Monday, March 1, 2021

Live A Hero Valentine Cyber Wars Episode 2

Hisaki starts narrating as he talks about how hard he worked at his research, enough so that sometimes he worked without stopping to eat or sleep. He studied information technology, biological engineering, computer science, and communication technology. He reread his books in his field of study, running about trying to take the most optimum path to creating what he wanted to create. Hisaki says it's not good enough to make a new gadget to act as a middle man. That wouldn't be an easy thing to use, and it'd be hard to spread into wide usage. It needs to be simple enough that anyone can use it, something everyone can look at and go 'ah!' at.
Hisaki tried making tons of trial products, only to scrap them. A few times he ran into a dead end, but eventually Hisaki declares he's got something he's satisfied with. The product has limits on what it can trace, but it gets the main job done well enough. This is where he'll surprise everyone with his new invention that has gone to a place where no man has gone before! Hisaki then talks about how it's his life's goal to make something never seen before in the universe specifically on Earth, something that'll wow anybody. Earth is seen as late on the tech development curve in the eyes of the rest of the galaxy, so Hisaki wants to show them up given that he was raised on Earth. He wants his home to be seen and accepted by the universe, and he wants the same thing for himself.
Title card pops up, and this episode is called To Protect the Heart.
We then tune back to the present at the office as Hisaki has finished explaining what's been going on and what his job request for the agency is. And on the table is everyone's arm-mounted space smartphones. Akashi sighs as he says he sees. He doesn't get the underlying mechanics, but he gets that it's for the better that everyone's detached their phones for now. He's so used to wearing the thing that he never considered taking it off. Huckle talks about how convenient wearable tech has made things after being spread into society, like cashless transactions by confirming someone is alive, holographic phone calls using 3D tracing, and sending View Power to heroes. That convenience made it customary to wear them, and Huckle suggests that its creators might not have foreseen that they could go as far as to pick up nerve signals.
Hisaki explains that it wasn't known until just recently that the tech could read nerve signals. Brain signals are complex, and most people have said that something like Hisaki's system that could decipher and organize those signals into words was absolutely impossible. Ryekie points out that no one has invented anything like that until now though, so he asks how the criminals behind this incident could tamper with the system then. Wouldn't people generally think that someone just stole something that they had no understanding of and just made a mess of things with it?
Crowne suggests that this is probably being done by people who have researched into the same area but were unable to make anything to build a foundation off of. It's a bit like how Earth once did research into time machines in the past. The theoreticals and mechanics behind the research may have been completed, but the creation of the actual machine came to a deadlock. Then here comes Hisaki who has managed to create the machine that they couldn't, which must have been their big break. You either nod along and say you see, say that you don't get it, or comment that technological process can be scary.
Crowne says that the short version is that Hisaki's creation was stolen and modified, which is what's causing this current incident. Capturing the criminals who stole it is what you guys will need to do to put an end to things, and that's what Hisaki's asking you guys for help with. It's just not realistic to tell everyone to take off their wearable tech after all. Huckle agrees that it's a tough problem to solve, and that it wouldn't solve the underlying problem. This does run into the issue of you guys not knowing where the criminals are though.
Crowne says that Hisaki's already mentioned offscreen that the thief who hacked into his server has their location traced to somewhere specific, and the reason Hisaki is asking you guys for help instead of the police is because the criminals are a somewhat well known mafia group made up of villains, meaning people the police won't want to deal with. They're also some really crazy white collar criminals to break into Hisaki's server with all of its security and steal something from it.
Akashi comments that going to a mafia hideout to steal back the system sounds like something out of a spy movie, and Crowne says that the thought windows popping up and out like it has been is proof that it's still incomplete and unstable. You guys will have to either destroy or steal back their server before the system is completed, and to do that you guys need helpers for the job. That's what Hisaki wanted to ask you guys to do, and Crowne asks if you guys would do it.
Hisaki adds that he won't let the criminals go for stealing the masterpiece he cut back on sleep for, then tampering with it themselves and using it for crimes. He doesn't know what the big idea is, but he swears to beat them down for it. Huckle sympathizes but asks him to calm down, so Hisaki apologizes for getting worked up. Crowne says it's fine, and that it's more like himself than being depressed about things. The Hisaki she knows is someone careless, shallow, and quick to get carried away.
Hisaki protests that her description of him doesn't sound flattering in the least. He does agree that he can't sit there and be sad; he should be working towards getting things solved instead. He declares that he'll get his research back with his own hands. Crowne approves as she points out that 'never give up' is Hisaki's motto. Hisaki nods, then laughs about how Crowne's never the type to help people feel better by pampering them. You point out that Hisaki seems to have bounced back onto his feet, express relief that he's okay, and/or say he's a simple kind of guy.
