Friday, January 19, 2024

Live A Hero The Star Ocean Cruise Train Episode 8 (Abridged)

Esperdica: We're keeping that promise, Digram! Now let me keep spamming my Super Move until it sticks!
Esperdica charges up his Parallel Weapon!

Blue: Beep boop l-l-l-look oooouuuuttttt
Infected Droid is charging an attack!

Raizi: Perdy, disengage and wait for another chance!
Esperdica: ...understood! There's so many of them! I need more time to fill the room with coffee smoke...
MC: Yoshiori! / Tabit!
(A) Yoshiori: Run interference, got it!
(B) Tabit: Guard order, recieved!

Yoshiori: Tabit, you stop the droids! I'll shoot down any attacks they manage to get off!
Tabit: Roger!
Tabit morphs around!

Tabit: Nanosword Arm!
Yoshiori: Raizi, Esperdica! Get ready to fire while I set them up! Wait, get down! Enemies behind you!
Yoshiori uses two guns to shoot down the mobs' attacks!
Raizi: Thanks! Perdy, go for it! VP Charge!
Esperdica: Right! Coffee Smoke Blast!
The mobs fall over from the coffee smoke!

MC: It worked! The soldiers seem fine(ish), now we just have to stop Digram...

Digram: (in pain) beep boop elim-m-m-manating viruuussss p-p-p-please hooollld
Digram points his railgun above MC!
Yoshiori: MC!
Yoshiori tackles and covers MC from falling debris Digram caused!

Yoshiori: Shit he's gonna blow a hole open if he keeps doing tht. MC, stay low. Firing Bodyguard Special!
MC: Thanks Yoshiori!
Yoshiori: Heh, save it for when we're done. We're in this getting us all through okay is what we can do now.
Raizi: Yoshiori, MC! Digram's acting weird!

Digram: Virus elimination 98% annnnnd beep boopo sec-c-c-curity patch errorrrrr
MC: Oh no!
Tabit: Virus evolving! Patch update needed!
One of the soldiers twitches a finger.

W-504: L-Leader, connect virus data for patch...
Tabit: Stop! Energy low, don't move...but, thank you. One moment.
Tabit detaches a few nanomachines to connect with the droid and gets the new data to update his patch.

Raizi: You updated the patch? Cool! Now we gotta get it into Digram. He gets rid of the virus, case closed, problem solved! Except Digram's running low on energy too, so it's now or never!
The patch is ready!
MC: Tabit, help him!

Digram: p-p-p-please geeet awaaayyyy beep boop errrorrr, charging railguuuunnnn
Tabit: (jumps up above Digram) Executing order! Nanomachine Break!
Digram and Tabit's supers clashing flashbangs the whole engine room!

Raizi: OH GOD I CAN'T SEE! Tabit, what's going on!?
Yoshiori: MC, don't let go of my hand!
Esperdica: Digram!
When everything settles down...

MC: Oh no, Tabit!
Digram: Patch update complete, virus eliminated. Switching to backup.
MC: Digram!
Tabit: ...order, completed.
MC: Everyone's okay!

Digram and Tabit smile and nod at each other.
Digram: Tabit connected into my systems and updated the virus patch.
Tabit: Must protect friends! Digram friend too.
Digram: ...thank you very much. Now, last order of business to return things to business as usual. MC, VP Charge me please. (points weapon at engine core)
MC: Okay!
Digram: My Weapon can also return the engine core's system to normal. Firing ultimate special!
Digram fires a magic blue-white bullet that fixes the engine!

Yoshiori: Awesome, the train stopped shaking!
Raizi: ...damn, nice game you two.
Tabit: Train okay!
Digram: Yes. Systems green, confirmed. Engine fix, compl--(falls over)
Esperdica: Digram!?

Title Card: Beyond The Southern Cross

Ding dong
Digram: Attention, passengers. The Stella Campanella has been delayed, but the problems have been solved and the cruise is back on schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will be stopping at the nearest station for maintenance and inspection, thank you for understanding. Estimated arrival at station is at one hour, seventeen minutes and thirty two seconds.
Elevator music~
Yoshiori: Damn, it's finally over.
The party (minus Digram) is in the cafe area in the second train car.

MC: Tired / We can finally relax!

