Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Live A Hero Book 2 Chapter 2 Episode 8: Isolation Beyond Imagination (Abridged)

Ominous Voice: i have a new body. it doesn't hurt to be alive, and i don't get hungry. but i still wanna eat... oh no wait, it's something else. i wanna chew up and burn everything i hate
Imaginary Point
The Port Light is ringing and MC is feeling super sick!

MC: (oof)
The world's gonna fall apart! Terror is blowing up while observing things! But MC can't just stop!

Danzo: MC, deep breaths.
Oh huh, MC is on their knees now.

MC: r-right...

Okay good MC is breathing again and back on the ground mentally speaking.
Danzo: Okay you're cool now. I can't see whatever it is you're seeing, but anyways don't push yourself!
Headpats from Danzo!
Monomasa: Okay that's enough headpats while MC's head is unstable.
Danzo: Oh! My bad!
Monomasa: You okay MC? What did you see?
MC: ...things are super messed up and warped.
Yeeeeahhh there's no chance of getting to Galvo's spaceship ride from here.

Galvo: Oh, escaping from here is unrealistic. Thank you anyways, Observer. What now then? ...hm?
Danzo: I hear something. MC, get ready to go.
Monomasa: But where is it coming from?

Hmm. Sounds like the sound is coming from another world. And it's getting louder!
Danzo: Hmm, this is bad. Monomasa, handle MC for a sec!
Some orb pops up! It's dark with geometric patterns and it starts spinning.

Seiichirou: Grigory, the line went through!
Grigory: Whaaat? Yaaaay, it actually worked!
Seiichirou: Yes, we did have to spend all that VP for this...
Hologram phone call!

MC: omg Grigory!? / omg Seiichirou!?
(A) Grigory: Hooray MC, you're allll good!
(B) Seiichirou: Well it's good to see you're okay. Nice job, Danzo.
Danzo: Thanks! But a little more of that would be nice!

Akashi: You guys! Everyone okay!?
Mokdai: Is this thing working!?
Sui: There you are, MC!
Melide: Monomasa! MC!
MC: Guys!
Monomasa: Melide...I'm sorry to make you worry.
Galvo: Oooh, art these thine friends from thine world, MC?
Monomasa: Yes, theirs and mine.
Ryekie: MC, you're okay!
Huckle: But we can't stay on the line for long, so listen closely.
He's mildly stressed.

Grigory: Okaaay, short version! That's my Parallel Weapon there and it can auto-fly to any hero I think about, so I sent it to Danzo. But uhhhh, sending it to another world is a first for me so it's costing a lot to keep up.
Crowne: We're using this Mystery Source VP. Same for you guys?
MC thinks.

MC: ...yeah, somehow we have VP coming from somewhere
Crowne: Okay cool. One more question, is there a lab over there too?
Danzo: Yeah, Exio and Yoshiori are holing up there as a base!
Grigory: Oh. Hmmmm... well they're in the way, whatever it is they're doing. Still, we need you to go there.

Galvo: Pardon the interruption, but I am Galvo and an allied hero journeying with MC. There are white Monsters spawning near the lab, so must we face them head on?
Grigory: ...yes. Because if you staaay, you'll all become Unobservable and--oh no the call's about to drop!
Huckle: MC, take Grigory's weapon with you!
Seiichirou: We're about to run out of VP. Danzo, take everyone to the lab.
Danzo: Okay but DAMN that's a tall order for a perfect ninja like me!
Seiichirou: You'll be fine if you can quip about it. I trust in you.
Melide: Monomasa, MC, don't push yourselves! I'll be waiting.
Monomasa: We'll be there.
Grigory: Okay we're really really about to lose the call! If you have anything to say MC, say it noooow!
Well MC has lots of thoughts but not much time to say them. Flashback!

Galvo: You must consider what your true wish is. Who is the hero you share goals and support with?
Hmm... also MC is up against a person, so...

Flag check! Who did you pick in 2-6?
[Akashi Route]
MC: Akashi
Akashi: Y-yeah?
MC: Will you fight with me?
Akashi: MC... (frowns)
You need to figure out who you can best support and be supported by. Someone who trusts you and stands by you.

Akashi: (smiles) Yeah! You're my Observer, and I'm your hero!
[Mokdai Route]
MC: Mokdai
Mokdai: U-uh, what!?
MC: Will you fight with me?
Mokdai: MC...?
You need to figure out who you can best support and be supported by. Someone who listens with worry and determination.

Mokdai: ...reminded me of things. Yeah, we'll do it together!
[Sui Route]
MC: Sui
Sui: Yes?
MC: Will you fight with me?
Sui: Heh...
You need to figure out who you can best support and be supported by. Someone who accepts who you are and looks for their ideal place.

Sui: You saw my dream, haven't you? That's when I decided I'll fight with you.

Okay, phone call dropped.
MC: ...
Galvo: ...were you naught to carry this, MC? (picks up Grigory's weapon and hands it to MC)
MC: ...thanks. (takes Grigory's weapon and hugs it)
The party smiles. And then sudden plot twist!

???: Hey. Done with the phone now?
Someone's behind the party!

