Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Valentine Colosseo Episode 4 Part 3

We tune in at the hallway in front of the participants' waiting room in the underground arena, and there Kengo notes that you and Fergus have come back. You ask about Kengo waiting around by himself and if he felt lonely about that, so Kengo says he's spent a lot of time on his own before he met you. He then talks about how you'll be going up against him next and while it's been a while since you guys fought, he intends to win. Fergus decides to ask Kengo if him winning against you is the most important thing to him. He also asks if Kengo ever thought it'd be fine if he lost as long as he could go all out. Kengo thinks the question is dumb and says he always intends to win, so Fergus accepts the response after a moment. Kengo then tells you he's going to be so mad if you hold back against him, so you either say you know or stay quiet. Either way he snorts.
You guys go inside the locker room where all the other people still in the running have gathered. Kengo is excited to get started, and you comment that the sportswear you're wearing is easy to move in, though you're surprised about this sudden wardrobe change and ask about the gladiator suits. Snow apologizes and says that the gladiator suits have to be repaired since they couldn't hold up after the previous round of battles. So while that's happening, their sponsors have provided a change of clothes in the meantime. They were made with breathability and ease of movement in mind, and Snow asks how they are. Kyuuma is amazed by the flexibility of the clothes and how well they fit, which is something he tends to worry about since his legs are thick. Snow is glad he likes them and asks that he fill out a survey later. The clothes are also being sold in stands in the guild area, so it'd be nice if you mentioned that to any friends in the audience. Shuten sighs at Snow's business acumen and asks about how the next stage is going to work out, so Claude says he'll go explain that.
Claude's explanation gets offscreened as time skips to the point where everyone is surprised to hear that the next stage is going to be a tag match. Claude confirms this is the case and says Valentine's is a thing because you have someone in mind. You guys fought and made it up to this point because there's someone like that for you, right? Kengo asks if this is going to be decided by lots, and Claude laughs at the idea. Kyuuma reacts in shock as he pulls out his chocolate he had to bring, wondering if it has to do with that. Others start hitting upon the same idea in surprise. Claude however says there's no need to use it since you can just give it to the one you care about. You can just work it out yourselves, and Claude excuses himself. Snow asks everyone to come talk to him once people have decided who they'll partner up with.
Kengo freaks out internally since he never expected anything like this. He briefly considers partnering up with someone else but shoots down the idea and flounders in his hesitation. As a result of this, randos start asking you to partner with them and ask you to accept their chocolate. You are either confused, shocked, or happy about your popularity, and by the time Kengo thinks to call to you, you are crowded by a bunch of other people.
Around this point, Fergus steps in front of you, saying it's nice how everyone is after their youth, but you're already taken. The mobs are surprised by this but accept the explanation and disperse, probably assuming from what happened in the first stage. Fergus turns to you and asks if this is fine, so you thank him, say you wanted to partner with Kengo, or nod and say you'll do that. Kengo demands to know what Fergus is planning to do, so Fergus points out that there's no actual rule against fighting your partner. Kengo is surprised at this, and Fergus says there's nothing contradictory about fighting against the person your heart is set on. He prompts him to take your hand already or else he'll do so.
You call out to Kengo and hold your hand out, and Kengo says nothing. Fergus starts telling Kengo about how he got some advice from Shuuichi earlier. He's thought about it, and he still has his doubts, but he feels like he'll learn something if he fights Kengo. Specifically, he'll learn what he's so worried about, which is why he wants you two to team up. Kengo laughs and thanks him, saying that once things are settled he'll fight him again. He walks off, raising an arm to wave. Fergus nods and declares that the next time they fight, he'll be fighting without any hesitation. As someone classed as a prophet or prognosticator, he knows he'll remember something after this fight. The fight between you and Kengo will likely make him remember something himself.
After that's done, Fergus sighs to himself and wonders who he should partner up with then. Shuten calls him clumsy and says if he lives like that someone is going to cut his head off, though he laughs and says he doesn't have room to speak about that. Fergus is surprised to see him and Kyuuma walk up to him, and Kyuuma starts suggesting something he's thought of to him.