Yoshiori: It was freaky how Digram just fell over like that towards the end.
Esperdica: You and Raizi were more worried than I was. But I'm glad things are okay.
Raizi: Well what did you expect when the group MVP keeled over out of the blue? I wasn't expecting him to crap out on batteries like all the soldier droids.
Yoshiori: Yeah I was worried we broke him back there. He's got a unique design, so he's tougher than all those droid mobs.
Tabit: Digram tired, but sleep charged batteries! No virus damage. Other friends will be okay!
Digram walks in.
Digram: Thank you everyone, for all your efforts at solving the operational difficulties we had encountered.
MC: You seem okay! / Is it okay for you to be working again already?

Digram: Yes, normal operations are possible again. Thank you once more for cooperating with my reckless proposed suggestion. However...
His tone sounds the same as always, but he looks down a little.

Digram: My deepest apologies for still attacking you all.
MC: It's cool! We're friends!
Digram: !?
Digram: ...but such actions were unacceptable to occur.
Esperdica: You were fighting to protect us, weren't you? If anything, we should be thanking you.
Raizi: Yeah, you were trying hard. You did it, so enjoy it all now.
Digram: ...understood. On behalf of the Stella Campanella, I thank you all.
Digram kneels by MC.
Digram: ...MC, my success was thanks to your operation. I could hear your orders even through all the virus errors. (takes MC's hand) Your voice was like a wake up call from a nightmare. Heh. That might be the first time I've experienced anything like a dream. Thank you for persisting.
MC: ...I'm glad you're okay.

Yoshiori: Okay, that's enough sappiness. Digram, is the case closed yet?
Digram: ...negative. General operations are working, but interior damage remains to be fixed.
Yoshiori: Oh. Okay I guess.
Raizi: Yeeeaaah, I guess an engine can't clean up virus damage that fast.
Digram: Some services have become unavailable, but there are plans to reopen them after repair work is done.
Esperdica: I can help if you need it. I'm still a temp worker here even if I'm mainly a cafe barista.
Digram: Thank you.
Tabit: ...request: friends and I want to help fix train. Please, Digram. Wanted to return to Tronesion, but you informed us. Reconstruction efforts underway, so we want to help on this ship to make up for things. We responsible for damages, but friends no longer any danger. Want to help protect Stella Campanella.
Digram: ...unable to make unilateral decisions. However, I can make the suggestion to headquarters.
???: That's unnecessary.
Someone just walked in!

Yoshiori: Hey that's the space ship company CEO we met at the beginning!
MC: Yeah! / suddenly nervous now

CEO: MC, I apologize for all the sudden difficulties that happened after you got on. I've been informed of what you all did, and I'm sorry for all the dangers you were all exposed to.
Raizi: It's cool, this isn't the sort of thing anyone expects to happen.
Esperdica: We're sorry for all the damages we caused...
CEO: It's okay, it was a security staff issue, my fault. But you all solved it, and I can't thank you enough for that. (proper Japanese bow)
Tabit: ...apologies. Root cause was virus carried by friends.
CEO: No, that's our responsibility for hiring them.
Digram: ...query: what will happen to them?
CEO: We've arranged to do a deep virus scan and cleaning at the next stop for them. (takes a breath) Excuse me, I must get back to work. Please enjoy your stay. (runs off)

Digram: Anyways, Tabit your wish is mostly okay aside from the fact that you and your group are currently temp heroes. Additionally, you will require funding if you wish to go back to Tronesion. Suggestion: consider your next course of actions.
Tabit: Hmm... how solve?
Esperdica: Well you are all temp contracted through Parallel Flight, but that won't last forever.
Raizi: You should join an agency that's not worried about their service area. Maybe I'll ask mine for suggestions for you.
MC: I guess I'll ask President Huckle or Procy.
Esperdica: about a mercenary agency? You're ex-military.
Raizi: Oh yeah I remember there being a place like that.
Esperdica: Yes, they have lots of combat and defense pros. I'll ask my agency if they can get their contact information.
Tabit: Thank you everyone!