MC: Yoshio--!?
okay what is that

Yoshiori: Damn Grigory, I didn't think we could get a space phone call out here.
Monomasa: Yoshiori... (frowns)
Yoshiori: What? You still haven't decided what to do when you saw me? I've been watching you this whole time.
Danzo: Damn, that's some Presence Concealment if I couldn't pick up on the Invisible Soldier being here! But fun fact, sudden appearances...?
Danzo disappears for a second! Yoshiori shoots! Danzo's kunais are blocked, but that's still enough of an opening for Danzo.

Danzo: Means whoever pops up can't whine if they get cut down...hey wait, how come I didn't reach you?
Yoshiori: Him. Which you probably can't see.
MC: Danzo get away, there's a Monster there!

Danzo: WHA--(power tackled!)
Galvo: Danzo, art thou okay!? What just--
Yoshiori: Galvo, Exio says we're cool if you don't fight against us.
Galvo is surprised as he turns up the heat.

Galvo: ...dost thou claim the Exio who knows myself is here?
Ooh he on the hunt now.

Yoshiori: Welp, Exio said this might happen.
MC: Yoshiori, why are you with a Monster!?
Yoshiori: So you CAN see him. In that case...
Yoshiori lets go of Id Replica so it can reveal itself. It looks like some snake that isn't really alive but is, somehow.

Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
A hollow but also wrathful roar.

Danzo: damn what that?
Oh hey Danzo is next to MC now.

MC: Danzo!

Danzo: Whoopsies, I got my ass kicked for a second! But uh, how are we dealing with that?
He sounds casual but he definitely took damage. He just isn't showing it.

Galvo: I've never seen such a thing before...
Monomasa is picking some stuff up.

Monomasa: Exio...? This thing is... your...?
Yoshiori: Id Replica... fight them after we do our thing. Exio's orders.
Id Replica faces up and screams REALLY loudly!

Monomasa: ..."eat everyone?" Wait--
Yoshiori: You know what he's saying? 'cause I seriously don't.
Id Replica stops yelling. Things are quiet for a literal second before the ground shakes like tons of things are coming in from underground!

Danzo: Uhh...

Monsters incoming!
Yoshiori: You guys are headed for the lab, right? So are they.
The world starts shifting!
MC: uhh
World warping!

Danzo: ...damn things really getting crazier up in here.
Galvo: Is this what MC saw?
MC: ...!
Sudden headache makes MC close their eyes, one worse than anything else so far since coming. But Monsters are coming so MC needs to open their--

MC: wait what
Welp, there's a curtain in the world now. Light particles are floating from the ground.

Monomasa: What's going on with this crazy world?
Yeah the world seems to be collapsing from the ground up to him.

Galvo: Even I can tell. The world is...
Id Replica screams again and faces the party!

Yoshiori: Welp, your first fight. Go catch th--
Id Replica attacks!
BATTLE START (more happens after)

Id Replica keeps screaming as it attacks the party!
Danzo: Does this thing even take damage, bro!?
So the bone things react to being attacked, but Id Replica shows no reaction to attacks.

Danzo: And we gotta stay away from the mud fire stuff!
Everything thrown at Id Replica disappears inside it. Same for the ground it ends up eating.

Galvo: Then we must defeat it without making contact! Fire Claw swing!
A big hit!
Id Replica: [Weird Screaming]
But Id Replica keeps on going! Monomasa watches Yoshiori. Yoshiori is just watching the fight.

Monomasa: Yoshiori!
Monomasa suddently attacks Yoshiori!

MC: Monomasa!?

Monomasa swings with an arm blade! Yoshiori blocks with his gun!
Monomasa: Make him stop right now! Or else--
Yoshiori: Or else what? You'll cut me down? To do what's right?
Monomasa: !!
Yoshiori: What do I matter to you anymore? YOU have a home that accepts you now. Must be nice to not feel like some lost drifter anymore! Remember who gave us a place to be when we had nothing left? Go on, tell me.
Monomasa: Yoshiori, you...
Yoshiori: Hell yeah I'm pissed too.
Monomasa: ...! You're using that trick again.
Yoshiori uses Presence Concealment! Except it's not like he slipped through dimensions or anything as Monomasa swings his arm as a whip until he hits something!


Yoshiori falls back!
Yoshiori: Hmph. So you had a plan at least. Jackass.
Monomasa: Give up, you can't get past me. Stop Id Replica now.
Yoshiori: ...you know I can't since it doesn't listen to me, right? It obeys Exio, I just make it remember. On another note...you may have been an S Rank Hero before, but you're a rookie when it comes to fighting other people! (disappears again)
Monomasa: You really think that will wo--!?
Yoshiori doesn't even make footstep sounds this time.

MC: Yoshiori!
Monomasa: !!

Yoshiori has his gun up to Monomasa. The harder he pushes that trick, the harder it is on his body and the more he wants to come back. But what did he use as a guide?
Monomasa: ...Yoshiori, you...
Yoshiori: oof that cut down way too much, geez.
Yoshiori is breathing hard as he holds up his gun. Monomasa drops his aggression.

???: This is stupid. Let's stop.
Monomasa: !?
A voice comes from within Drovyne.

Monomasa: The voice is using my skin!?
Monomasa's body acts against his will. Because it's not just his will in there.

Yoshiori: wait WHAT
Monomasa's Venom Skin swallows up him and Yoshiori into some big ball!

Monomasa: Monomasa... is that you...?
End of Episode

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