Scene shifts over to the premium seats in the arena stands where Seth is questioning whether there's even more people in the audience now. Someone accidentally bumps into him and apologizes, and when Seth turns to look he's as surprised to see Sitri, Bathym, Cait Sith, and Alp as they are to see him. Seth is annoyed by their presence and demands to know why they're there. Alp responds that Seth got a seat ticket from Snow, so everyone else in the Valentines sideshow group (and Sitri) got one too. Seth starts mentally beating himself up for having not noticed that. Cait Sith attempts to get him to calm him down by offering him some orange juice, which Seth accepts.
Anyways, Seth starts asking why Sitri is there. Sitri starts to introduce himself before he freaks out and starts thinking Seth is Rank 1 of the Hierarchy. Seth doesn't know what he's talking about and asks about this hierarchy malarkey, and Bathym points out that Seth may look like him, he's actually someone else. Sitri takes another look and calms down when he realizes his mistake, and Bathym apologizes to Seth on Sitri's behalf. He explains he's there as Sitri's chaperone because he really really wanted to come see the event.
Sitri pushes Bathym away and tells him to stop getting up in his space because he didn't have anyone else he could ask to take him. He complains that his mom and big sister were fine with Bathym watching him and says he wants to be a grown up already. Bathym teases him for still being a kid and tells him to put up with it. Come to think of it, he'd like some thanks for scoring him a VIP seat too as he hugs him. Sitri pushes him away again and says he hates how flashy Bathym is. Seth tries to get Bathym to lay off too and offers to switch seats with Sitri. Bathym is disappointed by this but asks Seth to keep watch over him.
Anyways, Seth introduces himself to Sitri, and Sitri thanks him and calls him senpai and a badass. Seth is surprised but pleased to be referred to as senpai, and Sitri comments that Seth is really different from that fake polite bitch despite looking so similar. Seth tries asking more about this person along with that other thing Sitri mentioned earlier, which Sitri figures to mean the hierarchy. Bathym doesn't seem happy about the subject being brought up, and Seth is confused by their reactions. Sitri asks Seth if he's ever heard of the term the 72 Pillars of Solomon. Seth has not, but before the conversation can continue, Shuten comments on everyone getting excited and asks if people will make room for him. Alp is surprised to see him in the audience, so Shuten says he's done with his job and will be watching like everyone else.
In a flashback to the locker room, Kyuuma asks Fergus to team up with him. Fergus is surprised at this but understands what Shuten was saying earlier. Shuten says it's better for Kyuuma to see other worlds now and asks that he let Kyuuma see his youth from close by. He turns to Kyuuma and asks if he can do this, and Kyuuma agrees. Back to the stands, Shuten says he was fine with just standing around somewhere to watch, but Snow asked him to take a seat at least even if he's disappointed he's dropping out.
Camera shifts over to Claude as he starts to make a speech to all the participants who have gathered here. The next stage is going to be the last stage of the event. In the first stage, everyone ran around fighting in a large arena. In the second, everyone had to win with their own strength. In the special stage, everyone had to fight in a confusing free for all and triumph. Now, it's time for a more Valentine's related show for the fighters here. Everyone starts assembling on stage as Claude announces to the audience that the last stage is the Valentine Tag Match, and he asks that everyone watch closely as the fighters battle on while relying on one another.
Kengo turns to you and comments that it's been a long time since you guys fought there. You agree and say you're remembering your first meeting with him. Kengo says he never really did change, and fighting like this is the only way he knows how to do things. Narration suggests that maybe there are parts of him that have changed, and Kengo shakes a little as the thought comes to him. He doesn't know, as there's only one thing about himself that he is sure about. Snow declares the start of the battle, and Kengo decides to start by getting rid of everyone else first before his battle with you happens. And so the episode battle begins with you having Fergus and Kyuuma in your party somehow, and more story happens afterwards.
