Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Chapter 11 Episode 5: Evil Eye Battlefront 2

Things pick up from before where the bug soldiers are noted to be working well at both close combat and at range, but you tell them you won't let them act as you tell Kengo to get back and take out the front guard. Kengo compliments your moves and says he'll take care of the rest as he activates Raiten Taisou his NP. This now gives him literal lightning speed to cross long distances, which he uses to slip through the mob group and knock them all out. You either express amazement at this, say he's reliable, or ask if that's his new power. Kengo brags a little and asks if you saw him, saying this isn't all he can do with his new power. He's in the middle of suggesting going inside for now when he gets taken by surprise by more mobs showing up, which you notice is far too many far too quickly. Kengo yells at you to run.
Back at base, Shirou tries calling out to you and Kengo, then curses as he says the reinforcements came too quickly. He wonders aloud if they are observing all of the battlefield, but he dismisses it saying it still wouldn't explain how they got there so fast. A voice calls out saying it'd be best to think of it as everything related to the battle of the true big three guilds is being observed. He comments on how fascinating it is and asks Shirou to fill him further in on things, and Shirou recognizes the voice as Shuuichi reveals himself and greets him.
Shirou turns to look at Shuuichi and starts to comment on what his presence there signifies. Shuuichi confirms that the things he needs to deal with in the underground labyrinth are done, so now all he has to do is wait for the Main Event. For now though, he asks Shirou to explain to him what he was talking about an informant and such. Shirou agrees to do so, and said explanation gets off-screened.
After Shuuichi is brought up to speed, he says he understands the details and Shirou's doubts which he sums up as "like the future was predicted." Shirou agrees, saying that even if they were being observed the backup came too quickly. Even if they sent out instructions for more troops to come after they started attacking they shouldn't be able to move that fast, so yes it feels like this was predicted and calculated.
Shuuichi laughs about understanding and comments on how Shirou phrased that. It's almost like something only his genius little brother can do. Shirou is surprised by this comment and asks if Shuuichi has an idea about all this. He confirms as such, saying they already know that time is looping in Tokyo. In other words, they've accumulated all the behavioral information of intelligent life that has occured during the loops. If anyone can calculate all that in real time, that should theoretically mean that they can predict the future. Of course this does require vast calculation abilities like his beloved genius of a little brother...or the children who act as the guildmasters of the true big three guilds.
Shuuichi talks about how the guildmasters of the three guilds are geniuses artificially created in test tubes and were made to record all the data of the game happening in Tokyo. Every and all scientific methods that could raise their intelligence for the task was taken. Duo is the fourth of them meant as a spare guildmaster. Every System needs it spare parts since something unexpected can always happen. Shuuichi couldn't become a spare either, meaning he's failed junk.
Shirou gets outraged at children being put up to human experimentation, but Shuuichi shrugs as he says he stopped having emotions like that which could move him. Emotions just get in the way of accurately calculating things, though he admits he still has emotions when it relates to his blood brother. But maybe that's why he's a failure he says as he laughs.
Shirou is discomfited by this and asks him to stop talking like that. Shuuchi asks if he's getting sad for his brother's sake, which he himself might feel slightly happy about. Shirou tells him he's also worried for him since it must have been difficult. Shuuichi actually does look sad at that for a moment before thanking him, though he admits he's not sure that's the right response for this. He comments that him being this way must be why Moritaka gets upset with him and laughs some more.
But back to the subject of those children, Shuuichi repeats that they use their unusually high intelligence to record the game. They should be using any method they can to observe all phones the App is on even now. Any method at all on every phone out there, with all their efforts focused on that. R-19 says nothing at that, and Shuuichi continues saying that future prediction is possible with data and the ability to process it, just like Duo used to do.
Shirou asks if that means the guildmasters are telling your every action to their guilds. He starts to think that means you guys are unable to win, but Shuuichi argues against that. As he said, they're using all their attention to observe things, so they 'don't have the leeway to do anything else.' Ultimately their job is to observe and record, so that's what all their time goes into. Frankly they shouldn't be directly involved in the app battles and whether their guild wins or loses.
Shirou asks what he means by that and says it has nothing to do with what they're talking about. But on further thought he realizes Shuuichi wouldn't be wasting time talking about it if that were true. Shuuichi thanks him for his faith in him, then confirms that he thinks that it might be related, meaning a huge Irregularity has occurred. Shuuchi talks about how his second biggest concern is figuring out 'why they took Duo away now of all times.' His foremost concern is why Duo would submit to them and split away from him of course.
