Saturday, December 23, 2023

Live A Hero The Star Ocean Cruise Train Episode 4 (Abridged)

Yoshiori is staring at MC as the party investigates.
Yoshiori: (stares)
Flashback MC: Thanks Yoshiori!
Yoshiori: (stares)
Flashback MC: You were so cool!
Yoshiori: (blushes)
Digram: Query: is something wrong, Yoshiori?
Yoshiori: wait what no. everything's cool
MC: You okay?
Yoshiori: I said I'm fine! Just...thinking about old stuff. I thought I forgot about all that.

At least ten years ago, socialite party.
Butler: Master Yoshiori, your father is calling.
Yoshiori: 'kay I'll be there.
Butler: Understood. Shall I accompany you?
Yoshiori: Ugh no, I'm not a kid anymore.
Butler: Beg pardon. Please come when it's time to greet everyone. (bows and leaves)
Yoshiori: I said I'm not a kid anymore! God!
Yoshiori pulls at his collar, then goes to the party filled with businessmen and politicians.

Yoshiori: Guess I better greet the guest of honor. Hope Father greeted him no problem.

Plot twist!
Terrorist: Eat shit old man! AAAAAA
Window crash! Nameless mob charges at politician conveniently standing next to Yoshiori with a knife!
Yoshiori: WAIT WHAT
Chaos and panic! A bodyguard jumps in ahead of Nameless Mob and shoots out the knife! Then more guards dogpile Nameless Mob!

Bodyguard: Are you okay, Sir?
Yoshiori: Y-yeah, thanks. Whoa...
That dude is so brave and strong.

Yoshiori: He's so cool! I wanna be like a bodyguard too!

Yoshiori wanted to be a badass, strong enough to protect the people he loves! His parents were opposed, but he got past that and joined the army! And in the army, he started training to get beefy for his dream job

Sergeant I Guess: Yoshiori Underwood. I've heard about how much you've been excelling.
Yoshiori: Thank you sir!
Sergeant or Something: Everyone's been thinking you bought your way in, but this meeting is to get on record that you made actual achievements. You've officially made it into the special forces!
Yoshiori: Yes sir, thank you sir!
And that's how Yoshiori became a super badass soldier.

Yoshiori trained so hard as a special forces soldier he started bleeding! And he kicked ass in all sorts of battles, sometimes with tactical maneuvers and sometimes with kicking down the door with guns blazing.

Yoshiori: (frowns)
Super Soldier: Operation complete, all enemies subjugated. Good job Yoshiori.
Yoshiori: R-right. Now to do all the after battle reports and junk.
Super Soldier: ...why do you seem so down after doing so good?
Yoshiori: Nothing... Hey, are the things we're doing--
Is Yoshiori getting closer to being an awesome badass like this? Suddenly something warps in behind Super Soldier!
Yoshiori: Look out!
Monster: REEEE

Super Soldier: (pushed aside) Yoshiori!?
Yoshiori is off balance and the Monster attacks!

Yoshiori: Like hell I'll be done in here!
Yoshiori regains his footing, opens fire with an SMG, and throws a grenade!

Yoshiori: Dude, you okay!? We gotta get outta here while all that firepower's stunned the Monster!
Lots of smoke up as Yoshiori runs towards Super Soldier.

Monster: REEEE
Yoshiori: OH NO
Yoshiori is caught!

Super Soldier: Hang on, I'll get back up! Radio, we need reinforcements! Monster attack!
Yoshiori: Let go, you fu--
Yoshiori got thrown into the Monster's mouth!

Super Soldier: I need a hero! ...Yoshiori? Who is that? Whatever, HELP ME!
Inside the Monster

Yoshiori: why was I fighting here again? Oh yeah, I wanted to be a badass who could protect the people I love... this sucks. What was it I wanted to do again...?
Yoshiori is falling apart...

Yoshiori: What was my dream...? Oh whatever... I'm disappearing anyways.

Title Card: Where Did He Go?

Back to investigating for sus people!

Esperdica: ...nothing new seems to be happening. We should go talk to that one soldier man then, if we ever find him.
Digram: Esperdica, this car is bigger than the others. Can you describe what you saw so we can save time?
Esperdica: Okay, thank you.
MC: Yeah I saw some soldier looking guy too.
Digram is filled in.

Digram: Understood. Work terminal needed for passenger database lookup. One moment while I go cross reference for the described man.
Yoshiori: Cool, thanks.
Digram walks off.