After the battle, Kengo starts narrating about how he's an idiot with little in the way of friends. He's never had much of anyone supporting him from behind in anything either. All he knows is how to hit things like the brainless moron that he is. Everyone always called him a loose cannon, a thug, or ghetto, things like that. He only knows how to talk with his fists though, and whenever he met with someone, he'd end up alone. But then one day he met you, and through you he started to see the world. He started to see the things he didn't see before. That's why you're special to him...but how does he tell you that? He tried thinking it out, but he came to the conclusion that just thinking was useless. The best things he had to give you were his fists, and he wanted you to accept his best strikes.
Kengo starts laughing uproariously as his thoughts start narrating. He's happy, and he remembers the first time he fought with you. You came in, with no idea where you came from and knowing nothing, yet you were the only one to catch his fists. He battled you, leaving behind everything this city had forced upon him. When he heard what Sitri and Claude had to say at that time, he started to worry. What was it that he thought of you? Did he care more about protecting you or fighting you? Did he stop wanting to fight the strong and make protecting you the only thing important to him? He kept thinking about it but could not come up with an answer, so he chose to fight you once more. And now that he is fighting you, he's figured out what he wanted. Both of his desires to fight and protect you are within him, and the two alternate in surfacing. People might call that contradictory as if they know, but you know how it really is, don't you?
Kengo starts speaking again, saying he's glad he's met you, so he's going to use his full power to crush you. With every wrap around with his arm, the air shakes as if thunder were roaring. But on Kengo's face is an excited, innocent smile. Fergus calls out your names as he watches, and Kyuuma is surprised when he notices that Fergus's swords are glowing. Fergus is surprised when he notices too.
The fierce battle rages on, and those who have lost withdraw from the field. You and Kengo continue fighting, and his attention is focused solely on you. Your sword swings down, but Kengo dodges by a hair and swings his fist back. This is a battle between true warriors who fight on through instinct, and everyone in the audience is enraptured. Seth express amazement, and Alp says he's getting shivers and can't look away. Sitri talks about how he used to think using Valentines as an excuse to give chocolates in a vague way of expressing your feelings as just flirting. Using an event to express yourself came off as weak to him then. But the way Kengo is going at it now is different. He's trying to get something across while still filled with doubt, but he looks so cool doing so! Sitri comments that he never knew what a true badass is like before, but wow. Bathym sighs internally about making his eyes shine like that.
Kengo laughs as he says that fighting with you is the best, and he asks you what you think of him now. You can either call him partner, say you love him, or not say anything. A gets extra lines as Kengo breaks into a wide smile as he adds another wrap around of his belt for more power. He agrees with you and says he'll fight and protect you. His full power breaks through your guard as he jumps in close, and he declares that he'll both attack your weak points (pun alt: things you love) and defend them. B gets other extra lines where he blushes but smiles. He amps his power as above and he says that part of you is your biggest weakness/thing he likes the most about you.
In any case, Kengo's yells echo throughout the arena, which is then added with the crowd's roars the next second. Kengo unleashes his NP against you, and a giant flash of light never seen before reaches even Fergus's eyes. Fergus starts talking to himself about remembering something and that he Knows That Same Light. It's the light of the life he let go of once, and that memory slumbers in his hands. As the memories come back to Fergus, Cait Sith notices that his sword is shining and recognizes that it must be one of the Pillars of Tir na Nog. The light of its power is the light that shines atop the summit of a mountain, and Fergus starts talking to the sword as he says that even if many heroes fall, it stays rooted in the ground until the end of the world before activating his NP. The light he unleashes is the Same as the light you and Kengo are releasing from your clash, and a blinding flare and deafening roar bowls over everything.
Memories start rising in the back of Fergus's mind, and he talks about remembering how he had a youth like you and Kengo are having. He remembers Why He Forgot about that at the same time, then trails off. The memories he should have discarded come back as well, and Fergus talks about having someone he staked his life to fight and to defend before. He remembers their name now, and the episode ends as Fergus says their childhood name was Setanta before eventually being known as the hero Cu Chulainn.

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