But anyways, if they're calling in the spare, that would have to mean something happened to one of the original parts wouldn't it? Shirou moves ahead and asks Shuuichi if he's saying something is happening with the big three guildmasters. He also asks if Shuuichi is suggesting that they took Duo to find out what's going on. Shuuichi laughs and confirms as such, saying Shirou was always quick on the uptake. The guildmasters were originally meant to observe and store data, but what if they started using it for some other goal? What if they're trying to cause something to happen that never happened before?
Scene then shifts over to the Warmongers HQ where Shiva is surprised at being told where Balor is. Robot Boy Bobby confirms that it's true in Russian, saying he calculated it and predicted the future. He tells Shiva he'll send him the data and asks him to go so he can get there by the designated time. Shiva is quiet for a second before he asks Bertro why he's telling him this.
Bertro says Balor and Tezcatlipoca intentionally broke an interguild pact, so they need to be punished. He asks if Shiva agrees as a guild member. Plus, Shiva is the only one in the Warmongers capable of taking Balor down. Balor's evil eye can release cursed smoke and cause anything that looks at him to die, but Shiva always fights with his third eye closed and can fight in the darkness with just his body. He is known as the strongest weapon of the Warmoners, able to destroy even the galaxy. If Shiva goes, then they'll all be able to have a fine war as Bertro calculated.
Shiva is irritated with Bertro's argument, saying it's a reason for him to be able to fight and a reason Bertro should work. They're talking about punishment for breaking an agreement here, and Shiva questions whether Bertro ever actually did any work for the guild. He hasn't shown any interest in things no matter who is killed and what is destroyed. Despite being called a guildmaster, all he's done is observe and record. He's hardly ever even talked to Shiva, so why now?
Bertro seems a bit surprised and asks if he needs a reason and points out that Shiva wants to fight Balor. Shiva doesn't respond to this, so Bertro talks about how Shiva is always wanting strong people to fight to train himself further. He once fought Balor in a previous loop, and Balor is strong. He should have been the perfect sparring partner, but ever since That Incident Balor has voluntarily put himself on death row at the military academy prison, and Shiva was no longer able to have a serious fight with him.
Now though, Shiva can go fight Balor. Shouldn't that grant his wish then? Doesn't he want to try fighting Balor again with the mind and body he's tempered through all these loops? Shiva doesn't answer, so Bertro brings up that this conversation isn't just about himself. None of the World Representatives are working for the sake of the true big three guilds. It's all just a temporary alliance while they all work for their own goals.
Shiva glares at Bertro before he concedes the point. He talks about how delusions should be suppressed and abstinence should be upheld, and he only cares about his training. He wants to reach for the heights were he could destroy the galaxy with his hand, and all else is unnecessary. Shiva then jumps off the ground hard and bounces far off into the distance. Bertro asks him to fight without any reservations since that's what he wishes for as Equipment Supporting Someone's War. That said, he laughs at the idea that Shiva's real wish is for abstinence. Why would he look so sourfaced all the time and never smile then? Bertro sighs about how sad it is to deny your real wish, saying he just wants everyone to smile freely. He's just a machine that can only do war, humor, and whatever he was ordered to do after all.
Scene jumps back to your end as the bugs are firing so heavily at you guys that Kengo says there's no room to dodge around before asking if you're okay. You say you somehow are, but you guys won't be able to move on like this. Kengo tries to think and wonders if you guys have to retreat, but then a voice calls out asking if the punk ass mobs are trying to get in the way of his reunion with his grandchild. The mobs react in surprise to this as the camera pans up on Balor walking in from behind him oozing bloodthirst, then turn to look at him without thinking about it.
Balor comments that they saw his eye as he calls them fools, switching to a more formal pronoun for the moment. As king then, he'll pass down his harsh judgment upon them. Balor then reveals that he's kidding with the formal speech and says that he's no longer a proud king. He's just a death row inmate with nothing to be proud of. His evil eye is the only thing that's the same from when he was a king though, a special thing that can Kill All Who Meets It. He cackles as he casts his NP.
Balor's evil eye releases some smoke, which gets sucked into the eyes of everyone that sees it. The mobs all fall over, and Kengo reacts in shock to that after the fact. Balor laughs about how he's been waiting for this for the longest time, and Kengo says he's definitely the informant Shirou told you about. You refer to him as the World Representative of Tir na Nog and the giant king of fairy land. Balor says nothing, but he smirks in joy as the episode ends.

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