Digram sends Tabit a Space Discord DM!
Digram: Requesting communication to deliver report.
Tabit: Acknowledged. What is this report?
Digram: ...should you return to Tronesion, there is the possibility of you and the soldiers undergoing a factory reset depending on the circumstances.
Tabit: !?
Tabit: ...requesting elaboration.
Digram: Tronesion has ordered the disposal of all wartime service member information after the war ended. As a communication and transport unit I did not qualify as such, but all construction and espionage units were. You and your spec ops team may also qualify.
Tabit: ...I do not want to lose my records of my friends, but I do not know of any place besides Tronesion where I can replace my nanomachines. If maintenance and resupply is unavailable, fatal error and loss of reboot function probability may rise. If maintenance is needed, we will go back to Tronesion.
Digram: ...suggestion: the droids may be able to get some maintenance done in the Earth Sphere Region due to similar technology. Nanomachine resupply will be left to your judgment.
Tabit: ...understood. Thank you.
End Space Discord DM phone chat!

MC: Hey Tabit, have you ever written a resume? Might look different from ours...
MC shows Tabit a sample resume on their phone.

Yoshiori: You can't just start there for explanations!
Esperdica: It's something you'll need to record your work history if you apply to a new agency.
Raizi: Speaking of, that agency responded and said they want to see your work history first. It's called Guild Eagle Eyes. It should be able to use your past combat experience.
Tabit: ...right. Past combat experience. (grabs dog tag) Thank you! Will apply there!
Yoshiori: Wow you're into this. Guess I'll recommend you. Show them the videos of our battles here.
Esperdica: I think they'll accept that.
Digram: No problems foreseen.
Tabit: Thank you! Promise to become hero, help everyone and pay back for help!

Yoshiori: Okay let's stop talking about this now. Not like it has to be done NOW.
Raizi: Yeah. I'll help you write your stuff until the casino opens back up.
MC: I can help with paperwork too!
Yoshiori: Cool. Looks like Tabit and his friends' stuff is settled, so let's go get some good food for a party.
Esperdica: Oh yes, the Stella Campanella has many excellent choices.
Yoshiori: Awesome! We never had a chance to enjoy anything. I mean your coffee was great but we didn't have the time to experience it all. I want a gelato with it next time! MC, order up for me. (starts pointing at dessert menu things)
MC: Sweets suit you, soldier. / I want something too! What about you guys?
(BC) Tabit: Want to know everyone's likes! For reference! MC, you?

Esperdica: I'll go make after meal coffees for everyone, so go ahead and enjoy...
Yoshiori: What? Sit down and join us.
Raizi: Yeah, you saved this ship too you know.
Esperdica: Really? ...heh, okay then. Tabit, Digram, you two should join us too. Tell us about yourselves.
Digram: Order Friendly request received. If soldiers can be delegated interior ship repair, delays may be shortened. Reserving break time in hopes of spending time socializing with friends.
Tabit: Also want to know more about new friends! Call friends, talk about Tronesion!
Raizi: Oh, the soldier droids are coming? Wanna play a game after? I got cards and dice. More players means more fun. So's having a bet.
Esperdica: Pick something we have a fair chance of winning at, please.
Raizi: I will! It's more fun that way. Good food and your coffee, and what more could I ask for to go with a game?
MC: Awesome!

Digram: ...Esperdica, a question?
Esperdica: (grinding beans) Yes?
Digram: You have previously asked to know more about me. Requesting direction or clarification.
Esperdica: Oh that. Anything's fine really. What you like, your hobbies, skills, funny little secrets.
Digram: ...understood. What if I said I am actually a human in a robot suit?
Shocked party!
Digram: Kidding.

Relieved sighs.
Yoshiori: R-right. Oh my god, Digram knows how to tell jokes? Oh MY GOD is he still infected!?
Esperdica: N-no, Tabit's scans said it was gone...right? Tabit, did you give Digram a literal joke function?
Tabit: N-no? Digram just joking.
Raizi: ...HA! Digram wins!
Digram: ...I am clear of viruses. Understood, installing Earth jokes for next time.
And so muzak starts playing as food arrives.

Digram: We will soon be arriving at our temporary stop. Please watch your feet if departing. Our next stop will last about two hours, so please enjoy the view of the galaxy. And please return with time to spare ahead of our departure time. Safe travels.
The Stella Campanella rides towards the Southern Cross across the infinite universe to its mystery destination, with the sounds of joy and laughter lighting its way...

The End

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