Raizi: can I change the subject in the meantime to look into something else? (turns to Yoshiori and MC, hand on chin)
Raizi: I got questions if you don't mind. How do you guys know Exio?
Yoshiori: ...uh, what does that matter?
Esperdica: Raizi, rude.
Raizi: Oh, sorry. I just needed to know. (looks at Yoshiori and MC again)
Raizi: So I told you Exio tried to recruit me before, right? I sensed ulterior motives and wanted to know about that.
Yoshiori: calling Exio sus?
Raizi: ...kinda. Call it intuition.
Yoshiori: What kind of asshole questions people on just that?
Such silence. Well, aside from the mall/elevator muzak.

MC: Yoshiori, calm down / No fighting! / Why do you think that, Raizi?

Raizi: ...sorry, I worded that badly. It's too much to expect answers without explaining my own side of things, huh? So Yoshiori, you've known Exio for a long time?
Yoshiori: (stares)
Raizi: I can observe parallel worlds and see alternate versions of you guys. You believe that, right?
Yoshiori: ...don't all Observers do that?
Esperdica: Raizi, are you sure you want to reveal that?
Raizi: It's cool. You brought them here, and my gut says they're waiting to make a bet. I don't want to look away at things I've seen.
Esperdica: Oh...

Raizi: Observers can see the possibilities of parallel worlds, but each Observer sees them differently. Sometimes it's an image thing, but for me, I can see these other parallel worlds themselves. I say that, but it's mostly a special world. Sometimes their thinking patterns and dreams are totally different. And sometimes I see part of those worlds overlap here or something.
Raizi seems proud. Yoshiori and MC look at each other.

Raizi: When I met Exio, I could see that he uses his Observer powers differently. If I'm right...I think Exio can mess with other people's minds. I don't know how though. Hypnotism or whatever? But I turned him down in case he tried doing it to me.
Yoshiori looks surprised then awkward. Raizi might be right.

MC: what

Raizi: This is all conjecture still. He just publically introduced himself as a massage therapist.
Yoshiori: why are we talking about him? He's not here, he can't be behind this zombie ghost claptrap.
Raizi: I talked about all this because I wanted to check a connection with that other world I saw. I'm betting you guys aren't up to anything, so I want you guys to tell me how you're connected to Exio. When I met him, I saw that he was alone in a world gone mad. I want to know whether you guys are connected to that world.
Yoshiori: wait what
Raizi: (stares)
Yoshiori: He doesn't care about a crazy world or whatever you're talking about.
Raizi: What do you mean?
Yoshiori: You said he was alone there? I've done enough dirty work that it's weird I've gone legit, and people usually don't bother involving themselves with that sort. But Exio did everything he could to help me with nothing in it for himself. So if Exio is in a world all by himself, then he wasn't there by choice.
MC: I think it's okay to believe in him / Yoshiori... / (stares)

Yoshiori: A Monster vored me, but a hero saved me at the last second. I still got damaged by it, and nobody in the army or my family remembers me now. It SUCKS to not have a home or future, but then Exio found me and hired me as a bodyguard. (crosses arms as if he wasn't already)
Yoshiori: Exio gave me a home, even with me being almost a ghost that no one can see. He picked up Melide and Monomasa too, other people with no homes... I think he just couldn't leave us alone.
Raizi: Oh...
Yoshiori: I don't give a shit about what you saw. I don't have anything against you, but I WILL fight you if you go up against Exio. (glares)

Raizi: ...okay, I trust you guys. At the very least, I don't think you guys are willingly involved in all that.
Yoshiori: Ugh, can you talk about something more concrete already?
Raizi: Being roundabout is the only way I know how to talk. But you guys should be a little concerned at least.
Yoshiori: Yeah, 'cuz I'm Exio's bodyguard.
Yoshiori seems done with this. Not as mad as earlier though.

Yoshiori: I guess my dream came true a little bit.
Nobody hears.
Esperdica: I'm sorry Yoshiori, Raizi didn't mean anything bad by that.
Yoshiori: I know, god...don't make me say that since that's not like me.
MC: tee hee, oh you
Yoshiori: SHUT UP

Digram's back!
Digram: Thank you for waiting. No matches found in the search results.
Esperdica: Oh...we'll just have to keep talking to people.
Digram: Wait, no matches were found among the passengers, but there's still someone on board who fit the description. I will--
Hey, something's up with the guards nearby.