Akashi comments his surprise that a researcher and inventor reacts a lot more like someone with a more physically active life style, though he notes Crowne's the same way. Crowne asks him what his image is of science background people, then says the stereotype of gloomy, delicate eggheads is only just a portion of the people out there. Hisaki describes research as something you need guts, tenacity, and courage for. Sure, you need a head that can think and process things, but it's good to have physical strength too. There are plenty of scientists who come from a physical-oriented background, and he used to play football back as a student. He's about to mention what Crowne used to do as a high schooler when Crowne threatens him with a smile into silence. You either say Crowne's eyes are freaking you out, wonder aloud what it is she did, or comment that Hisaki playing football tracks with his body build.
Ryekie laughs as he comments on how well Crowne and Hisaki get along, then asks if they've known each other for a long time. Crowne answers that they were just stuck with each other as Hisaki was her kouhai back in college in America when they were in the same lab. She knew he was the esteemed son of the head of Yodobashi Industries, but she never expected to live in the same city as him when she came to Japan. She also expresses surprise that Hisaki also dabbled in information technology along with his specialty in space engineering.
Hisaki brags that it's something he could pull off as he's a genius. He's so smart that he skipped grades earlier in school and was the valedictorian, but Crowne brings up he was also the record breaking dumbass who blew up a lab and had to drop out. His dad beat his ass in when he returned to Japan after that, and Hisaki protests in shock that Crowne promised never tell anyone that. Akashi is taken aback to hear this and asks what sort of research Hisaki was doing. You comment that Hisaki does seem smart, but he also seems to be missing something. You also express an interest in knowing what Akashi was asking about too.
Huckle talks about Crowne being the intermediary for Hisaki's coming to put in a job request. He's glad to take it on, but he points out that you guys don't have enough people for it. He'll need to make calls to ask for reinforcements, but he's not sure how many people will turn up at the end of that. You ask if things are that serious, suggest calling in the wolfman, or nod that it is what it is. B gets an extra line where Huckle says this would be a good time to call him in, but it'd take him a while to get here. He's living in the space boonies on the moon, so the quickest he could get here is in half a day. But anyways Huckle talks some more about how the current situation means that the heroes of UEHA (whatever United Earth Heroes Dispatch is) are going to be busy with their day jobs. Anyone else is probably caught up in something too in all likelihood, so that narrows down who'd show up for a request for help. He decides he may as well roll the dice and see then.
Scene then shifts over to Orient City's coastal district's third elementary school, specifically class 4-2. Some fourth grader excitedly chatters about giving their fancy chocolate to someone and wonders on the prospect of them getting the person they like to like them back and make out with them. Some other kid tells Kid A to stop since they already told someone in class (4?)-3 they liked them. Kid A takes offense at B reading their thoughts and tells B to go out with the class president already since they like them so much. Kyoichi attempts to break up the fight and says it's fine for people to like whoever they like. Now that class is over, he tells everyone that they should go straight home and mentions that school will be closed tomorrow. Kyoichi moves to open the door when one of the students works up the nerve to try to talk to him. Kyoichi looks sad as he stays quiet for a moment, then tells them not to worry about things and go home. Said kid gives up on what they were going to say and obeys. Once he's out in the hallway, Kyoichi sighs as he rubs the back of his head and says things have been awful today. The kids are at the age where they're sensitive to love affairs, but he's still unsure of how to handle it. He thinks on it some more before his phone beeps, and he's surprised to see his agency has sent him a help request form.
Scene then shifts to the north side of Orient City where Orient City University is and tunes in at one of the literature study rooms. Shouen is sitting on his feet in front of some calligraphy paper, calming his heart as he starts to write with his ink brush. A noise from outside surprises him into dropping his brush, which causes him to make a big round stain. Some guy is pleading for someone to let him explain himself, but another guy refuses to listen because of the two-timing that was done. A girl attempts to break up the argument and says she likes one of the guys despite the two timing, but the guy calls her a manstealer and says her thought window is betraying that she's trying to get brownie points. Shouen comments on there being some jealous passion on a day that's supposed to be about giving love, and the idea of love depresses him for some reason. He tries to clear his head saying writing with those sentiments would be rude, and he takes a breath before trying to write again when he notices a message from his agency.
Scene shifts again over to the arrivals lobby of Orient City's international space airport. Some news reporter has finished talking about some Earth resource development coming from Raidark and Archimedes before moving on to talk about the first day of the long holiday of the moon's pioneering memorial. Flamier turns out to be at that airport as she sighs and says she hasn't been here since Christmas and is glad it's clear out. She comments that she can't go see her father while wearing her lab coat for some reason, so she hopes that she'll have some time to change before they go eat together.
