hard.
You tell Marfik you find him staring so hard embarrassing, and Marfik declares that the both of you look strong and sturdy as he nods. Akashi tries to ask what that was all about, so Marfik waves it off as a check before other things. He takes it as a good sign and that it’d be a good idea to propose some business with you guys. Akashi asks what that means as he notes that you told him Kyoichi and Huckle brought that up earlier. Marfik answers that he’s going to a ruin on another planet and would like to ask you guys to be his assistants. He then picks up a huge backpack filled with stuff along with some other suitcases and carrying cases.
Akashi asks if this means Marfik is going to outer space, which Marfik confirms. This investigation will going on for about a week, though the length of time means there aren’t many students who’d want to come with. There’s also something special about these ruins, so Marfik would prefer to have a hero and operator come with him. There aren’t that many heroes who are also students though, but Akashi happens to fit that description perfectly.
Marfik pulls out some papers out of a bag and lays them out on his desk. Said papers have tiny writing and some patterns you’ve never seen before drawn on it. You ask if this has to do with the ruins and wonder what planet they came from, so Marfik says his destination will be the fourth planet in the Sooseft star system in Perseus’s Arm. More specifically, the Aradicia Kingdom in the northwest part of the central continent. Aradicia is at the same cultural level as Earth’s Middle Ages, and details from other planets that trade with them describe the place as a weird one with both historic feeling architecture mixed with spaceships and cell phones from off planet. Legends and traditions and beliefs that have long died out on Earth live on over there.
Marfik continues by saying that heroes and Observers are believed to use magic over at Aradicia. Heroes are known as Magical Warriors, Observers are known as Sorcerers, and generally they are called Magicians. These Magicians are the only forces known to be capable of fighting off against fiends, by which they mean Monsters. Notably, Aradicia has high respect for Sorcerers/Observers. Akashi is surprised at the description and says it sounds like something out of an old game. He also points out how that place has the opposite view towards Observers what with them respecting them, and you express some envy about this, say you’re already feeling culture shock, or say it feels like some sort of fantasy world.
Marfik adds that he’s also heard about there being a phantom labyrinth on that planet for the longest time, something only Magicians are able to enter. Akashi asks if that means only Observers and heroes can get in, so Marfik confirms as much. That’s weird on its own, but the more important bit is what’s inside the thing. Only a few people have come back alive after entering the place, but those that have had come back with a handful of gold. They don’t actually remember much of what was inside the labyrinth though. And speaking of gold, Marfik also tells you that Aradicia has a legend about how there used to be a literal city of gold where it stood, which you are surprised and amazed by.
Marfik says no records remain of that city, but this legend is a bit of oral folklore that still keeps getting circulated among Magicians. Somehow or other it just disappeared one day, and the country has been having money troubles ever since. He doesn’t know any specific details, but he does suspect that maybe the ruins of the golden city is inside the labyrinth and wants to find out for sure.
Akashi nods as he gets why Marfik wanted you guys to go with him over there now, though he is concerned about how few people actually came back alive from the place. You agree, though you also think it could be fun. Marfik laughs and says he understands why you’d be concerned, but he assures you guys it’ll be fine since he’s there too. He’s overcome death-defying odds tons of times before, and he proclaims himself a master adventurer. Whatever happens, he’ll stake his life to guarantee your guys’ lives. You either are surprised by his confidence, say he somehow looks convincing, or point out you guys almost died minutes ago. C gets an extra bit where Marfik tries to smooth it over as a little mistake and promises it won’t happen over there.
Anyways, Marfik says you guys will of course get compensated if you choose to accompany him. If Akashi goes and also helps out with sorting his materials after the investigation, Marfik will give him the credits he needs for his culture class requirement. And in your case, Marfik takes a moment to think and fiddles with his tablet before showing you an estimate amounting to an Incredible Amount of Money. You are shocked and ask if that number is right, so Marfik says that’s right and that’s how much the commission for this sort of thing usually goes.
Marfik admits that while he’ll guarantee your lives, it is a dangerous place you guys would be heading to. That’s why he’s offering to pay so much as a part of the business negotiations. He asks if you guys will accept, so Akashi says he will. He’s already used to danger due to his hero work, and if Marfik is going to look out for him then he has to take this chance to make up for his credits. Akashi asks if you’ll go, so you say yes, say you’ll go if Akashi is going, or ask Marfik to keep his word. C gets an extra line where Marfik says he will and that he’s never made a promise he couldn’t keep. Marfik then says he’ll be counting you guys for the week of the trip and is excited to go on a romantic adventure again. The episode then ends with some narration glossing over the three of you taking the space flight over and teasing the unimaginable battle and adventure that awaits you all.

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