Yellow: A928, can you reach C615? He went radio silent.
Green: No. I'm worried about D877 since he had an emergency shutdown. Boss is investigating, and we're ordered to continue the mission.
Yellow: Maybe we should check his direct unit address. It should work if he's still in the same train car.
Green: Yeah, maybe something happened to him.

Raizi: ...guys, something's up with the guards. Are they androids? Maybe they know something about that soldier guy.
Digram: Scanning... Raizi, your appraisal is correct. They are machine life forms.
Esperdica: Let's go talk to them then.
MC: Excuse me, can we talk?
Yellow: H-h-h-helloooERRORERRORERROR
Green: b-b-b-beepboopAndroid.exehasencounteredanerrorororo
Yellow and Green have suited up!

Yoshiori: (pulls MC behind him) GET DOWN
Yoshiori rolls away with MC! The droid mobs shot at where MC was!

MC: WHAT / Yoshiori, are you okay!?

Yoshiori: It's that other soldier guy all over again! You guys okay!?
Raizi: Yeah I'm good. This is what you meant about the soldier guards flipping out? Yeah we gotta check this out. Looks like this ISN'T a zombie ghost thing.
Digram: Esperdica, Raizi, emergency alert. We must respond quickly.
Raizi: Well we better even the odds first. Ready?
Esperdica: Yes. We probably won't be able to talk them down, so we need to subdue them with force.
Raizi contracts Esperdica and Digram, then transforms them!

Digram: TransSaver mode on. I will remove all railroad obstacles and preserve safety.
Esperdica: Raizi, operate us while keeping an eye on things! Prioritize evacuating the passengers!
Raizi: Right, we got a game to win!
The three get ready to fight!

MC: Yoshiori, we gotta fight too!
Yoshiori: Ri--wait, some jackass didn't get away!
Yoshiori runs over to someone who got knocked over by running crowds!

Some Lady Apparently: ow my leg what
The droids jitter and point their guns at Some Kid!

MC: Get down!
Some Lady Apparently: UHHHH okay! (does so)
Yoshiori: Okay I got this MC! Step back and transform me!
MC turns to their phone. It has a new message!

Phone: New Path detected. Subject: Yoshiori. Connectivity: Very High

MC: (gasp!) Wait, gotta focus now!
Yoshiori: WHAT
Ta-da! Bodyguard Yoshiori!

Yoshiori: ...well alrighty then, let's test this baby out!
Yoshiori shoots at the droids! Their shots collide with his and blow up, which leaves Some Lady okay!

Yoshiori: Whew, barely made it. Anyways, haven't I seen this outfit somewhere before? Oh right, it looks a lot like that one bodyguard from back then when I was a kid. (gasp!) Oh yeah, this is what I wanted to be when I joined the army! Awesome!
MC runs over.

MC: You got a variant! / Your suit looks so cool!
(B) Yoshiori: O-oh, that's good then...

Yoshiori: Damn MC, you really pulled this out of your hat. Exio told me most Observers can't transform me since I'm half retgone, so it's insane that you can. Then again, whatever helps me fight! And a pistol is way better inside here than my usual guns!
Yoshiori twirls his gun and gets ready to fight.

Some Lady Apparently: Whoa... you saved me?
MC: You okay? They're about to fight, so we should step away. (extends hand)
Some Lady Apparently: T-thank you for saving me...
MC: Not me. This badass bodyguard did.
Yoshiori: !!
Some Lady Apparently: Oh okay. Who though? I don't see anyone like that. But could you tell him I said thank you?

Yoshiori (narrating): You know, I never noticed that bodyguard until he moved to act back then. But I'm okay with being that way too. No one can touch or see me, but my dream can still come true huh?
MC: Sure! He might hear you anyways.
Yoshiori: (blushes)
MC leads the lady away and looks at Yoshiori. He looks awkward.

Yoshiori: Heh, I almost got erased from the world, and look at me now. Can't go looking bad now, even if most people can't see me! (cocks gun)
Raizi: You two good?
Esperdica: All passengers have been safely evacuated. Oh wait, Yoshiori! Your suit! So this is that rumored variant transformation...
Yoshiori: Kickass, huh? Can't flaunt it now though.
Droid: beepbooperrrrorrrrr
Digram: Alert: high energy detected. MC, Raizi, your orders.
Raizi: Right, we better get to it. MC, I'll work with your directing.
MC: Got it. Knock out mode time!
Esperdica: Time to work my aroma magic again.
Yoshiori: New suit trial time!

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