Flamier continues walking through the airport pulling a suitcase behind her as she looks around. Someone is supposed to be there to pick her up, so she wonders where she should go when she stops in surprise upon seeing a commotion nearby. Some souvenir shopkeep is yelling at a guy for shoplifting since his thought window said he was doing so, and the thief is surprised by the window as he tries to get rid of it before running. There's also a couple fighting, with one woman getting mad at the other for ditching her for some Lunarian lady. The second tries to pull away and blames the window exposing her like this for what's happening.
Flamier asks in surprise as to what's going on, then gets a ping about a message from her agency. She acts resigned that it must be some sort of fate at work for this job to come to her just as she touches down on Earth, and a chauffeur walks up to Flamier and apologizes for keeping the young mistress waiting. He offers to take her luggage and attempts to lead the way, but Flamier apologizes and asks him to just take her luggage as she has some sudden work to attend to. She also asks him to pass on to her father that she'll see him another day as she excuses herself. The chauffeur attempts to protest, but she's gone soon after leaving him to wonder how to break the news.
Scene shifts back to Parallel Flight where two teachers/heroes have responded to Huckle's request for backup. Huckle talks about how the whole city is in chaos so every agency must be backed up, but it's still commendable that Heroic Educators was still able to send help your way, so he thanks the two for coming. Kyoichi enthusiastically says he'll help and that he wants to solve things as soon as possible for his students. Shouen says he can't turn a blind eye to people exposing what people keep inside their hearts, so he aims to be as much help as he can be. You either cheer at Kyoichi's presence, ask if Shouen is angry, or ask where Toshu is.
In A, Kyoichi says this must be fate and says he'll be counting on you again. In B, Shouen apologizes in surprise that he gave you that impression. In C, Akashi notes that Toshu is usually with them and wonders the same thing. Shouen explains that Toshu was getting distressed about how inexperienced he was due to what the incident was doing to him, so he ran off to the mountains in Shinshuu to train under a waterfall to focus his mind. Akashi is surprised at this and asks what happened, then brings up that you could die if you do something wrong while standing under a waterfall in the winter. Kyoichi says Toshu is tough, so he should be fine...probably.
In any case, Kyoichi comments that the job this time sounds like something from a spy movie, though it's not the first time he's done something like this. Akashi is surprised and says he said the same thing, so Kyoichi calls him cute and says they must be on the same wavelength. Akashi immediately backs away from him, only to express more surprise when Kyoichi doesn't make a move. Kyoichi doesn't get what he means until a second later, then asks if Akashi actually wants him to do so. Akashi denies it in shock and says he just moved out of habit since this is what normally happens. Kyoichi teases him and says he's a proper adult who knows how to act in public, so Akashi apologizes for acting the way he did. At that point Kyoichi's thought window pops up and blabs that now that Akashi put that thought in his head, Akashi is looking pretty hot as always.
Kyoichi attempts to apologize and say it's an inevitability, but Akashi refuses to accept it as he pounds him for a bit. Ryekie is unconcerned about this and compliments Akashi for getting better at taking someone down with a body blow. Hisaki is shocked that Ryekie would pay attention to that and tells them to stop cutting into their manpower before anything even begins. Akashi apologizes and says he just started acting without thinking once he saw that Kyoichi had been thinking about it after all. You either lament about some promise, point out that Kyoichi didn't actually vocalize his thoughts this time, or say he's as perverted as ever.
Shouen says nothing, but his thought window comments on this being karma. You note that Shouen's quiet even in his thoughts and are amazed at that. Huckle then remembers at this point to ask Shouen and Kyoichi to take off their wearable tech for as much as possible when they aren't transformed since that will keep the thought windows from popping up. Crowne is baffled he didn't think to tell them earlier, at which point the bell rings.
Huckle wonders who could be at the door, and Kyoichi gets up and says it's probably another one of their heroes. He explains that when the agency sent out the help call, she happened to come into town at that point, so she chose to respond. You wonder who this person could be, and Ryekie comes back from the door and informs Kyoichi that he was right that another person from Heroic Educators has turned up. Flamier walks in after him, apologizing for being late as she greets and bows to everyone. You either recognize Flamier in surprise, ask if she's a hero, or ask who she is. B and C get an extra line where Akashi also expresses surprise at Flamier being a hero and says she doesn't look like it.
Flamier introduces herself to everyone with her full name Flamier R. Astridam. Hisaki recognizes her last name after a moment, which surprises Crowne as she asks if she knows the rich young lady looking girl. Hisaki declares that everyone in the space development business knows that name, and Flamier is surprised and asks if he knows about her father's company. You ask about the company and ask if Flamier is actually some high society lady.
Kyoichi explains that Flamier is the daughter of the head of Archimedes, one of the leading conglomerates in the solar system alongside Raidark, the space development company that's built Orient City. Flamier herself works as a high school chemistry teacher on the moon though. Akashi is surprised to hear that Flamier comes from a rich family and asks why she'd go into superheroics herself, but Ryekie laughs and says your familial circumstances don't matter when it comes to being a hero as he turns to Huckle. Huckle agrees, though he's surprised he still remembers about his home.
At this point, Hisaki is surprised that he's getting a call now, and when he looks at his phone he finds it's from his father. The phone projects what looks like a relatively young Earthling man, who talks to Hisaki in a panic after trying so hard to call him and says everyone is afraid. Hisaki asks him to slow down and calm down since he isn't keeping up with what he's saying. Akashi observes that Hisaki is clearly talking to an Earthling even if he called him dad, and he notes that Hisaki having the name Yodobashi Hisaki sounds a lot like an Earthling's name. Hisaki clearly does not look the part, so Akashi wonders what's up with that. You agree that that's true and wonder if Hisaki is a hybrid or say he must have a complicated home life.
Hisaki looks increasingly concerned as his conversation goes on, and he says he'll head over right away and asks that everyone not make a move there. Hisaki then gets off the phone and asks for everyone's help, as sudden as it is. Suspicious people have been spotted trying to get into one of their factories, which he believes might be the villain group.
Time passes as everyone goes over to the main office factory entrance at the west side of the city. Villain looking mobs with Parallel Weapons are over there, and they immediately shoot upon seeing you guys. One of the shots grazes Akashi, who says it'll be hard to get in at the moment. Hisaki however gets indignant at them trying to occupy his home and walks up to the mobs. The mobs demand to know who he is and say they won't show mercy depending on what he says, but Hisaki in response demands to know what the mobs are doing here. The mob answers that they don't care about the factory, they only care about Hisaki's room. Hisaki says he has even less reason to go easy on them for messing with his room, and the mob quickly figures out who he's talking to before trying to capture him.
Hisaki calls his agency for a transformation, and once he changes he brags about how it won't be easy to take an ex-fullback. You are surprised to find out that Hisaki is a hero, and Hisaki panics upon remembering that he forgot to set up the cameras, forcing him to back up as the mobs shoot at him. Whatever he was planning to do, he doesn't have enough of a view count to use. Akashi is exasperated with Hisaki and says he'll go in too, so he asks you to transform him. You quickly comply and/or sigh about how much of a handful Hisaki is being.
Shouen says he'll go fight too and asks you to transform him. Once the two of them are suited up, Akashi declares he's coming to back Hisaki up, and he and Shouen run over to his side. Kyoichi looks preoccupied with something, which Flamier asks about. Kyoichi starts saying it's the villains' fault that terrible things are happening to his students as he glares angrily at them like he's never done before, which causes your phone to light up differently than usual. You ask what the light is or recognize it from what happened at Christmas. B gets an extra bit for narration to confirm that it is the light that lit up when Ryekie got his alternate form.
Kyoichi asks you to transform him, and as surprised as you are you roll with it and wonder what will happen. After you press the button, Kyoichi is suited up in his super agent form, which shocks him. Akashi is also surprised to see it and asks him what happened, so Kyoichi says he doesn't know and was just thinking about the suffering his students were going through. Shouen understands after a moment that this must be a new transformation coming in response to a different wish than normal. Kyoichi decides to just get on with it and yells that the villains are the reason his students are having such big problems. He'll make them regret it, even if he has to force them to do so. The mob seems offended that he'd say that without knowing what their goals is, but he challenges Kyoichi back.
Flamier asks you to transform her, so you say it's fine but ask if she'll be okay. Flamier points out that the villains have numbers, so you guys will need to balance it out. She also adds that the smell of drifting gunpowder is...really exciting her. You freak out at her reaction, but transform her as requested. After Flamier suits up, she asks you to take command Master as she heads out, and her thought window pops up showing her thinking about wanting to make a lot of fire blossoms bloom. You comment that Flamier is one dangerous lady.
The mobs observe that there are now five heroes on the field, but they scoff that it changes nothing. Hisaki brags that he's not to be underestimated as he calls himself a scientific genius and superhero, but Akashi can't believe he'd call himself a genius like that. Shouen asks Kyoichi if he'll be fine fighting with a different weapon than usual, so Kyoichi says he'll learn as he goes. If it came out of his mind he ought to be able to figure it out. Shouen nods at that and says he's going in, and Flamier giggles about making dizzying flowers appear. The episode battle then begins as you tell everyone it's go time or comment that one of you guys is saying some scary things.

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